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A Comprehensive Standto-Stand Review of the Vehicles, Tractors and Appliances to be Seen at the 92nd Royal Agriculturd Show which Opens at Derby on July 4
EXT Tuesday, July 4, the 92nd annual exhibition
of the Royal Agricultural Society of England will 4. open at Derby, the closing date being Saturday, July 8. The charges for admission are as follow :—Tuesday, Sc.; Wednesday until 2 p.m., 5s., after 2 p.m., 3s.; Tharsday, 3s.; Friday, 2s. 6d.; Saturday, Is.; children under 14, half-price. A season ticket may be obtained for 12s. 6d. at the bead offices of the Society, 16, Bedford Square, London, W.C.1, at the secretary's office at the main entrance to the show ground, or from the Central Educational Co., Ltd., 18, St. Peter's Street, Derby.
The show ground office can be communicated with by telegram; the telegraphic address being "Practice, Derby." Two post offices will be established in the show ground, one at the main entrance,: and one in the centre of the ground.
The motor parks adjoining the entrances to the show yard will be in the charge of the Royal Automobile Club ; season tickets can be obtained for the parking a cars. A free park is provided for motor coaches Conveying parties to the show.
The route from the centre of Derby along the London road to the ground is short and will be clearly indicated. Motorbus and trolley-bus services operate to the ground.
As regards the review which follows, we have, as in past years, arranged the stand reports in numerical order. This makes it possible to walk around the show ground visiting the implement stands in the order in which they appear in the following pages. So that any particular stand may be directly reached, an alphabetical list of the exhibitors of interest to readers appears on page 692, this serving as an index to the accounts which follow.
As regards the grouping of the vehicle and implement exhibits, most of these are located together at the north end of the ground adjacent to the main entrance. The trailer and horsebox exhibits, always of considerable interest from the point of view of our industry, are, on this .occasion, not so remote as they have been at some previous Royal Shows, being arranged at the south end of the horse ring and grandstand. The remainder of the ground south of this point is occupied by the animals, the judging of which is to take place mainly on July 4.
RARR1LER. Stand 27
THE company's threewheeled tractor, originally developed as a "mechanical horse," and lie four. wheeled counterpart have been selected for exhibition. The tractor, in the form shown, is called the Cob Major, and it will be displayed together with a 5-ton cattle trailer 14 ft. long and 7 ft. wide. Trailers of various types and sizes may, of course, be used in .conjunction with the Cob Major, and quickness of attachment and detachment is a valuable O'eature, especially for short-haul work, mtch ag is necessary in connection with many phases of farming. The tractor chassis is mounted on 25-in. by 6-in. tineumatie tyres'eand has. a 30 h.h.n. iour-cylindered engine with four-speed gearbox, which, together with an auxiliary reduction, gives the necessarily low overall ratio. A fully enclosed all-steel cab is fitted.
A modification is the Colt Major, which, instead of hauling a trailer, itself carries a load of two tons. The actual machine exhibited will have a at platform body 9 ft. long and 0 ft. wide, with detachable lattice sides 3 ft. 6 ins. high. This is a handy little vehicle, even for quite long journeys.
In four-wheeled form a further modification of the machine will be seen in the Bantam 2-tonner, representing the smallest four-wheeled freighter in the Karrier range. The cab has two fullwidth doors hinged at the rear, the object being not only to give ease of entry for the driver, but also facility of , access to the engine and controls.
THIS firm of specialists in traction engines intend to exhibit two steam tractors of well-known makes. One is
a Fowler 8 n.h.p. compound type, incorporating, the latest improvements and having a boiler fully insured for a working pressure of 180 lb.
The other machine is a Marshall 7 n.h.p. single-cylinder two-speed tractor, equipped with a winding drum. The boiler of this engine is insured for a working pressure of 150 lb.
LATIL. Stand 33
TEER well-known Lath l KTL forestry tractor chassis to be seen on this company's stand is similar in design to that exhibited at the Royal Show in previous years, but it is of importance to note that the tractor is now made in England.
When equipped for forestry work this machine is virtually a mobile winch, able to pass over any ground on which horses could obtain a foothold and, of course, it is capable of far more strenuoue work than horses can undertake. The wheels have pneumatic tyres, but are equipped with folding spuds, which give remarkable adhesion in the soft ground, and, as both driving and steering are effected through all the four wheels, the differential gears being lockable, the machine can extricate itself from the most difficult positions.
