The Wheels of Industry.
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" The wheel of wealth wilt be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
The Price of Petrol.
We are informed that the wholesale prices of " Shell " II and " Crown " motor spirits were advanced N. per gallon on the 23rd inst.
Advice to Grocers.
"The Inspector" (page 286) this week reads a little homily to our contemporary "The Grocer" in regard to the nature of advice to readers which appeared in that journal on a recent occasion, as regards commercial motors.
Recovery of Motor Spirit.
The plant which the Great Central Railway Co. has established at Tuxford, under the department of the chief mechanical engineer, Mr. John G. Robinson, is producing satisfactory 'motor spirit from oil gas. We refer to the process on page 301. None of this spirit, äf course, is available far sale to the public.
Manchester, Liverpool, and Counties C.M.U.A.
We this week complete (pages 296 to 298) the paper and discussion, before the Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.T.A., the former by Mr. It. C. Reynolds (Bleachers Association, Ltd.), and the latter by various members. We hope to• have space available next week to pass some comment ourselves.
Damage to Weighbridge Successful Defence.
The Commercial Motor Users Association is to be congratulated on its successful defence of Messrs. Beck and Pollitzer, of 29, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C., in a claim which was made against that firm by the Toweester Gas Co. The claim was for 285 105., in respect of repairs, verification, restamping, protecting site, and loss of fees consequent on the breakage of the irlaintiffs' weighbridge by the defendants' motor lorry. it appears that a steam lorry, 'owned by the defendants, went over the weighbridge—and through it. The plaintiffs contended that the defendants were trespassing, that they were on the wrong side of the road, and were using a vehicle in excess of the specified weight for the 'weighbridge.
It was submitted for the defendants that they were not liable, and counsel answered in detail various allegations which had been put forward in the case for the plaintiffs, such as that the steam lorry had previously been watering from a bridge without leave, that it was due to the negligence of the driver c40 that it 'Went over the weighbridge, and similar unrelated points. Judgment was entered for Messrs. Beck and Pollitzer, with costs against the gas company.
The M.O.M. Tractor.
'With further reference to this tractor, which was briefly described in our last issue, it-is essential that all manufacturers who desire to tender should know that all tenders for parts or units of this tractor are required to be handed in at the Agricultural Machinery Department, 8, Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C. 2, not later than Saturday, the 2nd prox. We may remind our readers thatall particulars and drawings of. this tractor are -on exhibition at the same address, and may be examined by persons wishing to tender.
U.S.A. Practice. 'Designers and manufacturers of British commercial motors will probably not fail to derive advantage from a perusal of our further references (pages 288 and 289) to the -U.S.A. war-chassis specifications. The manner in which very considerable freedom is all-owed in the matter of design is a noteworthy feature. It is evidently in-' tended to rely upon interchange -parts only within fleets of the same make. The huge extent of user -during the European ,war tends to show that this modification of -old nolicy is sound. An International Exhibition.
An international exhibition is to be held in Sonrabaya; Java, undei the auspices of the Dutch Government. The period is intended to be that extending from the let May to the 1st November; 1919, or, alternatively, it is said as soon as the war is finished. A special section will be -open to manufacturers of agricultural implements. Applications are being received, and several have been handed in already from American and Japanese firms.
Mr. Leycester Barwell Joins the M.T•, A.S.C.
Mr. Leyeester Barwell, the partner in the firm -of Messrs. Shoolbred and Co. who has been a pioneer advocate of commercial motors from the beginning, joined the MT., A.S.C., on the 21st inst. Mr. Barwell is in his 53rd year. This keenness, on the part of a business man with his own sons in the Services, is certainly worthy of men. tion. We hope that Mr. Barwell will be as well able to serve his country in the M.T., A.S.C., as he has, in the past, by his good judgment and thoroughness, served both his own firm and the cause of corn. merelal motoring generally in civil life.
Hire Cars.
The prospects for more fuel for private-hire (hackney-carriage) vehicles is brighter, but not ye'. altogether clear. . We deal with it editorially on page 283.
