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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Municipal Vehicle Exhibition.
In connection with the demonstration of mechanically-propelled vehicles used in municipal work, which is being arranged to be held in London (Lincoln's Inn Fields) on Thursday, June 16th, by the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers, the issue of The Commercial Motor for Tuesday, June 14th, will be devoted to these .appliances and their -uses. The number will be of particular interest to all municipal engineers and, in order to ensure that it shall not be missed, it would be advisable to place orders with newsagents some days in advance.
Thornycroft Dividends.
The directors of J. I. Thornyci)aft and co., La., have decided to pay interim dividends in respect of the half year ending January 31st of 3 per cent, on' the 6 per cent, cumulative preference shares, and 31 per cent, on the participating preferred ordinary shares less tax at 6s. in the pound.
The results of the half year's working to January 31st are satisfactory, but in view of the universal financial stringency the directors do not think it prudent at the present time to pay an interim dividend on the ordinaryshares.
An Accessory Man Wanted.
A first-class man is wanted by a wellestablished London company associated with the motor industry to represent them in London on the accessory side of the commercial-ve.biele business which they are now setting out to develop. Letters addressed " Accessory," c.o. The Editor, will be forwarded to the right quarter.
Overcoming Coal Difficulties.
As a result of the abnormal conditions prevailing as a consequence of the coal strike, the works activities of most manufacturers have been affected in many ways.
At the Yoker works of Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., concern was caused to the company by their inability to obtain sufficient gas for operating the gas cookers. As a result, it appeared that the canteen, which is patronized by practically the whole of the staff and employees, would have to be closed. However, experience under active service conditions same to the rescue, and in the matter of a few hours a field oven was built and was in action. The whole of the cooking is now being done on this field oven in a way which is said to be as satisfactory as the most up-todate cooker. The oven is coke-fired, and the total cost of the coke is negligible,
amounting to only a few pence.
Our Next Issue.
Pressure on our space in this issue, owing to the inclusion of matter (concerning small motor vehicles for tradesmen and the transport of light loads), which has been in preparation for some weeks, has compelled us to hold over or restrict some of the usual features of the journal, but they will be resumed in our next issue. Regularly a large proportion of space is devoted to the intereets of the motor coach movement and of passenger travel, and our next issue will be extremely interesting to coach proprietors. For agents and repairers there will he an important article by " Vim " (himself a prominent agent), dealing with the rescue of commercial vehicles after breakdown. "The Inspector's Notebook " has been opened at the page dealing with the 190'7 commercial vehicle trials, and our trenchant contributor puts forth an interesting suggestion. " Agrimot " will resume his page dealing with the use and advantages of the agrimotor on the farm. The next article in the series on Overhauling will concern the Palladium 4 ton chassis. The "Opinions of Readers " will cover a number of important subjects. The issue will include further articles on various subjects, including small vehicle transport in continuation of the matter appearing in this issue of the journal.
A Fire-tender Wanted.
The Wanstead U.D.C. require tenders for the supply of a 40 b.h.p. fire-tender with first-aid outfit and telescopic lad
der. The machine must be so constructed that a turbine pump can be readily added if subsequently desired. Tenders must be delivered by June 2nd.
French Road Rules.
The new Code de la Route or Rules of the Road, for motor vehicles in use in France, contains a number of innovations, but certain drastic changes which had been advocated are conspicuous by their absence. Thus the French rule of the road, " Keep to the Right—Pass to the Left," has, after rtng deliberation, been retained "owing to the great disturbance which a change of long-standing habit would inevitably and for a long time cause."
One of the chief changes made is the abolition of all speed limits for vehicles weighing less than three tons when loaded. Drivers are required, however, at all times to have their speed under control, and the new code confirms their present responsibility for any accidents due to their carelessness or rashness. Speed limits are' imposed on vehicles weighing with their load over three tons, lot in the interest of pedestrians or other travellers, but for the preservation of the roadway, as " no road surface could withstand rapid passage of such heavy weights." With the same object all vehicles are requested to have tyres varying in width with their weight.
As regards lamps, the use of dazzling lights is prohibited in all towns, vil. lages or other places provided with public lighting, and in the open country lights are to be so arranged that the rays from them rever rise more than 39 ins, above the ground level. At cross roads a driver is to give way to any vehicle approaching on his right. Single trailers are allowed, subject to certain easily-fulfilled conditions.
A South Coast Service.
A motor coach service has been established by the Dawns Muter Transport Co., Ltd., of Soutbstrand Garage, Angmering-on-Sea, to run between that
south-coast resort and Worthing. At present it is covered by a single coach running to a time-table which gives four trips per day in each direction, and five on Saturdays and Sundays. Alternative routes are taken on alterfaitiVe journeys, on the one journey the coach passing through Patching and on the next through Ferring.
