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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at. whatever points arising, as fi carriage is by the roughness of the roads aver which it runs.':—John Beattie Crosier.
Conner Cars Capital.
The list ofeeplioations closed last week for the issue of 2250,000 10 per cent. First Charge Sinking Fund Debentures by Commercial Cars, Ltd. The shares 'were issued at, par, and are repayable at 105 per cent. on January let, 1936. A sum sufficient to sedeein the whole of the issue by that date is to be set aside annually as a sinking fund, to be applied either by drawing at 105 per cent. or by_ purchase at or below 105 per cent. These debentures will be the first charge on the whole of the assets of the eampany.
The object of the issue was to extinguish existing charges, provide for the large extensions being made to the corn pany's weeks at'Luton, to cope with the great demand for the company's manufactures, and to provide further working capital. Satisfactory contracts on a large scale have been placed with two important engineeringefirms of high reputation in seeped, of chassis components. The total turnover of the company for the ensuing year should not be less (it wee stated in the prospectus) than £1;250,000 with a correspondingly increased profit.
Buses and Taxation.
Attention has been called to certain figures which have been used in argument against the proposals for the taxae tion of motor omnibuses in the Finance Bill now before Parliament.
It is alleged thee the motor omnibuses now pay £70 per annum in petrol duty and licence duty, and that the increase under the Finance Bill to £84 only represents an advance of less than 7 per cent.
The £79 relates to the average daily number working on the streets exclusive of spares, vehicles under repair, etc., while the £84 relates to all vehicles in stock. The figures arc not comparable. The merest figures are as folloev'e—The present payments foe inciter omnibuses in stock average £63 per annum; the proposed payment of £84 represents an increase of 33 per cent.
• A.A. Annual Meeting.
The 15th annual meeting of members of the Automobile Association and Motor Union was held at the Savoy Hotel on July 28th, Sir William Joynson-Hicks, Bt., M.P. thee chairman of the Association presiding.
The chairman said, moving the adoption of the annual report, that the membership of the Association this time last year was 60,552, whereas at the preeent time it closely approached 140,000 members; the 100,000 figure was passed in February of this year.
After the Work of the. Association had been outlined, Mr. Charles lvIeWhirter, in presenting the balance sheet aftcl accounts, referred to the financial policy which had enabled the Association to put away large sums to reserve. The . present balance sheet showed that they had exceeded their income for the present year by £71,870. The accounts, however, he said, would show that, under all the circumstances of the ease, the amount of the excess was reasonable, and the amount received in subscriptions had been spent for members' use and advantage. The amount received from members' subscriptions was £101,832, and the money spent on the road was .a122,000.
Death of Mr. F. P. S. Harris.
The news was received with great regret last. week of the sudden death of Mr. F. P. S. Harris, general manager of the Shell Marketing Co., Ltd., which occurred on Wednesday morning last at his home, 47, Buckland Crescent, Hampstead.
The news came as a tragic surprise to his many friends. Up to a late hour on the previous evening he was dealing with businets at his office and then appeared to be in the best of health and spirits. Originally associated with the Anglo. American Oil Co. Mr. Harris joined the Shell interests about 14 years ago, and became manager of the General Petroleum Co. on its formation. Later he went over to the Asiatic Co., and was with them until the Shell Marketing:Co. was launched.
Of a genial disposition, Mr. Harrie was universally liked and respected by all those with whom he came into contact, whether in business or axially.
He was 53 years of age, and leaves a widow to whom our deepest sympathy is extended.
The price of the Ford 1. ton lorry chassis has been reduced from £280 to £230.
An Austin farm tractor has been purchased by Major Ramsay, acting on behalf of H.M. the Kin, for use on the royal estates in Scotland.
The works of James 11. &linden and Son, of Paddington Green,W., , were closed on Saturday, July 31st, and Will not open again until Augeste0th: During this period, no goods will be despatched or received.
Dennis Bros., Ltd., works at Guildford are closed for the customary summer holiday,, and will re-open on Auguet 9th.
Empire Motor Fuel.
The Empire Motor Fuels Committee of the Imperial Motor Transport Council has recently co-opted Mr. Sam Ilenshaw, F.I.C. (National Benaole Association) and Professor H. B. Dixon, F.R.S. (Manchester University) as additional members, and. has appointed the following sub-committees:— Eleoneeenneo.
