Operating Aspects of PASSENGER TRANSPORT
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LEEDS Stipendiary Magistrate con siders that a passenger cannot use a return tickA for making two journeys in the same direction. This opinion is expressed in connection with the case, reported in last week's issue, of a man who, having purchased a return ticket from the Yorkshire Electric Tramways Co., used it for two outward journeys and was prosecuted for refusing to pay his fare.
It was found that the company possessed no by-laws relating to its bus undertaking and preventing the use of a ticket in this way. On the man agreeing to pay the fare, the ease was dismissed under the Probation of Offenders Act.
AS already announced in The Commer cial Motor, the Mansfield District Traction Co. made, on September 18, the first stage towards substituting buses for trains on its system.
The replacement is being effected by 40 A.E.C. Regent double-deck buses, consisting of 36 54-seaters and four 56seaters. The first service was put inth operation in the presence of the Mayor of Mansfield, Councillor J. Pollard, and several municipal officers and officials of the company.
It is learned from Mr. W. W. Clark, engineer and manager to the company, that the tramcars, of which there was a fleet of 30, were put into service in B44 1905, since when they have covered about 14,500,000 miles, carrying some 134,403,600 passengers.
The tram drivers have been trained to take charge of the A.E.C. buses, and the transfer to their new duties has been made without any disorganization.
We illustrate on this page one of the new A.E.C. buses.
DIFFICULT TIME-TABLES SET BY COMMISSIONERS? WHEN, at a sitting of the Northern Scotland Traffic Commissioners, held at Perth, a deputation from the Transport and General Workers' Union met the Commissioners, it was alleged that they planned time-tables that were difficult for drivers to observe. It was said to be difficult for drivers to avoid exceeding the speed limit if they were obliged to stop at any odd place. An appeal was made, through the Commissioners, to local authorities to give close attention to the matter of fixing stopping places.
WE have been asked by Sir Reginald Ford, chairman of the Southern Traffic Commissioners, to announce that the date of the sitting to be held at Swindon has been altered to November 15-18, whilst the Reading hearing will take place from November 29December 2. A public sitting is also being held at Devizes, on October 6, whilst a fares inquiry will take place at Reading on December 6. REVISED FARES SCHEDULE FOR ISLE OF WIGHT. THE Southern Traffic Commissioners held an inquiry at Ryde, commencing on September 21, into fares charged in the Isle of Wight. It was held following complaints from municipal authorities, trades councils and the Isle of Wight Coach Owners' Association.
Mr. J. C. Chambers, on behalf of the Southern Vectis Omnibus Co., Ltd., said that ft revised schedule of fares would be placed before the Commissioners, but pointed out that, if the increase in the price of petrol made it necessary. to alter fares, the scheme might have to be discarded. It was mentioned that on 14 of the company's 25 routes, under 1411. per mile was charged, and in only two cases was the fare 2d. a mile. The revised schedule would show a great increase in id. fare stages and would operate at all times of the year, except from June 15 to the end of August.
On the second day of the inquiry, Mr. Chambers referred to the proposals to amalgamate certain routes, resulting in economies.
IT is understood that the increase in the price of petrol is influencing the tramways committee of Leicester Corporation in connection with the proposal to operate trolley-buses (and not motorbuses) in place of the trains on the Melbourne Road route. The scheme may shortly be adopted.
ON Septettiber22 a rule nisi was granted by the vacation judge, Mr. Justice Lawrence, on the application of the Motor Hirers and Condi Services Association, Ltd., against the Minister of Transport, calling upon him to show cause why the appeal of Grey Coaches; Ltd., should not be heard and determined according to law.
The action arises out of an appeal by the company against a decision of the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner. Reference has already been made in The Commercial Xotor. to this matter.
The ease will probably be heard In about the middle of October and the Minister of Transport is allowing operators to have outstanding appeals iu connection with the use of central London and the limitation ot pickingup points, adjourned until the High Court has given its decision.
AT a meeting of the Motor Omnibus Proprietors Association, South Wales, held-in Cardiff a few days ago, it was decided that the increase in the price of petrol would probably involve raising bus fares, and the meeting viewed with alarm the recommendations of the Salter report.
A SOMEWHAT complicated appeal
was heard by Mr. T. R. Kellner, a Ministry of Transport inspector, at Leeds, on September 23. Mr. S. Lerigard appealed against the decision of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners to adopt a rota system for bus operation on the Leeds-Ilkley rout; via
Bramhope and Otley. It was contended that, in seeking to coordinate the Leeds and Ilkley bus services, the Commissioners gave an unjustifiably increased mileage to the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd.
IT is annciunced that the kroup repre sented by the London General Omnibus Co.' Ltd., has acquired Acme Pullman Services, Ltd. The company operates a half-hourly service between Bishop's Stortford and London, certain journeys being extended to Stanstead, whilst there are also three journeys daily to Newmarket.
