Wages: confusion in NE
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THE SHAKY industrial relations of North East England have tit stony ground again, with drivers now threatening to take industria action in pursuit of a E90 basic rate, and the employers being let temporily without negotators.
The leaders of the employers' negotiating team for Tyneside, Hexham and Sunderland have resigned, following drivers' rejection of an offer giving topweight drivers a basic rate of £84.50 and subsistence pay of £9.75.
Emboldened by reports of some employers being prepared to pay £87.50 or £88 basic, drivers voted at a mass meeting last weekend in favour of pursuing a £90 target, in line with their Scottish counterparts.
TGWU officer Geoff Egglestone told CM that members would be balloted this week, to establish their support for industrial action in support of a £90 rate, and the result would be known within a fortnight. He indicated that industrial action would mean "the ultimate", but said he was trying to arrange a meeting with employers.
Road Haulage Association Northern area secretary Denis Le Conte said on Monday that he was planning to make new arrangements for the employers, and seek new office bearers.
Only three Teesside drivers voted in favour of accepting a 6.2 per cent offer last weekend, which would have given topweight drivers an £85 basic rate and £9.75 substance. The TGWU recommended acceptance reluctantly, but area officer John Yates said further talks with employers had been fixed for yesterday (Friday).
He said that the latest impasse had convinced Teesside members of the need to return to national negotiations. He said it was doubtful whether Tees side would send a delegate tl this year's hire and reward wag' conference in London.
South Wales drivers have re jected an offer giving them al £85 basic rate, compared to thl £78.28 top-weight basic whicl applies now. TGWU negotiate
Geoff Jacob told CM that the
are dissatisfield with the lou rates of subsistence and halide pay offered, and said they war employers to increase the basi rate to £87.
RHA South Wales secretar Peter Webb was expecting to al range a meeting with the unior but said that the members ma well feel they have no more t offer.
There are crumbs of comfor however, as the TGWU has sw pended the strike threat in th London area, following err ployers' offer of a 7.4 per cer increase in basic pay, from £8 to £87, with subsistence risin 50p to £10.25.
A delegates' conference ha been called to consider the offe and it is anticipated that the driN ers will accept it.
Leeds and Bradford drivel have also accepted an increas1 giving them a top rate of £8!
with £10.20 subsistence. The are also being paid £62.40 con pensation for having the ann versary date changed to Januat 1 Devon and Cornwall drivel have been offered a 6.25 pi
cent increase, taking top-vveigl basic to £86, subsistence 1 £9.75, and Continental subsi tence to £18.25. A TGW spokesman said the offer WE referred to members withol recommendation.