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MR. DAVID S. SHIELT, manager of the Newcastle-on-Tyne branch of Rossleigh, Ltd., is to retire at the end of September after 55 years in the motor and cycle trade.
The RT. HON. ALFRED BARNES, M.P., Minister of War Transport, has accepted an invitation to succeed Lord Leathers as President of the Savings Committee of the road-transport industry.
MR. F. S. THORNHILL COOPER, managing director of Ford Motor Co. (Egypt), S.A.E., and supervisor of Ford interests in the Balkans and the Near East, has recently arrived in England for talks on post-war developments with Ford executives.
MR. W. ROPER LINDSAY, M.S.A.E., M.I.R.T.E., has resigned his position as transport manager of the Ham River Grit Co., Ltd. The reason for this is that he has accepted a position with the Allied Control Commission in Germany. His release becomes effective from October 31.
COL. M. C. JOHNSON, who joined the R.A.O.C. at the outbreak of war after 17 years' service with the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., has been awarded the .Q.B.E. He has been with Dunlop's tyre sales division at Glasgow, Edinburgh, Southampton and elsewhere, and, for some time, was a resident representative in the Channel Islands.
MR. G. SKINNER, superintendent of sales inspection at the Southall headquarters of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., has now been appointed, additionally, assistant home sales manager, these two positions having been merged. He joined the A.E.C. concern in 1919 after serving in the Navy during the 1914-18 war, and was assistant foreman and assembly engineer before he crossed the Atlantic in 1932 to become service engineer to the Associated Equipment Co. of Canada, Ltd. After his return he was closely connected with the servicing of A.E.C. oil engines before being appointed assistant service manager in 1937. He became superintendent of sales inspection the following year. Prom 1938 to 1944 he was the corn
pany's principal A.R.P. officer, giving effect to the many civil defence measures required at the Southall works. He still retains two other war-time appointments, those oi group organizer for the M.O.W.T. and group leader in the Ministry of Production co-Ordination of transport scheme.
Mu, W. L. HARRIS and MR. T. GILLETT, executive directors of Silentbloc, Ltd., and its subsidiary company, Andre Rubber Co., Ltd., together with Da. S. BUCHAN, chief chemist of the latter concern, have recently returned from an extensive tour of syntheticrubber plants and rubber factories in the U.S.A. Their investigations into the higher technical application of natural and synthetic elastic materials for industrial applications is to result in several important developments in the products and processerof these two companies, and further to enhance the technical facilities available.
MR. S. R. GILL, special representative 1 for commerci'al and passengervehicle tyres for the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., whose portrait appears on this page, recently corn
pleted 20 years' service with the company. To commemorate the Occasion, Mr. Wm. E. Duck, chairman and managing director, presented him with a gold wrist watch. Particularly well known to commercial-vehicle operators throughout London and Southern England, he also has a wide number of trade friends throughout the country.
MR. J. WARNOCK, Regional Tyre Officer since April, 1942, in the Manchester Region, has been released by Tyre Control and will be rejoining the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Gt. Britain), Ltd., early in September, as assistant to Mr. A. S. Bishop, sales director.
MR. N. W. SMALL has joined the old-established concern of Grace and Sutcliffe, Ltd., Keighley, in the capacity of director and general manager. He was formerly manager of the commercial-vehicle section of Central Garage, Ltd., Bradford, which position he held from 1932. He has a long and wide experience of the commercialvehicle trade and his many Yorkshire friends will wish him well.
LIEUT.-COLONEL H. M. LAWRENCE, RE., is returning to the industry, in which, of course, he has many friends, and will again become transport manager of the Gas Light and Coke Co. Since the winter of 1939 he has been in the Royal Engineers, and went to France with the original B.E.F. almost immediately, being attached to the Air Component on the construction of five aerodromes with concrete runways and nine for fighters. After evacuation from France, he was engaged on the erection. of defences and on repairs to aerodromes bomb-damaged during the Battle of Britain, following which, in 1941, he was attached to the Chief Engineer, Southern Command, in charge of all transport and mechanical plant. It was a most varied job, its activities including handling materials for the Ordnance factory programme, American camps and hospitals, aerodromes (including those for the Americans), the concrete harbour part of Mulberry, machines for the " launching bards" in preparation for D-Day, and even the handling of opencast coal production—same 250,000 tons a week.
RAANCHESTER Transport Depart1VI merit is seeking tenders for the supply of 290 all-metal double-deck bus bodies capable of sealing 56 passengers and suitable for mounting on fourwheeled chassis. In addition, 41 allmetal double-deck trolleybus bodies are required-31 suitable for two-axle chassis and seating 56 passengers, and 10 for three-axle chassis and seating 68 persons.
TOWARDS RESUMPTION OF TRADE WITH EUROPE I T is pointed out by the Board of Trade, for the benefit of traders, that there is full freedom of business communication with Holland, Norway, Greece. Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, subject to the requirements of Trading with the Enemy legislation. This means, in practice, that it is not possible to enter into firm comrn mitments regarding the exchange of goods or the making of payments, but that correspondence is permitted regarding such matters as prices and terms of delivery, in anticipation of the resumption of trade.
AMEMBER of our staff, Staff/ Sergeant E. H. W. Hirst, who has been with the Forces in the Middle East, wrote an article on the work of the Drom-Jehuda Drivers Co-operative Society, Ltd., of Tel-Aviv, Palestine, and the following is an extract from a letter, of thanks which he received:— " With sincere gladness we received your letter dated May 31, 1945, and with great many thanks your subsequent copy of • The Commercial Motor.' wherein we have found • the story of our business so nicely related by you."