Dr... W. R. Orrnandy, D.Sc., F.LC.
(Chairman). Col. D. J. Smith, 0.B.E., Mr. G. W. Watson, M.I.Mech.E., M.T.A.E. • Mr. G. J. Shave, M.I.Meeh.E1. M.LA.E. .
Mr. F. G. Bristow, F.S.S., A.M.Iust. T. (Hon. Secretary). .
Sir Charles Bedford, LL.D. D.Sc. (Chairman). Dr. W. R. Ormandy, D.Sc., F.I.C. Mr. Sam Renshaw, F.I.C. Mr. F. G. Brisket'', F.C.I.S., F.S.S., A.M.Inst.T. (Hon. Secretary).
Sir James Debbie, F.R.S., the Government Chemist, has given the Committee permission to reprint and circulate his report, furnished to Mr. Walter Long's Committee last year, on Denaturants and Denaturing, and as from the first inst. the Committee will undertake its own research in these important branches of investigation,
Power Alcohol Supplies.
The Empire Motor Fuels Committee of the Imperial Motor Transport Council announces that, after consultation with the authorities concerned, it will not be possible to arrange to make supplies of power alcohol available for experimental and trial purposes for some little time. The hon. secretary of the. Empire Motor Fuels Committee, Arr. F. G. Bristow, whose office is at. 50, Pall Mall, S.W.1, has already received preliminary applications from manufacturers of engines and. earlearetters and owners of commercial goods vehicles, but no action can be taken with regard to them at present, as the exact date for the freeing of supplies depends upon the passage through Parliament ef the Revenue 'Bill,. which has not yet been introduced. He proposes to make a further announcement upon this matter as soon as he is in a position to do so.
Timken Roller Bearings.
Under the style and title of British Timken, Ltd., a new all-British company has just been formed to take over the manufacture of the well-known Timken roller bearings in this country, formerly carried on by the Electric and Ordnance
Accessories Co., Ltd. The capital is fixed at £50,000, and the head office and works are at -Ward End, Birmingham, -where a fully equipped modern factory is already in existence manufacturing these bearings on an extensive scale.
Le Miroir states that the last horse which vaseemployed by the Path Fire brigade:Iles now been sold. The *hole aervice therefore is now motor driven.
Agriculture in Brazil.
Manufacturers of agricultural implements and machinery who are interested in the future Brazilian market are advisod by the &ea American Journal to take active steps immediately to introduce their products into that Republic. According to the United States Trade Commissioner in Rio de Janeiro, a wellknown French concern, Schneider and Co., has converted its factories from wartime industries to the production of agricultural machinery, and is proceeding in a determined manner to introduce its im plements into Brazil. A -commission of engineers, mechanics and agricultural experts, well acquainted with the machines, has been sent to Brazil to help educatethe farmers in the use of motorized farm implements. Two herpes of cultivators are demonstrated by the conspony; one is suitable for cultivation oii a large scale and the other is known as the " Garden Cultivator." Both plough the soil by means of a rotary mechanism and accomplish the work with greater rapidity and efficieney than is possible sin the use of the plough and the harrow. Details of the machines are appended.
Coaching Charges
The Bradford Motor Owners' Asseciation, representing 40 proprietors with 100 chars-it-banes, and the Leeds Association with 50 proprietors and 150 charsAsbanes, have protested to the Scarborough Corporation against the, charge of 2s. 6d. for the parking of motor coaches on the Marine Drive at Scarborough, and made_ a request that the time limit allowed for pielting up pesseng,ers should be extended.
The matter •hes been before the Scarborough. Town Council, and the Chief Constable there reported that no time limit is fixed for picking up passengers, and the Town. Clerk has replied to the Associations that the parking charge of 2s. 6d. is purely nominal, and is not fixed with the idea of keeping motor coaches away from the town.
