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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier,
The French Tractor Trials.
The French military, tractor trials at Satory came to an end on October 20th , with the taking down of machines and examination of parts. The two types of tractor taking part in the trials were the Renault and the Citroen-Kegresse.
The Renault machines behaved in their usual excellent manner, and, as.at Last. year's trials, gave complete satisfaction.
The Citroen-Kegresse being a newcomer, and a somewhat revolutionary one at that, created more interest. Labouring under the most abominable conditions, in heavy, clinging mud, these little 10 b.p. machines performed wonders. Pulling the famous " 75 " guns, they made light of the whole course, and, by the way of an additional demonstration, climbed a gradient of nearly 1 in 3, over 200 yards long; this test, wae not in the offioial programme. At the end et, the examination the committee declared that both the Renault and the Citroen-Kregresse tractors had qualified for the special „military subsidy.
The machines used in these trials are on view at the Grand Palais during the Salon des Poids Lourds, and should attract considerable attention. The full results of the trials will be forwarded to the War Ministry within the next few days.
The New Torque Converter:
Mr. Centstantinesco, the inventor ofthe eew "torque converter" which is intended to displace the gearcase, its gearing and the 'final drive to the differential of a motor vehicle, has written us concerning the description ef the invention which appeared in The Commercial Motor of October 16th, saying that that description is 'so far the best that has appeared. He asks us, however, to make it clear that the torque delivered to the rear axle is in the nature of a number of rapid impulses always double the number of revolutions of the engine. The speed ratio between the engine and back axle varies between, say, four to one and infinity, when great power is required to overcome some very great resistance.
Petrol Substitutes and Empire Development:
The British Empire Producers' Organization recently submitted a memorandum to the Imperial Economic Conference urging the importance of encouraging the production of petrol substitutes in every part of the British Empire. One realization ef this aim would help to free us from dependence on foreign countries for the supply of the motor spirit which is new so essential to Empire development. South Africa, was quoted as showing whet could be done in this connection IQ the waseef remitting duties and giving preference in Government contracts,. etc. It is pointed out that there could he no security for the transport services of the British Empire until every part becomes a producer of at least part of its requirements in the matter of motor
B18 war has now been revived, and to such an extent that it is estimated the production of power alcohol an the country dining the present year will exceed 90,000,000 gallons.
Hampton Court Bridge Considered Unsafe.
The state of Hampton Court Bridge, which was constructed 58 years ago and designed only to take slow horse-drawn traffic, is causing concern to the municipal authorities of Middlesex and Surrey as a result of the heavy traffic which it is now called upon to carry. An application has been made to the Minister Of Transport for an order to close the bridge to mechanically propelled vehicles exceeding three tons in weight unladen or haying seats for more than 20 persons, exclusive of the driver; also to limit the speed of heavy motors to 8 m.p.h. and light motors to 10 m.p.h.
The bridge is only 26 ft. wide with a 21-ft. roadway, and it is considered that, in view of its age and design, the bridge could not he satisfactorily strengthened to withstand the stresses imposed by modern traffic conditions.
Strong opposition has been offered to the indefinite closing of the bridge to heavy traffic by the Commercial Motor, Users Association, the Automobile Association, the Royal Automobile Club, the London General Omnibus Co., and other important organizations and road transport concerns, and it is urged that the order prohibiting this class of traffic on the bridge ehOuld be limited to one or . two years.
We learn, with regret, of the death, after a painful, illness, of. Mr. P. 'Bleckley, of the -solid tyre department of the London headquarters of the Avon India Rubeer Coe, Ltd. Mr. BIockley's connection with the company dated from January, 1222, and he had previously been associated with Wood-Milne, Ltd.
Joseph Lucas Report.
