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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it raoss,"—fohn Beattie Crozier.
Bus Entrances and Exits.
Mr. Robert Mossop, clerk to the Woking Urban District Council, reports that he recently communicated with the Ministry of Transport, inquiring if any regulation had been made with respect to entrances and exits on buses.
The reply from the Ministry of Transport Roads Department stated that, so Tar as that department was aware, no regulations were in force at the present time having regard to entrances and exits of motor omnibuses. The question had, however, recently been under consideration by the Departmental CornMittec on the Licensing and Regulation of Public Service Vehicles, and the committee's recommendations and suggested regulations were contained in its first interim report.
The recommendation of the Departmental Committee is that where the vehicle is fitted with a permanent top and the entrance is not at the rear end an emergency door opening outwards shall be provided behind and clear of the rear wheels.
The Coventry-Birmingham Road Under Reconstruction.
The Coventry-Birmingham road actually provides the key to the Midland manufacturing cities and towns and is very largely used by vehicles passing through to the populous Lancashire districts. Any improvement in its surface and width, therefore, will be appreciated very much 1 by those drivers who have occasion to use this section of the road. Throughout the entire length of the road, from Windmill Farm, Allesley, to the Birmingham city boundary, great activity with road-making apparatus can be observed. All the bridges throughout the section have been widened in preparation for the extension in the width of the road, whilst the well-known bridge at Stonebridge (mid-way between the two cities) has been widened and a large sweep arranged into the Stonebridge-Coleshill road.
The scheme provides for increasing the width between the fences to 80 ft., with a minimum width of carriage-way throughout of 30 ft. Only in one section—through Meriden village—will the width between the fences he as small as 60 ft. ; the present construction of the village is, of course, responsible for this restriction. All acute bends and corners have been rounded off considerably and should provide for more rapid and yet safe transport for all concerned. A
footpath is to be provided on each side of the Toad through, villages' ..(such as Meriden). and throughout the rest of its length there will be a footpath on one side only.
The Stonebridge-CoIeshill road is included in the scheme, the bridges for this section, too, having been widened in readiness for the extensions, whilst a hill some short distance away from StonebeAlge is in course of being regraded and the left-hand sweep over one of the bridges of this section which has previously been a danger spot will, when the road is completed, be almost removed. The scheme provides for a general speeding-up of all traffic along this route, and should, without doubt, prove of great advantage to all commercial-vehicle users who ply between London, Birmingham and the North.
The Motor Route to Baghdad..
We have from time to time dealt with the activities of the Nairn Transport Co. and of the Eastern Transport Co., both of which concerns are conducting transport across the Syrian desert from Beirut and Damascus to Baghdad. It is now announced that a financial Anglo-French group, after a year's negotiations, has acquired the Nairn Transport Co. for amalgamation with the Eastern Transport Co. The group comprises the Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Messrs. Stern Bros., the Ottoman Bank, the Imperial Bank of Persia, the Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas, the Credit Foncier d'Algerie and Mesasgenies Maritimes. The final arrangements for the formation of a new company under the title of the Nairn and Eastern Transport Co. will be officially announced early in September.
Mr. Norman Nairn is now in America supervising the construction of the new six-wheeled cars which are intended to cut down the time of the journey between Damascus and Baghdad to 24 hours.
The rapid growth of this new trade route to the East is shown by the fact that last year no fewer than 11,255 passengers used the route, and it is said that 6,803 cars, many belonging to natives, crossed the desert.
The value of the new route is emphasized by the fact that by this means London and Baghdad are brought within eight days of each other, as compared with 22 days by the sea route. English and French Governments both felt that the sole control by either country of such an important trade and strategetieal route. was undesirable, and it is now understood that the new undertaking will have the support of both Governments.
The Ford Exhibition.
Our tabulation of "Forthcoming Events," which is published on our opening "Wheels of Industry" page, has intimated for some weeks past that an exhibition of various types of Ford motor vehicle and tractor is to be held at Holland Park Hall, London, W., from October 15th-23r1 next. We are now informed that the Ford vehicle will be shown in various guises for passenger and goods uses, whilst municipal officials will have an opportunity of inspecting transport units and appliances which are built to meet their _needs.
A special feature of the exhibition will be a display of varied types of body, and also convertible specimens which permit delivery vans to be changed into passenger cars in a few minutes. All those concerns manufacturing equipment and accessories for use with ll'ord vehicles will be represented. A noteworthy feature of the exhibition will be the standard colour scheme which has been adopted, and to which all the stands will conform.
Prizes for Road Congress Papers.