In theJlouse of Cornmtns on the 25th inst., Mr. Perkins asked the President of the Board of Trade.: whether he is aware that the new order that hired motorcars can only be engaged from a hackney stand or public place will cause inconvenience in small country towns where there are no hackney stands, and where such hackney cars as are available are kept in hotel yards and public garages, and are ordered by telephone or letter ; whether he is aware that in a very large number of cases the chauffeurs of such cars are women who have patriotically Undertaken the work in order to release men and who object to have to wait about in the roads ; and whether he will modify the order in favour of the small country towns where there is no danger of the imposition against which the
Order was directed ? •
• Mr. Roberts : Arrangements have now been made under which it will be possible for motorcars to be hired for certain purposes in country towns and districts in which ordinary taxicab facilities are not available.
Proceedings of Local Authorities.
A motor fire-engine is to be purchased by the Shrewsbury fire protection service.
The Crompton and Royston (Lanes.) U.D.C.s are purchasing jointly a motor ambulance.
The Manchester Corporation is to purchase a motor street sweeper, at an estimated cost of £700.
The Skelmersdale (Lancs.) U.D.C. is inquiring into the advisability of purchasing a motor ambulance.
The Bingley U.D.C. has asked its Highways Committee to inquire into the question of purchasing a motor wagon.
The question of having the municipal garage of the Glasgow Corporation controlled independently of the Tram-ways Committee is under consideration.
The Surveyor to the Holston R.D.C. has been instructed to make an estimate of the cost of repairing all roads damaged by 'heavy motor traffic, in view of a discussion of the situation.
The electrical engineer of the Ilford U.D.C. has submitted a report showing the result of a year's use of the electric coal wagon, and the report was considered satisfactory.
The motor ambulance belonging to the Tottenham Public Health Committee is 46 be overhauled. It has been in constant use since December. 1915, and has run upwards of 8000 miles.
Further to the announcement in our issue of the 12th April. representativos of the East Ham T. C. are to visit Isleworth and Ipswich in order to inspect motor dust vans in use in those two places.
Residents in Windmill Road, Fairfield, have sent protests to the Wandsworth B.C. against the use of the road for motorbuses, suggesting either a diversion of route or the reconstruction of the road for heavy traffic.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board reports that it has surmounted its difficulty with regard to the maintenance of the motor ambulance service owing to the intervention of the L.G.B., which has arranged for the supply of the necessary mechanics to keep the motors in running repair.
-The Surbiton renerts that
the contractor for the new electric dust vans has failed to obtain the sanction of the Ministry of Munitions for the purchase of the steel necessary for the bodies and tipping gears on the vans, although permission had been given for the construction of the vans, as announced in our issue of the 8th March.
The Stratford T.C. has been advised to consider the adoption of a motorbus service .in place of the discontinued omnibus service.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board has accepted the following tenders in connection With the provision of store vans: Berne Motor Lorries Cos, Ltd., two 2i-ton chassis at £,775 each, Vulcan Car Agency, Ltd., two 1-ton chassis at £475 each,.
The queetion of the purchase of a motor ambulance for the Stepney Board of Guardians has been re ferred back to the Finance Committee, for consideration in due course, as it is thought the matter is better held in abeyance far the time being.
The Willesden U.D.C. reports. having been Unsuccessful in eba. taming any tenders. for the supply of petrol for the Public Health Department. Plans have been passed by the Council for a brick petrol store in Cumberland Avenue, for the F-ellows Magneto Co., Ltd.
Creditors of the Imperial Motor Industries, Ltd. should make claims before Ian-) July to S. G. Cole, 48, Gresham Street, E.C.
The Motor Touring and Garage Co. Ltd., of 5, Fenehurch Street, Co., is to be wound up voluntarily. Mr. R. H. Ireland, 92, Gloucester Road, Kensington, S.W., is liquidator.
Recent Registrations.