The report of Joseph Lucas, Ltd., for the year ended August 31st last shosvs that, after making due provision for depreciation and all taxation, the net profit for the year, including that made by the Lucas Electrical Co., Ltd.. amounted to £128,813, which, with the balance brought forward from thseprevious year, makes a total of £202,776. Interim dividends on the preference and ordinary shares have been paid amounting to £13,678, leaving for disposal a balance of £189,098. This sum is being apportioned by payment of final dividends on the A preference shares of 2e per cent., amounting to
1,927; by a payment on the B preference shares of 5 per cent., amounting to 3,41.1; and by a payment of a final dividend on the ordinary shares of 124 per cent., amounting to £43,129, whilst a bonus of 5 per cent. on the ordinary sheres-will alesorb £17,204.
After these deductions have been made and .25,000 placed to reserve (bringing this fund up to £175,000) and a E10,000 allocation to the staff superannuation fund has been made, a balance of £88,427 is left to be carried forward.
The Busy Man's Guide to the Motor Show.
Giving the salient features of each car exhibit at Olympia, "The Busy Man's Guide to the Motor Show" is ji feature of the second special show number of The Motor, which is now on sale.
Another particularly useful feature of this issue is a complete list of all the cars and their various models on the British market, together with their prices. Thus, the price of any make of ear and any particular model can be ascertained at a glance. A greatly enlarged number, it ales, contains many special articles in connection with the Show.
A National Drivers' Association. The National Motor Drivers' Association, which VMS founded by ex-Service
M.T. drivers in August, 1921,. for the purpose of placing ex-Service men of this clays in civil employment, recently held a meeting at Newcaetle-on-Tyne, when Mr. Joseph M. Dunn, one of the vice-presidents, presided.
Mr. Moffat said that, he was proud to belong to a real trade union of his own craft which has its own ideals. Every man, he said, should belong to his own particular trade union and not concern himself with the affairs of all callings. Mr. Ralph Robson, the general and organizing secrete!' , endorsed these remarks and said that the members would secure their real trade union rate of pay and proper working conditions if they kept to the ideals of the association.
It is interesting to learn that the association has already placed nearly 100 men in employment. The president of the aseociation is Major-Cren. Sir R. A. Kerr-Montgomery, K.C.M.G., .C.B., D.S.O.
American i ractor Exports.
During the first six months of this rear 10,229 tractors, of a total value of $5,714,907, were exported front the United States. During the whole of last year 12,585 machines, valued $5,950;712, were sent out of the country. It is estimated that the end of 1923 will show that tractor exports will be 64 per cent. increased in number and 93 per cent, in value over those for 1922.
The figures for the first six months of this year show that 373 garden tractors were sent abroad, averaging in value $245. Mexico took 88, Lativa 51, Argentina 47, Canada 28, Japan 25, England 23, Spain 20, Uruguay 19, Tur key 15, Australia 13, and Cuba 10. .
The average value of the 9,412 wheeled-type tractors exported was $528. Canada took 2,782 of these, Australia 1,190, England 700, Belgium 688, Argentina 665, France 597, Denmark 407, Russia 347, Spain 271, Cuba 237, Latvia 226, Brazil 171, Italy 150, Ukraine 141, and Finland 102.
Track-laying traCtors to the number of 444, and averaging in value $1,464, were chiefly sent to Australia (173), Bel-gium (46), Canada (30), British East Africa (29), Holland (22), Algeria and Tunis (16), India (15), Cuba (15), Japan (14), Mexico> (12), England (11), and France (10),
Water for Steamers at Birkenhead.
At a meeting of the Birkenhead Corporation Water Committee, the engineer reported upon a scheme for the supply of water to steam wagons approved by a conference representing the Ministry of Transport, the British Waterworks Association, and certain motor associations and traders, enabling drivers of steam wagons to take supPlies from underground tanks 'provided in streets, by means of keys and tokens. The ie,omrnittee decided to inaugurate such a service, which has been adopted in Liverpool, at an estimated cost of £.50.
Endorsing Petrol Pump Accuracy,
Apropos the recent Press controversy relative to the question of the accuracy of. petrol pump -installations, it is interesting to learn that the London County Council Weights and Measures Department are issuing certificates which guarantee the accuracy of pumps which their inspectors have examined.
