Answers to Queries.
Page 22

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What Do We Think of the Zenith Carburetter ? [3073] (Municipal).—You can safely recommend your friend to buy a Zenith.
Agrimotor Agency Sought.
[3074] Gloucester).—We have forwarded your letter to the Wyles Motor Plough, Ltd., as requested. The company's address is 5, Carr Street, Manchester.
Tractor Wheelbase.
[3075] (Salopian).--e-There are no material disadvantages in a short wheelbase for an agricultural tractor. Certainly nothing in comparison with the advantage of short turning radius, to which you refer in your letter.
Depot May Be Requisitioned for Extension of Neighbouring Munitions Factory.
[3076] (Haulage).—If the place is in fact wanted, nothing will prevent its being taken, and we are sure that you yourself would not wish it otherwise, but it does seem to us to be a shame merely to convenience one member of the commercial community at the personal sacrifice of another, if such disturbance of another important business can be avoided.
No -Reply from the Petrol Control Committee.
[3077] (N. Wales).—We can only presume that your application form was late or lost. We recommend you to try to move your local member of Parliament in the matter. You can for the time being perhaps manage to run on " Petrofin" or some other temporary substitute, buying it through a local garage. The Petrol Control Committee has announced that it is proceeding to deal with late applications. We agree that the position is in many respects a scandalous one.
Wants to Buy a Char-a.bancs.
[3078] (Chorley).—The present is a most inauspicious time to begin motor char-h-bancs work. You might be able to buy a discarded char-bebancs chassis, on favourable terms, by watching the small advertisements at the end of TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR each week, or by inserting an advertisement in those pages—price one penny per word. None of the motor-manufacturing companies is able at the present time to give delivery, owing to State requirements ; in normal circumstances, a first payment of at least £200 is required, as a general rule, on a new chassis, and completion of the balance within a maximum period of twelve months.
W.D. Back Axle: Paraffin Attachments.
[3079] (Co. Down).—The weight-bearing sleeve (bush) for the axle of a Class .A subsidy lorry is bearing bronze in. thick by 94 ins, long on an axlearm 31 ins, in diameter. It is of the type usually described as "floating," being attached to neither hub nor axle, and is drilled for purposes of lubrica; tion.
We are in no position to guarantee that any paraffin attachment will thoroughly vaporize the paraffin in cold weather, but we consider that there are several which are likely to give satisfaction in use, provided the lubricating oil in the base chamber is periodically checked, as regards its density, to ensure that no condensed paraffin is passing the piston-rings. If such condensation occurs, the engine-oil should be corn-. pletely drained off at least once in every thousand miles of running, and new engine-oil introduced. If there are any means of freeing the old oil from paraffin, by heating or other method, it can be used again. The Rinks arrangement appears to work • (mite well and not cause overheating ; the Snai,thKing arrangement is a compact one, and is kept adequately hot.
854 Headings for Expenditure on Motorvans.
[3080] (Military).—We have had pleasure in mailing direct one of our standard sheets Of working costs. This eves compiled from .a large number of actual results obtained in commercial service, but it is accurate only up -to a date preceding the 1st January, 1915. War prices and wages have considerably affected it, so that the actual present-day costs will be from 20 per cent. to 30 per cent. higher than those given. As it is the method, and not the 'actual figures, you require, we think the sheet will provide the necessary information. We make no charge for advice concerning the conduct of business motors.
More Points Arising Under the Local Government Emergency Provisions) Act..
[3081] (Traffic).—You ask : —(a) Is it possible to hold that Section 20 cannot cover terms which include a monetary payment, either on the wording of the Section, or on the plea that it was introduced in the Lords and is therefore contrary to the Parliament Act? (b) Does the right of appeal in the above-mentioned (1916) Act override the absence of appeal in respect of licensing of motorbuses under the Town Police Clauses Act? We -regret to have to reply " no " in each case.
Applied for 400 Gallons of Petrol Monthly; Had 250 Gallons in Stock on 21st June; No Allotmerit Yet.
[3082] (Laundry.).—The Petrol Control Committee has undoubtedly made a certain number of errors, and has admitted them. Possibly it is holding the matter up because of the considerable stock which you held, it has been announced that stocks were to be taken into account. As your stock is exhausted, you will no doubt have informed the Committee by wire that you are on the point of failing to carry out laundry work for hospitals and nursing institutions, . and that the health of hundreds of people will be imperilled if you cannot collect and deliver their articles of wearing apparel. See also our answer No. 3077 on this page.
Police Allege Breach of Law When Overtaking a Tramcar.
[3083] (Dartford).—You can, of course, be summoned for anything. If the policeman merely stated that you were "driving too fast," and did not warn you that you were "driving to the common danger," he can only properly summon you for the offence which he alleged at the time. We presume that the owner of the van which you were driving belongs to the Commercial Motor Users Association. If so, that Association will defend you if a summons is issued, as appears likely. We also presume that you took the trouble to get the names and addresses ef some witnesses, which is always advisable. Does your vehicle weigh more than two tons with, out load, and with all its tanks empty ? If not, although it is a commercial vehicle, it is not a heavy motorcar, and it is entitled to a speed of 20 miles per hour. If it weighs more than two tons, then it is a heavy motorcar, and is only entitled to 12 miles per hour. This point will be of some importance if you are summoned for exceeding the speed limit, although we think from the facts that you mention you are more likely to be summoned for driving to the common danger. Your employer, if he is not already a member, should at once arrange to join the Commercial Motor -Users Association ; he would have to pay 21 16s. 9d. for the remainder of the present year,. which in. eludes 21 Is. entrance fee. The subscription, next year would be 21 us. 6d. The Secretary is Mr. F. G. Bristow, 83, Pall Mall, S.W