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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier,
Developing the Holle Chassis.
Important and interesting developments are occurring in connection with the remarkable chassis invented by Mr. Holle, which was described some time ago in The Commercial Motor.
This vehicle has four-wheel drive,. braking and steering and a special form of suspension.
So far, little encouragement has been given to it in this country, but an Italian company, known as the S.I.P.I.A., has been formed to exploit the patents, and the builders of the Alfa-Romeo car, which, it will be remembered. won the Grand Prix, are arranging to build a 25-cwt. lorry embodying the Holle patents. This vehicle will be of the Italian subsidy type. The Italian interests., are being backed by Senator Silvio Crespi, President of the Monza Racing Track, who has a large interest in many other important :Italian concerns.
We learn also that France is very interested in the design. '
Horse-power Rating.
The Minister of Transport has formally requested the Royal Automobile Club to set up, in conjunction with the Society of Motor Manufacturers. and Traders, a technical committee to examine and report without delay as to whether any, and if so what, modification of the R.A.C. rating is desirable, particularly for purposes of taxation. Paragraphs 18 to 29 and 50 to 57 of the main report of June 24th (third inierim report of Departmental Committee), Mr. Shrapnell-Smith's reservations on page 67 of that report, and paragraphs 40 to 49 of Mr. Stenson Cooke's and Mr. Straker's minority report are specially referred for consideration.
Cab Drivers' Association Extends. -The most active association of cab drivers in the country, the Motor Cab Trade Protection Society, which has hitherto confined its attentions to ,has hitherto is now extending its operations throughout the provinces. It Is to, be known in the future as the Motor Cab Trade Protection Society, London and Provincial, and membership is open to all taxicab drivers at the same subscription as that for London drivers, namely sixpence per week.
'The Society was formed rather more than three years ago, its principal object being to afford legal assistance to cabmen 1,clho happened to be so unfortunate as to come under the eye of the law, and its success ha,s been such that it now numbers snore than half the cabmen of London as members. This principal benefit, the representation of any member in court by counsel, is to be extended to all provincial members. The object, which the Society has in view in extending its activities to the provinces, is that of getting all cab drivers into one united society.
The first provincial branch to be formed was at. Worthing, where the secretary of the Society, Mr. W.
• Tucker, and its chief organiser, Mr. Will . Wright, were enthusiastically received. -222 At Liverpool, where a meeting was held last week, 80 per cent. of the Liverpool taxicab drivers turned up, and 50 per cent. joined the Society. Other branches are being formed at Brighton, Leeds, etc., and arrangements have been made for the attendance of one of the organizers of the Society at any town In the Kingdom, provided that sufficient interest is shown. Inquiries should he addressed to the secretary at 14, Red. Lion Square, London, W.C.2.
Leyland Agents Meet and Dille.
The directors of Leyland Motors, Ltd., entertained their home agents at Kingston and in London . on Thursday last. Sole agents for Trojans were invited to lunch at Kingston and afterwards had a preliminary conference with the representatives of the company. This was followed by a full conference of sole agents and sub-agents. In the meantime the Leyland commercial, vehicle agents were making a tour of the factory, ancl whilst they wero in conference, the Trojan. agents went over the works and inspected new models. Tea brought everybody together, and then the guests were conveyed to London. In the evening the chairman and board., of directors entertained their agents to the numberof about 140 to dinner at Frascati's Restaurant, when considerable enthusiasm was shown, expressions of cordial goodwill from maker and from seller auguring well for the future of Leyland and Trojan 'sales. Inst. of T. Conference.
The conference organized by the institute of Transport at Wembley on September 19th was well attended, tht hall of the Port of London Authority being filled. SitHenry P. Maybury occupied the chair, and was supported by the Minister of Transport. The subjeces of the papers were " Imperial Communications" (by air) and "Transportation in Relation to the .Development of South Africa." In. connection with the latter it was shown that the Roadrail system was making experimental headway and that mechanical road transport was developing in the State. An enjoyable lunch (the speeches were too many and too lengthy, perhaps !) was followed by . visits to important exhibits.
Albion's New Trade Mark.
