Our Campaign Comforts Fund.
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Summer Income Brings the Total Receipts Nearer to £12,000. More Extracts From Letters of Appreciation from Overseas.
The Official Fund For the Mechanical Transport Columns and Units of the Army Service Corps.
Patroness: H.R.H. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
Ladies Committee: Mrs. S. S. Long, Mrs. Shrapnell-Smith, Mrs. R. K. Bagnali-Wild, Mrs. H. E. Blain, Mrs. W. E. Donohue, Mrs. H. N. Foster.
Hon. Sec. and Treasurer: E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.
£10 Monthly: Associated Equipment ; Car and General; Comrnercars ; Crossley ; Crown and Shell Spirits; Daimler; Dennis; Dunlop ;, Foden ; Four-Wheel-Drive Auto Co. ; Gaston, Williams and Wigmore; Hallford ; Hoyt Metal ; Thos. B. Jeffery ; Leyland; Locomobile; Packard ; Pierce-Arrow ; Pratt's and Taxibus Spirits; Thornycroft ; Wolseley.
,E5 Monthly : Alley and MacLellan; Ferodo; Halley; Lucas ; Macintosh ; Maudslay ; Hans Renold; St. Helens Cable and Rubber ; Scottish Commercial Cars Shrewsbury-Challiner ; Spencer Moulton; Wood-Milne ;
Wolf (Solex).
Lump Sums: Peerless Co., £120; President, Peerless Co., £120; Treasurer. Peerless Co., £100; Staff, Peerless Co., £85; Albion, £75; Belsize, £50; Heath Harrison, Esq., £50; Karrier, £50; J. Keele, Ltd., £50; Napier, £50. A.S.C. Central (Corps) Fund.—£1100 (six grants) ; and Wolf (Solex), Napier car.
We are continuing summer consignments of about 45-50 cases monthly.
212,000 in Sight.
The indications are, that the second period of our Fund, being the 12 months ending the 30th September next, will witness the attainment of a total of cash receipts of approximately 212,000. The cash receipts for the first period, from the 22nd October, 1914, to the 30th September, 1915, were 25438 158. id. ; those for the past ten months are seen to have been 26072 7s. 3d.
Woollens for Next Winter.
We have lately been receiving inquiries' from helpers of the Fund in respect of woollen comforts, as to our probable requirements for the coming winter. We wish that we were in a position at the moment to assess them, but that is obviously impossible. We are, at the present time,' in personal touch with Brigadier-General A. IL Crofton Attkins, Director of Supplies and Transport, concerning the details of "carrying on," and we shall be in a position, before long,. to make an' announcement in respect of likely requirements under this head. They 'will be heavy. Notes of Appreciation.
"Allow me to thank you most heartily for the very magnificent box of comforts received tb-day. I can assure you that the contents will be greatly appreciated by all ranks."—O.C., RU Div. Sup. Col.
" Accept my very best thanks, on behalf of the unit which I command, for the most excellent gramophone we recently received from you. It is a most appropriate gift for a unit which is as a rule stationary. '— 0.0., MM Repair Shop.
" Please accept our very best thanks for the -welcome box of -gifts received. The men are delighted with the cricket set, as well as with the towels, soap, etc. Everything is Al, and they are a most useful lot of things." —= Div. Sup. Col.
"After nearly two years of war, I know it is superfluous to say how much the men appreciate the gifts you send out, as you must haire already received hundreds of letters of appreciation. The gifts are extremely well chosen, and most useful." 0.0., II Div. Sup. Col.
" The members of this section desire me to express their most hearty thanks for the very useful case of gloves andiother comforts recently received. It was a surprise to us_, but a pleasant-one, and I can assure you your kind thought is greatly appreciated." Sergt. • Field Ambulance.
"I wish to express to you and your Committee the deep and sincere appreciation of the men of this column for the kind gifts which you have recently sent to them. There was much rejoicing when the gifts were distributed. To help to swell the funds, I enclose a small subscription. '-0.C. ME Siege Batt. Amin. Col.
" I had the pleasure of participating in the draw for your most kind and useful remembrances sent this week, and I desire to express my thanks for the kind thought which' has prompted, the sending of these gifts. I think many people, do not realize how one values any attention of this sort at a time like this, not because of the value of the gift, but because it shows that there has been thought for, and remembrance of, absent ones on the part of those more happily situated."—Staff Sergt., • Repair Shop,