Our Campaign Comforts Fund.
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Closing Stages of Our 1915-16 Winter Distribution.
Completing the £10,000 Stage This Week.
The Official Fund for the Mechanical Transport Columns and Units of the Army Service Corps.
Patroness: H.R.H. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
Ladies Committee: Mrs. S. S. Lone, Mrs. Shrapnell-Smith. Mrs. P. K. nagnall-Wild. Mrs. H. E. Blain, Mrs. W. E. Donohue. Mrs. H. N. Foster,
,£10 Monthly: Associated Equipment ; Car and General; Corn mercars ; Crossley ; Crown and Shell Spirits; Daimler; Dennis; Dunlop ; Foden , Gaston, Williams and Wigmore ; Hallford; Hoyt Metal ; Thos. B. Jeffery; Leyland; Locomobile; Packard ; Pierce-Arrow ; Pratt's and Taxibus Spirits; Thornycroft ; Wolseley.
.£5 Monthly : Alley and MacLellan; Ferodo Halley; Lucas ; Macintosh; Maudslay; Hans Renold; St. Helens Cable and Rubber ; Scottish Commercial Gait ; Shrewsbury-Challiner; Spencer Moulton; Wood-Milne ;
Wolf (Solex).
Lump Sums : Peerless Co., £120; President, Peerless Co„ £120; Treasurer, Peerless Co., £100; Staff, Peerless Co.. £85; Albion, £75; Belsize, £50; Heath Harrison, Esq., £50; Karrier, £50; J. Keele, Ltd., £50; Napier, £50, A.S.C. Central (Corps) Fund.-£.800 (four grants) ; and Wolf (Solex), Napier car value £.220 minimum.
Further List of Gifts Received (to 24th March, 1916).
Miss Kaye, Minehea.d (7 scarves, 4 jerseys). Miss Comber, Guildford (3 pre. of socks, 1 pr. of mittens). Miss Jacobs, Cumberland Terrace, N.W. (5 scarves). Miss Frederick, Wincanton, Somerset (4 prs. of mittens). Mrs. E. H. 1Villats, Claptort, N.E. (1 scarf, 1 pr. of socks). The Red Cross Committee, Banbury (12 pro. of mittens). Miss E. R. Stadden, Watford, Herts. (1 pr. of gloves, 1 pr. of mittens, 1 scarf). Mrs. Nicholson, Caterham (5 pro. mittens, 1 pr. of socks). 20fiss Nicholls, Wellesley Mansions, W. (1 scarf). Mrs. de la Garde, Teignmouth, Devon (2 scarves). No name (1 scarf, 1 pr. of mittens). The Lady Latymer, Queen's Gate Place, S.W. (2 scarves). Mrs. Stirling, Gerrards Cross, Bucks. prs, of mittens). "John Bull," Long Acre, W.C. (bundle of papers). Mrs. Sherlock, Heathficld, Sussex (2 scarves). Miss Hayward, Wenciover, Bucks. (7 scarves). Mrs. J. S. Waterfield (1 scarf, 1 pr. socks, 2 pro. mittens). Miss E. Corfield, West Ealing (4 scarves). Mrs. Forman, Bath (2 scarves). Mrs. Willis, ifornsey (2 scarves, 5 prs. of mittens). Mrs. Stayner, Tonsham, Devon (3 helmets). Miss E. Butler, Welbeck, Worksop (1 scarf). Mrs. Gor :and, St. Annesnn-the-Sea, (7 scarves, 3 helmets, 3 prs. of mittens).
Mrs. W. Pane, Grantham (1 scarf).
The Most Recent Despatches (64 Cases).
Advice notes have been posted concerning the despatch on the 28th March, of 66 lb. eases of comforts to the 0.C.s of the following units : Cos. 49, 54, 60, 62, 65, 66, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 91, 93, 91, 177, 180, 245, 262, 264, 269, 273, 277, 282, 307, 315, 335, 336, 338 (two), 354, 355, 340, 356, 363, 379, 409, 419, 421, 491, 495, 496, 500, 562, 565, 566, 570, 587, 593, 595, 597, 6th, 7th, 19th, 22nd, 29th, and 65th F.A.W.U., 3rd Cav. Div. F.A.W.T.T., Signals H.Q. lot Cav. Div., Signal Co. R.E. Can H.Q., A.S.C., M.T. drivers att. 174th Co. -R.E., 1st Anti-Aircraft W.U., 14th Corps Troops Sup. Col., H.Q. Cav. Corps, 1st Telegraph Construction Party.
Using Our Poster Stamps.
The thanks of the Committee are due to the many firms who have volunteered to use, on part of their correspondence, the ,special•poster stamp, which has long been a feature of the publicity methods of this Fund. The assistance thus generously rendered in making the existence of the Fund and its object itdirectly known to as wide a. circle as possible is very valuable indeed.
We shall be happy to send a supply of these stamps to any business house which is interested in the Fund, and which feels justified in assisting it in the manner indicate i.
A Few Notes of Appreciation.
"In advising you that the personnel of this column has been increased; I wish to inform you that our men have in the past keenly appreciated the gifts sent out by your Fund, and I am sure I can with confidence forward our best wishes for the promotion and advance of this very useful organization." -0.0., Arum. Sub. Park.
"The case which you advised us has now reached us, and the Iftell were delighted with the contents, as everything was most useful. Whoever selected the stuff at your end must have known his job well, and I should think has been out here to observe what was most needed by the A.S.C.. M.T. men on active set vice."-R.M.A., Howitzer Brigade.
"With great pleasure I thank you most heartily on behalf of my small detachment of men (13), who have been the recipients of a box of comforts from you. I can assure you that the contents were welcomed by the men as being very necessary comforts. Such things as soap and tooth brushes are really a necessity, and one cannot seem to get any sort of good stuff out here, and certainly nothing. in comparison with
the good old English goods."-Sergt., m charge. Field Ambulance.
"I have much pleasure in acknowledging one case of gifts. The excellent assortment of articles were much appreciated
by the recipients."—O.C. A.S.C. Repair Shop.
"I am writing to thank you on behalf of the men of my unit for the lovely case of gifts which I have received. The scarves, also the gloves, I have given to the drivers, who were very grateful for thorn. The worst of the winter is nearly
over, but we have had bitterly cold weather every day, and. rain and snow, .incessantly."—O.O. — Div. Field Ambulance Workshop Unit.
"I beg to acknowledge the receipt of one case of comforts for the detached drivers on Ordnance duty. The case has been despatched to these men, and will 110 doubt be a boon to them. On behalf of the A.S.C., 114.T. men of this unit, allow me to thank you most sincerely for the kind and thoughtful manner in which yclu administer to our small wants."—O.C. — Div. Supply Column.