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., inform us that they have been granted a certificate, under the Registration of Trade Marks Act, for the name of " Viking " in respect of motor coaches, motor omnibuses and the chassis thereof. Although the Albion Viking motor coach was only placed on the market at the beginning of the present season, it has achieved a large measure ofpopularity, mainly due to the fact that, it has a distinctive appearance and gives extremely comfortable travelling. The company have arranged to show during October a 1925 model of this coach on their stand in the motor section of the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley.
Canadian Tyre Exports.
It is shown from figures which recently have been issued dealing with Canadian exports during July that 55,568 pneumatic-tyre covers were exported during the period, the figure for the previous month being 38,197, and for the same month of the preceding year 50,612. The total number of pneumatictyre covers exported during the year ended July last amounted to 505,632. So far as inner tubes are concerned, 54,481 were exported during July, the number for the 12 months to this date being 489,671.
So far as solid tyres are concerned, 838 were sent out of the country in July, bringing the total for the 12 months to 10,518.
Tenders for Mail Contracts Wanted. We would direct the attention of those who undertake contracting work to an announcement in the small advertisement columns of this isene, in which the Postmaster-General invites tenders for the conveyance of letter and parcel mails in London. Tenders, it should be noted, have to be delivered not later than October 31st.
Inst. of T. Awards.
The Road Transport gold medals of the Institute of Transport have been awarded to Mr. R. J. Howley, C.B.E., and Mr. E. S. Sinnott, C.M.G., for their papers read during the last 5.lessin.• Sir Lyndon Mamssey, K.B.E., K.C., will deliver his inaugural address as president at the meeting to be held on October 6th in London.
Canadian Lorry Exports.
According to statistics which have recently been published, the number of commercial vehicles exported from Canada during the month of July was 800, of which 707 were of a capacity of 1 ton or less. The total value of these exports was 293,090 dollars.
In June of this year 1,124 commercial vehicles were exported, and in the month of July a year earlier 1,172 vehicles were sent out of the country. The total number of vehicles exported during the year ended July last was 15,103, as compared with 6,676 for the preceding year.
A New Fire-engine Wanted.
The Northallerton Rural District Council, which pays a sum of £30 per annum to the urban district council as a retainer for the use of its fire-engine on the occasion of outbreaks in its area, has .received a communication from the urban authorities pointing out that the present vehicle in use is not suitable for travelling long distances and that a new engine is required. The rural council has appointed a committee to discuss the matter with the urban council.
Prince of Wales to Open New Roads.
The Ministry of Transport announces that His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has consented to open (1) the reconstructed Watling Street from its commencement in the urban district of Dartford at the Brent to its termination at the top of &rood Hill, in the City of Rochester ; and (2) the new by pass road which has been constructed to enable through traffic to avoid the town of Dartford.
The ceremony is fixed for Wednesday, November 19th, at noon, and so soon as arrangements have been completed a formal programme will be issued.
Black Dyke Railway Crossing.
Road users who have occasion to use the Black Dyke crossing near Arnside Station have been greatly inconvenienced by the fact that the railway gates are invariably closed and only open on demand. The matter was taken up by the Royal Automobile Club, which has now succeeded in getting the local authority to erect motor signs with level-crossing symbols on each side of the crossing, and has also taken the matter up with the railway company with a view to remedying the inconvenience caused by -the permanently closed gates.
Success of Trolley-petrol-electric Bus.
At the last meeting of the Teesside Railless Traction Board the general Manager, Mr. J. B. Parker, reported that the newly designed combined trolley-petrol-electric vehicle (which was fully described in The Commercial Motor, dated September 16th) which was being run as an experiment over the Board's system had proved extremely satisfactory in every way.. Dealing with the manner in which the new vehicle should be utilized, a resolution passed by the Eaton Urban District Council, which is a part owner of the system, suggested that it should be operated to Eaton at certain busy periods of the day for the benefit of workmen, who required a speedy and non-Change service to get them to and from work in the least possible time. The matter was deferred until the next meeting for the manager to report upon the most useful method of operating the new bus, and in the meantime he was authorized to extend an invitation to . representatives of neighbouring authorities who might be interested in the new vehicle to visit the South Bank depot and inspect the bus under working conditions. .
R.A.C. Winter Road Service.
In view of the enormous increase in the number of associate-members of the Royal Automobile Club, the committee has resolved to maintain the touring guides service on the roads at full summer strength right through the winter months. Full preparations are also being made to augment this invaluable service early next spring.
To Sell Fellows Magnetos.