The massive land anchor will be noted, this affording a firm stance when the winch gear is being used for drawing out tree trunks or loaded trailers. The winch can be used, also, for extricating the tractor from soft ground. Latil specially constructed timber trailer with loading skids, and mounted on giant pneumatic tyres, forms part of the outfit that will be seen at Derby FORD. Stand 34
THE Ford display will include commercial vehicles for loads of 5 cwt. to 3 tons, ranging from the 8 h.p. van to the Fordson with sixwheeler attachment Other models are the 12-cwt. and 1--ton vans ; the 1-ton lorry and the Fordson 2-ton chassis may be obtained with any of a wide variety of types of body.
As with other chassis in this class, the most interesting from the farmer's point of view is the farm utility lorry body, which is easily adaptable for a number of uses. The Fordson tractor will be exhibited in the agricultural form, i.e., with steel straked wheels, and in industrial form with pneumatic tyres at the front and rear. The design has not been modified to any appreciable extent since the machine was seen at the previous Royal Show.
DUNLOP. Stand 74
THE Dunlop Co. has been conducting research of a most important nature into the problems of agricultural traction, and has now produced tractor wheels, farm-cart wheels and even wheels for the humble wheelbarrow, all having pneumatic tyres.
The Dunlop farm-tractor wheel with low-pressure tyre will immediately attract attention, for it enables the tractor to be used either on land or on roads. The tyres do not cut up the ground or damage grass land, and they do not pack the soil, so that for harrowing or cultivation they are well suited.
When extreme conditions are encountered, special Dunlop strakes can be fitted to tractor driving wheels. The operation takes 10 minutes, and can be effected without jacking up the tractor. With these in position, heavy haulage over water-logged mud is possible, and it is pointed out that their use is seldom necessary. The driving-wheel tyres have an inflation pressure varying between 10 lb. and 15 lb. per sq. in. ; the front tyres are inflated to about 16 lb.
A selection of the Dunlop land wheels, which reduce the necessary tractive efforts for carts, trailers, etc., also will be seen.
TO demonstrate its ploughs, this company is exhibiting on Stand 96 a Marshall oil-engined type-18-30 tractor with Roadless tracks. Further Marshall tractors will be seen on Stand 104.
A comprehensive selection from the company's well-known range of mowers, several of which are motor-driven, will appear on Stand 248.
RUSTON and HORNSBY. Stand 97
THE Mark-A. 2i-ton oil-engined road roller is, from the point of view of our readers, probably the most interesting of the units to be seen on Stand 97. This has a medium-speed, airless-injection, cold-starting engine, and the roller is of the three-roll type. The engine is started by hand, and runs efficiently on fuels such as paraffin, gas oil, Solar oil, Diesel oil, etc. Double clutches-give the quick reverse which is necessary for speedy rolling work. Extra wide rear rolls can be fitted when aerodromes or recreation grounds are to be rolled. Working at 4 m.p.h., the machine will cover two acres in an hour, consuming about two pints of fuel.
THE stand of these two associated concerns is to be devoted to the display of road rollers, varying in weight from 12i cwt. to four tons. The largest is the Aveling DX4, representative of a series of rollers weighing from four tons to seven tons; in a slightly different form, machines up to 16 tons are available. The DX4 has an effective rolling width of 4 ft. 10 ins.
The second machine to be seen will be the Barford and Perkins A-type 21touner. The A type has had a long and successful career, but the design has recently been revised in .detail ,to give increased efficiency. The engine fitted gives 131 b.h.p. at 1,100 r.p.m. Optional rear-roll equipment is available, giving, if required, an overall width of 6 ft.
A small machine to be seen on the same stand is the Bar ford and Perkins Victor roller, which weighs 12-k cwt., or in modified form 15 cwt. The machine is ideal for work in private or public parks, footpaths, school playing grounds, tennis courts and bowling greens. An important point is that the two main driving wheels have a narrow space between them, which enables a differential gear to be incorporated. The engine is water cooled and develops 3 b.h.p. at 1,500 r.p.m.; the rolling width is 30 ins.
FODENS. Stand 101
NOW prominent in the oil-enginedlorry field, this Sandbach concern has selected from its range of oilers three excellent examples for exhibition at Derby; in addition, there will be one of the overtype steam tractors for which the company has long been famed.
The oil-engined vehicles will comprise a 3-4-ton standard lorry. with DormanRicardo four-cylindered engine, a 4-6ton standard lorry with Gardner fourcylindered engine, and a 6-7-ton standard lorry with Gardner six-cylindered engine. All these machines have been produced to the orders of well-known concerns, including millers, brewers, provision merchants, etc.
