Goods Vehicles and Chassis.
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AMONG.ST the larger vehicles of this type is the Latil 8-ton tractor-lorry; the tractor of this is provided with an inclined splayed guide, Up which runs the ball king -pin of the trailer. When in position this ball is automatically locked into a socket which itself-runs in vertical channel-steel slides and can be raised by a Woods hydraulic tipping gear.
The trailer has a.single small wheel at the front, which is carried in a, binged frame and can take the weight of the trailer when necessary. All four wheels of the tractor are driven, use being made of three differentials and short cardan shafts to the wheels. The engine is under a bonnet, with the radiator behind, and the gearbox gives five speed, forward. There is a powerful foot brake in front of the rear bevel gear. case and expanding brakes on the rear tractor wheels. Another handsome Latil exhibit is a 5-ton furniture pan. technieon, also with four-wheel drive and with an engine powerful enough to permit the hauling of a 5-ton trailer. The vehicle is padded inside and has a tailboard with a hinged step. Unusual strength of construction is displayed in the 5-ton Perliet chassis; this has its four cylinders L-headed and cast in pairs, centrifugal governor, enclosed clutch, starter on gearbox four speed with central control and a very large foot brake behind the gearbox. The drive is by cardan shaft to an overhead worm, carried in a pot-type, east-steel rear axle. Pressed-steel, channels of deep section are used for the frame, which is slightly inswept to the front, and is provided with a double cross-member at the rear, carrying a towing hook with a powerful coil spring, Ram's-horn hooks are also bolted to the side members.
We make very little use in England of the petrol tractor with ordinary trailer, but this has proved a popular machine in France, and Cheriard at Waleker show two tractors—one for drawing loads of 5 tons and the other of 10 tons. As they carry little or no load, the tractors present a somewhat light appearance; in fact, the smaller is equipped with pneumatic tyres.
Hach tractor has a vertical split sheath, on which rides a collar, the height of which is determined by a screw within the sheath, turned by anand-operated bevel gear, at the top. The trailer tie bar rests on this collar and hooks round .the sheath. The tractor has four speeds and a double-reduction gear in a dual-type rear axle, with a load-carrying member at the back, the final drive being by spur gearing in the wheels.
Several trailers equipped for use with this tractor are also shown; they are all made by Lagache Glaszmann, and one is built as a huge boiler and mixer for asphalt. Another carries on it a Seneehal light van of 6 h.p., with a Ruby fourcylinder engine cross-spring at front, quarter-elliptio at. the rear, three-speed gearbox and cardan drive to a bevel-geared axle.
Chenard et Waleker also have a 700 kilo. baker's van, with a car front and tilt-covered van back, and a 8-10.h.p. commercial model, also with cal front, but with open van back, all under one hood. Amongst the chassis is a 2-ton La Licorne with internalcone clutch, eta unusual type of round gearbox and cardan drive • to a bevel axle, a noteworthy feature of which is the extremely long torque and radius member carried at one side of the axle casing and by a cross-member at the front. The same builders stage a 2-ton van, with shelves running the whole length of the long body, dividing this horizontally into three sections, which are open at the front, behind the driver's seat.'
One Latil vehicle which is somewhat difficult to place in any particular category is a 30-cwt., with what is almost a 1.‘rivate-ear front, a large varnished wood van back, with tin cover, roll-up sides and two doors; one at the back and the other at the near-Side front.' The whole vehicle is quite
ornate, and we were quite surprised to find that it has been
built for the transport of live pigs. Another type of vehicle for transporting livestock, such as sheep, is shown by Delaugere Clayette; this has latticewood, sides and two cross-divisions, making three compartments, with side doors, so that the animals face to the side. Severn other vans are on the same stand, and also a 5-tort chassis which is new to us, but does not appear to be of an advanced design. It, has four cylinders cast in pairs, leather cone clutch, which projects an inch or more from the flywheel,combined four-speed gearbox and jackshaft, and open chain drive to the rear wheels.
The Latil goods vehicles almost deserve a small volume to themselves, for their front-wheel and four-wheel-drive cha.ssis can be put to -a great variety of -uses. One remarkable type is the low, platform barrel carrier, on Eneumatic tyres ; examples of this vehicle are giving good service in England and Scotland. There is also a lorry, with tilt cover, for the transport of grain in sacks; this has doors at each side, aload capacity of 5 tons, and is on the four-wheel-drive chassis. Other goods vehicles are a 25-cwt. covered van for Galeries Lafayette. a 30-cwt. lorry on pneumatics, with strap-down cover, and a 25-cwt. closed van, with sliding doors behind seat next to driver.