Mr. Ernest Grimaldi informs us that he has been appointed sales manager to th-: Fellows Magneto Co., Ltd. of Cumberland Avenue, London, N Ni.10. Mr. A. E. Bennett, who was Mr. Grimaldi's predecessor, has resigned from the company and has purchased the Chequers Hotel, Honey.
At Work on Tea Plantations.
Although the S.D. Freighter has only been on the market for a short period, it has achieved a remarkable measure of success, not only in this country but also abroad, and examples of the machine are giving efficient and economical service in the transport of goods in several parts of the Empire. The vehicle which we illustrate on this page is in the service of Mann, Little and Co. (Ceylon), Ltd., the company's agents in Colombo. The freighter is used on an up-country tea estate, and in one of the pictures is seen loaded with \cases of tea, and in the other carrying a number of coolies. We are told that this particular machine is the first mechanical vehicle—in fact, it is the only one—which has been used to convey goods to the Kandanewera Estate.
• Wild-Barlield Furnaces in France.
Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., of 173-175, Farringdon Road, London, E.C., inform us that, with a view to stimulating the demand for their electric furnaces in France, French Possessions and countries under the protection of France, La Compagnie Francais WildBarfield has been farmed, with offices at 102, Rue de Faubourg, Poissonniere, Paris.
Northern General D:vidends.
The directors of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., of Chester-le-Street, have declared for payment to-day (September 30th) the following dividends on the shares of the company :—Ordinary shares of £1 each, an interim dividend at the rate of 2i per cent, per annum, less tax, for the year ending December 31st, 1924 (no interim last year); 6 per cent, preference shares of £1 each, a dividend at the rate of & per cent, per annum, less tax, for the half-year ended June 30th, 1924.
Emergency Exits on Birmingham Buses.
Since the recent Nuneaton disaster many of the large bus-operating companies have given attention to the problem of simplifying the operation of emergency doors, and the engineers of the Birmingham and Midland Omnibus Co., Ltd., have devoted much time to experiments in this direction, with the result that what is considered to be a satisfactory and effective device has been evolved.
On some of the buses run by this company it was formerly necessary to remove part of the seat back covering the door in order to open it, but this has been dispensed with, and in itsplace a leather-covered bar which serves as a support for the back of the passenger is now being used_ The lever which actually operates the door has also been raised, so that it now appears above the support, and is thus in a readily accessible position f or quick operation in case of need.
A Ley/and Tanker in Toronto.
The establishment of extensive branches overseas has done much to foster the trade of Leyland Motors, Ltd., abroad. One of these branches at Toronto is a hive of activity, and the Leyland vehicle which is illustrated on this page has been supplied through it to the Shell Co. of Canada, Ltd.
1:n ordering this vehicle the users specified for a special show finish, and accordingly immediate delivery was not required, so that opportunity was taken of showing the vehicle at the 1923 Canadian National Exhibition and also at the Montreal Show in January of this year, subsequent to which the vehicle was used for demonstration and showroom purposes in chassis form.
The chassis is an Al model 2-tonner with the frame painted black and red, and the engine and many other parts highly polished. The equipment of the .vehicle includes towing hooks and a spring drawbar at the rear.
The tyres originally fitted were Goodyear solids, but owing to local legislation affecting chassis of this particular weight, pneumatics were ultimately sub
stituted. Some difficulty was experienced in making this alteration, as the machine, which incorporates gears of standard ratios, is used in very hilly districts, and it was important, therefore, that the effective gear ratios should not be raised. Some difficulty was also experienced in finding suitable replacements, but eventually Firestone tyres were employed, although their use necessitated a change to wheels, hubs and bearings not of Leyland manufac ture. The tyres on all wheels are of 36-in, by 8-in. dimensions. Spare tyres are carried behind the driver's cab on both sides of the vehicle.
That the owners are satisfied with the performance of this tanker is testified by their having placed a further order for a Leyland vehicle, which, however, will be mounted on solid tyres and will be used in the Ottawa district.
Road Fund Administration.
The report on the administration of the Road Fund for the year ended March 31st last shows that total receipts exceeded a sum of £14,000,000, and that grants amounting to over £17,000,000 have been paid, the total net payments exceeding £13,000,000. The total commitments of the Fund were approxi matey £22,000,000, and the outstanding liabilities exceeded the balance by about £5,000,000; but, in considering this figure, it should be remembered that future revenues have been anticipated so that work could be expedited in .order to effect a measure of relief to unemployment.
