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Engineers of Civil Engineers, Professor
. C. E. Inglis, 0.B.E., M.A., speaking on the subject of engineering education, said that the primary duty of a university is to cater, for the needs of the future officers in the army of civil engineers—men destined to hold positions of high and varied responsibility. Education, rather than specialized training, should be the ideal, and it was something more profound than mere instruction.He was opposed to premature specialization. Mathematics must occupy a prominent position, but they were "merely a means to an, end—the solution of ' engineering problems. Engineering education should also be leavened with some small measure of the humanities; concentration on the materialistic and
scientific aspects tended to produce narrowness of vision. There was no doubt that education, particularly in this country, suffered from a surfeit of examinations, but there. wasno clear-cut alternative. One important matter, especially for the younger men, was to cultivate the power of concentration.
ONE of the numerous bodies set up by the Ministry at War Transport is the Central Canal Committee, intended to advise the Minister on policy affecting inland waterways and to co-ordinate the work of the six Regional Canal Committees. We presume that the members will have the task of endeavouring to repair, in a few months, the results of neglect covering the many years, since the railways took over the majority of the canals. Will the Canals be Put into Good
A Useful Instruction WELDING occupies a highly Book Covering Arc vv important position in both Welding , . „ the manufacturing and inain tenance sides of commercialvehicle engineering. In this connection, the Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, Herts, supplies, direct or through any bookseller, at 3s. 6d., a valuable text book, in which are accumulated the welding instructions embodied in the curriculum of the Lincoln Welding Schools, which have been operating for 24 years. The title is "Lessons in Arc Welding," and it embraces a series of 60 lessons covering every phas, of the subject. It should be helpful not only to beginners in arc welding, but also to experienced welders requiring comprehensive practical information, and will assist industrial organizations faced with the necessity of training their own staff.
SOME 5,000,000 workers 1.-J contribute regularly to the Penny-a-Week Fund of the Red Cross, and this has been an excellent source of revenue, but there are now approximately 16,000,000 engaged in trade and industry, and it is believed that every one of them could afford a penny per week, so that much more
could be done in this direction. About 40,000 employers have granted facilities for collection, and it is hoped that many more of these, and of the workers, will mobilize their efforts in this direction. This would raise the income of the Red Cross from £3,000,000 to nearly £10,000,000 a year. Aid to Russia alonehas been a severe tax on the resources of this organization, the value of the services of which has received world-wide recognition.
Red Cross Appeal for More Subscribers to Penny-a-Week Fund .