Road Transport
Page 43

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in Other Lands
Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets
An Inquiry from Peru.
T"Commercial Secretiry, Lima, reports that a prominent Peruvian concern wiettos to receive Prices and of steam lorries and tractors, also of motor lorries working on wood or charcoal-gas. Companies desirous of ofkring, vehicles of British manufacture can obtain details of the inquiry upon application to the Department of Overseas Trade, 315, Old
Queen Street, London, S.W.1. The reference A.X.8909 should be quoted.
Belgium Needs klre-brigaded Appliances. TENDERS hav6-been invited by the
authorities of Antwerp for the supply of certain fire-fighting equipment, including a motor chassis to accommodate a fire-escape ladder, A Polish Motorbus Station.
WHAT is stated to be the first speci ally built motorbu.s station in Poland has recently been completed in the town of Cracow. It comprises a covered bus park, waiting and retiring rooms, administration offices and a restaurant. Some 60 inotorbuses use the station each day, these running over 35 routes and oarrying daily about 3,000 passengers. Among the routes is one to the north, so far as the town of Kielce; there are also one to the south, so far as the Tatras mountains, and one southwest to the Polish-Silesian frontier.
Co-ordination in Germany.
AN agreement has recently been arrived at between German railway and postal authorities with a view to eliminating the competition which hitherto has existed between postal buses and the railways in both passenger and goods transport. According In the new plan, the railway is to be interested in all bus routes opened since April 1st, 1929, sharing to the extent of one-third in the profit and loss. Where a bus route is in direct competition with an existing railway line, the railway share will be two-thirds and that of the postal service one-third. In both cases each party vill profit by the other's establishment, such as waitingrooms, worksnops, filling stations, etc. The railway aufserities are not to establish new lines, and in return the postal service will not extend farther its goods traffic.
New Zealand'saractor Business— A Confidential Report. A CONFIDENTIAL report on con
ditions in the 'tractor business in Now Zealand has been prepared from information amit home by H.M. Trade Commissioner in the Dominion. British concerns wishing to secure a ropy ef the report should write to the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, quoting the reference A.X.8844.
An official report states that at the opening of this year there were 19,778 motorcars and 9,090 commercial vehicles in the Philippine Islands.
The GiIford Motor Co., Ltd., has now opened a branch office and a service station in Sydney, New South Wales, the address being 8-14, Albion Street.
During September Britain's proportion of Australia's imports of motor chassis was lower than in the two preceding months.
In the first half of 1929 47 new moterears and 53 new motor lorries were registered in Sierra Leone.
Iraq registrations during the extremely hot month of July included 27 motor lorries and buses.
A few years ago the first bus service in Fukien, China, was started. Now the province has over 300 buses.
Arduous Argentine Conditions. A CONSIDERABLE number of the new overseas-model A.E.G. fourMiners (type -418/3) has already been sold in the Argentine, and the illustrations abotegive an impression of the kind of road" surfacethey must be prepared for. The new model has a heavy, reinforced 'back axle, low gear ratio, heavy springs, governed engine speed and large-capacity radiator. -In the upper picture an A.E.C. six-tonner is seen embedded and in. the lOwer one it is being towed on to firmer ground.
A Motor Road for Roumania.
IT is announced that a British concern has secured a contract from the Roumanian Government for the recon: struction of the road between Bucharest and Brassoy, at a cost of about a million sterling. The new road, when completed, is eicpeeted to give an impetus to the use of Motor vehicles.
India's Increasing Imports.
AN official return lately to hand shows that 4,726 motor vans, lorries, buses and chassis, valued at 7,586,410 rupees, were imported into India during the three hot-weather months ended with June last, as compared with only 3,088 and 5,337,989 rupees in the corresponding period of 1928. Of the total 3,068 are credited to Canada, 1,492 to the United -States, 140 to Great Britain and 26 to other countries.
Russia Orders Tractors.
ACCORDING to The British-Russian Gazette, the Aratorg Trading Corporation has recently placed an order with the Cleveland Tractor Co., of Cleveland, U.S.A., for over 700 Cletrac tractors. The order, amounting to nearly £400,000, provides for credits running, in part, up to three years. Several Soviet engineers will work in the factories of the Cleveland company, and American technical experts are being sent td Russia.