A Loud Speaker for Coach Trips.
Although somewhat latecomers into the wireless field, C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., are not letting the grass grow under their feet. Their batteries for sets are, of course, well known, and the lately introduced practically noise-proof loud-speaker has met with considerable success, our own experiments going to prove that the reproduction of speech and music is in no wise an imitation of gramophone rendering, and that it is amply powerful for open-air work such as ia called for in the amusement of motor coach parties. They hope shortly to introduce yet another innovation which should still further enhance the pleasure of listeners-in.
A New R.D.C.s' Association.
An important step, which has for its objects the regulation of bus traffic and consideration of the problems of maintenance of rural roads, was taken recently in South Wales, when the South Wales and Monmouth Rural District Councils' Association was formally inaugurated. This body has not been formed in opposition to the National Association of Rural District Councils, but is to attend. to the specific needs of certain Welsh authorities. The president of the Association is Alderman William Jenkins, of the Neath Rural District Council, who is also M.P. for Neath. The hon. secretary and treasurer of the Association is Mr. M. Warren' the clerk to the Cardiff Rural District Council. Altogether 16 rural district councils are members of the new Association, and they represent a population of 326,000. Resolutions of much importance in connection with motorbus traffic havit, already been passe,d by the. Association and forwarded to the Ministry of Transport.
South Wales Road Schemes.
Several schemes of importance to road users are either under way or will be put in hand shortly in South Wales districts. The Ministry of Transport has promised the Pembrokeshire authorities, who are responsible for the maintenance el the HaverfordWest-Whitland road, a substantial grant towards the 275,000 which is to be expended on improving the :highway. At the suggestion of the Ministry of Transport, the Glamorgan County Council is making an important Aiversion at Larleston, on the main Cardiff to Swansea road, which will avoid undue congestion to traffic passing from east to west in the 13ridgend district.
The agricultural districts of Cardiganshire will, for the first time, be made accessible to heavy traffic, for, in the near future, roads are to be-constructed on the north and south sides of the county to link up with the English border counties. The new highway will run from Aberystwyth to Rhayader and from Tregarnou to Llanwystyd. •
A German Transportation Exhibinon.
The first German Transporta,tion Exhibition is to be held at Munich next year, in which all.forms of locomotion, including road transport vehicles, will
figure prominently. British manufacturers of motor vehicles and equipment are invited to participate in the Exhibition' particulars of which can be obtained from •Die Geschaeftsstelle der Deutschen Verkehrsaustellung, Austellungspark, Theresienhoehe 4a, Munchen, Germany.
Ban on Drif field's Rural Roads.
. At a meeting of the Driffield Rural District Council held a few days ago, a sub-committee of the highway committee. presented a report which dealt with the prohibition of heavy motor traffic on certain roads in the district, and the county council has been informed that it is the opinion of the rural district council that the following roads should be closed to vehicles of this description : Weaverthorpe-Sherhurn, Driffield-Elmswell, Wold:Cottatn Bottoms-CowlamLuttons . Athbo, Kilham WestfieldCottain Grange, Burrow-Weaverthorpe,
Kilham-North Burton, Kirkburn-Tibthoipe-Huggate, Jenkinson Lane, Back Street and Holman Lane, Hutton Cranswick, Wansford-Skerne Hutton Cranswick and Skerne-Driffield, BeefordGenabling-GiTat and Little Kelk-Lowthorpe, the junction with the DriffieldBridlington main road, Lowthorpe Station to Harpham, from junction with above road to junction with DriffieldBridlington main road, Little KelkBurton Agnes, Sledmere-Helperthorpe An Albion Booklet.
The literature produced by the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., for the benefit oi the user or potential user invariably contains much sage advice of direct value to all those interested in business motor vehicles, and the latest booklet which the company have just issued is no exception to the rule. It is entitled, "-Before You Sign That Cheque "-and, although ostensibly published to appraise the merits of Albion commercial vehicles, it gives many reasons why it is not always wise practice to purchase a machine offered at an extremely tempting price.
Willesden's Ambulance Service.