In connection with the next Public Works Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition, which is due to be held in November, 1927, the organizing committee has devised a competition in which prizes are offered for the best papers to be read and discussed during the exhibition. The first prize will be a gold medal and £50, the second a silver medal and £25, and the third a bronze medal and £10. Further particulars of the rules of the competition can be obtained from the secretary to the congress and exhibition, 84, Eccleston Square, London, S.1;i7.1.
Newspaper Van Publicity.
The proprietors of the London Evening News have always accepted every opportunityfor securing useful publicity, and the many motorvans which they employ" for distribution work are made to advertise the paper in several ways. Not only has a distinctive colour scheme been adopted for the bodies of the vans, but most of them carry an electric illuminated sign, which occupies 'a prominent position at the front of the roof. Then, again, the front glasses of the headlamps have also been used to .carry ExInfing. NeW8 wording. We repreduce a picttire of Some of this paper's vehicles, this depicting a fleet of Star vans, which are fitted throughout with C.A.V. lighting and starting equipment and C.A.V. illumin ated signs, equipment manufactured by C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., Acton, London, W.3. We understand that the signs are quite inexpensive.
Compulsory Direction Indicators In Paris.
The Paris Prefect of Police has recently issued an order, to 'come into operation on January 1st, 1927, requiring a mechanical signalling indicator to he fitted on all motor vehicles on which it is not possible to give proper direc tion signals by hand. The indicators to • be fitted must be capable of giving a " stop " or " turning " signal in ample time and in a clear and apparent manner for following traffic.
Storm Damage to Roads.
The recent heavy wind and rain storms in South Wales have caused very material damage 'to traffic ways. Drivers should note that the most direct route from Llandovery to Ninth has been rendered us-less to vehicular :traffic. No fewer than four bridges have been washed away between LlandoVery and Llanwyrtyd Wells on a road much used by coach traffic from Swansea and parts of Carmarrhenshire. The alternative route is by way Of Erwood and Brecon.
Personal Pars.
In consequence of the resignation through ill-health of Mr. Dutfield, the Minister of Transport has appointed Mr. J. H. Turner to be an additional member of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee as a representative. of the interests of persons providing means of transport and users of mechanically propelled and horse-drawn road vehicles within the London traffic area. Mr. Turner is President of the Metropolitan and Home Counties Road Transport Association, Vice-president of the National Road Transport Employers' Federation, and a member of the Middlesex County Council.
Mr. L. M. Seabrooke, who is in charge of the vehicle sales department of John I. Thornycroft and Co., is the elder on of Sir James Seabrooke, K.C.I.E., and was educated at Felsted School and the City and Guilds Central Institute of London University, which he passed through at the same time as Mr. Tom Thornycroft. He then became a pupil of the chief civil engineer of the London and North-Western Railway, and was nominated by Professor W. C. Unwin, of London University, for an appointment in the Indian Public Works Department. After serving for some time in the roads and buildings branch of the P.W.D. in the Punjab, he retired for family reasons and joined the sta..f.7 of Mr. H. A. Humphrey, the gas engine consulting engineer, of Victoria Street, London. In 1904 Mr. Seabrooke joined the vehicle sales department of the Thornycroft Steam Wagon Co., Ltd., which was later absorbed by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. He has thus had over 22 years' service in connection with the sale of Thornycroft vehicles and has been in charge of the vehicle sales department since 1910, so that he has been associated with the sale of Thornycroft petrol vehicles since their early days. Mr. Seabrooke was, in particular, closely connected with the working out of the details of Thornycroft's post-war vehicle sales arrangements in 1918, which have resulted in great expansion of the company's busiress with which he has had to deal.
Wireless in Fire Brigade Work.
It is reported from 'Vienna that it has been decided to equip motor fire-engines in that city with wireless so that communication can be maintained between headquarters and the brigade at the scene of a fire, and vice-versa. Useful Bus-lifting Jacks.
It is over two years ago since the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd.' instituted a useful scheme whereby lifting jacks are disposed at convenient points in Greater London for use in case of accident. It is now stated that there are over 100 sets of apparatus, upon which an immediate call can be made, at L.G.O. garages, Underground stations and police headquarters. The apparatus, which, in the case of each set, consists of a Barrett jack, two saws, a bending bar and eight packing pieces of different thicknesses, has already given proof of its value. The ordinary training of the bus staff of the company includes instruction in the use of the apparatus. Tests have shown that, by its aid, a bus can be raised. 1 ft. 6 ins, from the ground in the space of three minutes.
Thornycrofts popular Overseas.
