Lively Discussion on S.R.P.T.A. Papers .THE 13th annual conference of the
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Scottish Road Passenger Transport Association, held at Peebles from May 23 to 25, produced some animated discussions on the papers submitted, which were summarized in last week's issue. Following the reading of Col.. D. C. MeLagan's paper on " The Road and Its Uses in 1935," the discussion was initiated by Mr. Colley (John I. Thomycroft and Co., Ltd., Glasgow), who remarked that if the railways had " missed the boat earlier by neglecting road transport, they were now catching it."
Mr. Norman Hardie (Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.), referring to the alleged futile attempts already made to induce a group of Members of Parliament to further the interests of road transport, urged those present to press on their Parliamentary representatives the need for legislation more favourable to the industry.
Mr. J. M. Cameron (Northampton's transport manager), president of the Municipal Tramways and Transport Association, protested against the Chancellor's raids on the Road Pune and the increased duty on oil fuel, and suggested that makers were too much concerned about export trade.
Mr. L. ,Mackiron (transport manager, Glasgow) chnsidered that the Road Traffic Act was accomplishing its purpose fairly Well p.nd he was _ against reverting to the days when licences were freely available.
Bailie Alex McLean (convener of Glasgow Transport Committee) said the paper was a criticism of the present administration. If Germany, as had been said, was free from restrictions, it was probably because it desired a large and mobile transport fleet, in view of possible emergencies. He favoured the nationalization of main trunk roads and hoped that the days of unrestricted individual enterprise would never return.
Mr. J. Beckett (secretary, M.T.T.A.), referred to the apathetic attitude of Members of Parliament to the interests of the road-transport industry and remarked that few would trouble to read Colonel McLagan's paper if it were sent to them.
Replying to the discussion, Col. McLagan said that 6,000 men were employed in oil-engine manufacture, on which there had been spent, in plant and research, £2,750,000. The Chancellor was now taking away its economic advantage. There was, he added, a need for new insurance regulations.
In the • discussion on Councillor Scrymgeour's paper dealing with "Present Pointers to Future Policy." Councillor. Warren (Glasgow) said that if a municipality could not supply a cheap and economic service, the private operator should not be debarred from entering the field.
Mr. Beckett questioned some of the financial matters raised in the paper and remarked, on the question of negotiating wage agreements, that there was little enjoyment to be found in it.
Councillor Millar (Edinburgh) threw out the Fuggestion that the next phase in the development of road transport might be the setting up of regional boards to control the industry. Mr. H. C. Babb (manager, Musselburgh and District Tramways) said that when a private company made a mistake, the shareholders suffered. There should be no protection for municipal enterprises.
The annual meeting of the Association was held on May 25, when the accounts and report were adopted. Office-bearers for the ensuing year were elected, as follow :—President, Councillor Thomas Mitchell, J.P. (Aberdeen). Vice-president, Mr. R. a Herbert (Greenock Motor Services). Executive Council, Messrs. L. Mackinnon (Glasgow), R. McLeod (Edinburgh), R. Taylor (Dundee), A. Robertson (Rothesay), H. C. Babb (Musselburgh), Councillor Scrymgeour (Dundee), Bailie McLean (Glasgow), Bailie Fergus Harris (Edinburgh), and R. Beveridge (Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd.). Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. R. Watson (Edinburgh).