Oil-fuel Burners.
The Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., Wallsend-on-Tyne, who are pioneers in the oil-burning industry, and have applied oil-burning apparatus to boilers totalling five million horse-power, are prepared to adapt all types of boilers for the use of oil fuel.
The two systems employed by the company are the Wallseud Howden lowpressure system of oil burning and the Wallsend Howden steam jet system of oil burning.
In the Wallsend Howden low-pressure system of oil burning the oil is drawn from a main storage tank through a duplex filter by means of a fuel-oil pump, and is then discharged through a nest of tubes jacketed by steam, known as the heater, which raises the temperature of the oil to that most efficient for . combustion. Under pressure of the pump the oil passes from the heater through a duplex strainer, or filter, of fine mesh, and is discharged into the furnace of
the boiler. These., by means of the nozzles and diaeihr&gem-in .the burner, it is finely atomzied. It is then mixed with the air supply, admitted through the patent air directors, and breaks into an intense flame which entirely fills the in rri ace.
The air can he regulated to meet all requirements, and complete combustion is attained, full value being obtained from every atom of the oil fuel. The plant is compact, the pump, heater, and filter being mounted as •a single unit upon an oil-tight tray. In the Wallsend Howden steam jet system the oil is not pumped, but flows to the burners from a gravitation tank, the oil having been heated to a sufficient temperature to flow freely. Steam admitted to the burner atomizes the oil by its momentum, drawing it into the furnace in a cone-shaped spray, which —meeting the requisite air supply admitted through the patent air directors —breaks into flame a few inches from the tip of the burner.
Bartles Busy on Bodies.
It is interesting to note that orders for chars-it-bancs are still going through in large numbers, as is instanced by the fact that Jas. Bartle and Co., Ltd., the well-known coachbuilders of Notting Hill, London, W., have 45 of these vehicles to deliver before August Bank Holiday, 33 of them being 28 seaters and 12 being 16 seaters. This is in addition to their bus and-heavy van work.
A Pneumatic Supplementary Spring.
With the gradual improvement in springing, the supplementary spring is, to a certain extent, going out of favour, although it is still employed on a considerable number of vehicles, and particularly ore the Ford. Various types have been evolved, but up to the present, few, other than those employing spiral springs, have achieved much popularity. When referring to supplementary springs we must discriminate between these and other devices which are purely rebound absorbers and which, while they do not serve to soften the springing, damp out spring oscillations. A supplementary spring, which, to all appearances, may prove satisfactory, has been developed in Switzerland, and is now being tried in the United States. It consists of a spherical chamber, containing a reinforced rubber air chamber. At the top of the chamber is an orifice, through which enters a plunger, which seats on the pneumatic cushion. The plunger is pivoted to the lower arm of the device, which, in turn, is connected to the spring eye by means of links. The upper arm of the device, Which contains the pneumatic cushion, is pivoted to the end of the frame, and the general arrangement can be seen from the illus tration given. •
Roller Worm Gearing.
In spite of the very satisfactory re, sults which have attended various efficiency Jests with worm gearing, many -people still criticise it because of the rubbing friction which is bound to occur between the faces of the 'worm and tthe teeth on the worm gear. Attempts have been made to eliminate.this rubbing friction, but, owing to the tact that, in spite of all criticism, worm gearing has at. tabled such a pitch of perfection that it can hardly be improved upon as regards its efficiency, few of these attempts have received any great , encouragement. However, one worm gear of special interest is used on is fairly well-known snake of German car. In the gear employed on this vehicle, the worm wheel has been replaced by a plain wheel carrying rollers. This type of gear has been used in Germany for several years, and it is claimed to operate at a. maximum efficiency of 97 per cent., which, dentally, is only equal to the maximum efficiency of a good worm gear, if this is well lubricated.
Traffic Man Wanted.
We know of a gentleman who has a valuable concession for London and district, and wishes to get into touch with a good traffic expert or goods superintendent with a knowledge of all classes of economic short-distance haulage work, and one with good connections and a knowledge of local conditions. Our correspondent has a preference for a man with an established business or with a command of capital. We shall be willing to put any reader in touch with him if he addresses his letter " SQ.," 0.0. the Editor of The -C'aPartercial Motor, 7, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.
A committee appointed by the House of Assembly of Barbados to report on the railway system in the colony has recommended that the service be maintained. It was proposed that the railway be abandoned and road traffic developed. The committee favours an improvement, of the existing equipment.
Newcastle Bus Services.
