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ANUMBER of important problems and considerations connected with the developarient of roads and of road transport, and with the creation and distribution of motor fuel supplies within the empire will 'be discussed at a conference in course of organization by the ImperialTransport Council, and due to be held in Lonon on October 18th to 21st, at which time the first postwar exhibition of commercial motor vehicles will be in progress at Olympia. The council responsible for the organization of the conference has as its president H.R.H.'Prince Arthur of Connaught, while the Hon. Sir Arthur Stanley, G.B.E. 'C.B., C.V.O. is chairman of its executive. The forthcoming conference will be divided intotwo classes, the one dealing with roads and transport and the other with motor fuels. The former will be organized as regards details by the Empire-Roads and Transport Committee of the Council, constituted as fellows : Mr. H. C. B. Underdown (Chairman), President of the Association of British Motor Manufacturers, Ltd. ; Mr. H. Percy Boulnois, M.InSt. C.F., Chairman of the Roads Improvement Association; Mr, J. S .Brown, Union of SoutlisAfrica ; Mr. B. Caillard • Mr. Frederick Coates, M.I.Mech.E., Commonwealth of Australia; Sir J. Duncan Elliott, K.B.E'., M.Inst.C.E., Dominion of New Zealand : Mr. Walter Eraut, M.Inst.C.E., Crown Colonies ; Mr. L. Griffith, Dominion of Canada ; Mr. Victor Gordon, B36 Dominion of Newfoundland; Mr. C. E. House., Department of Overseas Trade ; Lt.-Col. T. M. Hutchinson, D.S.0i, 0.B.E., R.A.S.C., War Office ; SirHenry P. Maybury, K.C.M.G., Ministry of Transport; Lt.Col; W. Paisley Robinson, D.S.O.' ORE., R.A.S.C., Mechanical Transport Adviser to the Government of India Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E.; and Mr. Horace .Wyatt.
The Roads and Transport. Section of the conference will be presided over by the Rt. Hon. Sir Eric Geddes, Minister of Transport.
The Rt. Hon. Walter Long, First Lord of the Admiralty, will act as Chairman of the Fuels Section. This will deal with various aspects of the fuel problem and the possibilities of its solution by the creation of • _ new, and the development of existing sources of supply. The detg.il organization will be in the hands 'of. the Empire Motor Fuels Committee of the Council, constituted as follows.: Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E, (Chairman) ; Sir G. H. Ashdown, K.B.E., 1.8.0. ; Air-Commodore R. K. Bagnall-Wild, C.B.E., C.M.G. ; Sir Charles Bedford, Kt., LL.D., D.Sc,; Sir John Cadman, K.C.M.G.,. D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E. ; Mr. .J. C. ,Clarke, C.B.E.; Brig.-Gon. Sir Capel Holden, K.C.B., M.I.E.E., F.R.S. ; Sir Charles Metcalfe, Bart. : Dr. W. 11: Ormandy, D.Sc., M.I.A.E. ; .Mr. W. -H. Roas, 0.B.E. ; Mr. G. J. ffhave,
M.I.A.E. ; Col. D. J. Smith ; Mr. G. W. Watson, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. ; and Mr. Horace Wyatt.