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Steam Platform Wagons and Ford Chassis Adapted for Quick Deliveries are the Leading Exhibits at the Brewers' Exhibition.
THE Exhibition and Market—the 39th • of , the series—promoted by the -brewers, maltsters, distillers, mineral-water manufacturers, wine and spirit merchants, caterers and allied
trades opened at the Royal Agricultural Hall, London, on Saturday last, and will remain open until Friday next, November 3rd.
Of the large number of exhibitors at the Exhibition the following are showing vehicles and equipment having a bearing upon the transport side of the particular trades represented.
Aldgate and City Mostors, Ltd., temporary address Worlands Wharf, Canning Town E. 16; Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd., Pembroke Road, High Street, Horn sey, N.8; W. Harold Perry, Ford Service Dealer, Inviete. Works, North Finehley, N.12; H. Wilkinson and Son (Proprietor, A. Norman Reeves), 54, St. Andrew's, Uxbridge; Alkn,•Taylor and Co., 126, 128,42g, High Street., Wandsworth) S.W.; Wm. Allehin, Ltd., Globe Works, Northampton; Carrosserie Latymer, Ltd., Pamber Street Works, Walmer Road: W.10, and 140, High Street, Watford; Clayton Wagons, Ltd., Lincoln ; Podens, Ltd., Elworth Works, Sandbach; Garrett (Richard) and Sons, Ltd., Leiston Works, Leiston, Suffolk ; Ficammell Lorries, Ltd., Fashion. Street, Spitalfields, E.1; Sentinel • Waggon Works (1920), Ltd., 17, Iddesleigh House, Caxton Street, Westminster, S.W.1 ; Slough Lorries and Components, Ltd., Trading Estate, Slough, Bucks. ' Si, far as the vehicles are concerned the exhibits chiefly consisted of steam
wagons, the petrol side. of the movement being mainly represented by the Ford, shown by a number of motor bodybuilders, whose purpose is to display the particular type of body which they are
constructing for that popular make of chassis.
Clayton Wagons, Ltd., are exhibiting only their latest d er ty pe steam wagon of 6-ton capacity. The undertype Clayton is of recent introduction, and it is already earning an excellent name for efficiency and reliability. The boiler is vertically disposed, and is of the cross-tube type, constructed for a working pressure of 2.30 lb. per sq. in. The two-cylinder high-pressure engine is disposed under the platform, all its parts being totally enclosed and arranged for automatic lubrication. A feature of this engine is the fact that distancepieces are provided to allow access to the cylinder glands, and to prevent leakage of moisture into the crank chamber. The steam to the cy/inders is controlled by balanced piston valves. The drive is taken direct to the rear axle by roller chain, and the vehicle is mounted upon long laminated steel springs, whilst steering is of Ackerman type centred above the tyres. There is a large water storage tank under the platform, and ample accommodation for the storage of fuel for long runs.
Sentinel Waggon Works (1920), Ltd., show a 6-ton Sentinel wagon, upon which is mounted the Sentinel standard brewer's body. The sides of this are very easily detachable, but when in place are quite rigid., and entirely free from rattle. The Sentinel wagon exhibited is extremely smart in appearance, and is sure to attract the attention which it deserves.
In addition, one of the new standard Sentinel trailers is shown. This trailer is constructed of four one-piece pressedsteel turntable units, which form both the cross-members of the frame (upon which the under-carriages can turn) and the under-carriages themselves, both front and rear. Mounted. upon these turntables is the body, and to them are attached the springs which are clipped to the road-wheel axles. A considerable reduction in Weight has been effected in the construction of this structure, whilst the cost of manufacture :has been brought down. All vital parts, such as the perch pine, shackle bolts, springs, etc., are of the highest-quality material, and it. has been found possible to use the best(panty axles and bearings of ample size.
Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., are exhibiting e Garrett 6-ton undertype steam wagon of their standard design, also a Garrett tracking trailer wagon. The undertype steam wagon is fitted with roller bearings throughout, has a change-speed gear and double chain drive to both hind wheels. The flat platform body with shock rails, provides an area of 14 ft: by 7.ft. This particular type of wagon is peculiarly suitable for use by brewers 'owing to the large platform space available, and also on account of the flexibility in handling the wagon in and out of awkward places, this being due to the provision of the changespeed gear. Under heavy loads the 6-ten Garrett has always proved very reliable, a feature which is of more moment to a distributor of brewed produets than to almost any other user.
The boiler of the 6-ton Garrett is extremely accessible for cleaning and tube expanding, for the outer cover merely has to be removed, thus giving access to the large door in the boiler, which, when detached, leaves all the tubes free for attention on the part of mechanics. It is claimed for the Garrett undertype that many wagons of this particular design have covered 10,00n miles each without calling for any adjustment whatever.