The 10th annual report of the Willesden Council's ambulance service shows that the seven motor vehicles which came into use in Decembei, 1913, had up to the end of March, 1924, covered a total of 572,724 miles, the total mileage for the past twelve months being 61,653. The last payment of the ten years' loan obtained to purchase these cars and for the erection of the garage was made in September, 1923, and the council reports that all the vehicles are still in use and giving good service.
Morecambe Passenger Vehicle Inquiry.
A committee has been appointed by the Morecambe Corporation to report on the desirability or otherwise of acquiring a public char-a-bancs parking centre in preference to allowing the vehicles to use stands on the promenade, and also into the regulation of motor omnibus routes and generally as to the policy of the licensingauthority with respect to hackney carriagts and motor omnibuses.
Retai ing Treacle from Lorries.
An illustration on this page shows one of two 30-cwt. vans which have been supplied by V.-a Vulcan Motor and Engineerine Co. (1906), Ltd. to a company of treacle manufacturers for the purpose of retailing this confection in the streets of suburbs, villages and country districts.
The vehicles employed by the company make regular journeys and halt at .specified places. In order to draw the attention of the inhabitants to the presence of the vehicle, a bell is rung so that they may purchase their supplies of treacle.
The panels on the sides of the body are strikingly painted in blue and
An American Commercial Show.
At the commercial vehicle show which is to be held in. Chicago from October 21st to 27th, all types of vehicle used for goods and passenger transport will be shown, and sections are also being allocated for the display of railcars, trainers, etc.
The Liverpool Parade.
On Saturday last, Liverpool
held its fifth annual motor parade. In both the petrol and the steam fleets classes there was keen competition, but generally speaking, excepting for two of the single petrol classes and the non-members section, the entries were not so strong, as the area committee were entitled to expect.
Seven teams of three vehicles were entered for the steam fleet competition, the entries comprising 10 Leylands, 10 Sentinels and .Atkinson.
The six petrol fleets comprised 10 Leylands, 5 Thornycrofts, 1 A.E.C., 1 Dennis, 1 Karrier.
The entries in other classes were as follow :— Single steam vehicles (1919) for haulage contractors, 4 Sentinels.
Single steam vehicles (1923) for haulage contractors, 4 Leylands, 1 Atkinson.
Single petrol vehicles (1919) for
haulage contractors, 4 Maudslays, 1 Garner.
Single petrol vehicles j923) for haulage contractors, no entries.
Single steam vehicles (1919) for other tthan haulage contractors, 6 Sentinels, 3 Leylands.
Single steam vehicles (1923) for other than' haulage contractors, 3 Leylands, 1 Sentinel.
Single petrol vehicles (1919) for other than haulage contractors, 5 Thornycroits, 4 Leylands, 2 Wolseley, 1 A.E.C., 1 Austin, 1 Albion, 1 Karrier.
Single petrol vehicles (1923) fer other than haulage contrthctors, 10 Leylands, 2 Thornycaofts, 1 Liberty, 1 Morris, 1 Guy, 1 Dennis.
Steam vehicles (non-members) 1 Sentinel.
Petrol vehicles (non-members) 8 Thornycrofts, 3 Stars, 1 Dennis, 1 Vulcan, 1 Selden.
A full and illustrated report of the parade will appear in our next issue.
Egyptian Imports.
In the latest report issued by the Departmeut of Overseas Trade dealing with the economic and financial situation in Egypt, it is shown, in that section dealing with imports, that the increase in -the total number of motor vehicles has
been due chiefly to a rise in the number 4,26. of machines imported from the United States.
During the year 1923 the number of vehicles imported rose from 1,248 to 1,543: The value and quantity of American imports increased by 50 per cent., whilst British imports rose 60 per cent., and French imports were more than doubled.
The import of taxicabs was marked by the introduction of a number of small coupes of Italian manufacture which, it is stated, have proved very popular in use.
"The Ford in Commerce."
"The Ford in Commerce" is a 15page brochure krepared foe the Ford Motor Co. (England), Ltd., of Manchester, and issued by them. It shows the types of commercial vehicle produced in this country, gives a list of owners of Ford fleets, shows some of those fleets in service, and tells what service is rendered by the vehicles and gives illustrative examples of Ford adaptability to various traffic requirements, and to the purpose of motile advertising. This brochure is extremely well-produced, and has a refreshing breeziness about it. We believe a copy will be sent. to anyone on request,
Stringent Bus Regualtions.