Evidence of the increasing demand from overseas for the various types of vehicle manufactured by John I Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., Basingstoke, is afforded by shipments made by the company during the week ended July 10th last. In this period over 30 chassis were sent abroad, these having as their destinations Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Shanghai, Calcutta, Sydney, Santos. Wanganui (New Zealand) and
n1:2 Queensland. Orders received during the same period included further indents from the company's agents in .Calcutta and Singapore. The majority of the orders for overseas users are for Thornycroft-type Al vehicles, which are proving very popular.
Motors Preferred to Horses.
"Owing to replacing horses with motors, the following are for sale. . . ." So runs an advertisement which recently appeared in a Lancashire daily paper under the name of Catterall and Swarbrick's Brewery, Ltd., of Staining, near Poulton-le-Fylde. It serves to express
the policy of a company who realize that, in these days of high-speed transport, their interests are best met by motor vehicles which can deal with big loads in the minimum of time. Two of the vehicles which the company are now using are shown in the accompanying pictures, one being a 2-ton Vulcan and the other a 3-ton Leyland.
Increased French -Taxes.
According to an advice from Paris, M. Tardieti, who has been entrusted with the task of discovering certain fresh sources of-revenue, contemplates increasing the present taxes on motorcars by 50 per cent. Motor lorries, it is said, will not be affected by the suggested increase, Foden's Profits.
The net profit of Fodens, Ltd., Sandbach, in the year ended June last amounted to 133,281, and the company, are paying a dividend of 7+ per cent. The trading profit was 133,050 for the 12 months, but in considering this figure one must not overlook the income from investments and transfer fees, etc., amounting to £7,424, and make allowance for £7,192 provided for depreciation. As the former is greater than the latter, however, it will be seen that the whole of the trading profit is available for distribution. The sum of 117,178 is being carried forward this year as against 1'9,896 in the preceding year. The 'profit earned by the company in each of 11 years since 1913 is clearly shown in the table set out below, which .also gives the dividends paid each year. At the end of the year 1913-1914 the issued capital was 1122,690, and from 1916 it has stood at 1307,400.
Overseas Orders for Guy Vehicles.
Within a recent period of a week Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, received orders for over 30 goods and passenger-carrying vehicles from a number of overseas buyers. One of the most interesting is that from tte African and Eastern Trade Corporation for a fleet of convertible freight and passenger vehicles for use on the Gold Coast, whilst a fleet of 1-tonners is now under construction for Westralian Farmers, Ltd., Perth, Australia. Then, again, five lorries are being supplied to a Cape Town user, four to Messrs. Burns, of Auckland, New Zealand, and three to Messrs. Walker Bros., of Ceylon. One-tonners have also been ordered by Messrs. Afranas for use in East Africa.
Forthcoming Expenditure on Roads.
At the annual, conference of the Institute of Quarry Managers, held recently at Llandrindod Wells, Sr Henry Maybury, in responding to his re-election to the presidency of the Institute, gave a survey of what he estimated would be done in respect of road .works during the present financial year.
Sir Henry said that there was a greatly increased demand upon producers of good road-making materials and he believed that the Ministry of Transport policy would result in 2* million pounds sterling being expended this year purely on rural roads. This would mean that between 600 and 700 local authorities would require material for rural roads. The continued expansion of road transport demanded more and better roads, and of 100,000 miles of highways in the country waiting to be improved a large percentage "had never yet been treated with a really good surfacing material.
In all, said Sir Henry, something like 40 million pounds would be expended this year on roads in this country. A Union for Bus Officials.
A new organization, under the title of the London General Omnibus Company's Officials' Federation, has recently been formed by inspectors and other officials of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd. It is said that the officials are severing their connection with the Transport Workers' Union. Several hundred members have already joined the new organization, which has amongst its objects the plan of greater co-operation with employers to secure mutual benefits.
Municipal Orders for Electrics.
Illectricars, Ltd., Landor Street, Birmingham, have just delivered to the Leyton Urban District Council the first 24ton vehicle of a repeat order for five— two 21-tonners and three 31-tonnersthree of which are to he fitted with interchangeable bodies for road sprinkling. An interesting point about this order is the fact that the authorities at Leyton decided some time ago that the work. in question could be effected more cheaply by other means. However, it has now been proved that the electric vehicle is a most economical transport unit for the class la work to be undertaken.
The company have just delivered a 21-ton vehicle to the Borough of Hornsey, and, amongst others, have orders in hand from the Metropolitan Borough of Islington for two 31-ton vehicles and from the Enfield Urban District Council for a 21-ton vehicle.
Six-wheeled Buses to Solve Future Transport Problems.