A certificate of this description has recently been furnished to the Blue Bird Motor Co., Ltd., of Ebury Mews East, Victoria, London, S.W., after the Beweer pumps of the company's petrol and oil installation at their petrol station, 330-340, King's Road, Chelsea, London, S.W., had been tested. The pumps have been stamped as accurate.
Steering with all Four Wheels With reference to the remarkable chassis design which was described in our issue of October 16th under the titre of " The. Breed of the Coach : How it is being Improved," we-are asked to state that the Low Engineering Co., of Feltham, Middlesex, were responsible for a considerable portion of the design and manufacture of this very interesting production.
Guy Repeats, Repeat orders are a sure indication of the success attained by a commercialVehicle chassis, and the merit and popularity of Guy vehicles can beat he judged by quoting a few repeat orders which have recently been secured by the company. These include a 30-cwt. tipping wagon for the Newcastle and Gateshead Water Co.; 15-cwt. and 25-cwt. vans for the Chesham Co-operative Society ; a 25-seater coach for Messrs. Armstrong and Siddle, of Penrith ; a 25-cwt. lorry , for William Whiteley, Ltd., of London; fire-engine chassis for J. Morris and Sens, Ltd., of Salford, and 20-seater 2-ton buses for the Newcastle Motor Co., of Newcastle, Staffs.
Should Fares be Lower ?
There is a general feeling amongst the public--and particularly that section of it which has occasion to use motorbuses -that, with the cost of petrol down below pre-war level, fares should be reduced. This subject formed the topic of discussion at a, recent meeting of the Matlock Councils, when consideration was given to the question of the reduction of fares between the towns. All the proprietors plying for hire between Matlock-and Matlock Bath had been•asked to reduce their fares, and some of thee) were averse to the proposal. The councils decided to adjourn the conference forfurther discussion with the bus owners, since it appears that there is a contract in existence between the two towns and the owners which has another 12 months to run.
The New Bridge Over the Severn.
Mr. Felix Pole. general manages. of the G.W.R. Co., has consulted with the representatives of local eauthorities in connection with ,the proposed road and rail bridge over the River Severn from 13.eachley to dust, with the result that a definite agreement has beers reached.
It was decided that the local authorities and the G.W.R. Co. should act jointly for a bridge to be used by both road and rail traffic, the G.W.R. Co. to be responsible for the design and, when approved, its construction, and that Mr. W. W. Grierson, the company's chief engineer, and Mr. L. Forestier-Walker, M.P., form the deputation to settle details with the Ministry of Transport, which is acting as the representative of locale government authorities concerned in the project.
Traffic in Lancaster.
At a meeting of the Lancaster Watch Committee, the question of traffic .congestion in Penny Street and Cheapside was considered, and the chief constable submitted .details of a traffic census which showed that, in regard to Penny Street and Thurnham Street, two-thirds of the heavy through traffic travelled by way of Thurnham Street.
The committee instructed the town clerk to draw the attention of the appropriate Government department to the congestion caused by the passage of heavy motor vehicles through the town to White Lund, and then returning from White Lund through the'itown to Glee. son Docks, and to-suggest that ,arrangements might beniade for the traffic in question to proceed direct to Gla,sson Docks' without touching Lancaster' or White Lund.
Motors on Rural Roads.
The advance of mechanical transport in rural .districts is rei-ealed by the percentages given in connection with the recent Class II roads census taken in the agricultural county of Pembrokeshire.
Takers at 23 paints of the 6 main Class IT roads, the returns show an average daily tonnage over the TenbySageston road of 477, of which 911. per cent. is Made up by mechanical transport; Haverfordwe,st-St. David's road 373 tons per day, 74 per cent, being mechanical , vehicles; Crane-Pembroke road 353 tons per day, 89' per cent. motor vehicles Dale-Flaverfordwest read 342 tons, 84 per cent, mechanical transport; Hands-Templeton read 366 tans, 84 Per cent. mechanically Propelled vehicles; and Bioneath-Ponti-eselley road 214 tons, 74 per cent. Motor vehicles.