Almost all the exhibitors staged at least one of the familiar type of French &keep van, which is a vehicle with what is .almost a private car front and with a rectangular back, usually in varnished natural wood. Most of these have tailboards fitted with a hinged step. Certain of this type of vehicle are also made in larger sizes. • Two exceptionally powerful vehicles are shown by Oewald, one is a 7-tonner and the other carries 10 tons, -a heavier model being arranged with a tipping frame for carrying blocks of stone. It has a hinged leg at the back to take the weight off the springs and a steel roller over which to slide the stone. Both machines have chain drive and hydraulic tipping gear.
The 2-tun Cottin. et Desgouttes chassis has an electric flywheel starter in an aluminium housing, a transmission brake behind the gearbox and a two-piece cardan shaft with centre bearing. The axle is a, double-reduction spur and bevel type with a girder torque member, and the front-wheel brakes are operated by a pedal in conjunction with the rear brakes, a second pedal actuating the transmission brake, whilst a speical device, which we illustrate, permits the hand lever to actuate the rear brakes only.
A new type 30-cwt, chassis and a van have been put on
the market by E. Bernard. -The engine is an L-headed monobloc in unit construction with .the gearbox' which has centre ball change. There is a very long•tubular torque member and double-reduction bevel and spur gearing in a vertical-banjo axle. Single pneumatic tyros are used all round. A chassis of considerable interest is the 2-ton Panhard et Levassor. This has a monobloe sleeve-valve. engine and fourspeed gearbox us a unit, a spherical housing for the front of a very long torque tube with stays to the axle and final drive by bevels, the rear axle having'underslung springs.
The 4-ton chassis is very similar, and has ordinary springs and front-wheel brakes with long operating rods to each wheel,
A chassis which has proved popular in thia coontry is the Zedel 10 cwt. This has its engine, clutch and gearbox arranged with the bottom half of the crankcase and of the gearbox in one, and spiral bevel final drive in a vertical-banjo axle. This chassis also is fitted with front-wheel brakes. -
The complete vehicles include one for carrying pigs ; and two vans, one for drapers and one for butchers or bakers.
Amongst the Unto exhibits is a rear Upping wagon with a horizontal hydraulic gear, the ram of which is T-shaped and carries rollers running on a sZide. Curved wedge pieces are attached to the body, and the rollers pressing against these force the body to lift.
Some tiny vans are shown by Peugeot. One is a 5 cwt. *4 11.p. box van, and the other a 10 lt.p. 7 cwt. delivery van. Both of these have roll-up canopies over the driver.
Some interesting Citroen-Kegresse tractors are on view. These are particularly suitable for undeveloped countries: One is shown with a fiat platform for carrying goods and another hauling a trailer with a large disinfecting appliance.
The most interesting. Fiat exhibit is a 3i-tou, forward-dash type lorry in which the clTiver sits beside the engine. This has cardan shaft drive to an overhead worm in a not axle, unit
construction of engine and gearbux and lour speeds. There
is a 1-ton farmer's wagon with hay carrier .suspended from chains at the back.
Novel design is embodied in the 3-ton Renault chassis, which has a four-cylinder engine, internal cone leather-faced clutch and a four-speed gearbox, the front end of which is carried on a spherical joint, whilst the rear is extended into
a fork carried by a crass-member. Within this fork is situated the transmission-brake drum. The drive is by cardan shaft to bevel gears in a vertical-banjo axle, of which the springs are long, and underslung.
The 5-ton chassis is built on the same lines except that provision is made for fitting a. double-reduction gear if required. ISchneiderl show one of their over,tvpe platform wagons carrying a turntable crane, the drive (or which is taken froin the gearbox.
A 3-tun petrol tank wagon 'divided into three fur carrying three grades of spirit is shown by Delahaye.
Passenger -Vehicles and Chassis.
One of the most Modern examples of French design is to inx found on the Berliet. stand in the form of a pneurnatic-tyred chassis for coach work and with a useful load capacity of two tons, It has very many features of exceptional interest, ineluding a valve-in-head engine, with long tappets and rocker arms, the last-nanied having adjustable ball-ended studs rest
ing in cups on the tappets. This unit is controlled by a totally enclosed centrifugal governor, acting on a separate throttle in the inlet pipe, has. its four cylinders 'cast together,. and is provided with a detachable head. Three-point suspension is employed, including a trunnion bearing in the front cross-member.
