News of the Week
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AT its meeting on March 23, the ,Road Haulage Central Wages Board decided to ask the Minister of Labour , to make an order giving effect to the proposals of the Board as set out in R,H.15. Reports from the Area Boards and objections have been considered.
The proposals are that the statutory remuneration be increased by 2s. 6d. per week, except in the case of certain classes of worker under 18 years old, foi whom the suggested increase is 2s. per week. It also advises that the existing overtime rates 'should be increased to time and a quarter and time and a &if respectively.
I NSURERS have agreed that the arrangements between them and the M.O.W.T. concerning motor goods vehicles, to which we have referred on several occasions, shall remain in force until June 30.
GWING evidence at a Golcar (Yorkshire) inquest last week, on a man killed by the overturning of a tractor which he was driving, a mechanic
who examined the machine after the accident said that its tyres were overinflated. On a rough road, therefore, the tractor would have a tendency to " bounce." It was stated that the fatality occurred in a rough and narrow road having a gradient of about one in four. The tractor skidded for 30 yds., struck a wall, and overturned on the driver. The verdict was one of "Accidental death."
RAIL PANEL STRENGTHENED I N view of the important questions of policy likely te arise in the future in negotiations with road hauliers, the railway companies have strengthened the Rail Panel of the Road and Rail Central Conference, by the inclusion of their chief commercial officers.
THERE is apparently growing opposition to the 60-mile restriction on "
free" 'haulage contained in Regulation 73B, which has been added to the Defence (General) Regulations, 1939. M.P.s in various parts of the country are being approached by their constituents to fight this measure, which, of course, cannot be put into effect until it has lain on the Table at the House for a stipulated period. NATIONAL RATES PLAN FOR SAND AND GRAVEL HAULAGE
DLANNING of a national schedule of
road-transport rates for the haulage of sand, and gravel .generally is under, consideration by a sub-committee of the S.J.C. It is' understood that adaptation of the Yorkshire schedule, sponsored by the Yorkshire 'Regional Road and Rail Committee, is suggested. According to this idea, a national schedule would be built up similarly, on, a progression rate per ton laden mile, with plus or minus weightage to provide for variations in the length of the haul, and a terminal charge to cover standing, loading and discharging time. In view of the schedule's national scope, however, .there would be some modifications in the figures for rates calculation on these principles.
The move to introduce such a schedule for sand and gravel haulage follows the establishment, by agree-, ment between the S. J.C. and the Ministry 'of Aircraft Production, of a special rates schedule covering the road haulage of sand and gravel in connection with the construction of aerodromes.
DURING February last 232 people were killed on the roads d,uring the hours of black-out, 940 being seriously injured, and 3,231 slightly injured. In daylight there were 313 killed, 1,469 • seriously injured and ,4,31.5 slightly injured.
THE responsibility for freeing roads, bridges and tunnels from toils, rests. with the competent highway authorities, said Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker, Parliamentary Secretary, M.O.W.T., in the House Of Commons, last week. Lord' Leathers, he said, was prepared to consider, with those authorities, any propoSals which they might wish to submit. The Mersey Tunnel tolls were authorized for a limited period, so that the authorities concerned might recover, in part, their expenditure on construction;
AFTER completing his deliveries, a lorry driver named Walter Lupton, of Gorton, Manchester, took the vehicle to meet" his Wife, and drove into a queue of people Outside Belle Vue pleasure grounds, one woman being killed and four other persons injured, according to evidence in proceedings taken at the assizes in that city. His employer, Palatine Bottling Co., Ltd., 'Manchester, had been made co-defendants, but was given judgment with costs against Lupton, the judge finding that the accident arose outside the scope of the driver's employment. The driver, therefore, had to pay Z576 damages and costs.
HIS purchase of seven gallons of 'black market petrol in Leeds, at 3s. 6d. per gallon, is. 4id. per gallon more than the official Price—led to the imposition of fines . totalling 30 upon Mr. Harry Benson, .haulage contractor, The Mount, Birstall, at Batley Police Court, last week. The magistrates ordered the petrol to be confiscated.
Defendant pleaded guilty to acquiring the seven gallons otherwise than from an authorized supplier, and otherwise than against the surrender of councils. His solicitor said that defendant was almost without petrol for two days before the beginning of the new ration period, and he had some' important %vork to 'complete. When someone in Leeds offered him a quantity of petrol, he succumbed to the „temptation to buy it.