Service in Surrey and Sussex:
new company, under thetitle of Surrey Motors' Ltd., has been farmed by Mr. W. Rees Jeffreys, director Of the Motor Union Insurance Co., and formerly the Secretary of the Read Board, who has as his co-directors MT. G. T. Lang. ridge, Mr. J. H. Py•rnan, and Mr. Frank, Lanchester. The company hold all the shares in Sussex -Motors,. Ltd., and 95.8 per cent, of the share capital of Harris and Others, Ltd., the coachbuilders of Clapham. Surrey Motors, Ltd., purchased the land, buildings, and business of the Howard Smallman Garage at Sutton, and considerable extensions have already been made providing one of the best equipped garages and workshops in Surrey, where every possible class of motor overhaul or repair can be undertaken, particular attention being given to the provision of service (in the fullest meaning of the term) irk comthercial vehicles. They have also opened a depot at 97, High Street, Guildford (a few doors from the bridge over the River Wey), and established 'work 8 at Peasmarsli Junction, a mile-and-a-half out Of the town on the Portsmouth road. The department for dealing with agricultural motor's has been established at Guildlord.
Sussex Motors, Ltd. is -the new title of the oompany formed to acquire and antalgasnate the l3sighten and Sussex Meter and Carriage Works, Ltd. (the Grand. Hotel Garage and the Wilbury Co. at Hove). The provision of an adequ•ate service for commercial motor vehicles operating on the South Coast will he a special feature of the work at Brighton and Hove.
, The establishment throughout the two counties of a group of co-ordinated garages should lead to a distinct success, and we lessle with confidence to M. Rees Jeffreys and his coedirectOrs to secure it, A repeat order for 12 three ton Albion chassis has ben received from the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co., Ltd. Thie makes a total of 27 Amiens supplied to this company since the armistice.
Personal Pars. •
Mr. John Stuart Mill, of Exeter, general manager of the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd., it may -interest readers to know, is related to John Stuart Mill, the famous economist of the 19th century. He is a most energetic and obliging; manager, and is "working wonders" in linking up rural Devonshire with Motor omnibuses. Mr. Mill was for some years connected with the concern of Jarrott, Ltd., London, He will find plenty of scope in the ,country, as it is at present not very well
served with buses, and he is the right man for the undertaking. An article dealing with .the services controlled by Mr. Mill is published on page 686. Mr. E. H. Preston has recently been appointed managing director of the Good.
yearTyro and Rabbet Co. (Great -Britain), Ltd., in succession to Major Saylor, who retired some time ago. Mr. E. R. Preston joined the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Cu. some nine years ago, and was connected with the automobile tyre department, devoting a portion of this Lime to aeronautics. Later he took charge of the automobile tyre department particularly concerned with traders' activities, continuing at the same time the supervision of the aeronautical department. Shortly after• .• wards, die was called upon to devete a great deal of his time to product and production matters, which eventually led tri his appointment as manager of the products department. When war broke out, Mr. Preston's attention was entirely devoted to the department created for the efficient supplying of the various Allied Governments with tyres, mechanical goods, balloons, gas masks, etc., which the Goodyear Co. made in large quantities. After the •signing of the armistice, Mr. Preston came to Europe, and has since spent a considerable amount of time in France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc., getting ,acquainted with the changed methods in the business world.
. A-4 an •inforn-tal luncheon c-neday last week, given to members of the Press, Mr. Preston outlined the history of the Goodyear Tyre Co. from its inception,
. and gave an interesting account of the. enoemtrus and world-wide expansion of this concern. In nine years' time the output of tyres from the Akron. factory • has risen from 2,000 to 35,000 a day, and it is' expected to reach 50,000 before 1.1th close of this year.
It may not be generally known that the GcnielYear CO. grow the greater part of the cotton nsed in their tyres, which comes front Arizona.
York's Motorbus Position.
The financial situation of the tramway and motorbusundertaking of the York City Council is so serious that the manager recommends a universal twopenny fare and the reduction of services during slack periods of the day.
The manager, dealing with the buses, &eye the results of the working of the combined electric and petrol service for the year ended March last wore: Expenditure, £5,883; income, £4,085, leaving a deficiency of £1,798. When the sum of £1,677 is added in respect of interest and sinking fund charges the loss on the year's working amounts to £3,475. This is equal to a loss of £11 3s. per day, apportioned as follows : --In the Morning, 49 per cent. ; in the afternoon, 18 per cent. ; and in the evening, 33 per cent. By discontinuing the morning service a saving of between £5 and £6 per day could be effected.
• The committee has arranged that the buses shall commence to run at noon. The idea of the committee is that, in view of the many claims on the rates, every effort should be made to keep the trains and buses off this fund.
An Adverse Decision.
