News and Continent.
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This journal is the only recognized authority ; it is exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. It has by far the largest and best circulation.
The Atlas three-tonner is likely to be the subject of a manufacturing promotion before long.
People who profess to think badly of " reflex lights " should remember that " half a loaf is better than no bread."
One of Marshall's latest-model oil tractors, the particular one under notice being for Patagonia, is illustrated on page 71.
Two of the latest types of change-speed gearboxes, the Commer-Car " and the Dennis, are illustrated on page 80.
The latest. Petter standard oil tractor, together with some references to a road test near Yeovil, is described on pages 72-74.
Pressure on our space, which is very great just now, has obliged us reluctantly to hold over several interesting "Opinions from Others."
We are requested to direct attention to the announcement of the C.M.U.A. (facing page 77). It is anticipated that fully another 2100 will be donated before Saturday next, and it is evident that the Association will this year score a huge success. The advance notices in the Press are easily a record already.
The demand from overseas for our thin-paper edition has been most satisfactory, dating back to January of last year. Its effect upon steamship companies is the best proof of results and support. ..Tow, in furtherance of our original policy of " missionary " workâat home, throughout the Empire and abroad, we this week, on the opening page, make a mostimportant fresh ahnouneeinent. Mail Drivers.
The Postmaster-General has decided that part-time and odd drivers of mail vans must be paid at least 6d. an hour, and that this will be a condition in the contracts, He has declined additionally to specify weekly-engagement terms for such men, in place of from day to day. Every possible step is being taken to secure the transfer of horse-van drivers to motorvans.
Motor Ambulances.
At the meeting of the Islington Guardians, on the 23rd inst., the Workhouse Committee recommended the purchase of a motor ambulance at a cost not exceeding 2435. The Committee stated it found a difficulty in obtaining horses, and that there was tonsiderable expense attached to the present system. Each person tendering should send in his own specification. Mr. Tomkins, in supporting the recommendation, said that some of the journeys the horses had to make took 12 or 14 hours, which was far too long to work a horse. He believed that the adoption of a motor would mean a saving to the ratepayers.,
Other guardians also condemned the system of buying horses. In the result, the recommendation was carried.
A Little Tragedy.
" I have been a motor drive-i
11 years ; this is my first
offence, and I am sure I did not
know I was exceeding the speed limit at the time. I am very sorry, as I have always tried to keep a clean sheet, I have been through Bolton hundreds of times, and have always tried to do what was right. There is no speed indicator on a heavy motor, so it is all guesswork." The above extracts from a letter written by a motor-lorry driver named Edward F. Tanner, formerly of Preston, engaged the interest of the Bolton magistrates on Thursday and Saturday. They are worth attention, because of the human element, and also for the trade and technical importance of the last sentence. The poor fellow wrote on Thursday that he was out of work, that he had no money to pay his fare to Bolton, and that he had a wife and three of his five children dependent upon him. Severely though most motor drivers are dealt with in Bolton, this man's appeal promptel an adjournment for two days, and his story proved to be true. The result follows.
He turned up on Saturday at Court, having walked the 20 miles from Preston for want of money, and he said he would have to walk back. Messrs. Eccles, of Darwen, wanted him to leave Preston and live in that town, but he would not do so, and he lost his work before the summons for excessive speed was issued.
He was ordered to pay costs, and allowed a month in which to do so. A Liverpool branch for the handling of de Nevers rubber tires has been opened at 27, Williamson Street, Liverpool, under the management of Mr. Gerald Crisp.
A trial of spring wheels and other " elastic suspensions for auto-mechanical vehicles" will be held by the Associazione Italiana Trasporti Automeccaniei, of Milan t.via Nirone, 21), later in the year. Entries must he lodged before the 30th April. It is stated that the competition will be supported by the Ministers of Commerce, War, Posts and Telegraphs and Public Works of Italy, and be under the patronage of the King of Italy.
A New Registration.
" Commerear " Repairs, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 25,000 in 21 shares, and with its office at 79a, Parkhurst Road, Holloway, N., to carry on the business of repairers and builders of motorcars, etc. First directors : H. C. B. Underdown and W. C. W. Egerton. The consent of the Commercial Cars, Ltd., has been obtained.