The drive is taken through. a totally. enclosed clutch and double Hardy disc joint to a four-speed gearbox, with invisible gate central-control lever, and thence by a short cal-clan shaft to the propeller shaft enclosed in a tubular torque member, the front of which has a spherical housing in a double' crossmember of exceptional strength. The final drive is through bevel andspur double-reductiim 'gearing in a vertical banjo casing.
Very great, attentionhas been paid to the braking, and there are actaally four brakes—two direct on rear wheel drums, one on. the front wheels and the fourth on the transmission. The hand brake acts on the rear wheels only, whilst the foot brake acts on a drum carried on a gearbox cross-shaft and also on all four wheels, a. servo device being incorporated.
Another fine chassis, suitable for medium-sized coaches, is shown by Latil ; it has a four-cylinder monobloc engine, singleplate clutch, with double Ferodo surfaces and four-speed gearbox, built as unit with engine ; a tyre pump is provided on the gearbox and there is also a power off-take, with separate control lever.
Behind the gearbox is a transmission brake, with drum ribbed for strength and cooling, and eardan-shaft drive to the bevel-gear casing suspended from frame cross-members, from -which short ca.rdan shafts with spur pinions drive internal gear rings in the back wheels. Care has been paid to the springs, which are particularly loog and flexible. The hand brake acts on rear-wheel drums.
The 10-seater Latil hotel bus is a beautiful vehicle, with scats facing, and six railway type windows apart from that
in the single rear door. All are fitted with spring-roller blinds. The upholstery is exceptionally. comfortable ; there are electric roof lights, and a roof rail permits the carrying of a fair quantity of luggage.
We must confess to a feeling of disappointment with regard to the bodywork on most of the coaches ;. there are a few outstanding examples, but in the main the progress does not appear to be nearly to great as over here, and all-weather types have received scant attention, whilst there is a lack of those—formerly popular—vehicles with an open front and limousine back. We noted one detaehable canopy top covering all but the driver's seat; this was shown by Fontfraid.
An 4-seater coach on a front-wheel-braked chassis is shown by,Rochet Schneider. The passengers are seated four abreast and separated by armrests. This vehicle also has lockers in the seat backs. An unusual feature is the provision of very . low seats over the wheel arches. These small seats could-only be used by children. A truly remarkable coach is shown by A. E. Sauter. This vehicle has a body built by -E. Di Rosa et Pastre Freres who certainly Aurn out some of the best bodywork which we have seen in France.It has two doers to the front row, whence access is gained fro the second row, two -doors to the third row, and a further two giving access to two sociable compartments in which the seats are arranged infacing rows of four.
One of the feature,s of this vehicle is the hinged steps. These are arranged in pairs, and each pair hinges up flush with the valance being operated by a winding drum conveniently situated on the dash.
Rather different from this, although a very well-built vehicle of its type, is the Delahaye coach for use in connection with hunting. This is divided into three compartments, the first for the' driver,. the second for six hunters, in facing seats along the sides, and the third for huntsmen and dogs. Another luxury. coach is the large 13-seater Berliet with • roll-over sides: In this vehicle armrests divide each row of seats bito three, weather protection being afforded by a oneman single4throw hood with a support at each Side. Space is provided under the seats for light luggage, and there is a small locker in the back of each seat facing the passenger. ' The same Maker also 'shows it'intich ,smaller 'coach to seat 14 people in rows of four. This also has a single-throw hood, but without supports, doors being provided for each row of seats and two over the Wheel' arches. A. saloon-coach, with a space for goods or luggage occupying about 3 ft., of the length' at the rear and provided with • double, horizontally ' hinged doors, is also shown )4 Berliet. ,There are eight pair's of seats facing forwards and a back • seat for five, to that the total acconimodation is for 21 passiagers. Light parcel racks are carried airing the sides. Prominent amOngst the coach exhibits are those built, for the P.L.M. for the Route des Alpes, and as autocars for shorter journeys. One of these is shown by Cottin •et. Des goutkes. This is a 14-seater with the passengers three abreast. Rand rails are provided along the top of each row of seats. We noted particularly that double locks are pro vided for all the doors. .