The overtype steam tractor is suitable for timber haulage and for work in the fields, such as threshing, and it will be shown in conjunction with a Marshall threshing machine.
MARSHALL. Stand 104
pARTICULAR interest attaches to this company's exhibit at the Royal Show, for the reason that its wellknown oil-engined agricultural tractor, that has proved so satisfactory not only in England but in many overseas countries, and has sold well even during a Period of bad general trade, is now available in a modified form, incorporating Roadless tracks. The Headless 30 type of Marshall tractor forms an imposing exhibit.
DaS The track is of the rubber-jointed type, made by Roadless Traction, Ltd., Hounslow, and its area on the ground is 1,400 sq. ins., so that the pressure Per square inch is reduced to approximately 7 lb. The advantageous feature of the rubber-jointed track is, of course, that it does not require frequent adjustment. When working in low gear this tractor has a drawbar pull of approximately 6,000 lb. and its weight is approximately 41 tons.
The' display will be a comprehensive one, because altogether there will be five of the oil-engined tractors, there being four examples of the wheeled type, as well as one of the Roadless type. The fuel cost per working hour is reckoned at about 51d., and the engine is extremely simple, for it has a single horizontal cylinder and works on the two-stroke principle ; it is a cold-starting unit.
FOWLER. Stand 107
THE whole of this company's exhibit on the present occasion will consist of various types of the new Gyrotiller, and there will be nothing on the stand in the nature of roadtransport machines. The Gyrotiller is a powerdriven ploughing, cultivating, harrowing, sub-soiling and furrowing machine, combined in a unit, anditit performs all the operations mentioned above with a single passage over the land, leaving the soil ready for immediate drilling.
The effect is obtained by employing two horizontal sets of tillers rotating in opposite directions, and these crumble the soil, causing complete disintegration and aeration throughout the depth worked, which can be varied from 12 ins. to 20 ins., these figures relating to the 170 b.h.p. model. The cons pany's SO b.b.p. model is for similar work, but its depth range extends from 8 ins.. to 15 ins.
AFINE display of farm equipment will, as usual, be seen on this company's stand, there being examples of the Massey-Harris tractor working in conjunction with a variety of agricultural implements ; the well-known 12-20 h.p. tractor will be seen driving a No. 10 3-ft power binder, whilst a larger machine will be the 25-40 h.p. tractor.
For really difficult country a most interesting machine will be the 60-in. four-wheel-drive general-purpose tree,. tor, which is to be demonstrated. This machine has a particularly high ground clearance, which makes it suitable for straddling potato or sugar-beet rows, so that it can draw cultivating machines without doing damage to the rows or the plants. In addition to being well adapted for row-crop work, it is essentially a general-purpose tractor. because, even under the most difficult land conditions, including extreme gradients, sandy soil, etc., it is able to maintain a firm grip on the ground.
FOSTER. Stand 109
AMONGST the exhibits of this Lincoln concern will be one of its renowned 7 n.h.p. single-cylinder steamtraction engines of the agricultural type. Whilst primarily intended for driving and hauling thrashing machinery, this is employed also for general agricultural purposes. It embodies all the latest features, including a winding drum and rope, injector and pump, compensating gear, etc. The drive to the rear wheels embodies a differential gear, and two ratios are Provided.
THE Gwynne concern specializes in pumps for fire-fighting and irrigation purposts, and its Invincible trailer fire pumping set is well established in the growing market for such appliances for service on large private estates, etc. It consists of a 100-gallon two-stage pump coupled direct to a petrol engine, the combined unit being supported in a frame mounted on mienrnatic-tyred wheels. It is suitable for trailing behind any motor vehicle, and is light enough to be easily manmuvred by hand. All hose and other accessories are, of eontse, mounted on the
trailer ready for immediate use. The pump will deliver 100 gallons of water per minute at a pressure of 100 lb. per sq. in., either one or two jets being used.
STANHAY, Stand 115
IN connection with its display of cub tivators and other farm implements, this company will he showing a Fordson tractor. This will be equipped with special wheels for use in potato fields ; the wheels can be set to any width required between 4 ft. and 5 ft.
Another interesting appliance intended for the same purpose is the tele scopic axle for use with the front wheels. Examples of the Miller patent wheel, which gives good traction without getting clogged, will be shown.
