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Coachmen should get together, says union

31st May 1974, Page 13
31st May 1974
Page 13
Page 13, 31st May 1974 — Coachmen should get together, says union
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A CALL for coach operators in the London area to get together and form an association has been made by Mr J. A. Stevens, the Transport and General Workers Union's coach and hotel organizer. In a letter sent to all coach operators on the union's "fair list" he says that such an association could negotiate with the union on an agreement covering basic terms and conditions of employment which would set minimum standards for coach drivers in central London.

If an association were formed, said Mr Stevens, "1 could then tackle the problems of undercutting prices by certain employers because of the very low wages they pay their drivers". If the employers formed an association, he said, the union would be able to challenge the Greater London Council on the firms it hired because they might not comply with the "fair wages" clause in its contract.

Mr Stevens asks for opinions on the matter so that he can call a meeting of operators at Transport House. He also asks for views on the desirability of inviting employers of nonunion firms.