The Ministry of Transport has given an important decision on the subject of damage to roads by motorbue traffic Three local authorities in South Durham —the Darlington Rural Council, the Auckland Rural Council, and the Shildon -Urban Council—granted permission to the United Automobile Services, Ltd., who have arranged an extensive service of omnibuses in the area, to run over new routes on payment of ad. per bus mile.
The company appealed to the Ministry against the impost, on the ground that it was unjustifiable. The Ministry have decided, after hearing the evidence of both sides, that the charge of 2d. per bus mile is a reasonable one, and mast be paid pending the passing of legislation authorizing the taxation of motor vehicles, when the question will be reviewed as from the beginning of the present year.
More Legislation. _
Sir Eric Geddes, replying to Viscount Curzon in the House of Commons one day last week, said that accidents to motor charsaasbanes were engaging the closest attention of Ministry of Transport officers, and the question of the regulations connected with the licensing and registration, of hackney vehiolee was being considered by the Departmental Committee concerned. Legislation would be necessary to deal with the question, and it was hoped to submit comprehensive proposals this-autumn.
Leyland's New .Factory.
In view of the general attention given to the purchase by Leyland Motors, Ltd., of the surplus R.A.F. Leyland transport, the accompanying illustration may be of interest, as indicative ef the. tremendous activity at -the company's extensive new factory at Ham, where the R.A.F. vehicles are being reconditioned for sale to the commercial motor using public. So rapidly has the organization of this factory been. accomplished that the company is now offeling these machines for almost immediate delivery. Rapid progress has been made in other than actual production arrangements, however. The area of land. acquired—about 40 acres— contains, in addition to the main works buildings, separate offices and a canteen which accommodates .some 400 diners daily, while qualified first-aid attendance is _provided in case of accident..
Large grosurids are being laid out for sports, and swimming, boating, and bowls and other recreations are included in the prospective programme.
Steel Research Report.
The very extended research on automobile steels which has been carried out by the Research Committee of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, has now been brought to a successful conclusion, and at a recent meeting the report was finally approved. It is hoped that it will be ready for issue by about the end of August'.
The report will contain a vast amount of information in regard to the physical properties of the 10 automobile standard steels, of whioh the specifications are given in British Engineering Standards Association Report No. 75, with coloured charts showing these properties under various heat treatments, as represented by the tensile Izod and Brinell tests.
The real work has been carried out bythe Executive Sub-Committee of which Mr. A. A. Remington was chairman up to a certain point, Mr. J. H. S. Dickenson assianing that office for the latter part of the period of research. The remainder of the members of the SubCommittee were Messrs. Hy. Biearley, J. Wortley. Fawcett. Brig.-Gent. R. K. Bagtnall-Wild, C.ILR, Major . H. P. Philpat, and Capt. E. W. Birch.
The edition will be very limited, and will be obtainable in the first place from the offices of the Institution at 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.
Sunday Coaches at the Seaside. .
Colwyn Bay motor ehar-Sebanca proprietors have petitioned the local Council. asking them to remove the restric. tions against placing coaches on their respective stands on Sundays except during certain hours, the limitation imposed being, it was contended, unsatisfactory as well as detrimental to the interests of motor coach proprietors. The answer was "No."
Brush New Issue. .
The subscription list for the new issue of the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., closed o4friday of last week. The issue was for 659,512 ordinary shares of £1 at par.
The company is registered with a capital of £600,000 divided into 600,000 ordinary shares of £1 each, 210,488 of which ore issued and fully paid.
The company was originally formed in 1879, and it/was re-incorporated under the present title in 1889, and then ab-corbed -the Falcon Engine anu Car Works at Loughborough. Leicestershiro, where the whole of the manufacturing Operations Of the compa,n3oare now Con
centrated. Their. manufactures...consist of two main divisions: steam ;:andteleetrical power houseplant, dynamos, rooters, and transformers, and railway anelti tramway rolling stock, and bodywork for motorbuses and other public utility vehicles.
The directors are : E. Carries, C. ' Shirreff Hilton, W. L.
lltiadgen, M.I.E.E., Rt. Hon. Lord •Varix of Harrowden, and B. S. Broadhurst.
Prices Still Soaring. .
Bethnal Green Borough Council's Works Committee, which m July, 1919, ordered three Thor-nyeroft motors, now reports that Messrs. Thornycroft are about to deliver the first vehicle but regret that it is necessary to adVance the contract price from £1.278 to, £1,520 per vehicle on Recount of heavy increase in wages and eost of materials since the order was placed.
