News of the Week
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N Interim Report, published by I-1.M. Stationery Office, deals with the work of the M.O.W.T. Committee on Road Safety presided over by Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker, This Committee has been considering the requirements of the road-accident problem under post-war conditions. The Committee is comprised of representatives of the Government Departments concerned, English and Scottish Police, and the Royal Society for the Prevention Jf Accidents.
The Interim Report pays special attention to points likely to arise in the early post-war period, although certain long-term measures are considered in principle, particularly those having an importaro bearing on roads and on town and country planning. It is suggested that the accident problem must be both a national and local reSponsibility. Amongst the recommendations are: Early and intensive propaganda campaign; driving tests to be made more searching; Highway Code made so well known that its precepts will become part of the instinctive behaviour of road users; roads to be improved ar quickly as possible to fit them for the traffic; the piintiple of segregating classes of traffic to be adopted wherever possible,, parking of vehicles in busy streets prohibited, and adequate space • provided for them off the highway; vehicles should be tested regularly to ensure that they are in fit condition. • The Government has not yet considered the Report and is not committed to accept its recommendations.
ARESOLUTION to wind up the Heavy Woollen District Transport Association, preparatory to the establishment of a local.sub-area of the Road Haulage Association was unanimously adopted at a members meeting last week, at Dewsbury. Formed nearly 10 years ago, this district organization of hauliers, chiefly engaged in carrying wool textile traffic, had a membership of 35, representing an aggregate of about 300 vehicles.
At the outset of the discussion a report on an interview, which they had had with officials of the West, Riding (Leeds) Area of the R.H.A. was given by Mr. T. Bailey, of Batley, the chairman, and Mr. T. Jackson, of Dewsbury. the hon. secretary.
. THE CIVILIAN MARKET ' I T is announced that authority to manufacture five civilian' types of commercial vehicle for the home market has been received by MorrisCommercial Cars, Ltd., Birmingham, They are the 10-cwt., 20-cwt. and 25-35-cwt. vans, the 5-ton tipper and the 5-ton lorry. Deliveries will, we are advised, commence in the second half of this year. The vehicles are available only against M.O.W.T. licences.
Two other Morris-Commercial types, the 2i-ton van and the 3i-ton lorry, are already being manufactured and delivered.
Much of the experience gained by the company in the production and operation of large numbers of Army-type vehicles under the severe conditions of war is being incorporated in these civilian types..
The .model types are as follow :— 10-cwt. van Type Y; 20-cwt. van Type PV; 25-35-cwt. van Type LC; 2i-ton van Type CV 11/30; 31-ton lorry Type CV 11/40; 5-ton tipper Type CV 10/5; 5-ton lorry Type CV 13/5.
ASTRONG plea for staggered holidays has been issued by the Public, Transport Association. It warns holiday makers that road-transport services must remain drastically curtailed; whilst local services have been reduced to a minimum and cannot be expanded until the undertakings can obtain additional staffs, particularly drivers, conductors and mechanics.
There is only one way in which holiday makers can themselves help to minimize the congestion. That is, to stagger their holidays over the spring, summer and autumn months, and so balance out peak periods.
APPLICATIONS fop licences to acquire new Crossley high-bridge and low-bridge double-deck buses, with all-metal bodies and Crossley six-cylin'dered oil engines, can now be received by the • M.O.W.T. through R.T.0 s.• Deliveries are expected to commence in September.
I N 1844, the Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., made a trading profit of £130,113 after deducting E.P.T., compared with £85,339 a year earlier, the net profit coming out at £35,984, contrasted with £42,322. A final dividend of 6 per cent, is being paid, making 10 per cent. for the year, and general reserve receives £7,500, the amount to be carried forward being £15,736 against £14,552 brought in,
OWING to the illness of Major F. S. Eastwood, Transport Commissioner for the North-eastern Region. who has also been officiating as acting North-western R.T.C„ the latter duties have .been transferred to Mr. J. H. Stirk, North Midland R.T.C., pending the appointment of a new Northwestern Commissioner. We are glad to hear of the favourable progress, of Major Eastwood, who was taken ill about a fortnight ago.
NAANCHESTER plans to set up a Pa transport board on similar lines to the London Passenger Transport Board, In the near future a conference of nine south-east Lancashire municipal passenger-transport undertakings is to be held in Manchester to consider the possibility of setting up such a board and to discuss post-war transport problems. Chairmen, deputy-chairmen, and managers of the municipal undertakings at Salford, Stockport, Oldham, Bury, Bolton, Rochdale, Stalybridge, and Ashton-under-Lyne are to be invited tri attend the conference, along with officials from the Manchester undertaking NEWCASTLE'S BIG TROLLEYBUS PLANS
AT a special meeting.of Newcastle-On-. Tyne City Council it was decided to promote a Parliamentary Bill to obtain powers to run trolleybuses on another 16 routes and to abandon the trams on the routes concerned. The change-over is estimated to cost over £825,000, of which £570,000 will be in respect of trolleybuses. The scheme provides. for the running of trolleybuses over the High Level and Tyne Bridges into Gateshead.