An average of BO per cent, of the total tonnage carried by. these roads as revealed by the census is composed of mechanical transport.
L.C.C. Ambulance Improveme•iits. The London County Connell has authorized the invitation f. tenders for the supply of new mechanically operated
warning bells for motor ambulances, and sanctioned expenditure not exceeding £60 for this purpose. The work of fitting the bells to the ambulances will be done in the fire-brigade workshops, and the olopolete electric bells thus displaced are to be offered, for sale.
The conned has accepted the firstnamed of the seven undermentioned tenders for the supply of three new ambulance bodies :—John Chalmers and Sons, Ltd., Redhill, £502 10s. ; Metcalfes, £579; John C. Beadle, Ltd., £ 655 10s. ; Great Western Motors. Ltd., £ 690; Love and Sons, Ltd., £705; Todd and Wright, Ltd., £825 and G. Scammell and Nephew, Ltd., £870.
Overseas Trade Picking Up.
It is generally well known that, owing to the inabilitysof British manufacturers to meet overseas requirements during the period of the war, foreign products attained a very strong foothold in certain British Colonies and Dominions. Moreover, since the war the general trade depression has resulted in the export
1320 of British commercial vehicles being reduced to very small limits.
It is interesting to learn, however, that many vehicles are now being sent overseas, and this ic undoribtedly due to the reputation which the products of manufacturers in this country have built up abroad.
Guy Motors, Ltd., for example, inform us that they find their overseas business is expanding very considerably, and during the past few weeks the company have obtained orders for three 30-cwt. vehicles from Adelaide, three 2-ton and two 3-ton vehicles from Hobart, two 3-ton vehicles from Sydney, two 21-ton vehicles from Durban, and a number of 15-cwt.., 25-cwt. and 30-cwt, vehicles for Cape .Town.
The Rapid Increase of Motor Ships.
The considerable economical advantage which the motor ship has been shown to possess has resulted in rapid increases in the timber of internal-combustion. engiued vessels -put into coMmission. Some striking figures hearing on the subject will be found in the November number of The Motor Ship, which will be published on Thursday next, November 1st.
Remarkable developments in power units for these vessels are also taking place, and interesting illustrated particulars will be given in this issue of aBurmeister and Wain double-acting engine, the latest Doxford engine, and the new North British 2,000 b.h.p. double-acting two-cycle engine. Other informative articles will deal with the reliability of single-screw motor shipo and the Diesel electric ship "La Playa..
The Way Out of Southend.
Southend Corporation Highways Committee has considered the question of the placing of signs in suitable positions indicating the various exits from Southend to the main roads. The borough sm.
eyor re-submitted the sketches of designs prepared 15y him for this purpose, which he suggested should be placed at Victoria Corner, the junction of Sutton Road and Southchurch Road, and at other main junctions, indicating the routes to adjoining towns and to London. He was directed to arrange-for designs of the type suggested by him to be fixed in the positions proposed. Essex County Council gives the following statement 'regarding the number of licences issued from January 1st to August 31st in the years 1922 and 1923 It has been necessary to commence another series of numbers for registering new vehicles. The letters allocated by the Ministry of 'Transport are " P.U." 9,999 vehicles are registered under each series and this is the fourth series since the Motor Car Act, 1903, came into force. The following details are of interest :—
More Motors for the L.P.B.
The L.C.C. Fire Brigade Committee reports that it had four tenders for the supply of four new escape vans for the fire brigade :—Tilling-Stevens Motors, Ltd., Maidstone, £3,328; Dennis Bros.. Ltd., Guildford, 24,580; Leyland Motors, Ltd., £4,680; and Halley's Induotrial Motors, Ltd., Glasgow, B4,880. The committee has accepted the tender of Dennis Bros., Ltd. An amount of £100 will be allowed by the contractors in respect of the purchase of old vans,
Dodge Brothers Service.