At the request of the committee,' the Borough Surveyor has obtained competitive quotations from 11 of the leading Commercial motor manufacturing concerns, tut, in comparison, the increased price asked by Messrs. Thorny. croft is still the most advantageous to the Council. In the circumstances the committee recommends that the increased price be agreed tn.
Lincoln Motorbuses. •
Altihicsugh there are some important details regarding which Modifications, or developments, may be suggested upon the schemes as originally prOpraindedfor the provisionof motorbuses to meet the growing needs of Lincoln and its suburban, districts, the general plan, particulars of which were recently published in our columns, is one which ccrnmends itself to all who are interested in the city's development. At a meeting of the Corporation last week, it was determined to at once press on with the project by apPlying to .the Ministry of Transport for authority to borrow
£27,000 for the new conveyances and arrangements incidental to their provision inclAiding necessary garage accommodation.
• jfi this respect Lincoln is setting an enterprising cfcample which, it has been suggested, might with advantage be follcwed be several of the larger and neighbouring Midland towns, especially Nottingham, where, although there have been ,manifold suggestions and promises f8-ithcoming, no adequate attempt has yet been made to deal with the bus problem in the public interest.
French Roads.
Motorists' studying the milestones along aheeinterminable poplar-bordered roads Of France will probably, in future, have to remember that all .distances are calculated from •Notre Bathe,
The Municipal Council is considering a proposal for making the square in front of Notre Dame the starting peint for all kilometric distances-throughout France,, thus making it a kind of zero. The fir-st of the new signposts for ,road users has been placed in"position. Road mending is proceeding as fast as possible, and before long the roads in France will be well up to the pre-war standard,
Mann, Egerton Activities.
One of the best-known engineering and coachbuilding concerns in the country, and one which has an exceedingly good reputation, is Mann, ,Egerton and Co., Ltd., of Norwich. This company recently celebrated their coming-of-age.
We have received a booklet from the company pointing out the various branches in which they are prepared to give service, and to those who are not " cognizant with their work the range of activities is quite surprising. They supply new and second-hand cars and commercial vehicles; carry out repair; and overhauls, have a total garage accommodation in their various depots for 1,000 vehicles, hire out commercial vehicles of from one to four tons, and have an uptp-date motor school under competent instructors. Coachiouilding has; of course, always been one,of their specialities. On the hgiieultural side they are agents for practically all the well-known maltes of farm tractors and have repair .shops ' where complete overhauls to tractors and repairs to implements can be executed. At their Ipswich depot they are prepared to carry out electric repairs to dynamos, motors, magnetos, etc., and can supply complete electric installations for lighting, 'heating, mimping, etc. They are also sole agents 'for Vickers. Ltd., and allied companies in the countiesof Norfolk, Suffolk. Essex,' Cam. br•idgeshire and Huntingdonshire.
Local Proceedings.
Penrith Connell is getting a loan of £1,856 for the purchase-of a motor fireengine.
Harrogate T.C. wants to borrow. £1,310 for the purchase of a 2& ton Daimler lorry.
Barnsley Corporation wants to borrow £2,600 for the purchase of two electric tipping wagons.
Bradford Streets Committee has authorized the purchase of an additional 1 ton motor vehicle.
Haslingden District Council has obtained perthission to raise £925 for the purchase of a motor tipping wagon,
• Plymouth Corporation has accepted the tender of Mr. W. Mumford ;for the supply of two two ton motor lorriea at £900 each.
Inquiries are being made by the Clerk to the Hertford and Ware Joint Hospital. Board regarding the purchase of d motor ambulance.
The provision of a steam wagon and two trailers at a cost of £1,600 is included in the estimates of the Central Stirlingshire District Committee,
Bradford Corporation Tramways Committee, which run§ Lparcels department, has authorized the chairmaniand general manager to purchase a petrol lorry.
At the Bath City Council, the town clerk reported that 'the Ministry of Health had given el...auction to the borrowing of £2,100 for the purchase of a second motor fire-engine.
The Watch Committee of the Plymouth Corporation has consented to the routes of the new Corporationmotorbus services on condition -that the Trantway Committee pays 4c1, per bus mile.