THE interests of people in the United Nations who are owners of property in Germany are being safeguarded by a special department, Property Control .Branch of the Control Commission. So far as British cwners are concerned, all communications should be addressed to the Trading with the Enemy Department, 24, Kingsway, London, W.C. Such owners should already have made a return to this Department in respect. of their property in Germany.
As information becomes available, individual owners will be notified, but, at present, no inquiries as to the state of specific properties can be dealt with. Those who receive no news can be assured that their interests are being guarded, so far as possible, by specialist officers of the Control Commission.
FOR September, the North-eastern Regional Transport Commissioner, Major F. S. Eastwood. has extended the scope of his sanction permitting motor-coach travel between inland towns in the Region and seaside resorts which are beyond the general mileage
limits allowed by the partial restoration of coach excursions and tours. la addition to the facilities during local holiday weeks and periods of staggered holidays, the Commissioner has given sanction for such journeys from any district on Saturdays and Sundays during September, irrespective of local holidays.
These additional facilities for travel to the seaside are subject to the same " rationing " system, as in the case of those previously sanctioned, whereby the proportion of private-party trips to public excursions and tours is regulated in the interest of individual travellers.
THE British Road Federation has announced that the first post-war presentation of a new and improved exhibition, entitled " Better and Safer Roads Exhibition," will be opened by the Lord Mayor of Bristol, Councillor
W. F. Cottrell, on October 3, at the City Museum, Queen's Road, Bristol.
Particular interest is being shown throughout the west country in view of the urgent need for a vast improvement in the road communications between Wales, the south-west and the north of England.
The exhibition will be open from October 4 to 13, from 10 a.m. daily.
ONLY some 250 of the pre-war fleet of 14,000 taxis in Paris are at present running, and these are reserved for emergency cases. It is hoped that a further 750 taxis will come back into circulation before the end of the year, but these also may be used only for special purposes,
THE Divisional Transport Commissioner has raised no objection to the application of Burnley, Comae and Nelson Joint Transport Committee and Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., to operate bus services previously carried on by Mr. Barrett, of Barley, and Mr. Jones, of Newchurch-in-Pendle. •
THE first two civilian-type vehicles to be produced by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., for five years were recently delivered to the Aberford Motor Co., Ltd., Aberford, Yorks. Both are 12-ton gross Monarchs with 7.7-litre oil engines and fitted with A.E.C. standard cabsand hinged-sided bodies. The bodies are of a special type, in which hinged sides may be replaced by chock rails when required for special loads.
Appropriately, the Monarchs were delivered to an organization which has operated A.E.C. machines since 1920 and has since largely standardized upon this make of vehicle for the transport of farm produce and road and building materials, on both long and short runs. Apart from its haulage work, the Aber. fordMotor Co., Ltd., is widely known
in this area of Yorkshire as a repair undertaking for both commercial vehicles. and cars.
Since acquiring these two Monarchs, this operator has been granted licences for two further A.E.C. machines of the same type.
A FEATURE of the Diamond Jubilee I—I Exhibition which Messrs. Lewis's recently held at their Birmingham store, marking 60 years of service since its opening, was a section devoted to the progress of transport and indicating the improved facilities for convey,ng pa8sengers from the environs of Birmingham to the city shopping centre. An interesting exhibit in this section was a scale model of a Guy Arab war-time double-deck bus, a facsimile of cne operated by the Birmingham City Transport and made by two 16-year-old Birmingham boys. The model, to the scale of 1 in. to the ft., took five months to build, necessitating many visits to a city transport-depot, for measuring and checking purposes.
THE management committee of the Northern Area of the Harvest (Emergency) Transport Pool has recently issued its report on the working of the Pool for the year ended February 28 last. The Pool was set up in 1943 under the auspices of the Northern Area Standing Joint Committee of Road Hauliers Organizations, Mr. F. Milton, secretary of the committee, is responsible for its administration and management, and be has been assisted by 16 area supervisors, covering the whole of the districts administered by the War Agricultural Executive Committees.
The Pool again came into operation for the collection of the 1944 harvest, and, due to the large influx of prisoners of war into the area, the facilities provided were also utilized for transporting these prisoners from the camps to farms. This work is still operating on a large scale.
Transport undertaken in connection with harvest operations during the period under review amounted to more than £55,620. Vehicles were provided by 164 operators, and, in addition to corn loading, facilities were provided for carrying to farms volunteer workers, military personnel and prisoners of war. An average of 90 vehicles per day, both goods and passenger types, were employed continuously on this work alone. Approximately 450,000 persons were conveyed to farms during period. Vehicles operated regularly at 18 prisoner-of-war camps throughout the region and at the many volunteer agricultural camps set up for the summer season. Since March, 1945, this work has considerably increased, and, •at the time of the issue of the management's report, 175 vehicles were in operation each day at 43 camps and agricultural hostels.
ASis generally known, a new Motor Research Association has been formed, following negotiations by a committee, the members of which come from the Society of Motor Manufacturers, the Institution of Automobile Engineers and the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. This new body will take over the work hitherto performed under the gis of the I.A.E. Research Committee, which was assisted financially by the manalacturers. With this new make-up, it should be able to expand considerably and carry out even more useful and important work.