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T.R.T.A. Favours Tes ts for H.g.v. Licences

30th October 1964
Page 26
Page 26, 30th October 1964 — T.R.T.A. Favours Tes ts for H.g.v. Licences
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THE Traders Road Transport Association is very strongly in favour of any scheme for heavy goods vehicle driving licences which is based on an actual driving test as a means of qualification. This was made clear at the Association's national council meeting this week, and the inference must be that the T.R.T.A. does not therefore favour the Ministry's proposals for h.g.v. licences to be based primarily on experience.

The national council also discussed vehicle maintenance and it was agreed that the vehicles committee should draw up proposals for submission to the Ministry of Transport, relating to the ways in which they thought maintenance should be tightened up and in which enforcement should be carried out.

The chairman of the vehicles corn mittee, Mr. H. B. Phillips, reported that the B.S.I. was on the brink of producing its standard for diesel engines, which includes smoke limits. On an associated matter, he said he thought that the results of the Ministry's roadside spot checks should be passed quickly hack to manufacturers with the object of encouraging improvements; many of the defects discovered were due to the way in which vehicles were designed.

Mr. J. Delicate, general transport manager of Courtaulds, has been appointed president-elect of the Association, to succeed Mr. Turner.

It has been confirmed that the Association's next national conference will be held from April 28 to May I next year. the conference headquarters being the Grand Hotel, Scarborough.