Fault-free Code winners
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by Anthony O'Toole • Knowledge of the Highway Code proved to be a vital factor at the Leeds LDoY round on Sunday when E. Brook (Department of the Environment), though losing more points than many other drivers on the manoeuvring tests and road route, was recorded Class C winner and overall driver of the day after passing through the theory test without any loss of points.
He forfeited no points whatsoever on the second manoeuvring test but incurred a total loss of 66 on tests 1 and 3, and only 5 on the road-route, giving him a total loss of 71 points.
Mr Brook's DoE colleague and teammate, A. Abbott, also displayed an excellent knowledge of the Highway Code when he too lost no marks on this test. With a total loss of 140 points, 132 of which were incurred in the driving tests and eight on the road-route, Mr Abbott not only won Class A but also contributed a great deal to the DoE team's effort. For when the third driver in the team, A. E. Owens, secured a first place position in Class B the total point losses of 293 incurred by the three drivers won them the team award. Mr Owens incurred a total loss of 82 points, of which only 12 and 10 were sacrificed on the road-route and Highway Code respectively.
On points, the runner-up was A. D. Bottomley, an owner-operator who incurred 76 points—only five more than this year's Leeds champion.
The competition, which was held at the Freightliner depot at Stourton, attracted an entry of 140 drivers and 30 teams.
Rigid Vehicles Class A: up to 20ft and over 1 ton unladen: 1, A_ Abbott (DoE) Karrier, 140 penalty points; 2, P. Kennedy (Post Office, Leeds) Commer, 160: 3, M. Butterworth (Yorkshire Post) Commer. 206.
Class B: over 20ft to 24ft: 1. A. E. Owens (DoE) Bedford, 82: 2, G. Chapman (Shell-Mex and BP Ltd) Leyland. 96; 3, B. Ambler (WRCC Fire Service) Dennis, 120.
Class C: over 24ft to 28ft: 1, E. Brook (DoE) Bedford, 71; 2, A. D. Bottomley lowner-operator) Bedford, 76: 3, J. Readman (Barnsley Brewery Co Ltd) Ford, 129.
Class D: over 28ft: 1. D. Briggs (Shell-Mex and BP Ltd) AEC, 188; 2, E. Preston (Texaco Ltd) Atkinson, 203: 3, B. Thurlow IBonn and Sons) Bedford, 219.
Class E: flat or sided or drop-frame, up to 40ft: 1. J. Middlemass INCL) Ford, 146:2. J. H. Clarke (NCL) Karrier, 234; 3. S. Ward (Yorkshire Imperial Metals Ltd) Bedford, 252.
Class F: box or tank to 40k: 1. K. M. Townend IDoE) AEC, 140: 2, B. Wright (Gulf Oil (GB) Ltd) AEC. 214:3, S. Ghents (Caledonian Bulk Liquids Ltd) AEC, 256.
Class G: flat or sided, flat or drop-frame, over 40ft: 1, S. Hammill (Yorkshire Imperial Metals Ltd) Atkinson, 235: 2. K. Sayer (Allied Breweries Ltd) ERF. 265: 3, K. Cryer (Wilson and Haigh Ltd) AEC. 267.
Class H: box or tank over 40ft: 1, A. Walker (Hargreaves Transport Ltd) AEC, 179; 2, E. Moreman IBOC) Foden. 196; 3, N. Seddons (BCC) Foden, 196.
Overall winner: E. Brook (DoE)
Team award: DoE.