Tho staff of approximately 50 men and 14 Gifford coaches are being taken over, also the garage at Bishop's Stort7 ford, waiting-room at Epping, and office at Bishapsgate, London.
A SPECIAL report by Llanelly town clerk to the transport committee en the effect of the operations of the Traffic Commissioners -upon local bus facilities shows that jorrnays to Llanelly from outside areas have decreased by 182 weekly since the Commissioners commenced work.
This reduction has come about by Commissioners curtailing and diverting services and has caused tradespeople to
complain to the council. Representations to the Commissioners will be made on the matter.
A rather interesting aspect of the
report is that which deals with the consequences of the Minister of Transport's request. to local authorities 'not to license additional services between December, 1930, and the establishment of the Commissioners. It is suggested that in South Wales, and Lianelly in particular, owing to a misinterpretation by the Traffic Commissioners, the public is paying dearly for the acquiescence to the Minister's request.
It was understood that refusals of licences were made by the Commissioners on the ground that the local authorities had withheld the licences in the months immediately before the Commissioners commenced to operate.
A CONFERENCE of the principal bug
operators in the East Midland area was arranged to be held on Wednesday last, at Nottingham. The object of the meeting was to discuss steps to be taken to counter the increase in the price of petrol and to consider the recommendations of the Salter report.
B Y a recommendation of the second Amain° report, certain London coach services were to he terminated on September 19, but the Minister of Transport states that he is unable to bring it into effect until a Inter date.
THE following are the results of appeals to the Minister of Transport against decision of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners :— IV. S. Osborne, Doncaster. Appeal fails. Appellant to pay costs.
Wood Bros. (Blackpool), Ltd., Blackpool. Appeal fails. Appellant to pay coats.
W. Armitage and Sons, Ltd., Blackpool. Appeal fails. Appellant to pay costs.
J. Bullock and Sons (1928), Ltd„ Featherstone. Appeal fails. Appellant to pay costs.
Walker Taylor and SOBS, Blackpool. Appeal fails. Appellant to pay costs. TILLING AND B.A.T. MOVE.
WE are informed that Tilling and
British Automobile Traction, Ltd„ has acquired an interest equal to that of the Southern Railway Co., in the Southern Vectis Omnibus Co., Ltd., and has nominated to the board as its representatives, Mr. S. E. Garcke and Mr. S. Kennedy.
The Southern Vectis concern, which operates 25 services in the Isle of Wight, has a paid-up capital of 170,200, of which £55,000 is represented by ordinary shares held equally by the two companies named.
AT North London Police Court Hackney Wick Stadium, Ltd„ and Mr. E. Bywater, the secretary, were summoned for using and causing to be used motor vehicles as stage carriages without a road-service licence. Westminster Coaching Services, Ltd., and J. H. Rich, the managing director, were summoned for permitting the vehicles to be employed.
It appears -that white tickets were issued an the journey to the Stadium, these being exchanged, on payment of 1s. charge for admission, for a red ticket, this entitling the holder to return in the coach.
The police contended that a portion of the admission charge constituted a separate fare for the return coach journey, and that the vehicles were used as stage carriages. In the defence it was mentioned that passengers in the coaches paid the same admission charge to the Stadium as did anyone else, the vehicles being hired by contract and no payment being received from passengers. It was estimated that the receipts of the Stadium had increased by about 20 per cent. since the free service was inaugurated.
The magistrate reserved his decision until last Wednesday, when he held that return-ticket holders had a preference over others, as regards seats on the return journey, and therefore it must be taken that the admission charge included something to cover the return fare. Mr. J. R. Cart Bathurst, the solicitor, states that an appeal will be lodged and, mean while, the service will be continued. ‘.
IT is believed that an amicable settle ment has been reached in the dispute between Edward Hillman's Saloon Coaches, Ltd., and some 200 employees of the company. A conference between Mr. E. Hillman and Mr. Conn, representing the company, and Mr. Clay and Mr. Cherry, of the Transport and General Workers' 'Union, with Mr. A. G. Linden, of the Ministry of Labour, as chairman, reached certain terms, dealing with hours of labour, wages, etc.
THE Motor Hirers and Coach Ser
vices Association, Ltd., has addressed to the Minister of Transport a resolution dealing with the Salter report. It strongly disapproves of the imposition of further burdens on road transport generally and public service
vehicle operators in particular. The resolution points out that such concerrs were not represented on the Conference.
THE business known as "Vincent's Cardiff-Barry Bus Service," carried on by Mr. C. J. Vincent, Corporation Road, Cardiff, has been acquired by a private company. Mr. E. R. Forse, Plasturton Avenue, Cardiff, for years Royal Mail transport contractor at Cardiff, Mr. E. J. Smith, former manager of Liberty Motors, Ltd., and Mr. R. Evans, Cardiff, will be permanent directors.
