Operating Aspects of PASSENGER TRANSPORT
Page 98

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Appeals Procedure, Duration of Licences, Fares and Contract Carriage Work
MHE case to be presented to the Minister of Transport by a deputation which is to meet him on behalf of the passenger-transport industry was discussed by representatives of interested Associations, at a conference in London, last week, convened by the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association. As briefly reported in last week's issue, unanimous decisions were reached, The various bodies were represented as follow Major J. B. Elliott. (who presided) and Messrs. F. A. -Min, A. L. Guilmant and C. Thomas ; Omnibus Owners Association, Messrs. S. E. Garcke, W. S. 1Vreathall and L. G. Oldfield; Yorkshire Coach Owners, Ltd., Mr. J. Keeling; Tramways, LighU,Railways and Transport Association:Messrs. S. E. Smith and A. de Turchheim; Midlands Area Omnibus and Coach Owners Association, Mr. W. H. Perry; Commercial Motor Users Association, Messrs. F. G. Bristow, It. Barr and 3. Leavesley. The Municipal Tramways and Transport Association was unable to send representatives.
Appeals procedure was one of the subjects considered, and the meeting was in favour of the setting up of an independent advisory body, which would take the place of Ministry of Transport inspectors in advising the Minister on his decisions. It was pointed out that Clause 13 of the new Road and Rail Traffic Bill indicated that the advantages to the goods industry of an independent appeals tribunal had been appreciated by the Minister. The question was raised as to whether efforts should not be made to have the provisions of this clause extended to the passenger trade.
An alternative method of approach was submitted by the Omnibus Owners Association, in the form of a proposed new clause for the Road Traffic Act. This proposed the setting up of an advisory committee to the Minister consisting of three members. It was contended that this body should be permanent. Should the Minister depart from the advice given by the Committee, he wouldbe required to make a special report to Parliament, stating his reasons for so doing.
After a discussion, during which it was stated that it was quite possible that amendments to the Road Traffic Act would soon be put forward by the Minister, it was unanimously agre'ed that the principal of setting up an advisory committee should be accepted, and that the views of the Omnibus Owners Association be put forward to the Minister.
On the question of the duration of road-service licences, the M.H.C.S.A. proposed that their validity should be extended from one year to a maximum period of three years, and it was agreed that the Association's memorandum on this subject should be accepted for presentation to the Minister.
With regard to fares, approval wag given to the M.H.C.S.A. suggestion that protest be made against present conditions under which the railwaycompanies are able to object to proposed road fares, whilst they themselves can lower fares without consulting the roadtransport industry. At the same time, it was agreed that the main point to be raised before the Minister was that the machinery for dealing with the revision of fares should be made more simple so that the procedure may be expedited.
The meeting agreed to press for the Minister to amend the Act by defining the meaning of the words "special occasion" and " private party." The general view was that a private party should not be advertised, and that the words special occasion should be given such a meaning as they are commonly understood to have in the trade.
It was decided that a further meeting shale be arranged to take place as early as possible.