The Newcastle Corporation Tramways Committee are busily engaged at present on the task of linking up the various towns and villages in South Northumberland with the capital of Tyneside, and the latest bus route commenced is one which bids fair to become an exceediagly popular on; especially during the summer months. The new route joins West Moor, which is a tram terminus, with Seaton Sluice, a seaside town, which is leek ed upon as a coming resort of the norm-east coast. The run is an attractive on; and passes largely through open country, and includes the historic Seaton Delavid Avenue, and the equally famous Seaton Delaval Hall, while, as the destination is nearly reached, a capital sea view is obtained. The fare is is. Li, and the single journey just over 7 miles. At its inauguration—during the Whitsun week-end—the service received splendid patronage. Buses are to run every hour on Saturdays and Sundays, and every two hours during the rest of the week.
Road Services and Agricultural Shows.
At one time it was anticipated that many of the agricultural shows during the coming season would have to be cancelled or postponed owing to the coal crisis, but in the majority of cases the shows are being held, and motor lorries, vans and buses are being used ,for the conveyance of exhibits (including live stock) and visitors.
At the Hereford Show, which will he held in a fortnight's time, the various bus companies in the neighboui-hood have arranged for a regular service of vehicles from the railway station to the show ground, and other special buses to run from various points for many miles around, to Hereford. Similar arrangements are being made in connection with the other shows.
Lorry Drives a Machine Shop.
The illustration which we reproduce on this page depicts a unique application
of a 1915 Leyland W.D.-typo .
pe lorry. I is shown in the picture doing the work which is usually done by a 40 h.p. elec. tric motor at the works of the Hampton Motor Engineering Co., Ltd., of Stroud.
Owing to the shortage of fuel this company found it essential to find other power to drive their machines. This was accomplished by stripping the lorry of its body and placing the machine in position in the shops, when the back axle was jacked up and the offside rear wheel locked. As the rubber tyres on the nearside rear wheel were in good condition, this was belted up direct to the main line shafting with 6 in. Balata belting.
The lorry has been running for several full consecutive days, and no trouble has been experienced. n is driving 15 machines, including a, battery of capstans and various milling machines.
Pigeon Racing. and Motor Convoys.
On a recent Saturday a convoy of ten motor lorries containing pigeons passed through a certain town in the West Midlands en route for various points for the liberation of the birds. Some were going to Bournemouth, others to Weymouth, Templecombe, and various other places.
On the &erne day a convoy of racing pigeons were liberated from motor lorries on Pitchcroft, Worcester. In conversation with some of the pigeon fanciers, the opinion was expressed-that the trailssit of pigeons for racing would, after this, pass from the railways to motors. It is said to be much more convenient to send the birds by road than by rail, and with properly constructed bodies for the motors it is possible for the pigeons to arrive at the starting point in much better condition than is the case when they are conveyed by rail. Access to fresh air is particularly important.
• The Licenseal.
We have received particulars of an interesting device for the protection of motor licences from iejury through water or moisture pentrating the holder. It is called the Licenseal, and is being marketed by the Inventors' Sales Agency, of Cow Lane, Coventry.
The manufacturers state that the method of sealing the licence, for which a patent has been applied, makes it impossible for water or moisture to penetrate the protective covering, which is really like a hermetically sealed chamber made from non-inflammable material similar to celluloid. Experiments which have been conducted have proved that oil and spirit have no effect upon" the Licenseal.
The Licenseal consists of a black disc and a clear disc. Its • method of fitting is as follows :—The licence to be sealed is cut down to the inside circle and laid on the black disc. A small tube of special solvent is supplied with the discs, and a little of this material is applied round the edge of the black disc, when the clear disc is placed on top and the two discs with the licence between them are placed under a weight until dry. It is stated that the solvent dissolves the material from which the discs are made, and makes the sealed easing perfectly water-tight. The easing can then be trimmed down to fit the licence holder.
The retail price of this licence holder is is. 6d.
The A.A. and Hire Vehicles.
The Southport Corporation sought powers recently to make by-laws regulat. ing motor vehicles let out for hire fromgarages, etc., but the Automobile Association, through the Motor Legislation Committee, lodged objections to the Southport Corporation's order. As a result, the Ministry of Health have refused to confirm the Corporation's quite unjustifiable attempt further to hamper the legitimate business of owners of vehicles for hire.
Sweepers for Battersea_
The Works Committee of the Battersea Borough Council reports that prevision is made in their estimates for the purchase of three motor lorries and two motor road sweepers. The committee is not yet ready to report as to the purchase of motor lorries, but, with regard to road sweepers, has inspected sweepers now on the market and obtained tenders, recommending the purchase of two Lailly machines at 57,600 francs each. The price will be governed by the value of the franc at the time the machines are delivered. At the moment, 57,600 francs is equivalent to £1,200.:
Old Taximeters and New Fares.