Having inspected some new types of motor omnibuses, a comniittee cif the Plymouth Corporation .concludes that the new types would not suit local conditions • as well as the type for which telnclers have been accepted. .
In view of the expenditure ml tho maintenance of .the' inaca.dani-roads and a :report of theeinana,ger that such a service would. not be a financial success, the Liverpool Corporation Tramways Committee declines to recommend alaus service between Garston and WoOlton.
The Bradford Corporation Tramways Committee has approved drawings submitted by., the-general manager of a "one Man". rallies vehicle • with upper deck, and instructed the design to be submitted to the MinistrY of Transport. If the Ministry • approves the general manager will proceed with the construction of the new vehicle. .
Lord Galway and the Prevention of Irregular Occurrences.
VISCOUNT GALWAY, who has for V many years taken a prominent past in legislative work affecting the control of 'highways, 'made a significant pronouncement at the last meeting of the Nottinghamshire County -Council held last week, when he welcomed the expectation that. some Parliamentary enactments may be forthcoming, . bearing especially upon the use of public roads by char-aebance parties. • The problem is not, snare acute in r.elatioa Ito Nottieglesanshire, of whcee.admintstratioe body Lard Galway is chairman. than in regard to other counties, although it is now being brought into prominence by reason of the growth of sue.li traffic in an area -whieh includes the incomparable woodland scenery of Sherwood Forest and other notable territory, besides which. there is the consideration involved that Nottinghamshire roads are being used by pleasure e,eekers in ever increasing nu.mhers, as the main arteries of access from places furtber south to the Derbyshire
Peak and other picturesque spots. . Quite a large number of Nottingham motor concerns have been developing arrangements of late, which take the Lincoin-shire coast resorts as their chief eibjectives, but the incoming traffic has grown in even greater ratio, parties from such centres as Manchester, Sheffield, Doncaster, and other of the northern and large Midland towns being of regular
occurrence. Lest season's experience appears .also to warrant the conclusion that the volume of traffic, although it may be moderated during the. latter part of the year, will not be limited to the summer months,
There has been no disposition manifested by tho county authoritiee to diecourage the new form of traffic in Nottinghamshire, for which facilities • have been afforded by the granting ee licences applied for by the syndicates desirous of supplementing miserably inedequate local railway facilities.
But upon the occasion, which recently drew forth Lord Galway's observations -upon. the larger phase of the subject, it was made abundantly clear to the new applicants that there would be no disposition to tolerate abuses.
Lord Galway, with characteristic impartiality, made it quite clear that the gravamen of complaint was not eimeially applicable to Nattin-ghamehire, his salegestirm, being that recent occurrences in southern counties had been --more particularly calculated to bring this branch of traffic into disrepute. The debate arose upon an application made by the Clayton Tiraneport and Motor Bus Co. for permission to run neetembeeee on the county main roads between Nottingham and touthwell, the old ecclesiastical centre.
It was recommended that permission should be granted, and that course, was followed, staled tr conditions which were adopted in October of last year.
A point a legal interest war raised by Earl Manvers as to whether the term anotorleuses included ehars-adbanes, he expressing the hope that it did not, because in his view ohms-a-banes, as at present run in many cases, were an intolerable nuisance and a great source of danger.
The Clerk of the Council expressed the view that the term motorbus might, for the purpose of legal definition, include-the char-aeleanes. • na0 Viscount Galway added an expression of his hope that, to suppress any abuses, magistrates would not hesitateeto exercise their present powers to the fullest extent, pending the legislation -whioh might be considered necessary, if the complexion of matters in many parts of the country did not -improve.
Mr. (I. M. S. Pilking,ten, Lord Midieton's agent, suggested the' desirabilityof owners of chars-a-banes being required to exhibit notices weeping passengers against throwing bogies on to the highways. The Clerk pointed out, however, that it was a statutory offence to throw anything out of such conveyancee to the clanger of the public, and the action which has already been taken by the Chief Constable of the county in regard to the matter is evidence that the traffic, as far as Nottinghamshire is concerned, is to he maintained upon decorous lines, as it has hitherto been.
A Protest Against Encroachments on the Functions of the Sabbath.
TBE KILLJOYS are now busying themselves interfering with the Sunday char a-ba,ncs services, and on a
visit to Colwyn .Bay, a few days ago, we learned that much anxious thought has been given the question of Sunday travelling by motor chars-a-banes by the Council of the Evangelical churches of Colwyn Bay and district.
