Passing Comments
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Why Long Break in WE were rather puzzled Normally Frequent " recently at a long break in Service? what we believe is a three minute bus service. We were at the bus stand at Richmond, Surrey, on a Saturday at 6 p.m., precisely, and not one 73 bus appeared until 6.30, when a crowd of six or seven entered in one column. Admittedly, it was the start of the " Salute the Soldier" Week, but, surely, there need not have been such a long break. The remarks of some of the people in the long queue were by no means complimentary to London Transport; in fact, we heard one man say "What a fine opportunity for some of the good old pirates."
Well known Civil WE have clearly stated that Servants at Transport YV whatever we write about Luncheon the dangers of allowing private
enterprise to be enmeshed in the web of the Civil Service, this is not any reflection upon the individuals concerned in the latter. We have come into contact with many, and found them, as a whole, capable, often far-seeing, and apparently, not unduly cramped by their environment. Such a one, who is also blest with a delightful sense of humour, is Mr. C. A. Birtchnell, C.B., of the M.O.W.T., who, replying on behalf of the guests at the recent luncheon of Transport Services, Ltd., congratulated that company an its obvious vitality in
spite of close association with what eterybody •knew was the "dead hand" of bureaucracy. He also remarked that the Ministry, of course, had. ceased to be a controlled undertaking since Mr. Barrington was back with his company, although it was still under the very watchful eye of Mr. P. J. R. Tapp, M.C. Dealing with the matter of hostels for drivers, Mr. Birtchnell said that it would be an acbaantage to all concerned if the industry could find it possible to look after this question. The men certainly deserved well of all of us, not only of the industry but, also, in these times, of the country.
SOMETIMES one sees in the '--)Daily Press advertisements such as the following:— Wanted, A-licence vehicle, any condition." It would appear that the object in such a case is not primarily to obtain a vehicle, but an A licence. Yet, under the Read and Rail Traffic Act of 1933, a carrier's licence is not transferable and, therefore, has no intrinsic value to a buyer. In fact, when a vehicle is sold the licence should automatically be surrendered. Application can, of course; be made by the buyer of the vehicle for a licence to replace it. It then rests with the R.T.C. as to whether, in his judgment, the circumstances justify its issue, almost the same procedure as obtaining a new licence.
What Real Selling Value Has an A Licence? . . . . .
Too Many Changes As WHEN talking recently to a Bad As Too Many v'Y grocer in a town seine, 10 Cooks • miles from the Sussex coast,
we commented on the battered condition of a consignment. of tinned soup that an assistant was unpacking. To our surprise, he told us that it had arrived by road from London, but not by a direct route. It was unloaded at East Grinstead and taken in another vehicle to Brighton, where it was transferred to yet a third to carry it to its destination. To those without full knowledge of the circumstances, such handing seems to detract from the main benefit of road transport, as well as wasting petrol.
He Was Not Out A N amusing little incident Merely on Pleasure 4-3,-occurred in connection with
Bent the first meeting of the com
mittee which is dealing with the affairs of the proposed I.R.T.E. A private luncheon had been arranged at Murray's Club, Beak Street.. This led one of the members to remark, " When I am out of my office for a few hours, I like to leave particulars. as to where I may be found, but I am afraid it will be rather difficult for my people to believe that I shall, be at this club for some hours purely on. business." However, as was recorded in this fournal, quite a lot of useful work was done by the committee on that day.