PETTERS Stand 117
AS well as showing an extensive selection from its range of oil engines, pumping and lighting sets, this company will have on view a Sheffiex 3-ton fonr-wheeled motor vehicle, incorporating the Petters ACE two-stroke oil engine. The chassis is made by Sheffiex Motors, Ltd., Tinsley, Sheffield, and is one of a series including rigid.. and articulated six-wheelers, as well as four-wheelers. The 3-tonner has the three-cylindered Petters engine, the capacity of which is 4.3 litres.
In addition, examples of the new Petters three-wheeled truck and tractor will be available for examination, these having been described in our issue dated June 9. The truck is a three-wheeled vehicle, having a platform measuring 6 ft. 8 ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins., and it will carry loads up to one ton, the power unit being a Petters two-cylindered horizontally opposed petrol engine.
The tractor is similar in construction, but has the single wheel in front, and, of Course, is without a platform. It will haul loads of from one ton to two tons, according to gradient. Either type can be equipped with agricultural wheels or with solid rubber tyres.
EXAMPLES of the world-famous International tractor will be seen on this company's stand. For timber contractors interest will centre in the standard industrial tractor having solid tyres and being equipped with a double timber wilich. Cleated wheels can be
fitted for work on soft land. After extricating the timber, this tractor will, of course, haul it along the road, whilst it is useful also for belt work, either in the sawmill or in farm service.
An International tractor in another form will be the industrial model with pneumatic tyres on all wheels, this being equipped with a stoutly built ,cab. Many such tractors are at work in rural districts, performing general haulage la connection with farm, rail-siding and yard work, and they are notable for their extremely sturdy construction and reliability, the latter undoubtedly resulting, in some measure, from the great pains taken to keep the working parts folly enclosed, so that they can be well lubricated and protected from grit.
TuE outstanding vehicle to be shown by this commercial-motor 11-W11111:antuner will be a general-purpose farm and estate lorry, which is becoming ingreasingly popular as a type, because of its adaptability for all kinds of agricultural transport, this enabling it to be kept fully employed when in service on an estate engaged in mixed farming.
The body can easily • be converted from a cattle truck to an ordinary lorry. It has a long, law ramp which can be raised or lowered by one reau, yet is sufficiently. strong to carry heavy cattle. There is a choice of four or six-cylindered engines.
Other exhibits will be a 1-ton van .with four-speed gearbox, a 30-cwt. forward-control lorry with four-cylindered engine, a 2-ton end-tipper with sixcylindered engine, a 3-ton forward-con trol six-cylinder model, a Leader 34-ton lorry and an ambulance.
Representatives of Kennings, Ltd., Cheetham Hill Road, Derby, will be in attendance on the stand.
J. and II. MelAREN. Stand 149 IN addition to a range of McLaren oil eugines suitable for stationary and other work, including the propulsion of road rollers,' there will be on this stand a complete set of oil-engined cableploughing and cultivating tackle, together with a range of suitable implements. The company's tackle is well known to farmers ; it works on the double-engine system, the engines remaining stationary on the headland while they haul the implements to and fro across the field by means of a cable. The power unit comprises one of the McLaren-Bene type-MDB fourcylindered oil engines, which develop 70 b.h.p.
MILLER WHEELS. Stand 157 XAMPLES of the Miller Non-Zlip _Li tractor, wheel will be featured by this specialist concern. The advantages of the wheel, which has detachable spuds set at an angle to the radius, are that it is not inclined to get clogged with earth amid that it gives a good grip without causing damage to the sub-soil. The wheel is quite well known.
D40 G. S. OSCROFT. Stand 165
AN excellent array of Bedford vehicles, which nowadays are largely used up and down the country for agricultural transport as well as for industrial and commercial duty, will be seen on stand 165. There will be a Bedford 2-ton long-wheelbase lorry, a cattle truck on the long-wheelbase chassis, a market gardener's lorry, a 2-ton short-wheelbase lorry with handoperated tipping gear, a 30-cwt. standard boxvan, a 30-cwt. drop-sided lorry and a 12-cwt. light delivery van.
The models are well known, road-test reports and full descriptions having appeared from time to time in The Commercial Motor. All are of straightforward design and are known to give excellent service.
ANDWCOMER. to the Royal Show will be the Bristol tractor, particular points of which are as follow :—In the first place, the patent rubberjointed track employed enables the tractor to ;be equipped with front. sprocket drive, with the rest‘lt that the -weight of the engine and transmission is carried well forward of the centre of the tractor. This means that when the tractor is under load its weight is evenly distributed over the area of the tracks.
