The Purchase Department.
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Where to Buy your Supplies.
Notices of Useful Specialities from the Factory and
in the Showroom.
J. W. and T. Connolly, Ltd., 57-67, Wharfdale Road, King's Cross, N., has had manufactured a useful paperweight made up from a section of its wellknown solid band tires. These weights form. a useful addition to the desk, and from the Connolly point of view are an attractive advertisement medium.
Checking the Lost Minutes.
The International Time Recording Co., Ltd., City Road, N., sends us a little booklet containing letters of appreciation from well-known firms who express themselves satisfied with the International recorders. This system, says the maker, gives an automatic time check on employees, in addition to records of day work, night work, piece work, premium bonus system, overtime, lost time, time on jobs, and many other particulars which are necessary in the modern and well-organized workshop.
A Lathe Accessory.
The chucks manufactured by Charles Taylor (Birmingham), Ltd., are well known to engineers. These appliances are made both in the three-jaw and fourjaw type. For shaped work, mild-steel false jaw blanks are supplied, and these may be bored out to grip any special shape of casting. Hardened steel V-jaws for gripping bars and small round castings are fitted to the chucks as standard. The peculiar construction of the chuck gives great gripping power, and presents a desirable feature to the user, inasmuch as bar work is not likely to be worked out of the jaws by the chattering of the tool or machine.
A Simple Clutch.
We reproduce herewith a photograph of the component parts of the clutch manufactured by the Saver Clutch Co., Ltd., Manchester. It is claimed that the appliance can be regulated and adjusted to slip at any load, so that it is difficult to overload any machine beyond the pre-determined point. The clutch has been given an extended trial of over three years on motorbuses in daily service. The Saver is built up of two separate steel bands encircling a steel drum. Pressure on the bands is given by spiral springs acting on levers. The pressure of the springs and the band on the drum is removed by two wedgeshaped plungers, which force the levers apart, and by so doing, force the spring from contact with the drum, thus giving a clearance all round it. These clutches are made in three sizes ranging from. 5 h.p. to 60 h.p. They are intended for use with machine tools, shafting, gas-engines, motor transmissions, etc.
Effective Repairing.
Weldings, Ltd., Lionel Street, Birmingham, has sent its illustrated price list to us ; this deals with the class of repairs for which this concern has acquired such an excellent reputation. It is making quite a feature of the quick delivery of repair jobs in the welding line ; this should lead to a great increase in business, as it avoids to a large extent loss of money due to a van or wagon standing idle in the garage, while some repair is being effected. The art of welding broken and fractured component parts has of recent years made great strides, and this concern has at all times maintained a good position in tile industry. In addition to the welding in of new parts, the company is prepared to handle and repair bent and broken crankshafts, bevel wheels, back axles, and so on. Broken parts are welded in position, machined, hardened where necessary, and ground to the dead-finished size, in order that they may be fitted without trouble. Essential for modern heat treatment of steels. A Lightweight Shaper.
There are many jobs constantly occurring in the workshop where a lightweight portable shaping machine is of the greatest value. The shaper illustrated on this page is designed for jobs which do not justify removal to a heavy and powerful machine. It can be set: up in a few seconds on a standard-sized vice, and cuts up to I in, in mild steel can be taken with ease. The head is graduated for taper work, and the whole design is solid and substantial. Brown Bros., Ltd.. Great Eastern Street, E.C., are factors for this tool. A light cut on many jobs, which would possibly take a workman three or four hours to do with a file, can be taken in a few minutes with this shaner, at a difference in cost of anything up to a few shillings. Here is an opportunity for the small maker and repairer with a keen eye for workshop costs, and a small bank balance which it is hoped will increase later.
No glass on the tractor-type of vacuum pump. Crude Oil Engines.
The stationary engines manufactured by the Aster Engineering Co., Ltd., are, by now, well-known to engineers of all kinds. An arrangement has recently been come to by the Aster Co. and the Westinghouse Brake Co:, Ltd., whereby the former undertakes the manufacture of heavy-oil engines of the semi-Diesel type. These engines are designed to run at a moderate speed, and are specially suitable for use direct coupled to a dynamo or pump, or for driving farm or workshop machinery by belt. They are of the singleacting four-cycle type, with the whole of the moving parts enclosed. Crude oils or ordinary lamp oils are intended to be used. No e.arburetter, vaporizer, or sparking plug is required, as the fuel is injected in liquid form directly into the combustion chamber, and it is ignited by the heat of compression. A range of models from one to four cylinders, and from 5 h.p. to 100 h.p., will be manufactured.
Up-to-date Hardening Furnaces.
The great, improvements made in late years in modern high-speed steel has led to the introduction of many appliances which are specially intended for the treatment of such material. A satisfactory hardening and annealing furnace is essential if the best work is to be obtained from high-speed steel.
The furnace illustrated herewith is a representative type of such an appliance, as manufactured by Fletcher, Russell and Co., Ltd., Warrington. It will be seen that it is at once light and portable ; the adjustment for gas and air is easily regulated ; a goodsized opening allows large-sized cutters and jigs to be inserted ; and the broad shelf, seen in front of the door-opening, allows the work to be gradually cooled off or inspected. The price is under 220.
A handy portable shaper, by Brown Bros. An Efficient Lubricator.
Engineers are paying increasing attention to the question of lubrication, chiefly owing to the development of the high-speed engine and the rapid-acting machine tool. The appliance manufactured by the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., is deserving of some little notice when lubrication is the subject under discussion. The lubricator illustrated herewith is intended for use on tractors and heavy vehicles. There is no sight-feed glass to be broken, and the adjustment can be varied to supply any quantity of oil, from one drop per minute to a practically running feed. The pump stroke and feed can be altered in a second by means of a milled nut, and a three-way cock is fitted in order that the driver may witness the supply and Lest the feed to his own satisfaction.