Albions Abroad.
Extreme briskness characterizes the situation at the Albion Co.'s works, Scotstoun, Glasgow. Repeat orders from the Colonies and abroad appear to be rivalling the same section of Albion turnover in the home market : Ottawa, Vancouver, Cape Colony, and the East Indies are amongst the places from which such overseas orders are recently to hand. It is an undoubted fact that the strength of construction and the specialized design of the Albion vehicles have brought about their high repute under severe conditions in virgin or partly-developed countries.. The latest order, from the Crown Agents for the Colonies, is for six Albion vehicles, for shipment to the East.
" Faransure" Tires.
Arrangements are complete for the adequate handling of " Earansure " tires in London and the Southern and Eastern counties, as J. Liversidge and Son, Ltd., of 561, Old Kent Road, S.E., now represents Messrs. S. Stevenson and Co., of Glasgow. The _" Faransure " tire has been designed to meet the outstanding demand for a detachable solid tire, in order that owners may fit their own tires in convenient and ready fashion, and without the expense of sending their wheels away and laying up vehicles. The tire has been fully described and illustrated in our pages, and one of the latest testimonials to its behaviour in service, from the Sutherland Motor Traffic Co., of Lairg, N.B., with an ex perience extending over two years, upon no fewer than 17 Albion vehicles, reads thus : You are aware that the roads over which our vehicles run are probably the roughest roads in Britain, and, although we have tried many other tires, we have found no tire to stand up to the roads equal to your
Faransure.' It has this great advantage over the band tire : it is much more resilient, and stands up better to the rough roads, and it is the only clinched.-in tire we have used which stays in the rim."
Leyland's Latest.
Established at Cecil Chambers East, 86, Strand, W.C., in July, 1903, the London branch of Leyland Motors, Ltd., has grown almost in geometric progression. Now, in consequence of mounting turnover, the company has found it necessary to take extensive premises at 47, New Kent Road, S.E., and these are to be its new depot and maintenance branch for the future. The telephone number is 567 Hop, whilst the, abbreviated telegraphic address remains " Motatura,. London."
Thornycroft Activity.
One of the smartest 16 h.p., two cylinder Thornycroft vehicles in London service is that now being used by the Edison and Swan people, whose metal-filament lamps, it is strikingly announced on the side panels, " save 75 per cent. electricity." The vehicle has cast-steel wheels, and its exterior lines are most graceful. Another recently-completed delivery is a 16 h.p., two-ton van to Messrs. Henry Tate and Sons, the great sugar reliners; an eminent delivery for the Spanish War Office, consists of two 30 h.p.. four-cylinder, two-tonners.
Mr. Bruce Cooper, of Daneshill Cottage, Basingstoke, the Thornycroft agent for the South of England, has recently taken a second repeat order for a 10 h.p. lorry from Morla,nd and Co., Ltd., of the Abingdon brewery. The L. and
N.W. Ry. Co., which company had previously ordered three Thornycroft lorries, has now placed additional orders for one 16 h.p. twoton lorry and one 30 h.p. two-.ton lorry, for service in the Birmingham and Dewsbury districts, respectively. James BlackIedge and Sons, Ltd., a wholesale bakery, of Liverpool, has placed a repeat order for a 16 h.p. chassis ; this company is already running several 16 h.p. Thornycrofts. Other orders, briefly put, are: Messrs. J. Berm. and Co., a 30 h.p. two-ton lorry ; Messrs. Staines and Smith, a 16 h.p. lorry ; the Walsall and District Co-operative Society, Ltd., a 16 h.p. lorry ; the Brightside and Carbrook Co-operative Society, Ltd., a 30 h.p. van ; Crossley and Sons, Ltd., the well-known carpet manufacturers, a 30 h.p. chassis ; Messrs. Martin and Co., of Calcutta, three 30 h.p. chassis ; John Dickinson and Co., Ltd., a 30 h.p. vehicle, with special body to carry a native cart and pony, for service in the South of India. The abovementioned orders from co-operative societies are, respectively, the ninth and tenth, for the latest type of Thornycroft petrol vehicles to be received from such societies. The orders from clients in the North of England have been taken through Mr. C. Pemberton Woolen