Chatham Town Council has given notice to all bus proprietors that gangways are to be elear of seats or other , obstructions, and that this requirement will be enforced when vehicles are submated for examination and relicensing.
R.A.C. Manchester Office.
The Royal Automobile Club is shortly opening a branch office in Manchester. Since the commencement of the year branch offices have been opened at Atlantic House, St. Mary Street, Cardiff, and Pearl Chambers, East Parade, Leeds.
Insisting on Lower •Fares.
Luton Watch Committee has granted a licence to Messrs. G. Salter and Sons to ply for hire with motorbuses on a route from Kimpton Road to Seagrove Road, and also ordered fares to be reduced from 2d. to 1,1d. for any stage in Luton on all the buses running on this route.
Local Proceedings.
Weymouth Town Council has purchased twb Ford tipping lorries from Messrs. Crabb and Co., at £175 each.
Northfleet Urban District Council has granted the Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., licences to ply for hire with five more double deck motor omnibuses.
Swansea Corporation Stores Committee has authorized the borough engineer to accept tenders for 4-ton motor tipping lorries for a period of three months at a rate not exceeding 42s. a day.
The Ministry of Transport has rejected the appeal by Mr. H. E. Roberta against the refusal of the Morecambe Watch Committee to grant him a licence to ply for hire with a motor omnibus.
Wimbledon Corporation's motor ambulance, which has been in use since 1915,, is in need of extensive repairs,. and if these are likely to prove too costly a new motor ambulance is to be purchased.
At a meeting of the Gravesend Corporation, the chief constable reported on the action he was taking to secure an improvement in the vehicles in use on one of the local routes, and instructions were given to him with regard to exits and overcrowding.
Gazolex Carburetter Prices Down.
The Gazolex Manufacturing Co., 48, Kingsbury Square, Aylesbury, inform us that, as a result of the increasing demand for the Gazolem auxiliary water carburetter, they have, by extended production, hem able to reduce the selling price of the 1925 model of this instrument. The latest model incorporates several small, improvements, and is now sold at 59s. 6d. instead of £3 18s.
Compulsory Time-tables..
Gravesend Chief Constable has asked thewatch committee to consider the advisability of requiring all owners of licensed public vehicles to publish and exhibit, when approved, a time-table and route. At present there is no authority compelling drivers to keep to a fixed service and much inconvenience is caused to the travelling public. The chief constable was directed to intimate to the owners the desirability of advertising a time-table.
Buses Popular in Cairo.
Cairo is a busy centre for passengee road vehicles, and in the year 1923 thenumber of taxicabs on the streets increased very considerably, as also did the number of public omnibuses, which now number 153 in all. These vehicles are in direct competition with the tramcars on many routes, whilst they also ply for hire on other routes which do not figure on the itinerary of the tramway companies. Although mast of the vehicles consist of makeshift bodies mounted on Ford, Crossley, Sunbeam, Talbot, Fiat and Maxwell chassis, they are proving very popular and certainly meet a long-felt want. There are several different companies operating these vehicles, viz. sOrie Greek, one Italian and five of local nationality.
Accurate Petrol Pumps.
By direction of the Worcester County Council those inspectors of weights and measures in the county who use motorcycles were empowered to carry out several tests of the quantities of fuel supplied by certain of the petrol pumps in their districts and in every case the results have been satisfactory.
A Berliet House Journal.
The latest company of motor manufacturers to join the ranks of those who publish at regular intervals a house journal which is primarily intended to disseminate usaiul information relating to the vehicles which they produce are Automobiles M. Berliet. No. 1 of "The Berliet Times!' has just appeared, and it contains many items of interest to the company's agents and to owners and prospective owners of Berliet vehicles. THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR B.P. Fuel Designations.
In view of the number of unbranded motor spirits at present selling as No. 1, the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., have decided to drop the numerical designations in connection with their three grades of petrol, and these in future will be known as B.P. Aviation, B.P. (for cars and motorcycles) and B.P. Commercial for heavy vehicle use.
Short Bros'. New Director.
We are informed that Major L. Mancha Bennett, late sales manager at Fiat Motors, Ltd., has been appoined to a seat on the board of directors of Short Bros. (Rochester and Bedford), Ltd., and that he has now taken over the management of the company's coachbuilding department in London and at.their works at Rochester.