The diseontinuanCe by International Motors, Ltd., of the exclusive sale of Dodge Brothers motor vehicles affords an unusual opportunity for certain classes of users, since, we learn, that the company's entire stock of Dodge Brothers vehicles an spare parts are to he sold off at greatly reduced prices. The company will continue to give service to users of Dodge Brothers vehicles from their works at Bloemfontein Avenue, Shepherd's Bush.
Japan's Needs.
Just. before the catastrophe in Japan the municipality of Tokio ordered 14 2-ton trucks, with steel tipping bodies, for road building. Two Benz sprinklersweeper outfits were also purchased. About the same time the Imperial Government Railways, the Hokkaido Prefecture, the Kumamoto Municipality, and the Navy Department each ordered three -lorries. It is much more likely that these orders will be supplemented rather than cancelled, for mechanical road transport is figuring very prominently in redressing economically this stricken corner of the world.
American Exports.
Tho export of commercial vehicles and motorbuses felectrie Vehicles excepted) from America during the month of August totalled 1,646, valued at 1,120,005 dollars, of which Belgium imported 333, Australia 256, Japan 226, Canada 77, Spain 75, and the British Isles 58.
A Municipal Bus_ Garage.
Tynemouth is .considering the possibility of a municipal garage for motorbuses. Two sites have been suggested and the watch committee has held conferences with the bus proprietors, who included Mr. Archer (Gray Bros.), Mr. Someryille (Tynemouth Traction Co.), Mr. Sotham (United Co.), Mr. John Portem, Mr. Bibby, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Fairweather, Mr. Smith and
Mr. Saunders (National). • The chairman explained that if the committee leased 'a site for the purpose it is proposed to erect a lean-to shelter, solidify the floor area, light the premises and convert it as a stand for about ten omnibuses and to charge, say, £5 par annum for each stand.
The bus proprietors approved of the arrangement and appointed the follow ing representatives to consider details with a sub-committee :.--Masers. Somerville Sotham, Bibby and Smith. Subsequently, the watch committee had a petition from owners and occupiers of property in the vicinity of the proposed bus garage protesting against a stand for buses being established in the position suggested. The committee decided to hold a meeting on tbe, site before coming to a final decision.
Traffic Congestion in Glasgow.
.Chief Constable A. D. Smith recently dealt with the question of traffic congestion in the centre of Glasgow, and pointed to the causes as being narrow streets, the unequal portion of street space claimed for the use of tramcars, and vehicles standing on the streets for the purpose of loading or unloading goods or waiting.for passengers.
To accommodate modern traffic, the minimum width of a street, said the chief constable, would require . to be 60 ft. from kerb to kerb, and this would permit three lines of traffic moving in the same direction.
Remedies suggested fo,r overcoming the present troubles are that powers be given for the regulation of all vehicular traffic, more particularly tramcars in the central area, and that vehicles be prohibited from standing in the main streets during certain hours. A system of circular tram routes as a means of relieving the congestion was suggested,and this would undoubtedly ease the situation to a considerable extent, for the same difficulty is fully apparent at all tramway dead-ends in London.
Peru's Progressive Tariff Policy.
A new tariff scale was recently put into force in Peru. Although Of a protective nature, calculated to favour the Peruvian manufacturer sa far as possible it is well realized, not only that motor vehicles cannot be manufactured in the country' _but that they are necessary to the Republic's development. Accordingly, the duty on lorries and motorbuses, which was formerly 20 cents per kilo. gross weight, has now been reduced to I cent per kilo. gross weight. Repair parts have been reduced from 60 cents per kilo. to 15 per cent, ad valorem, whilst tractors are admitted free.
It is expected that these new rates will prove a great stimulus to.the use of lorries in Peru, and provides an example that many other undeveloped countries of the world might follow. These tariff reductions have already resulted in the price of Ford trucks being reduced from £P.225 to £P.180, whilst the Fordson tractor has been reduced from L15.250 to LP.095.