WE would refer our readers' to a statement concerning the Midland Counties Motor Finance Co., Ltd.; by Alderman Sir George Kenning, J.P., thechairman and managing director, which appears in our advertising pages. He points out that after a year of control the road-haulage industry is in a restless state, It has become a target for the issue of private enterprise versus
State control. It behoves us. to .be vigilant, for this is the price of liberty. lie emphasizes that the industry should not let its light he hidden under a bushel. . It has a splendid story td tell of achievement and service. The test of survival is service to the community, and who can doubt, he asks, that on that score the future of the industry is assured. , There will be big opportunities before road trausport and great need of its services ; the march of progress can be halted only by obsolete highways.
THE annual general meeting of the Industrial Transport Association (London Branch),. will be heldat the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 12, Hobart Place, 5.W.1, on Saturday, April 1, at 2,15 p m.
AFUEL expert computes that , 2,500,000 gallons of petrol are wasted every year by darelessuess when filling the tanks of farm tractors. Consequently, Mr. J. U. Ch.orlton, machin,ery instructor to North Riding (Yorks) War Agricultural Executive' Committee. is not only urging economy, but has recommended an anti-spill filler, with a reminder of the grave situation that would ensue if any tractors had to remain idle through. a shortage of fuel.
LAST week, in Leicester, the East Midland Area Committee of A.11,0. held its annual meeting, when Major H. E. Crawfurd, president of the Association, dealt with the operation Of the _Government Haulage Scheme. He said he had enough evidence that since the Government took over control such traffic as had gone by road had been transAorted less efficiently and less economically than was previouslythe case, and added that loSs of efficiency was inevitable when cozy trol was taken out of the hands of the experienced hauliers. However, he thought that, in view of the pending developments of .the most tremendous importance to the whole future of the country, it is vital that the scheme, bad as it is, should be Made to go as well as possible.
It is for these reasons, he continued,. he had giyen advice that whilst this crucial moment lasts the industry' should temporarily sacrifice its . and minimize so far as possible the inefficiency of the scheme. He thought . it more statesmafilike and more patriotic to aceept,that position for the time being, and so soon as the present tense period is over, to renew the claims of the industry for the redress of its grievances Major Crawfurd paid tribute to Mr. W. G. Cooper, the area chairman, for his work on behalf of the industry.
The annual elections resulted in the appointment GE the following officials:—Area chairman, Mr. W. C. Cooper; vice-chairman, Mr. A. W. Derby; national executive. Mr. W. (I. Cooper; motional council, Messrs. B. A. Cooper, W. G. Cooper and 6. V.)Dennis; haulage sectional board., Messrs. W. G. Cooper and DI. Derham; deputies, Messrs. J. It Sutcliffe and J. 3. McVeigh; passenger board Mr. G. V. Dennis; ancillary board (temoAary), Mr. B. A, Cooper.
MR, J. A. M. BRIGHT has been -re-elected chairman of the Selby Subarea of A.R.O. He and Mr. J. Hewson have been reappointed to represent the Sub-area on the Yorkshire Haulage Sectional Board.
MR. W. SAVAGE, M.I.Mech.E., has become a member of the Committee of the Road Research Board of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. This Board will study the use of machinery in road construction.
RICHARD LE FEVRE, manager and engineer of the transport department of Leigh (Lanes) Corporation for the past five years, and assistant engineer at Plymotith from 1925 to 1939, has been appointed general manager of Bury Corporation 'transport undertaking. He is 40 years of a'ge. , MR. C. E. PARNALL, who is responsible for compiling and producing technical, instructional and service literature for C.A,V., Ltd., is now also to take over the advertising section. After serving his 'studentship with the English Electric Co„ Ltd., he _joined his present concern as a draughtsman "in the designs department, from which followed his later work, covering both electrical and fuel-injection equipment, for which information there has been an increasing demand, particularly for use by the Servic-es. The combination of the two fields into one, which will be known as Technical Publications and Advertising Department, will, it is anticipated, open up further facilities in both directions.
WITH reference to the article dealing
with the Crossley dual-purpose four-wheel-drive war machine, published in our issue dated February 18, the hydraulic operation of the braking system is carried out on the Lockheed principle, and not as giVen in the article, Help the Second Front by giving your wastepaper to the salvage collectors.
• March 3,1, 1944. . • SHEFFIELD OPERATORS HELP . MERCHANT NAVY FUNDS I T is aimed to have an attendance of about 1,000 at a dance which is being organized by M.O.W.T. officials and road-transport operators inSheffield . and district in aid of Merchant Navy benevolent funds. The dance, to be held in Sheffield City Hall on April 5, forms Part of the campaign led by the North-east Regional Transport Commissioner, Major F. S. Euitwood, for the benefit of Merchant Navy welfare work.
REVERTING to the article -dealing with the road-transport activities of Dobsons Dairies, Ltd., which appeared in our issue for last week, we are informed that the fine fleet of Seddon machines operated s by this concern was supplied through Tom Garner, Ltd., 'of Manchester.