Weather protection is given by a one-piece material hood ' stretched the whole length and without supports. , The chassis has front-wheeel brakes, which are now a feature an almost all vehicles employed In mountainous regions. One pedal is provided for a transmission brake and a second for braking on all four wheels, whilst a Servo brake on the rear wheels is brought into action by a hand lever, the drive being through a double-reddction rear axle. Ohena,rd et Walcker show a smart hotel bus to seat six persons on each side and facing. All the windows are of • the drop frameless type. Two steps are fitted for climbing to the roof and two hooked steel slides are carried at the near side to facilitate loading of luggage. This vehicle has a somewhat unusual type of hood, with wood hoop-sticks at the rear, the remaining two-thirds being cloth stretched over two separate metal hoops, which are detachable.
A smaller chassis, to carry 30-cwt. loads, is also on view. This has a four-cylinder, L-headed monobloo engine, flywheel starter and a four-speed gearbox,-. the lower half of which is formed in one with the lower half of the crankcase, leaving the cliitch,. etc., quite accessible. The drive is throagh a tubular torque member to a double-reduction bevel and spur axle of
very neat design. • :
.-Sleeve-valve engines resembling the Daimler are the speciality of Panhard et Levasser, who have a mast comprehensive exhibit, including a 20-seater saloon coach, which is a splendid example of high-class design, the work of E. di Rosa. In its centre are two rows of eats, each row holding five, entrance being from the front row of five .seats and by a gangway and hinged back rests. Fourteen persons are accommodated at the rear, 10 in two facing rows of five, and four facing the doors. Half of each double seat swings round on a steel floor runner to permit ope 'ing of the door at its respec
tive side.. . . . . . , '. To facilitate entry folding loWer steps are provided on the running boards. This is, we believe, the only coach shown fitted with a frame aerial and Itud speaker. U U On the nic stand is a pretty 'tile 14-seater on the M.I.A.2 chassis, and two hotel 'buisCS on M.I.0.2 and L.2D. chassis.
The first of these has facing seat arranged along the sides, four folding seats at the front and back and a single seat in the centre,, accommodation being for 15 persons, who enter by a single deer at. the off-side front. The second bus is an 8-seater-with facing seats and rear entrance. A ,novel point regarding this vehicle is.that it is fitted with the new Michelin super-comfort,de balloon, tyres. .'• • . •
Another omnibus, this with a capacity for 20 persons, is the Peugeot. It is intended for general work and has a single entrance from the driver's compartment by a sliding &Mr. The seats face forward in pairs, and all the windows are
divided horizontally, the upper halves dropping down against those below when required. An inconspicuous folding seat is „provided at the side of the driver's seat.
ale same makers have a permanent-canopy coach to seat 18 persons. This has a sociable compartment -at the back for eight persons in facing rows of four, thus avoiding the necessity for fitting a door over the wheel arch. Weather protection is provided by mica side curtains.
Amongst the Fiat exhibits is also an hotel bus. This seats 13. There is one row of four seats at the back and facing forwards, facing rows of four at the sides, and & folding seat behind the driver. There are two doors at the rear end, railway-type windows and the usual luggage rail.
A 14-seater coach with an ordinary hood; doors each side, and a grid luggage carrier at the back is also shown.
The gangway type of coach • is fairly popular, and an example is the 15--seater De Dion. This has doors in the driver's seat and to the centre gangway. An unusual point about the body is that the back panel hinges down to form a holder for luggage. Under this is the carrier for the spare wheel.
De Dion buses are used iii certain parts of France to tow passenger trailers, and although no trailer is shown this year, one of the buses is to be seen. This is a 30-seater-with three sets of five seats facing, and a gangway between each set formed by a hinged cushion and squab.
Another neat little 10-seater bus is shown by Aries.
One of the most comfortable coaches is that made by Renault for the P.L.M. This has separate armchair seats for 14 passengers. The rear is specially strengthened and fitted with a large door, so that, if necessary, one ton of luggage can be carried in lieu of passengers.
Typical Paris omnibuses are shown by Renault. One of these is the overtype, with front-wheel bralwa and fitted with pneupatie tyres, whilst the other is the new express-type saleon bus to seat25 passengers. This also has front-wheel
brakes, servo-operated. •
A P.L.M. coach, with a detachable top, with glass windows; opening with the doors, and armchair seats, to seat 18 persons, is staged by Delabaye, and also an 8-seater auto-car, with windscreens and side screens to each row of seats.
A permanent-canopy 10-seater auto-car with front-wheel brakes and vibration dampers is also shown 1:13,Berliet.