With a pious regard for their sanctimonious function's, they decided with unanimity to appeal to the Urban: Dis trict, Council to see that the owners of motor chars-a-banes adhere to the rules -and conditions upon which their licences Were greeted and remove their stands and notice boards from the vicinity of places of worship.
Whilst one can sympathize with the feelings of nitra religious people. to wham
the popular char-a-bancs is anathema, we cannot un,cferetand why the coaches of all the classifications of road conveyances should merit this invidious. distinction unless eit be that the motor coach is the only vehicle within the reach of the working classes to travel by. The church people allege that religious services have been interfered with. at
some of the churches during re,eent Sun days by the char anban..es -officials bringing their vehicle s within a few yards of the chapel door at the hour of ser vice, aild trying to induce worshippers to buy tickets for the Sunday trip as they entered the building. It is difficult for us to 'believe that any responsible coach propekter would ect in such a way as is allured, and the only conclusion we can draw is that imagination has given a colouring to the real facts of the en,s
The Colwyn Bay Evan-e.elical Council in addition to passing the resolution already
recorded, decided to make aitervent 'ap peal to all church members, eesidents, and visitors to discountenance the pre sent form of Sunday trips, which de prives the town of one of its most valuable features as a holiday resort—the refreshing quietness of a day of rest.
They go on to say "The greattedditinn to Sunday labour should-flee strenuously
resisted by the working classes, who rightly insist for shorter working hours on week-days; and the visitors who come to renew their strength and health will have the courtesy to respect our scruplee. About the first -day of the week while amongst us."
Northern Authority Prefers the Electric ' to the Petrol-driven Vehicle, BY utiiizing two electric vehicles for the collection of house refuse, the Wallasey Corporation hope to save X-500
year. The decision to purchase the two vehicles was actuated by two main reasons: (1) the increasing rates of pay demanded by the Carters' Unionand the loss of services in consequence of the reduction of the working hours, making it necessary to introduce a system by which the work of collection might be expedited and the cast reduced to a minimum, and (2) in consequence of the additional houses being Melt, the tonnage of refuse -so produced would necessitate the purchase either of more horses, carts, end wagents or setting up by easy .stages a fleet of motors or electriceilypropelled vehicles_
After carefully considering all the pros end cons, the Health Committee came to the conclusion that the rapid transit of offensive refuse through the main streets to the weeks, together with the possible saving in the cost of transport, might be effected by the substitution of electric vehicles. in three a the eleven areas into which the borough is now divided for the purpose of refuse collection.
Why, it may he asked, was the electric chosen in placeof the petrol. vehicle? Absence of noise during the passage of the wagone through the thoroughfares of the borough, which is mainly of a residential -nature, was one of the strong points which influenced the Committee's
decision, The constant stopping and starting of the vehicles was another factor which induced the Committee to adopt the electric in preference to. the 'petrol vehicle.
It iwhelieverl that the two e"ectric tipping wagons now on order will be ablc to displace at least eix .of the horses and carts at -present engaged in the distant parts of the town. •
A compexison of present and estimated future costs is interesting. The cost of the work carried out, by horse-drawn vehicles during theeyear eliding March 31st, 1920. had been 12s. 8d. per ton, based on the approximate expenditure of the years but owing to the increase ie.). the carters' and farriers' wages these items would considerably increase the cost for the current year. It has been estimated that -by -the new method the cost would be 11s. 2d. per ton. The distance from the three areas which will be served by electries to the works ore 3 miles, 1,520 verde; 2 miles 1,580 -yards, and 2 miles 480 yards respectively.
For the moment there -will be no heavy expenditure involved in providing a special garage forhousing the two electric vehicles, as arrangements have been made to accommodate them in a building which is at the present time -being reconetrneted.
The fact that the collection of refuse costs the Country £10,000,000, to Which increases are continually being added, ought certainly to be a factor in inducing thoee local authorities who are somewhat backward to at least go. into the possibilities of mechanical transport.
There ie.no question but that electrics. arthapidly coming into favour for this clam of -work. To municipal authorities who control an electric power station, as the mainrity of them do, the ability to "cheree" during the night, at ahnost negligible cost, is a very great attraction, and, as mentioned, the noiselesseess of the electric is a Feat point in its favour.