An agreement is effected with Mr. C. J. Vincent and with Liberty Motors, Ltd., and the new company will trade as C. J. Vincent (Cardiff), Ltd. The office will be at Kingsway Garage of Liberty Motors, Ltd.
NEW JOINT SERVICE. THE North-Western Traffic Commis sioners have granted permission for a joint service from Wigan to Liverpool, to be operated by Wigan and St. Helens Corporations, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., and the Lancashire United Transport Co. The receipts will be pooled on a mileage-percentage basis.
BARROW TO CHANGE TO OIL? A REPORT is to be submitted to the
• transport committee of Barrow Corporation on the advisability of changing from petrol to oil as fuel for the municipal buses. The fleet comprises 18 vehicles, nine of which have petrol engines and the remainder oil engines.
JUST too late for inclusion in last week's issue, news came to hand that the delegate conference of employees of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., who are members of the Transport and General Workers Union, had voted in favour of accepting the company's terms. The proposals were outlined in last week's issue, but a slight change in connection with Sunday duty has been agreed upon. The new conditions were signed last Friday by the representatives of the union.
An acceleration of services was scheduled to commence on Wednesday.
REDUCED FARES GRANTED. REDUCED fares on the bus services operated by South Shields Corporation and the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., from Clealand village to South Shields will come into force in December.
RIBBLE TO ALTER FARES? AT a recent meeting of Rawtenstall Corporation's transport committee, it was reported that Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., had agreed to suggested altered fares, but that it would be some little time before the formal permission of the Traffic Commissioners could be obtained.
MORE " ANYWHERE " TICKETS. SUNDERLAND Corporation has introduced is, tickets for tram and bus passengers, which enable them to travel on either system, in any part of the borough, for a day.
NO REPRESENTATIONS. NORTHFLEET Urban District Coun cil is to make no representations in connection with an application by Gravesend and District Bus Services, Ltd., to the Traffic Commissioners for permission to run a GravesendMeopham service.
£560 IN FEES TO COUNSEL. THE police committee of the City of London Corporation reports that fees totalling £563 were paid to counsel appearing for the corporation at the hearings of the Committee of Inquiry into London Motor Coach Services FROM TRAMS TO BUSES: TRADES COUNCIL OBJECTS.
DEWSBURY Trades Council has de cided to protest against the proposed agreement between Ossett and Dewsbury Corporations and the National Electric Construction Co., Ltd., for changing over from trams to buses on the Dewsbury-Ossett service.
It is contended that, in substituting buses for trams, Dewsbury Corporation would be handing over to private enterprise transport services that should be municipal.
IT was stated at the recent sitting of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners at Leeds that if they intend to restrict operators to the short list of excursions and tours operated last year by reason of the bad weather coach proprietors will strongly protest.
R. Barr (Leeds), Ltd. (incorporating Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd.), Leeds, applied for permission to operate a large number of additional excursions and tours from Leeds, it being explained that the trips had been worked for some time, although all of them were not necessarily run last year. The decision of the Commissioners will be announced later.
THE highways committee of Bexhill Corporation has been informed that Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., and Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., have applied to the Traffic Commissioners for the renewal of stagecarriage licences for services in and through the borough. The council is to object to a modification that is being asked for in the existing licence conditions, to allow double-deckers to be used. wich,• on October 12th-13th, when the business will be concerned chiefly with stage-carriage services.
THE Western Traffic Commissioners will have a great deal of work before them at their sitting at Plymouth, on October 11th, when many applications (for stage-carriage licences) will be made • by Plymouth Corporation, the Southern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd.
At Truro, on October 12th-13th, a large number of small operators will make applications, chiefly in respect of stage-carriage licences, although, on the second day, most of the applications will be made by the Western National and Southern National concerns. • Southern.
WITH the exception of three or four applications, the business at the sitting of the Southern Traffic Commissioners at Salisbury, from October 11th18th, will be concerned entirely with stage-carriage services. There will be a fair amount of opposition.
Many of the services to be reviewed run to Salisbury and Andover.
South Eastern.
HASTINGS Corporation win object to a number of applications at the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners' sittings at Hastings, on October 3rd and following days. Many of the applications will be made by Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd.., and A. Timpson and Sons, Ltd. .
At a sitting at Guildford, on October 1Sth-19th, a further batch of stage-carriage applications will be made. Green Line Coaches, Ltd., will seek permission to run certain stage-carriage services with modifications. '
CERTAIN long-distance operators working from London to the north will meet with an enormous amount of opposition at the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner's sitting in London, from October 11th-13th, when half-a-dozen objectors to one application will not be an unusual state of affairs. A number of excursions will be concerned at this bearing, but Gazette SO shows no opposition to them, although some may have been received after it had been closed for press.