. Commer Car Loudon Agents.
Commercial Cars, Ltd. of Luton, inform us that Messrs. Brew Bros., of Roland Gardens, Roland Mews, South Kensington, London, S.W., have been appointed the company's service agents for the London postal area, and they hold a comprehensive stock of spare parts for all types of Commer Car vehicles.
The Motor Revel.
' Mr. Harry Lancaster, as hon. secretary of the Motor Revel Carnival and Ball, organized in connection with the Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund, asks us to say that he would be glad if members of the motor trade would let him know the number of tickets they are retaining, so that the final arrangements can be proceeded with. The ball is to be held at the Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, London, W.C.2, on November 2nd..
A Road Across Marshes.
One of the most important of the schemes formulated for the construction " of new roads in the London area is that dealing with the 60-ft. thoroughfare which is to he built across the Lea Marshes from. Edmonton to Walthamstew at a cost of .£200,000.
Cardiff Cab Fares.
As a result of the inqoiry made by the Cardiff Watch Committee some months ago into the scale of taxicab charges, the committee has reduced the fares, and a new by-law has been put into operation. This -rule states that is. most be the fare charged for two persons travelling over any distance not exceeding three-quarters of a mile, and
4d. for each succeeding 'quarter of a mite or part thereof.
This new rate means that the charge fer two persons is now is. 4d. per mile.
Hull's All-night Service.
The authorities at Hull receatly instituted an experimental all-bight motorbus service, and from 11.30 p.m. each evening a half-hourly service is being maintained until 2.30 a.m. It is intended to review the financial position of the service after it has been tried-out for a period of two months, and those routes which have not shown a remunerative return will be discontinued.
H. Viney and Co, Ltd., motor haulage contractors, Preston, having recently enlarged their premises, are now well situated for offering night garage to wagons visiting the town. They can also supply lubricating oils, petrol andlcoke, etc. Solid rubber tyres are stocked, and a hydraulic press is installed for the fitting of the same, which work can be per. formed by night as well as by day.
Petitioning for Services.
In a response to a petition extensively signed by the ratepayers and public of Radcliffe (Lancs.), Wm. Lees, Ltd., of Radcliffe and Bolton, have decided to place on trial for one month a daily Motor 'coach service between Whitefield through Unsworth, Hollins, and Blackford Bridge. The service was inaugurated on Monday, October 22nd, and if, during the month's trial, the service proves a success, a light motorbus will be substituted and the service made into a permanent one.
I.A.E. Activities.
At the last meeting of the council of the Institution of Automobile Engineers it was announced that the Utility Prise of £25 offered by Lt.-Col. D. J. Smith for the paper read before the institution adjudged to be of greatest utility to the automobile industry, had been awarded by the judges to Mr. II. S. Rowell for his paper on " Principles of Vehicle Suspension." The announcement was also made that a branch of the Graduates' Section had been formed at Derby, and that. arrangenients were in progress for an active session there during the winter. This brings the total of graduates' branches of the institution to six i.e., London, Birmingham,, Coventry, Derby, Loughborough and Luton.
It was decided that an endeavour should be made to arrange for a eonference of the members of the institution at the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley insJune next, in connection with the summer visit.
Buses Contribute to Success of . Shopping Week.
A considerable margin of .the success attending the official inauguration of the Durham. City Chamber of Trade's first Shopping Week, which opened on October 20th, was directly the result of the activity of the leading motor-omnibns concerns plying in the neighbourhood of the old ,cathedral town. Durham, Of course, forms the 'centre of an extensive ritiniiag'and agricnitural neighbourhecid, -which is covered with a veritable net
st22 work of bus routes, and in practically all cases the regular services were added to by the operation of additional vehicles, in order to cope with the large crowds desiring to visit the city. The largest companies operating services from Durham are the United Automobile Services, Ltd., and the Northern General Transport Co., but, in addition, smaller owners are providing certain facilities.