F. C. Tudor and Co., Ltd. (E1000), with its registered office at 8, Pavilion Parade, Brighton ; motor manufacturers, repairers and agents.
British Magnetos, Ltd. (100), with its registered office at 8, Breams Buildings, Chancery Lane, NIT.C., to carry on business as designers, manufacturers and dealers in magnetos and similar accessories.
British Lighting and Ignition Co., Ltd. (X100,000), to deal in motor and railway vehicles and rolling stock, -and to acquire the authority of the Board of Trade for the undertaking of the Bosch Magneto Co., Ltd. Solicitors : Surtees, Phillpotts and Co., of 6, St. Helen's Place, E.C.
Roads and Town Planning.
To-morrow, the 1st prox.. the discussion on Mr. Rees Jeffreys' paper " Road Construction and Improvements by Means of the Town Planning Act ' will be resumed at the Surveyors' Institution, 12, Great George Street, Westminster. The chair is to be taken at 6 p.m.
Copies of notes 'of the previous discussion as well 'as the original paper, can be obtained by those mterested from Messrs. Ede and Townsend, 30-34, Tabernacle Street, E C. 2. Ferodo Wear.
An instance of the remarkable wear of Ferodo brake linings is that of two Albion omnibuses which are running in the Lake District. The entailer bus has run 120,000 miles, and the owners estimate that it will run for another 50,000 miles before the lining of the brakes will re quire renewing.
War Standardization Work.
The American Society of Automotive Engineers is busily engaged upon war standardization work. Amongst other things the detail work of aeroplanes is having close attention, and it is expected that rapidity of manufacture will be considerably enhanced as a result of the labours of this body.
• Labour for Farms. In. the House of Commons on 22nd May, Mr. Peto asked the Under-Secretary -of State for War whether he will arrange that all men Irons the Army who are well reported on as efficient drivers of motor ploughs or of steam-ploughing • tackle, and who have 'been engaged on this work this spring, shall be left to continue until the autumn sowing time and not recalled to the Army ? Mr. MacPherson: As far as possible, steam ploughmen will be al
lowed to remain until the autumn sowing season. No definite undertakings can2 however, be given, as the permission depends on the military situation, and this is subject to sudden changes.
Mr. Peto Ie he aware that since
the Prune Minister's statement in the City, there has leeen a diminution of labour on the land of at least 20,000 men : 18,000 military men' wererecalled from. agriculture, and 2000 more were called out ?
Mr. MacPherson : My information is quite contrary to that which my hon. friend gives. I understand that 15,000 men have been sent to Scotland alone, and not More than 5000 were actually utilized. Col. Yate : Is the hon gentleman
aware that throughout the country generally there have been grave complaints as to the shortage and the utter inability to obtain labour, and will he take steps to pro-vide that labour ?
Mr. MacPherson : I think the War Office has done everything in its power, and the President of the Board of Agriculture himself said in this House that, during the last eight months, that was the case. So far as I am personally concerned, I have received very few complaints from farmers.
Mr. Pete : Is the hon. member aware that the 3,000,000-acre 'programme is an absolutearnirage unlesathere is a supply of 100,000 men forthcoming from somewhei el Mr. MacPherson : That is a. question which is being dealt with by the Director of Food Production. Food Production in Lincoln.
Lincolnshire is making strenuous efforts to increase the productive capacity of its land, and is endeavotiring to render this equal to that of 18,72, which was a bumper year in this respect. Mr. R. M. Wright, of Newland, Lincoln, is the distnet organizer for the food production department, and has been doing some remarkably good work with a 75 h.p. Ruston tractor.
A Trustworthy Magneto Repairer: Mr. Dominatore Borra is . an Italian who for many Years has concentrated on the work.of magneto repairs, in which he has now become an expert. For' some little time past he has been conducting this repair work under the title of the Borra Magneto Repairing Co., Ltd., at 72, Dean Street, W. 1. At that address all kinds of magneto and dynamo repairs are executed in a thorough and efficient_ manner.
Capital and Labour in Cooperation.
