Fire-Brigade Matters.
Page 15

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The Superintendent of the Aldershot Volunteer Fire Brigade has received delivery of his first motor engine.
Godahning Town Council has again been discussing the purchase of a motor fire-engine but it has decided to renew the existing horse contract for a further six months.
The L.C.C. has accepted a quotation from J. Liversidge and Son, Ltd., at 254 10s., for the supply and fitting of K.T. tires for the wheels of a petrol motor fire-engine. The use of these tires, it was pointed out by the Fire Brigade Committee, would obviate the necessity for the provision of non-skids on the wheels.
The Ringwood (Hants.) U.D.C. is " setting its house in order," in respect to the fire brigade. At the last meeting of the authority, the Clerk reported several matters in respect to the general re-organization of the brigade, and as to the adoption of a new " call " system. During a somewhat-lengthy discussion, it was intimated that the Council would have to procure a motor engine in the near future.
The Southampton Fire Brigade, which Superintendent T. Johnson commands, has in its service, at the present time, but one petrol motortender, with chemical engine, by Merrywea tiler and Sons, Ltd., which is invariably utilized as a first "turn-out." At a recent fire at. the Freemantle Steam Bakery, its speedy arrival on the scene was the means of preventing the flames spreading to the adjoining dwelling houses.
The Portsmouth Corporation has recently experienced a further practical illustration of the immense value to the town of its motor fire-a,ppliances, on the occasion of a remarkable series of outbreaks. within a brief space of time, on the same day. The most serious of the conflagrations was at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southseaa five storeyed building. The smart and timely arrival of the Police Fire Brigade, 'under the command of the Chief Officer and Inspector John Greetham Ogburn, was the means of averting much loss of life and destruction of property, the fighters being so far successful as to confine the fire to the upper floor, at the back of the hostelry. Later in the afternoon, a second fire oc the Clarence Barracks, which was succeeded by a third one at a cabinet-makers. The motor appliances were quickly on the scene.
Turbine or Reciprocating?
An interesting discussion took place at the annual conference, last month, of the Association of Professional Fire Brigade Officers, on the subject of reciprocating or turbine pumps. We should have thought that this subject was pretty well thrashed out by now, seeing how greatly orders for the turbine type predominate amongst up-todate and intelligently-managed brigades. The subject is one to which we may return.
Dennis Engines for the L.C.C.
The Fire Brigade Committee of the L.C.C. reports that, with regard to the acceptance, in April last, of an offer of Dennis Bros., Ltd., for the supply of four petrol motor fire-engines (without frontwheel brakes) at 2935 each, or £3,740 in all, it now appears that
the price for the hydrant connections should be reduced by 26 an engine, and that the price for head lamps should be increased by 22 an engine, making the net price for each engine 2931, or 23,721 in all. This has been agreed.
In Berlin.
Commander Reichel, of the Berlin Fire Brigade, purposes replacing three steam pumps by DaimlerMarienfelde petrol chassis with Pittler rotary-pump attachments. THE COM TI
MECIAL MOTOR published, some weeks back, an illustration of the kind of vehicle here meant—a sort of double-phaeton accommodating 6-8 men. The pump arrangements are in the rear, and their insignificant volume compared to the amount of space taken up the steam plant accounts for the room for those eight men. Points from Canada.
So far as this year is concerned, the purchase of an automobile firefighting machine by the municipality of Guelph, Ont., will be abandoned. The Fire and Light Committee has not been able to see its way clear to finance the proposition.
The Montreal Board of Control has, on the advice of Fire Chief Tremblay, decided to buy seven high-speed cars for the use of district chiefs.
Medicine Hut, Alta., would like to purchase an auto fire-enginesomething which all up-to-date cities are acquiring in order to save as much time as possible.
Winnipeg, Man., has a Webb motor apparatus in use, and Fire Chief J. E. Buchanan says that the machine has far exceeded expectations. The fire department receives seventy to eighty calls a month, and the motor never fails when snow is on the ground.
Municipal authorities in every Province of Canada are busy gathering information as to the probable cost of maintenance of motordriven fire and ambulance apparatus. All agree that the horsedrawn apparatus can cover only about one-third the area of the motor-driven apparatus, and evidence is coming every day to show that the motor-driven service cars are much cheaper to maintain than horses.
Concentration at Hendon.
Hendon T.T.D.C., at its last meeting, discussed at length motor matters. It was proposed to erect the central fire station adjacent to the Council Offices at Central Hendon, with sub-stations at Mill Hill and Child's Hill, with provision in each case for the accommodation of relator fire-appliances. There was a difference of opinion as to whether the sub-stations should be established. In favour of the sub-stations, it was argued that the district was a straggling one, and that it would be impossible for motors to be at some places in time to be of any service. On the other hand, expert opinion was put forward to the effect that motor fire-engines could travel at great speed, even in congested districts, also, that the cost of the sub-stations would be excessive. In the result, it was decided to have only the central station.