Municipal Bus Doings.
Maxwelltown Town Council has granted licences to Messrs. Richard Percival for a bus service between the town and Dumfries., Mansfield town clerk has sent out a circular to bus licence holders warning them against overcrowding, and insist ing on the by-laws being observed. The Mynyddishwyn Urban Districts Council has considered a proposed new bus route to Newport submitted by Messrs. Boothman, which will pass through the mining areas_ The council decided to refer the suggestion to 660 Newport Transport Committee.
Hull Watch Committee has confirmed the action of the chief constable in. refusing to grant the applications of Messrs. Wilcox and Watts for a bus service between Hull and South 'Cave, and the Bradford Storage and Trans, port Co. for a bus service to be run between Hull and Cottingliam.
The Newport (Mon.) Borough Council will shortly consider the advisability of instituting its own motorbus service as a supplementary facility to the municipal tramways service. The general manager of the tramways is preparing a report on the matter, and will submit it to the electricity and tramways committee.
The Bedwas and 11fachen Urban Dis• trict Council has commenced the operation of special bus services for workmen from Machen to Trethom,as. The possibility of a concession fare for schist?l children is also under consideration by the council's Omnibus Committee, local schoolmasters having applied for this and for reduced fares On buses for the school , boy football teams playing at Caerphilly.
Local Proceedings.
Clitheroe Town Council is considering the purchase of a motor fire-engine.
Swindon Town Council is inviting tenders for the supply of a motor fire engine. , Swansea Watch Committee has decided to grant no more permits for roadside petrol pumps.
Tynemoutb. Corporation Cleansing Committee has invited tenders for the supply of two Ford lorries.
Bolton Corporation has accepted the tender of Southerns, Ltd., for the supply of an Austin motor ambulance.
Wallasey Corporation Tramways Corn. mittee is considering suggestions for the extension of the motorbus services.
. East Barnet Urban District Council has decided to purchase a motor lorry of British manufacture at a cost of 1500 or £600.
Brighton Watch Committee has transferred the licences of six motorcycle sidecar taxis from the Brighton Bi-car Co. to Mr. J. E. Haig.
The estimates presented to the Pontypridd Urban District Council for the half-year ending March next include £600 for the purchase of an additional lorry for scavenging work.
Preston Corporation Tramways Committee has considered a suggestion by the chief constable that tramcars should not stop opposite each other, but decided to take no action in the matter.
Mansfield Watch Committee reports that there are now 197 omnibuses and 49 small ears licensed. It is pointed out that the small cars are also used for private hire and do not run on regular service from the stands.
Bolton Corporation electricity engineer has reported on the advisability of in
creasing the number of motor" vehicles as a meansof securing efficiency and economy, and a sub-committee has been appointed to consider the matter..
Cambridge Corporation .has asked the borough surveyor to consult with the
chief constable as to the desirability of painting white lines in the roadway at certain points in the borough, with the object of defining the line of traffic.
The Haxabledou Rural District Council -has recently taken delivery of a third set of two 50-cwt. Makrob tipping bodies supplied by Municipal Engineers, Ltd.. of 11, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4, and fitted to a 5-ton Foden steam wagon.
The Swansea Town Council has adopted a recommendation of the high ways committee that. a marine drive be constructed at the Mumbles, with a 24-ft. carriage-way and a 7-ft. wide pathway on one side, at an estimated cost of £47,000.
Southend Corporation Works Committee has considered fenders for the
provision of plant for the charging of
four electric vehicles purchased in May last for refuse-disposal purposes, and recommends that the tender of MessrS. Stone and Co., at prices amounting to
£545 18s., be accepted. .
Stretford Urban District. Council reports that in the eight cases of pumps installed on highways in its area-agree
ments with the council were provisional and subject to determination on three Months' notice. It has been decided that the question whether or not notice should be "given to terminate these a ffreements be considered three menthe hence.