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Motors for Business Calls.
Sir :—With reference to the illustration which you published last week of Mr. Jesse Boot in the 16h.p. RichardBrasier, supplied by my company, I think the following letter from Mr. Boot will be of interest to your readers.— Yours faithfully, A. R. ATKEY. [Coav.]
Station Street, Nottingham, June 7th, 1905. Messrs. A. R. Atkey and Co., Nottingham.
Dear Sirs :—The George-Richards car I purchased from you last September is running extremely well. I think the best illustration of this will be to give you a detailed account of the journeys done with it from Friday, May 26th, to Monday, June 5th. On Friday I sent my chauffeur with it to London-123 miles. Next morning, Saturday, he brought the car round to the hotel. My wife and I travelled in it to Hove, near Brighton-55 miles. On the Monday we went some 70 miles along the south coast, and then ran up to London from Hove, making a total for Monday of 125 miles. On the return journey I was able to do business at Croydon that otherwise would have necessitated a special journey. Tuesday morning I went in the car as far as Bedford, where I had a business engagement, and joined the train there, the chauffeur bringing the car on to Nottingham-123 miles. Wednesday I started for Sheffield at i o'clock, and had to go to the extreme end of Attercliffe, then on to London Road, and afterwards went to Manchester, making about 75 miles that day. Thursday morning we went to Chorley, and from there to St. Anneson-Sea, then back to Manchester, and on to Buxton and Nottingham. This I reckoned at quite 170 miles. On Friday the chauffeur again took the car to London-123 miles. On Saturday morning I took two of our people with me, and had a busy time running round the suburbs of London, doing some zo miles. Then I went off without staying for lunch, which I ate in the car en route for Brighton. After tea I took my family to Worthing in the car, making over loo miles for the Saturday. On the Monday we went to Hastings and back—So miles, and then from Hoye to Londen-55 miles, making i35 miles. So that during the nine days I made a total of 1,o49 miles. I may say that before I had the car I frequently had to miss important business in small towns off the usual line of route, as to catch the train I had either to rush off before business was completed, or else I had to wait for hours after. The car makes
me entirely independent, as it takes me right to the door and enables me to get away as soon as I have finished. Also, from the health point of view, it is infinitely superior to travelling in stuffy railway carriages. Throughout the whole of these journeys the car did not give us the slightest trouble, and at the finish seemed as fit to commence the trips again as when it first started.—Yours truly,
(Signed) JESSE BOOT.
Motors for British Guiana.
Sir :—I enclose subscription for your valuable paper and shall be glad if you can: kindly put me in touch with manufacturers of strong motor vehicles suitable to carry 12 passengers and mails at 15 miles an hour. The machines would be required to cover 94 miles per day.--Yours faith
fully, T. WARDLE, Washington Rice Factory,
Berbici, British Guiana.
rOur correspondent will be able to get the speed he names so long as the roads are fairly good. Manufacturers of suitable vehicles will doubtlessly communicate with him.—ED.1 Motor Wagons for Brick-yards.
Sir :—We shall be glad if you can put us into communication with contractors who are using steam motor wagons for taking bricks from the brick-yards into the town. One of our customers who is in this line of business and who would like to go in for a motor of this description would like to know the experiences of present users, and your kind in formation will oblige. We also have an enquiry for a petrol or steam motor for carrying timber ; we shall be glad to hear if anything has been done in this line and by whom.—Yours faithfully, FRANK LITTLE AND Co.
[The Phoenix Brick Company, of Cardiff, is employing a 5-ton Leyland steam wagon, and will probably give you information. Uncut timber is very awkward on the platform of a motor wagon, and we think 15ft. is the longest convenient length of dressed planks which permits the owner to carry a standard, or slightly more, at a time. The Motor Cartage and Transport Co., Ltd., Ben Jonson Road, Stepney Green, E., who do general contracting haulage, may give you information, or Messrs. Ashworth, Kirk and Co., timber merchants, Nottingham. We shall be happy to forward to Messrs. Frank Little and Co. any information or reports which our readers may care to send in.—Eol