The Garrett tracking trailer wagon is claimed to be the only trailer on the market the wheels of which track correctly with those of the prime mover, and it is obvious that the advantages to be obtained from such a device are manifold, The wagon is constructed for use behind fast-running petrol or steam wagons, and, therefore, is eminently suitable for the use of brewers because of the bulky and heavy loads that are required by them to lie removed. The trailer shown has a capacity of between three and four tons. It: is mounted on roller bearings, cast-steel wheels and rubber tyres, and has a flat platform body. As with the undertype steam wagon, every part is soundly constructed from, the finest materials by skilled 'workmanship.
Foclens, Ltd., are showing one of their latest pattern 6-ton rubber-tyred steam wagons with Ackerman steering gear, three forward speeds, improved driving accommedat:on and other special features, the body being specially designed for use by brewers, the centre panel of each side being hinged to open downwards. This body gives a platform space of 14 ft. by 6 ft, 6 ins., the height of the open framework sides being 3 ft. 6 ins. The 6-ton Fe den has been on the market now feesome few months, and has proved eminently successful and perfectly capable of handling the heavy loads to which it is so frequently subjected.
Wm. Allehin, Ltd., announce their intention of showing specimens of their steam wagons which, as will be remembered_ have locomotive boilers. compound engines and roller-chain final drive. Duple Motors and Bodies, Ltd., show specimens of their combined traveller's coupe with sample box attachment, which latter can be removed at will and replaced with a dickey seat if required. They are also showing a de luxe model van body on a Ford tan chassis, which ie replaceable by a four-seated private
car body. In each case the sides of the vehicle are:permarent,'-the upper 'structure itself being the part which. is detachable.
The sample boa attachment for the traveller's coupe gives e carrying capacity of 4 ft. by 3 ft. 6 ins. by 2 IL 2 ins. The trade van, interchangeable with the four-seated touring ear body on the 1-ton chassis, has a loading space of 4 ft. by 4 ft. 2 ins. by 3 ft. 6 ins., or it can be built to any" size to Special requirements at a small extra cost. When removing the van top it is only necessary to lift it 3 ins, in order to get efficient clearance for detaching it.
The Alaigate and City Motors, Ltd., are showing a special type of body mounted on a 1-ton Ford chassis, which has been designed for the delivery of crates of battled beer, mineral waters, etc., and they are also showing a standard 1-ton Ford truck and a van. The crate delivery van has roll-up blinds at the sales, and offers quite a large carry ing a ap .
H. Wilkinson and Son, who are direct agents in Uxbridge for Ford vans, show specimens of theFord chassis with Various types of bodies. Mr..Harold Perry shows a _Ford ton truck fitted with a canvas-covered body for brewers' deliveries, obtainable with either standard gear or a high-geared chassis; a traveller's enclosed-drive brougham; and a standard Ford touring car, which is convertible for van purposes during the week or to be used as a passenger car at 'week-ends. This exhibitor also hopes to be able to show clerriug, the week an improved model of the traveller's brongham, which is being specially prepared.
Scammell Lorries, Lid., as usual, exhibit one of their interesting six-wheeled tractor-lorry units. It is hardly necessary .for us to give a minute description of this machine, as it is now so wellknown. Suffieient to say that it consists of a powerful tractor, specially
constructed for the work and carrying a turntable mounted on springs, which themselves are carried by the main axle. To the stout king pin on this turntable is connected the forward end of the trailer portion; thus the load on the body does not fall on the tractor frame, bet on the turntable springs, so that
the tractor itself can be sprung to carry its own weight only'.
Carroeserie Latymer. (1915), Ltd., the well-known builders of trailers and two. wheeled adaptors for converting ordinary lorries into tractor-lorries, show a 4-5. ton trailer chassis of their standard type, and a Fed-en tractor-lorry prpyided with a special brewers' body capable of carrying 12-ton loads. The trailer is very similar to the „model exhibited at the same Show last year, except that it now has cast-iron internal expanding brake shoes instead of the external-contracting type previously employed. The trailer is of allSteel construction, with the usual turntable at the front. The wheels are of the steel disc type, and run on phosphorbronze floating hushes. The drawbar is particularly strong, and the eye is provided with a powerful compression spring, whilst the brake can be operated either from the trailer itself or from the driver's seat of the towing vehicle. ,The Frelen tractor-lorry by Carrosserie Latymer (1D15), Ltd., is particularly interesting, as it embodies a feature which greatly increases its scope. We refer to the auxiliary water tank which is fitted at the front end of the deep well provided in the body. When the ordinary tank on the wagon is being filled, the overflow is carried to the auxiliary tank until this also is full. When the wagon tank is exhausted the suction pipe is merely inserted into the auxiliary tank and the wagon tank again filled..
Allan Taylor and Co. are showing a Fordeon tractor with a 4-ton trailer, the body of which is suitable for brewer's deliveries. This is an exceptionally interesting application of the small tractor originally designed for agricultural use, and now adapted for road haulage, and the fact that it can deal With 4-tan loads will certainly attract the attention of visitors to the Exhibition. A standard model Ford 1-ton van is included in the exhibit of these well-known dealers.