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The Fact that Lowness in First Cost Goe Considerable Attention to the Si
n Hand with High Efficiency is Attracting Small Parcel Delivery Services.
imilar model to this can be obtained f or .2140,, and, as the Royal Enfield is an extremely reliable and' foolproof machine with ari 8 h.p. engine, selective clutch, and two-speed gear, it' should give excellent Service.'
Another concern who have specialized in_this direction are Messrs. Dunford and Elliott, the Makers of the well-known Denult two-stroke, with 500 c.c. engine and three-speed gears, having either all-chain or chain-cum-belt drive. Three -types of commercial body. are made' for this machine, one being an open truck suitable for conveying farm and dairy produce, and capable of carrying., two standard milk churns, or small live stock. ' This type is also suitable-, for builders, painters, plumbers, and other tradesmen, the inside measurements being 13 ins. deep, 211 ins. wide, and 46 ins. long. The next model is a closed box which will safely carry loads up to 4 cwt., the springing being so arranged that fragile goods can be carried without fear of breakage. The box is fitted with a Iodic, key, arid chains, the standard inside measurements
being 17 ins. deep, 21 ins, wide, and 47 ins. long.
Perhaps the most interesting Denult type is the commercial van, which is mounted on a -specially strong chassis, and will carry good i up to 4 cwt. without undue strain, being particularly suitable for grocers, butchers, bakers, confectioners, fishmongers, drapers, or laundrymen. The size of the van is:— Length, 4 ft. 9 ins. ; depth, 3 ft. ; width, 2 ft. 8 ins., while the overall size of the outfit is 7 ft. 6 ins, long and 6'ft. 1 in. wide. The prices of the first -two types are 285 with chain-cum-belt, or 287 las. with allchain drive, while a spare interchangeable wheel for the chain-cum-belt model can be supplied for an extra 27 las. The van with all-chain drive a-rid 28-in. by 3-in, wheel costs 290.
Interchangeable touring bodies can be supplied for all these a standard single-Seater costing 210 las., a standard body with dickey seat 213; and a tandem two-seater 215, all of which. are suitable for " the lighter chassis, whilst aside-by-side two-seater M 215, or, with dickey, 217 las., is interchangeable with the van body. These bodies can be changed over in about five minutes,. without Much labour being entailed. Another Dunelt speciality is a machine with the commercial van chassis, on which the purchaSer can fit his own body, this being particularly suitable for those whose requirements are not on standard lines. The width between the springs is 33 ins., and the price is 280 with 26-in. by 2i-in. wheels and tyres, whilst 28-in. by 3-in. wheel's are 30s. each extra. The lighter chassis can also be obtained at 217 with chaincum-belt drive, or 279 10s. with all-chain drive, the width between the springs being 26 ins., whilst, as before, 28-in, wheels can be fitted at 30s, per wheel.
The Whitley Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Charterhouse Mills, Coventry, also make a service model box sidecar, the price being.218 17s. 6d., which includes a 12 months' guarantee, and, here again, a quickly interchangeable touring body may be obtained for 12 1.0s. extra, substantial thumb-nuts being used in place of the ordinary type for securing the body to the springs.
A Great Diversity of Usefulness.
The Watsonian Folding Sidecar Co. offer two standard cOmmercial sidecars, one being an open truck 14 ins. deep, 21 ina, wide, and 46 ins. long, which weighs 49 lb. The rear end opens, and is held in position by the peg-and-chain fixing usually found on commercial horse vehicles, whilst two standard milk churns can be carried, and the truck is also suitable for builders, painters, plumbers, etc. The dimensions of the closed box are 17 ins. deep, 18i ins, wide, and 47 ins. long, the weight being 54 lb. ; it is fitted with lock, key, and chains, and can be finished in any colour to suit the tustoiner's requirements. Loads up to 3 cwt. or 4 cwt. may be safely carried and there is little fear of a breakage, even if light articles be carried. -A. special attraetion on Watsonian sidecars is that they are delivered in (rates carriage paid, with the same size tyres as those fitted to the machine without any extra charge. The prices of these models are 222 for the truck and 219 10s. for the box. • Some firms, such as Sandum Sidecars, specialize in making bodies which serve as advertisements for their users. For examplei a baker might have a body in the shape of a loaf oE bread. Another Sandum speciality is a sidecar with r, sliding lid and loose upholstery, which would serve for either passenger or commercial use.
A Montgomery box sidecar is sold at £21, and an Indian outfit with a large box costs
• 2131. Another famous concern listing a box is the Triumph Co., who supply an outfit at £105 17s. 6d., which may be obtained with Tawas Magdyno liihting as standard, the well known Triumph finish making it a very handsome outfit.
Another method of using interchangeable bodies is found on Dorway folding sidecars, which possess the additional advantage that the body may, be removed in less than a minute and the chassis folded to pass through a 30-in. gateway. With this type it is possible for two people to change a commercial for a touring body within a minute, and this should appeal to those who wish to use their machines for pleasure during the evenings. Quite a different proposition is the Mellen express motor carrier, which is a glorified tradesman's tricycle, fitted with a 350 c.c. Union two-stroke engine and Burman three-speed gearbox, with hand-controlled clutch and kick-starter. The frame is built up
from steel angle members, on which the box itself is sprung. 24-in. by:21-4n. tyres being used, the steering being by means laf handlebars and links to the front wheels. The size of the box is 35 ins. by 25 ins. by 21 ins., and the carrying capacity l cwt. to 2 cwt., the overall dimensioils being :—Length, 7 ft. 6 ins. ; width, 4 ft. This type has given excellent service in practice, and,, contrary to most experimental. machines of this type, it has proved practically impossible to upset it on corners at any speed which traffic conditions, are likely to allow. The machine is made by F. and M. Melen, Ltd.,. of Sherlock Street, Birmingham, the price being £80.