Our New Campaign.
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This journal, since the date of its establishment in March, 1905, has pursued a constructive policy. It has led in all " missionary " work, both at home and overseas, and in the advancement of the movement with which it is identified. That policy of showing the way holds good to-day : it was inaugurated, a full six years ago, with the dispatch of 3,000 extra mailed copies of "No. 2 " (including the full motor-show report); it was followed by a sustained programme of special numbers, which were addressed to important home industries. Throughout this period, from 1905 to 1907, in our customary regular and unostentatious fashion, we regularly brought out unique issues in order to help forward inquiries from and sales to India, the Colonies, the Dominions of the Empire and various foreign countries. The details are known to our supporters : the cumulative results became markedly apparent when our growing overseas circulation rendered it necessary for us to have a weekly thin-paper edition. Later evidence of results is, of course, found in the support accorded to this journal by the leading mail-steamship and other shipping companies. We look upon these branches of circulation as being well settled, yet we shall not fail to give subscribers what may be termed "occasional reminders," in order to stir matters generally, and to break new ground as well. The "Coronation Time Special " (with Parade Report Supplement) of the 29th June will fall within this category of activity.
Our new campaign is undertaken in conjunction with the leading trade journals : the second special article, from the pen of the Editor of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, and so intituled at its head, appears in the current issue of "The Cabinet Maker and Complete House Furnisher"-10,000 copies guaranteed. It will, we feel sure, interest many of our readers to know that the Editor of our powerful contemporary makes the following explanatory and introductory remarks, which are italicized by him, immediately before the opening paragraph of the writer's text :
This article has been specially written by Mr. Shrapnel] Smith, in order that members of the trade may get the benefit of authoritative pronouncements from a gentleman who has been prominently identified with the development of commercial motoring for more than fourteen years. The author writes with full knowledge of his subject, and he has intimated his preparedness to advise or otherwise to assist any readers of this journal who may desire to obtain further specific information.
Great possibilities are here indicated, and developments of far-reaching importance foreshadowed: the next article to appear will be in Saturday's issue of
"The Hardware Trade Journal"-1,000 copies guaranteed. From the standpoint of the motor manufacturer, it is financially out of the question that he should often have business announcements in journals which admittedly go exclusively and straight to the members of particular industries. Huge cost is one bar. Other drawbacks, in pre-existing circumstances, have furnished good reasons for abstention, not the least of these being editorial inability to advise or convince a potential buyer. In this connection, we again direct attention to the typical prefatory note by the Editor of "The Cabinet Maker and Complete House Furnisher." That view is the key to the situation which we have appreciated, and in regard to which we have been working for several months. Careful preparation coupled with secrecy are obviously needful in these days of barefaced imitation. We are equipped and qualified to carry through this new and original campaign, which will be of marked effect both at home and overseas, and we know that it will send up our already-satisfactory sales each week in a manner which must prove gratifying to all concerned. That genuine and useful circulation, by the way, is already certified each month, by Chartered Accountants' certificate.
Our primary aim is still further to renew and strengthen our admittedly-valuable and highly-influential circulation, which already exclusively includes the principal owners in all sections, by progressive fresh additions of newcomers into the ranks of users. Most of all do we reckon upon the accession as readers of groups of buyers during the stages when they are seeking expert opinion and advice ; again, thereafter, we expect to retain the support of the men who are in charge of the new purchases. The membership of the Commercial Motor Users Association will also be additionally and materially increased. In short, our carefully-arranged programme and propaganda, whilst clearly of immense benefit to manufacturers of vehicles and factors of supplies, will also help to consolidate the position of all who employ or own commercial motors. Unity is strength in developments such as those which this journal has both the intention and the means to foster. Finally, in effect, by a happy system of combination, we bring to the service of the industry and the movement the enormous resources of the best trade journals, in conjunction with competently-written textual references to comparative costs, the most-suitable types of vehicles and kindred topics of importance. The scheme, in some respects, is mutual in character, but we have not stinted outlay ourselves, whilst the necessary steps are completed to enable the writer to have access—specifically as Editor of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR to the representative journals of 12 big trades. We are convinced that a forward policy of this exceptional nature will be welcomed, and we intend that it shall not benefit ourselves alone. The extensive range of our programme will be obvious.