Considerable attention is now being given to the development of taxicab chassis, of which there are several on view. Of these, One of the best is the Tinic, which has a unit. constructed engine, clutch and gearbox, thermo-siphonic cooling, and a very curious method of rear springing, consisting at each side of a cantilever upper spring and a quarter-elliptic lower spring, which are attached above and below the axle respectively. The front-wheel-brake operation is through •a face cam on the top of each stub-axle pin. • A new taxicab, which is shown complete and ss chassis form, is the G.R.P. • This is a most modern design ; it has a four-cylinder nionobloa engine of the valve-in-head type.
There is a pedal brake acting on a drum behind the gearbox and also on the front wheels, the brake-operating spindles having ball-and-socket dustcaps. A new feature is a taximeter drive from the gearbox. Another taxicab chassis is the La Liecirne. This has a Ballot engine, internal-cone clutch, and a curious type of circular-bodied gearbox giving three speeds. The brakes are side by side on the rear wheels.
For a description of the Citroen taxicab we must refer our readers to an article which we published in our issue of October 23.
Other fine taxicabs and chassis are shown by Mathis, Delahaye, and Fiat.
Municipal Vehicles.
France is treating the mechanically propelled mrinicipal vehicle as a very important branch of transport, and some very fine examples are staged. They are of all types, including dust-collecting wagons, road sweepers, watering-tank wagons, fire-engines, ambulances, etc. Renault has produced a very successful four-wheeled road sweeper. This has bevel drive to a differential rear axle With cast-steel dropped ends, and final drive through spur Oaring direct to the wheels. From the near-side wheel there a take-off pinion, driving the brush through a (=dart shaft and chain. The brush frame is at the back and has screw adjustment for wear. A water tank is carried and sprayers Latil shows a combined sweeper and watering tank, which ran also be used for fire-fighting in emergencies. This has front-wheel drive, and bevel drive from the gearbox to the brush. Pressure is obtained by a centrifugal pump. There is also a four-wheel-driven Latil dustcart of the sanitary Paris type, fitted with Wood hydraulic gear.
Laffly shows a watering-tank wagon'which can be used as a The-engine. This hes a large turbine pump, driven by a cardan shaft from the gearbox, and a double-reduction spurand-bevetaxle. Another wagon of this type is fitted with a sweeping brush between the whee's, with drive from the second spur gear of the double-reduction dtive to the rear axle.
A four-wheel-driven cesspool empt;er, with vacuum pump between cab and tank, is also shown by Latil.
Quite a number of fire appliances is to be seen. The most interesting of these is the new S.O.M.U.A., which is described elsewhere in this issue. The same makers also show another fire-engine with a small piston-type pump at the back for projeCting " mousse," which is a kind of foam made of carbon dioxide, water, etc.
Three fire-engines and a small fire-tender are shown by Delahaye: These are of more ur less standard French design. The heaviest is noticeable for a powerful spring fender at the ft ont.
Panhard et Levaasor show a small pump on the 2-ton chassis fitted with front-wheel brakes. The pump itself is a Thirion with three nozzles.
Renault has a small four-cylinder fire-engine with the same engine as in the sweeper. The pump is of the centrifugal type and serves two nozzles,
One of the most interesting types is the new Citroenlaiegresse pump for use on aviation grounds. This machine also is constructed for. use ith "mousse," which is cialF tallied in storage tanks. a pump can also be employed for water. Another, Citroen tractor is shown fitted as an ambulance for Morocco.
A powerful fire pump with a large-wheeled escape is shown, On the Renault stand.
Small trailer pumps are shown by De Dion, Aster and Lafily. Ordinary ambulances have by no means been neglected. They are mostly of a Very simple type, carrying either one or two stretchers. They are shown by Laffly, Panhard et Levasser, Renault, Unic, and Delahaye.
Electric Vehicles.
Tlie recent trials of electric vehicles held in France have stirred public opinion in this direction, and representative types are exhibited. Berliet, for instance, shows a 15-cwt. light, electric battery van externally resembling a petrol vehicle, in which the Tudor batteries are carried under the bonnet. There is a two-speed gearbox behind the motor, which itself has four speeds governed by a controller, giving eight speeds in all. The final drive is by bevel gearing in a banjo axle. The same makers show a 5-ton model with a shunt motor giving recuperation. The Laporte 5-ton electric has a two-motor drive to the rear. wheels, each motor ha.: two mechanical change-sp.eed gears between the motor and the enclosed internal drive to the rear wheels. Some neat little battery-electric " camionnette.s " are shown by Societ4i d'Applications Electro-Mecaniques. These are built closely to resemble petrol vehicles. The batteries are in boxes partly under the driver's seat and partly entering the body, the drive being by a motor under the bonnet, with an overhead worm to the front axle.