At a meeting of the Swansea Watch Committee, the town clerk submitted coirespondence with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transport with regard to the scale of fares proposed for motorcals and the difficulty of calculating a fare at the rate of is. Bd. a mile with a taximeter registering distance by sixths of a mile. The committee decided to substitute the. following fares to meet the difficulty :— If the distance apes. not exceed half a mile, is. ; if it exceeds half a mile, for each sixth part of a mile, 3ld.
Further lighterage and warehousing services, as well as a motor transport service at the Port of Tandjong Priok (Batavia, are being organized by the
harlsn,7 Amtharities.
Killing Private Enterprise.
In consequence of the cancellation of Sunday trams and trains in Southport a local firm of motor, coach proprietors commenced a service of their vehicles in the borough, charging the same fares as the tramways. This proved very popular until the Chief Constable stopped the running of the vehicles.
Subsequently, when the matter was brought before the Watch Committee, permission to continue the service was refused. On Sunday of last, week a large crowd assembled outside the firm's offices In the expectation of a service being run, and when they were informed of the decision of the authorities they manifested keen disappointment. It was not the intention of the firm to compete with the tramways, but merely to provide facilities for the public when no trams were running. The action of the Watch Cemmittee is, tterefore, felt to be some what unjust. It may be mentioned that the Corporation lisa recently acquired powers to run omnibuses in the borough, but is unable to make use of this advantage as it his no buses to hand.
Ascot Races and Motor Traffic.
As in past years, the Royal Automobile Club is again this year in control of the whole of the motor enclosures on Ascot Heath for tlie races on June 14th to 17th.
There are in all seven enclosures. Omnibuses and chars-it-banes will be admitted to both the east and northwest enclosures, but not to the northeast enclosure, which• /s the popular one, where the charge Tor cars is only 2s. per day. Accommodation has been provided this year for motor chars-abanes in a special station, all the space in which has to be booked in advance. : Berths are not being marked out, but the number of coaches will be limited so as to prevent overcrowding and to ensure comfortable access. This enclosure is conveniently planed so that passengers using the vehicles will have but a short walk to the nearest stand, and will be able to rejoin their vehicles without difficulty after the races, A feature of the organization of the motor traffic is the issue of discs of various colours for exhibition on vehicles for which space has been booked. All vehicles carrying these coloured discs can be readily directed to the roads leading to their particular enclosure. An advance booking office has been opened by the R.A.C. at 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.
The eastern enclosure (No. 4) has been reserved for the sole use of the Motor Trade Association. The official price per motor coach for the four days is £15, but provisional arrangements which have been made by the M.T.A. enable the Association to quote their members a sum of £7 15s. for this period.
Hire-purchase Transactions.
The Automotive Finance Co., who have specialized in hire-purchase transactions for dealers and distributors, have now been merged into the Industrial Guarantee Corporation, Ltd., of 134, Great 'Portland Street, London, This step has been found netessary in order to enable them to cope with the increasing volume of business, Under the new name, the business of the company will be conducted by the same management, and will be guided by the same policy which has been hitherto so successful.
Tractor Sales in Western Canada.
The number of tractors in operation in Western Canada in 1920 was estimated at about 33,000. A recent survey shows the remarkable increase in the use of tractors in the Prairie Provinces, sales for the past four years being: In 1917, 5,000; in 1918, 7,500; in 1919, 9,000; in
1920, 10,250; total, 31,750. The oilburning engine is by far the most popular, sales of -steam tractors dropping from 104 in 191,9 to 89 in 1920. Smaller initial investment, flexibility of operation and reduction of fire risk are some of the reasons why the oil tractor is said to be preferred to the steam engine.
Local Proceedings.
A motor lorry is required by the Ammanfold U.D.C. The cost is put at £1,000.
Northumberland County Council has purchased four 3& ton Albion hydraulic tipping wagons.
A 2i ton type Garrett electric street watering van is being purchased by the Canterbury Town Council from Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd., for £1,357.
A report upon the provision of a motor fire-engine and appliances is to be prepared by the survekar of the Bryth U.D.C., who has also been instructed to make arrangements to receive tenders.
Essex County Council has postponed until its July meeting the consideration of the recommendation of its highways committee that, the mileage charges in respect of motor omnibuses using new routes be discontinued.