Secondly, there is a ground pressure of only 41 lb. per sq. in., so ;that even the lightest earth is not packed, although the grip for towing is good. Thirdly, the overall width is only 2 ft. 11i ins., so that the Bristol tractor can be used for inter-row cultivation ; fourthly, the manoeuvrability is of a high order.
It is intended to display 10 of these tractors on stand 167.
RALEIGH. Stand 168
mHE remark is frequently heard in the commercial-motor trade that light three-wheelers are gaining quite an important position in the market for
handy delivery vehicles. The Raleigh concern has decided to exhibit several examples of its three-wheeled van this year at the Royal Agricultural Show, and will even display a trailer suitable for use with any of the machines on view. These will comprise a standard delivery van, a standard lorry, a factory truck and a bare chassis.
The Raleigh three-wheeler has a singlecylindered air-cooled engine, a three speed and reverse gearbox (chain driven) and a semi-floating rear axle incorporating bevel-type differential gear.
ON this stand will be seen one of the new Sentinel S-type shaft-driven •
six-wheeled steam lorries equipped with a tipping gear and capable of carrying a legal load of about 10 tons. The machine has 40-in. 'thy 8-in, pneumatic tyres and, although the engine develops 120 b.h.p., it weighs, with gearbox and auxiliaries, only 9 cwt. It is a fourcylindered single-acting glandless unit.
The feed-water tanks are situated one on each side of the boiler at the rear a the seats, and have a total capacity of 170 gallons, sufficient for a normal run of 50 miles, whilst the bunkers will carry 5 cwt. of coal, which is enough for 120-150 miles. The lorry can be supplied complete with an automatic fuel stoker and feed-water regulator, in which form it need not carry any man other than the driver.
A full road-test report on the fourwheeled example of this new model appeared in our issue dated June 10.
ONCE again the protection of the Royal Agricultural Show against fire has been entrusted to the Merryweather concern, of Greenwich, which has carried out this duty for many years. The Merryweather fire station within the show grounds will he equipped with a powerful Hatfield motor fire-engine of the latest type, with two-speed pump drive. The equipment will include also a Warspite portable fire-pump, etc.
VINCENTS. Stand 335
HE SE well-known specialists in the construction of horseboxes have selected two of their most popular models for display at Derby. The less expensive of these is the Favourite-Two horsebox, ,which incorporates a Bedford
2-ton specially lengthened chassis and sells at £395. The other machine is a three-horse vehicle (Leyland Cub KP3 chassis) marketed at £975. Messrs. Vincents have had over 20 years' experience in the design and building of motor horseboxes, and their vehicles embody numerous features which facilitate loading and unloading and increase the comfort and security of the animals in transit.
AMOST interesting and unorthodox suspension system is incorporated in the design of the Low-Loading trailer, this permitting the floor level to be actually lower than the wheel centres, and whilst, therefore, keeping the centre of gravity unusually low, the arrangement affords a comfortable suspension system without inclination to pitching.
Three examples of the Low-Loading trailer will be seen at Derby, the most important probably being the two-stall horsebox, which is claimed to be the only one of its kind having Lockheed hydraulic brakes. A special Safety feature is that, if the outfit be stopped when ascending a steep hill, the trailer brakes will remain on automatically until the towing vehicle restarts.
The other trailers exhibited will be a 5-cwt. light two-wheeler and a 12-cwt. model, which can be adapted for the carriage of cattle.
J. H. JENNINGS. Stand 337 IN addition to a luxurious five-berth trailer caravan, this Sandbach concern intends to display two bodywork examples, one being a travelling shop and the other a combined horsebox and cattle truck on a Dodge chassis.
The travelling shop is of the kind found useful in many trades for distributing goods in rural areas. The patent horsebox and cattle-truck body has an oak foundation with side pillars and framework of selected ash. It has a sectional detachable top deck, sliding in channels.
LUBRICATING oils, greases and specialities are available on the stands of W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd. (84), William Eddington and Co. (S'7), Shell-Men and B.P., Ltd. (123), Itedline-Glico, Ltd. (132), AngloAmerican Oil Co., Ltd. (135), Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd. (152).
Interesting accessories of various kinds are shown on the stands of the Ewart Chainbelt Co., Ltd. (215), Messrs. Fastnut (125), Stanton Ircmworks Co„ Ltd. (215), British Oxygen Co., Ltd. (138), Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd. (4), General Electric Co. (144).