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ALTHOUGH probably Nottingham's record in the matter of motoring offences is not more flagrant than that of other large centres of industrial activity, there has beeo an unusual incidence of late Of cases in the mettnpolis of the lace industry. These eases have led to proceedings in which drivers of mechanically propelled vehicles for business and other purposes have been involved, eliciting in one instance ina0sterial condemnation which appeared to be somewhat sweeping. in its bearing upon commercial cars in general, and. in another case calling forth from 'the Nottingham County Court Judge (Sir Patrick Rose-Innes) some observations of a very emphatic nature.
. Apart from the merits of the particular case, the fact, is incontrovertible that the. great developments which have occurred of late, in relation especially to-commercial motor traffic, have tended to demonstrate the entirely inadequate width of many of Nottingham's principal thoroughfares, and therein lies the
explanation as to most of the irritation. which. has been occasioned in the public mind, -whatever the faults of particular drivers may have been. No nmre glaring example of defect could possibly. be cited in. 'connection with any large Midland or Northern town than that of Arkwright, Street, Nottingham, the main avenue of traffic leading southwards from the Midland Station, the entire, insufficiency of a roadway which affords access to the principal playing grounds, constituting a positive source of danger upon the days of big football matches, when pedestrian and vehicular traffic is at its fullest,. But it was typical of the want of foresight of former municipal rulers that a roadway, which, without any substantial additional cost, might have been made. oftwice its present width, was permitted to be laid out upon its present attenuated lines, with the result that with the inevitable -growth of motor traffic, endless, trouble is being caused, for which drivers cannot be said to be entirely to blame: Following his decision in a recent, action involving a collision between. motorcars, the nelxly appointed judge,' who recently succeeded the present Mr. Justice Acton, in charge of the Notting-4, hainshire County Court circuit, ex-pressed his view that the time had arrived when some public action ought to be taken as to the total disregardwhich is now being manifested in many cases as to. the proper use of the higho way by motorists, who in their feverishdesire to reach certain spots at certain. times, paid no. heed . to the safety of. either life or limb. Rules were wanted,' he' suggested, which' would empower. judges andmsgistrates to inflict something inthe nature of punishment which would fit the real criminals-.-for criminals they were—and to enforce upon them a change of air in places where,. though they remained months or years, they would. have no opportunity of driving motorcars, and where the only officially recognized car was the Black Maria..