News and Comment.
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C.M.U.A. Lectures.
The next C.M.I.T.A. petrol lecture, to drivers in the employ of members, will be delivered on Wednesday, the 5th prox., at the Royal Automobile Club, by Mr. G. W. Watson.
Normal Costs.
Will parties who write for a reprint of our sheet of normal working costs, which includes both petrol and steam figures, please not fail to enclose a stamped addressed envelope. Copies will then be sent by return of post.
New Registrations.
The Market Harbcrough and District Motor Traction Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of ElOCO in El shares, by E. Sharp of Market Harborough, Leather Tyred Wheels, Ltd., with an authorized capital of .25000 in 21 shares (2000 part preference) by Hugh Hammond and Topham, 13, Market Street, Bradford, to acquire an invention relating to a method of and apparatus for making leather tires for wheels, and for which protection has been granted by the British Patent Office, pursuant to .Application No. 15,890)1910 ; and to manufacture and deal with leather, rubber and other tires, and to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in motor omnibuses, lorries and motor vehicles of every description. Signatories : Alfred WU:man and Charles W. Goodall.
We much regret to learn tha4i Mr. S. F. Edge has been somewhat-seriously indisposed. He is now making satisfactory progress.
Argyll Extensions.
H.R.H. Princess Louise will cut the first sod, on the site of the new garden suburb adjoining the Argyll motor works at Alexandria, tomorrow (Briday).
Motor Mails.
The gross amount of parcel-post receipts, during the financial year ended. the 5th April last, by the
was £2,633,515. Of this, no less than £1,157,961, being 55 per cent. of receipts in respect of all rail-borne parcels, was paid over to the railway companies. We do notwonder that the annual report of the Postmaster-General briefly states that ” the use of motorvans for the conveyance of mails is still being extended with advantage, and over 150 services or sets of services are uow performed by motor-mail vans." The Crown Agents for the Colonies have ordered further Albion chassis, and steam wagons from Alley and MacLellan, Ltd.
Mr. G. Ireland Blackburn has been appointed manager of the Manchester branch of Commercial Cars, Ltd., vice Mr. A. Bert Albert, who has resigned that position.
The report and accounts of Joseph Lucas, Ltd., for the year ended the 31st August last, show a net profit for the year, after provision for depreciation, of £29,637. The subscribed capital is X200,00.
Fire Brigade Matters.
Epsom 1..T.D.C. is likely to sanction the purchase of a motor fireengine at an early date.
Pudsey Town Council is seeking powers to erect a new fire-station, and also to purchase a new engine.
The Olympia Show.
The private-car Show at Olympia, which will be held from the 7th to the 15th prox. _inclusive, is receiving considerable attention in the pars of our sister journal " The Motor." The current issue (dated the 28th inst.) is the first Show number, and it contains numerous at-. tractive features of interest to motorists, both in relation to the recent Paris Show, and the forthcoming London Show. A speciallyinteresting article is one entitled " Super-efficiency." The price, as usua!, is one penny. Continental Test of Argyll Sleevevalve Engines.
One of the leading Continental
internal-combustion-engine experts, IL E. Mathot, I.M.E., has recently carried out some exhaustive tests of Argyll sleevevalve engines with the view to determine fuel consumption, power at different speeds, and general working conditions of this particular class of motor.
Three different sizes of engines underwent test, the ratings being 12 h.p., 15 h.p., and 25 h.p. respectively. The trials proved that Argyll engines are capable of developing remarkable increase of power, even when the revolutions are increased 25 per cent, above normal running. A cepy of a full report of these tests may be obtained on application to Argylls, Ltd., Alexandria, Glasgow.
Amongst the Brewers.
Amongst the exhibitors at the forthcoming Brewers Exhibition will be: William. Allehin, Ltd. ; Alley and MacLellan, Ltd. ; Charles Burrell and Sons, Ltd. ; Clayton and Co., (Huddersfield), Ltd. ; Edison Accumulators, Ltd. ; Fodens, Ltd.; J. and E. Hall, Ltd.; Leyland Motors, Ltd. ; Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd. ; John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. ; Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co. ; and the Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd.
In 1911, there were nine industrial-vehicle exhibitors ; last year, there were 11; and this year there is the same number. Edison Accumulators, Ltd., however, is a newcomer, whilst Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., is not showing. Polacks Busy in Ulster.
We are advised that, owing to considerable increases in Polack tire business in Ulster, it has bebecome necessary to remove the company's Belfast depot from 9, May Street, to larger premises in Montgomery Street It is the inte.ntion to make this depot one of the best of its kind in the kingdom. This means a high standaect of efficiency.