WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Attendances at "The Royal."
The official figures dealing, day by day, with the attendance at the Royal Show, at Harrogate, which took place from Tuesday, July 9th to Saturday, July 13th, are as follow :—Tuesday, 3,884; WedneSday, 23,598; Thursday, 51,252; Friday, 18,924; Saturday, 26,359. The aggregate attendance was 124,017, which compares with 108,667 for the Nottiugham Show in 1928 and 62,637 for the Newport Show in 1927. The figures for the third day of this year's show have only been thrice exceeded during the past nine years.
"The Motor" Insurance Policy.
Universal approbation has been expressed regarding the very practical and satisfactory clauses contained in The Motor Car Insurance Policy. There is no ambiguous phraseology and no policy more comprehensive in character and offering such immense advantages has previously been put before the motoring public.
Prospectus and proposal forms can be obtained from Willis, Faber and Dumas, Ltd., 54, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C., or through other insurance brokers. We wish to make it clear that The Motor or its proprietor, Temple Press Ltd., will neither issue a policy, nor obtain any financial benefit.
The Prince Visits the Pirelli Factory.
On Tuesday of last week Hall the Prince of Wales paid a visit to the factory of Pirelli, Ltd., during the course of his civic visit to Burton-onTrent, a privilege of which the company has indeed every reason to he proud, His Royal Highness witnessed the production of tyres from Tubber in the raw state to the finished article, and displayed considerable interest in many of the complicated processes. He was shown around by Dr. Piero Pirelli, a director of the concern.
This new factory is situated on the Derby ,road and incorporates the very latest practice in tyre-manufacturing machinery, much of that installed being unique and employed only in connection with Pirelli products.. The present buildings have a capacity fur making 2,000 tyres per day, and when in full swing—which will be in the near future—will employ approximately 1,500 persons.
London Cabs—Old and New.
Mr. Clynes, the Home Secretary, in a written 'reply to Major Glyn, who asked for information concerning the age of taxicabs in use in the Metropolitan :area, states that, on January 31st there were 704 old-type motorcabs licensed, and of these 550 were owned Icy drivers and 244 by fleet proprietors. It was also mentioned that 260 cabs of a new type have been placed in service in London during the past five months.
The Bussing Company of Brunswick, Germany, recently shipped nine sixcylinder six-wheeled bus chassis to Chicago, U.S.A.
Trolley-bus Tenders Wanted.
The officer in charge of His Majesty's Trade Commissioner's Office, at Wellington, New Zealand, reports that the Christchurch Tramways Board is calling for tenders, which have to be presented in New Zealand by December 1st next, for the supply of a fleet of trolley-buses and certain overhead equipment. Those concerns which are in a position to offer British-built vehicles can obtain further particulars upon apPlying to the Department ofOverseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street,' London, S.W.1, reference AX 8275 being quoted.
The Misuse of Institution It has come to the notice of the council of the Institution of Automobile Engineers that certain unauthorized persons are making use of the letters A.M.I.A.E. after their names, and the council recently instructed its solicitors to institute proceedings against an engineer who bad been a member of th Institution, but whose name had been removed from the list. An interim injunction was granted restricting the defendant from using the, letters on his business documents and cards.
Later the defendant attended before the judge and consented to the hearing of the motion being treated as the trial of the action, whereupon the judge granted a perpetual injunction and ordered. the defendant to pay the costs of the action.
Exhibitors at the Highland Show.
At the Alloa Show of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, held from July 23rd to ,July 26th. the following concerns were amongst those which displayed vehicles and implements of interest to agriculturists and commercial users :—Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd.; Associated Equipment Co,, Ltd.; Aveling and Bodoni and Perkins (Sales), Ltd.; Bean Cars, Ltd.; Dennis Bros„ Ltd.; Fodens, Ltd. ; John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd.; R. Garrett and Sons, Ltd.; International Harvester Co. of Great Britain, Ltd.; Lacre Lorries, Ltd.; J. and H. McLaren, Ltd.; Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd.; MasseyHarris, Ltd.; Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd.; Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.; John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.; Vincents, of Reading ; Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd.;-Willys Overland Crossley, Ltd.
Bristol Dividend. •
The directors of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., have declared an interim dividend of 4 per cent. (less income tax) OTT the ordinary shares of the company for the half-year ended June 30th last. This represents an increase of 1 per cent. as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year.
Stewart and Ardent, Ltd., the wellknown Morris-Commercial main dealer in the London area has recently opened extensive commercial-vehicle stock rooms at Talbot Road, West Ealing, London, W., where all models are on view,