A meeting of the General Committee of the National Alliance of Employers and Employed was held on Tuesday, the 22nd inst., and the new constitution was __adopted. Amongst those present weo notice the names of Sir K. Crossley, Bart., of Crossley Bros.' . Ltd., and Mr. E. Manville, of the Daimler Co. Representatives of both employers and employed are on the Comillatee. The main objects of the Constitution are to secure the active co-operation of employers and employed in the discussion •of questions affecting labour. Amongst other things, the problem concerning the reinstatement in civil employment at the end of the war of men who are now serving with the Forecs, is to be considered. Wanted—an Owner.
A large gas engine cylinder which is in need of repair has been received by the New Welding Co., of 26, Roscbery Avenue, E.C. 1, but without their having received any Previous advice, or any indication as to the owners. Will the latter please communicate with the corn-. pany at once ?
Birmingham's Transport Organi.. zation.
The scheme of organization to make more effective use of the facilities for road motor transport in the Birmingham area inaugurated a short time ago, appears now to have settled down into good running order. Since the beginning of this month, the carriage of all kinds of merchandise has been un. dertaken by the Ministry of Munitions. The results of the experiment are encouraging. One. of the effects has been the promotion of more speedy traffic conditions between Birmingham and the neighbouring Black Country towns.
Wanted—a Second-hand Station.
• Bus.
The Y.M.C. A. Motor Transport Department is desirous of acquiring a second-hind bus, similar. to that used for hotels and station work, capable of carrying 16 to 20 passengers. It should be fairly modern, and a price.cproportionate to the .value offered will be paid. The work for which this bus is required is the conveyance of the relatives of wounded soldiers to hospitals in France. We understand that so many as 300 people a day pass through the Y.M.C.A. hostel, ivhich is devoted to this work. It would appear, therefore, that there is some scope for the-exercise of aL little generosity if there is anyone who has such a vehicle at his disposal, and might be inclined to present the Association with it. Vienna's Petrol and Electric Motorbus Service.
We hear from a reliable Dutch source that Vienna is now planning a petrol and electric otnnibusIservice, With which it is hoped to commence operations immediately after the peace.
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
A report of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. for 1916 is just to hand. After making provision for depreciation and taxation, transferring £200,000 to reserve fund and £25,000 to the .superannuation fund, the Court recommends the payment of the usual half-yearly dividend on the preference stock, and a dividend of 5 per cent. less income tax on the ordinary stock, making 7 per-cent. for the year..and leaving a balance of £.52,562 to be carried forward.
Special Permits for Hired Cars.
A further notice has been issued by the P.O.C. relating to regula-. tion 8GG of the . Defence of the Realm Regulations. The Committee will be prepared to issue special permits for motorcars to he let on hire for certain specified purposes in. those districts where there are no taxicabs or other hackney -vehicles standing plying for hire in a public place or street, or railway station: The permit will be issued subject to the condition that the hired motorcar is used only for the following purposes :—
(1) for the conveyance of passengers to and from a railway' station or port, within a radius of 10 miles of the Place at which the motorcar is kept .for hire ; (2) for the conveyance of dilly authorized Government or public officers while engaged in their official duties ; (3) for, the conveyance for business ptirposes of farmers to and from
• fartns or markets.; (4) for the conveYanee of veterinary surgeons while engaged upon their professional &ties ; (5) for visiting persons who are dangerously ill, and for conveying nurses to attend operations, provided that in each 'case a certificate is obtained from a duly-qualified medical practitioner; (6) for funeral's; (7) for the conveyance of newspapers for distribution. A complete record should be kept of the names and addresses of hirers and particulars of the journeys. These records shall he open. to inspection at any time if re
quired. should furnish the fol
lowing particulars 'to the secretary, Petrol Control Committee, 19. Berkeley .Street, W. 1 : name and address of owner of motorcar.; number of owner's motor spirit licence; purposes for which motorcar is to be let for hire ; period for which motorcar is to be let for hire.