WHEELS of INDUSTRY " The wheels of wealth will be
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slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crazier.
The Travel Association's 1930 Calendar.
An important contribution to the calendars of the year'is that of historic and important events published by the Travel Association of Great Britain and Ireland, Kinnaird House, 1, Pall Mall East, Loudon, S.W,1. Withia the small compass of 48 pages and measuring 3 ins. by &ins., the'assoeiation has compressed .a great amount Of information -which will be invaluable to visitors to . this country. It haS a foreword by the Prime Minister, is intended for circulation abroad and will. be issued in four editions, that in English, numbering 500,000 copies, is now being despatched, and it will be followed hy 300,000 copies in French, Spanish and German.
More Buses for Edinburgh.
The transport committee of Edinburgh Corporation has agreed to recommend an expenditure of close upon £40,000 for the purchase of new buses, the suggestion being that 24 32-seaters and three 24-seaters should be purchased.
A Paper on. the Six-wheeler.
At a meeting of the Coventry graduates of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, to beheld in Coventry on Tucking,' January 7th, Mr: J. R. Harnott is to read a paper on "The Rigid Six-wheeled Vehicle," A Morris-Leon Boll& 30-cwt. Vehicle.
It is interesting to learn that the Morris-Leon Bollee Company, of Le Mans,' France, at the head of which is Sir Wm. R. Morris, and which has, hitherto, concentrated its attention on the construction of pleasure cars, has lately taken up the production of commercial vehicles. For the present work is being centred on 30-cwt. chassis in
tended to be equipped with lorry or van bodies. The motive power is provided by a four-cylindered engine, with a bore and stroke of 80 mm. and 120 mm. respectively. Brakes are fitted on all four road wheels, which are of the steel-spoked variety shod with 32-in. by 6-in, pneumatic tyres. The chassis has a -wheelbase of 11 ft. and a track of 4 ft. 7 ins.
Bus Inquiry at Salford.
The Ministry of Transport is, on January 15th, to hold, an inquiry at Salford TOWli‘ Hall into' the appeal of the Salford Corporation against the refusal of the Prestwich Urban District Connell to'license buses of the Corporation to run along Bury New Road into Prestwich.
An Austin Dividend.
The Austin Motor Co., Ltd., has decided to pay, on January 15th next, a further one year's arrears of dividend on the 6 per cent. B preference shares of the company, amounting to £75,000, less tax. . Christmas -Motor Coaching Traffic.
All London coach stations report -heavy passenger traffic .just before Christmas. In one case, that of the Central London .(Road Transport) Station, Ltd., Crescent . Place, London, W.CA., the number of passengers arriving at and departing from the station on the four days before the holiday was four times as great as it was last year. On Christmas Eve six full coaches left for Newcastle, 11 for Sunderland and Middlesbrough, seven for Manchester, three for Blackpool and five for Glasgow and Edinburgh.
On Christmas Eve, London Coastal: Coaches, Ltd., of Lupus Street, London, S.1V.1, sent away to Maidstone and Chatham no fewer than 130 31-seaters. There were 37 departures for Bournemouth and Torquay, and 44 for Ipswich and Colchester.; also six for Manchester and Birmingham.
Road Travel Boc'zings, Ltd., of Bush House, Loudon W.C.1, sent off 12 fully loaded coaelies to Cardiff on Christmas Eve, in addition to three coaches to Blackpool, four to -Newcastle, and several others to Worthing, Bedford, Farnham, Manchester and Liverpool. The at:fteornodation was booked up almost a fortnight ahead, and on the Sunday and Monday before the holiday, as well as on Christina§ Eve, three coaches left London each morning for Blackpool.
The experience ,seems . to have " been common to all operators—at any .rate; all dealing with traffic between London and provincialcentres. Some coaches on the northern routes were delayed a little by fog on Saturday, December 21st, but this is the only report of slight irre:iilarity which has come to our notice. There were good bookings for return journeys from Boxing Day onwards.