Bethnal Green Board of Guardians wants to be independent of Other parties in the matter of ambulances. It is accordingly proposed to buy a 1921 model 25-30 h.p. Crossley at a cost of Southend Corporation Tramways Committee has asked the electrical engineer to report as to the cost of providing and maintaining a small system of three trackless trolley cars on the Prittlewell route. The committee also suggests obtaining Parliamentary powers to enable such services to be established.
The Chief Constable of Worcester reported to a meeting of the Watch Committee that the horses used on the horsehose-tender, were getting old, and he thought the time had arrived when they should consider the question of providing a motor-driven fire-tender. The recommendation to purchase one was decided upon.
Essex County Council has approved the action of the highways committee in sanctioning the renovation of three 5 ton Straker-Squire tipping lorries (working in the Ilford and Eppmg districts) at an estimated cost of £370 each, and the purchase of two 200-gallon tar-spraying machines from the Municipal Appliances
Co., Bamber Bridge., Preston, at '£164.
Council Insists on Higher Bus Fares.
At a meeting of the Southend Tramways Committee, the town clerk re
ported that in response to a question at the last, meeting as to whether the, committee was arranging for the running of a service of motor omnibuses from the Kursaal along the front to the northern end of Chalkwell Avenue, the chairman had stated that he would submit the matter for discussion by the committee. The committee also had a letter from the Westcliff Motor Char-a.-bancs Co., Ltd., stating that the company would be prepared to run a service of pneumatic-tyred buses over the route mentioned during the summer season. It was resolved that the proposal be agreed to subject to the approval of the highways committee and to the watch committee granting the necessary licences for the vehicles, and to the fare for the journey being not less than 50 per cent. over that chargeable from time to time for travelling between the same points on the light railways.
Glasgow's Heavy Traffic.
In the recent test case to decide the liability in regard to road damage by excessive traffic, the Glasgow Corporation failed to sustain its claim against Messrs. Barclay and Celle. The matter has since been considered by a committee of the Corporation, which has recommended an appeal. Meanwhile the Committee reports another case of damage by traffic of ex
cessive weight. Two boilers were removed from Messrs. Stephen's works to the docks. The boilers, which weighed between 65 and 70 tons, damaged some 860 setts. The Committee has notified the firm that it is being held liable for the damage to the roadway.
C.M.U.A. at Leeds.
The third provincial meeting of the Commercial Motor Users Association will be held at Leeds on Tuesday, June 14th, and coupled with this there will be a visit on the following day to the works of the Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co.
West Bromwich Road Improvements.
Two considerable road improvements are now approaching completion at West Bromwich. By the laying pf a new thoroughfare stretching from the, end of New Street acrosswaste land adjoining Four Acres, a new approach has been made to the Dartmouth Park, and when the improvement' scheme in regard to adjoining property has been completed, 'a very substantial advantage will have been secured almost in the centre of the town.
The other improvement is in the Church Vale district, where the main road to Newton has been widened, and several dangerous turnings completely removed.
The advantages of the work, which has been in progrese during the winter months, were much appreciated during the Whitsun liolidays by the thousands of people journeying by road to the Great Barr district.
Boilerine in the Air.
Whenever there is the slightest risk of the water used in the jackets of watercooled engines being impregnated with lime, even if only to a small extent, it is desirable that, the water should be treated by a substance which shall keep the; lime in solution and prevent its being 'precipitated on the walls of the jacket, in the pipe, or in the water channels or tanks of the radiator. It is in. teresting -to -learn that Boilerine is used for this purpose on the aeroplanes of the London and Paris Air Service, these machines being made by Handley-Page, Ltd., and being fitted wit-I:Al:tolls-Royce Eagle Eight engines. We understand that the results are entirely satisfactory as, cif course, is only to'be expected from a proved article which has been on the market for several years. .
Trolieybus Experiments.
At a meeting of the Bradford Tramways Committee the general manager submitted a letter from the Ministry of Transport offering no objection to the running by the corporation, for experi"mental purposes, of one double-deck topcovered railless vehicle of t:se six. wheeled type on the understanding that the conditions prescribed by the, Ministry are complied with, and that the maximum load-axle weight does not exceed five tons.
The general manager has been authorized to proceed with the construction of an experimental car of this type, at an estimated cost of £2,200.
The sub-committee, having considered a report -f the deputation which inspected one-man rosiness vehicles at York, decided to recommend that, as the present railless trolley vehicles become unfit for further repair, there be substituted for them railless cars of the oneman type, and that the general manager be authorized to make arrangements for the provision of six cars of the new type mentioned, at an estimated cost of £1,800 each.
A number of chars-a-bancs are to be obtained by the Birtiey and District...Cooperative Society for the use of members. Many co-operative societies throughout the country are buying coaches and organizing tours.