INDUSTRIAL TRANSPORT PUBLICATIONS MAKE A MOVE WE have been asked by Inehistrial Transport Publications, Ltd., to -point out that communications for its editorial, circulation and bookselling
• departments should be sent to 41; Queens Grove, St. John's WOOd, Lon
don, N.W.8. Advertising copy and blocks -should go direct .to' 12a, Lee . High Road, Levisbain; .-Lopdon,
• LAA T the first meeting of the South Yorksbire Area Committee of the Road Haulage Association, which was attended by representativ.ei from Doncaster, Rotherham, and Sheffield, Mr. E. j. 'Shaw of E: .and E. J. Shaw, Ltd., Rotherham, was elected .c hairman for a period of three months. It was hoped that after this time the Area Committee would be fully constituted and the matter reviewed, and a chairman appointed to carry on until the next regular election period.
At an opening in e e ti n gin Rotherham, it *as decided to form a Rotherham Sub-area of the Association to he serviced by the area office at Sheffield. The following committee was elected : —Messrs. J. J. Abrams, L. Green, E. Hare,. R. . Hopwood, E. Lumbe T. Membery, W. Robinson, A. E. Scotherne June., J. W. Styling.. At the first meeting, Mr.. L. Green was elected chairmanand 'Alit following were elected to the area committee : Messrs. L. Green., R. •Hopwood and
T, Membery. . .. • A Chesterfield Sub-area of the Association is also-being S'et .up, to be serviced jointly by the -East Midland and South Yorkshire Areas. Thefollowing committee was elected: Messrs. H.. Beresford, W. Bradley, A. Brunt, T. Bullas, J. W. Draycott, C..E. Grant, H. Jarvis, J. Pass, G. Sharman, and E. White, Mr. H. Jarvis was elected chairman, and Mr. J. Pass vicechairman, and the delegates to the area committees are Mr. J. Pass to South Yorkshire, and Mr. j. JarVis to East Midland. " C.M. " INDEX AVAILABLE FOR ' VOLUME 80
'THE index to Volume 80 of "The 1 Commercial Motor," covering the issues from August 4, 1944, to January 26, 1945, is now available, and copies are obtainable from Temple Press Ltd., Bowling Green Lane, London, E.C.1, at 7d. each, including postage.
APROFIT of £84,470 was made by the Trent Motor Traction Co., Lid., in 1944, compared with £73,724 in the previous year. Revenue amounted to £838,828, as against £791,753 a year earlier. General reserve re9eives £20,000, and a dividend of 10 per cent. takes £54,029, leaving £36,789 to be carried forward, against £26,348 brought into the accounts.
THE story can now be told crf how a British invention, patented at least 12 months before D-Day, saved a critical situation in the landing of war equipment over sand and shingle beaches. Normally, tyres operate at about 60-65-1b. pressure. Invasion test exercises carried out on a huge scale showed that vehicles dug into the shingle, churning it up and becoming a sitting target for the defenders. When pressures were reduced, the tyres slipped on the rims and pulled out the valves, again immobilizing the transport units.
This problem was solved by the Firestone spring-type bead-lock. This device, patented in 1943 by the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Brentford, in conjunction with Toledo, Woodhead Springs, Ltd., Sheffield, presses the bead of the tyre against the rim and so prevents the tyre slipping. Pressures can tlfen be dropped as low as 15 _lb. and vehicles can readily negotiate sand or loose shingle. This development saved the necessity of developing and manufacturing new wheels or rims for operational landings.
WE are informed by Vulcan 1V1Otors, Ltd., Maidstone, that it has appointed Coventry and Jeffs, Ltd., 22-32, St. George's Road, Bristol, 1, as a main distributor. The area covered embraces Somerset, North Wiltshire, and part of Gloucestershire south and south-east of the River Severn.
Another distributorship appointment by the company is that of Holloways Engineers (Shoreham-by-Sea), Ltd., Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex, to cover the county of Sussex. , CALL FOR PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION ON R.H.A.
rOLLOWING protests over the lack
of proportional representation on the Northern Area Committee of the Road Haulage Association, a general meeting of transport operators of the Teesside branch of the Association was held at Stockton last week.
The chairman, Mr. J. Willson, of Bee-Line S a f et y Coaches, West Hartlepool, Stated that out of the liquidated associations now forming part of the R.H.A. in the northern area, one of them, Associated Road Operators, with a membership in the north of 850, had only six representatives on -the R.H.A. Northern Area, Committee, whilst three smaller associations, with a total membership of 50, had 10 representatives. . Members unanimously adopted a resolution recommending " that subarea meetings be called immediately to elect a sub-area committee to see that the R.H.A. Northern Area Committee be run on more democratic and constitutional lines." Failing this, it was recommended that steps be taken to legalize the position. '