Conferences, courses and training
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Container conference
• A two-day conference on Containerization arranged by the College of Production Technology will be held at the Criterion Restaurant, Regent Street, London, SW1, on June 30 and July 1 from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Subjects include: Fragmentation or total transportation; How the road haulier provides for container expansion and development; Container handling techniques and equipment; Loading and unloading of containers; The role of the through-transport operator; European developments in containerization.
Speakers include Mr. G. Flechon, general manager, Intercontainer, Bruxelles; Mr. C. Moser, MAT Transport, A.G. Switzerland; Mr. F. C. Margetts, former chairman British Railways Freightliner Division; Mr. G. Neville Bowman-Shaw, director, Lancer Boss Ltd.; Mr. D. A. B. Crawford, central distribution dept., Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.; and Mr. E. M. Heins, director (operations) Ferrym asters Ltd.
Conference on SI units
• The first open international conference on the International Systems of Units (Systems International d'Unites—SI Units) will be held in Brussels by PERA, the Production Engineering Research Association of Great Britain, on June 24 and 25, 1969, and is expected to be attended by over 1.000 delegates from countries throughout the world.
PERA points out that some 25 countries have passed Of are preparing legislation to make SI units the only official system of measurement. The French Standards Organization (AFNOR) currently uses SI units, and in West Germany a Bill likely to become law this year will make SI units the only official system of measurement in 10 years' time. The British Standards Institution, which describes the introduction in the United Kingdom of SI units as a second industrial revolution, is now producing standards in SI units and has already issued over 1,000 of the most widely used standards in SI units.
ICHCA at Gothenburg
• Almost 500 delegates from all parts of the world will be attending the ninth biennial conference of the International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association at Gothenburg from June 2 to 5. The theme of the conference is "Handling international cargo"
Maintenance seminar
• A one-day seminar, "Vehicle fleet operation—preventive maintenance," has been arranged by Management Studies Centre at the Piccadilly Hotel on Thursday July 3, from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Speakers include Mr. P. R. Peckham, who will give two papers: "The Transport Act and Road Safety Acts requirements", and "Practical steps to take—discussion of individual problems"; Mr. M. Hental, whose subject is "Preventive maintenance systems in operation"; and Mr. Ian Howard, who speaks on "Motivating personnel involved". The conference fee of £21 includes lecture notes, coffee, lunch and tea. Details from: Management Studies Centre, 14 Queen Victoria Street. London, EC4.
Intensive computer course for executives
• "What management needs to know about the computer"—an intensive two-day course for executives, is to be presented jointly by Business and Industrial Training Ltd. and Cahners Publishing Company (USA). The course, in the Hyde Park Hotel. London, will run from the evening of June 25 to the afternoon of June 27. Full details and registration forms can be obtained from the Conference Administrator, Business and Industrial Training Ltd.. Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, SEl.
Mind stretching on holiday
• Loughborough University of Technology has arranged 17 one-week intensive courses designed to help professional managers keep up to date in methods and techniques. Two courses of special interest to road transport, "Management for road transport engineers" and "Testing of vehicles", are arranged for July 27—August 2.
The courses are residential and are almost unique in providing accommodation for wives and families if desired. A wide range of special courses of interest to ladies cover such subjects as music, art and industrial archaeology. Children up to six can join the creche play group and older ones can become members of the youth group.
Evening entertainments, visits to places of interest and sports facilities are available and a gala dinner rounds off the week. Full details are available from: The Director, University Summer Programme, University of Technology, Loughborough. Leics.
Warehouse management
• Two courses on warehouse management have been planned by Research and Marketing Ltd. The first, entitled "Elements of warehouse management", will be held from September 15-19. The second, "General warehouse management", will be held from September 29 to October 3.
The fee for the first course is £60 and for the second £75 neither includes the cost of hotel accommodation. Further information may be obtained from Mr. J. A. C. Whittuck, Administration Manager, Research and Marketing Ltd.. 41 Duke Street, Manchester Square, London, W1M 50G.
Training for export
• Training for Export will be the theme of a four-part conference to be held from September 9-12 at Olympia during the 4th Export Services Exhibition, Each session will run from 2 p.m.-5.30 pro. "Why training is necessary for export selling, transport, and export practice," as well as "The training itself," are the four topics. A review of the transport revolution brought about by containers will be given by Mr. A. J. Butterwick (Overseas Containers Ltd.). Conference shipping will be discussed by Mr. A. H. Gum, deputy conference chairman South and East Africa. Other speakers will be: Mr. T. Eric Tindall, director-general RTITB; Mr. W. Koster, general manager cargo development BOAC.
Mr. H. B. Jackson, chief executive of Barclays Export Finance Co. Ltd., will speak on "Modern developments in export finance" during the final session of the conference. Later in the afternoon, on the same platform, Dr. Clive M. Schmitthok senior lecturer in Legal Studies, City of London College, will deal with some of the legal aspects of export sales. H. J. Spittle, Commercial Union Insurance, will cover the complexities of export cargo insurance.
Telling them how
• A training centre is a special feature of the new premises of Eric B. Miller Ltd.. which was opened in Church St., St. Helens, on May 13. The company supplies haulage contractors and other industrial operators with spares and equipment. The object of the new facilities is to instruct customers in the use of equipment they are buying. Regular training sessions and seminars are to be held. Mr. Eric Miller started the business 14 years ago and now is the managing director of a company which has an annual turnover of nearly £500,000.
Blox certificates
• The commercial vehicle driver training school operated by Blox Services Ltd. is to issue a certificate to those who have successfully completed their week-long course of instruction.
The courses, held at the Blox headquarters, Fountain Road, Tooting, London, SW17, are run by Mr. Max Newman who was, until recently, superintendent and chief instructor at the Metropolitan Police Driving School, Hendon. They are open to all and cover every type and weight of vehicle up to 12 tons. The cost of the five-day course is 48 guineas but attendance on the course ranks for grant from the RTITB which is currently £10 per day. A discount of 15 per cent is available to Blox contract hire customers.
There is a test at the end of the week, before the certificate is awarded. The aim is to make this test as near as possible to the expected standard of the h.g.v. test, shortly to become compulsory.
Blox has widened the scope of its retail services and consequently changed the name of its subsidiary, Fields of Hitchin Ltd., to Blox Motor Services Ltd., incorporating into this new company the retail services operated from the Fountain Road depot.
Parking seminar
• A seminar. "Municipal parking: policy, pricing and operation-. la being arranged for June 25 'in the Millbank Tower Conference Suite, Millbank, London. SW1, by the Brifsh Parking Association.