The Birmingham municipal authori
ties now claim to possess the largest omnibus undertaking of its kind in the country, and further interesting developments are foreshadowed, The growth of the municipal bus services has necessitated the provision of increased accommodation for the vehicles, and a large new garage was formally opened towards the end of last month. This has been built in Serpentine Itoad, liarborne, and has a frontage of 188 ft. and a depth of 300 ft. It will eventually
provide space for housing 100 vehicles.
• At a luncheon which followed the
opening ceremony, Alderman Ella-way, chairman of the tramways committee, referred to the experiment which the Birmingham authorities were -about to undertake with two six-wheeled buses—, wn made mention of this fact in an article in our issue dated July 20th— and said that his committee thought that the future of the omnibus undertakings in the country would lie with the six-wheeled vehicle.
Vehicles for Varied Uses.
The three vehicles which are shown in the illustrations appearing on this page have recently been delivered from the works of prominent commercial vehicle manufacturers in country.
The first shows a 21-ton Gilford lorry just supplied through Messrs. Hancock, Corfield and Waller to a Middlesex rater, The bddywork is rather interesting, as it has been designed for carrying live pigs and pork. When dealing with live stock a second floor is brought into use, and thus the animals can be carried in two tiers. A ventilator is fitted at the front of the body above the driver's cab, and this can be opened or closed as required. When pork is carried the extra floor is detached in sections, and the
carcases are suspended from sliding pulleys hung on H-section iron runners fixed on the inside of the roof. The interior of the, body sides is protected by sheet aluminium, which, apart from making for cleanliness, also prevents damage being caused by the live stock.
The second picture is of a 24-ton Model 204 Associated-Daimler lorry supplied to Wm. C. Till, Ltd., builders' merchants, of Battle. The body is the product of Messrs. Upfield and Sons (Motors), of Hastings.
In the last picture is to be seen a . 20-25-cwt. Vulcan lorry of a type which is proving, most popular with brewers and beer bottlers. It is fitted with a body built for this class of transport.
The ferries committee of the Birkenhead Corporation has fixed charges for the ferriage of motor chars-b-bancs as follow :— Transferring Bus Licences.
Bexhill Watch Committee has granted the application of the Maidstone and District gotor Services, Ltd., for the transfer of the licences standing in the name of Caner and Lidstone, Ltd., whose business is being taken over Co-operative Bus Action.
Over two years ago the Chorley Motor Omnibus Joint Committee was formed with the object of securing better control and regulation of bus services within the areas of the Chorley Union, and it has recently invited the corporations of Bolton, Preston and Blackburn to join the committee so that co-operative action can be taken in connection with the services between Bolton and Preston and on other routes. The Wigan Corporation is already a member of the committee. If the authorities now approached become represented on the committee, the whole of the bus services operating in the four county boroughs will be under the control of the joint committee of Chorley. The Preston Watch Committee has adjourned consideration of the matter.
A Slide Rule for Motor Calculations.
Mr. Thomas S. Airey, a motor engineer and a former instructor in the automobile department of tire New York Trade School, has just succeeded in devising an automotive computing slide rule that is said to be capable of making accurate calculations with rapidity. The Airey slide rule is built in three sections and covers problems to be solved in Lp.m., piston displacements, gear reductions, tyre and wheel changes, governed speed changes, etc. It is made large enough to enable calculations for motor lorries and cars with engines having from four to twelve cylinders to he made. It is of compact construction and is,manufactured by the Automotive Devices Co., 131, 23rd Street, Jackson heights, New York.
Leyland Works Busy.
Although the difficulties of the present industrial situation, arising out of the shortage of coal supplies, have affected Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lancs., as they have other manufacturing concerns, they have not diminished the sales activity of the company. Moreover, their production programme is not seriously curtailed. There is a number of orders on the company's books for important municipalities, fire brigades and civil authorities, amongst which the following may be particularly mentioned :---Birkenhead Corporation Gasworks, a 2-tonner : London County Council, five special fire tenders; Tamworth Fire Brigade, a 300-400-gallon fire-engine; Darwen Corporation Tramways, a number of Lioness buses; Rochdale Fire Brigade, a 850-1,100-gallon fire engine ; Bradford Corporation Tramways, a number of Lion models; Todmorden Corporation, a 56-seater Leviathan double-deck bus; Nottingham Corporation Electricity Department, a 50-cwt. chassis.
Furthermore, the company have in hand a large number of goods and passenger vehicles for many prominent private users, and in a list they send us there are close on 30 different names.
Girder Haulage by Fordson.
The Fordson industrial tractor has proved that it is a sound commercial proposition in a variety of ways, and has accomplished tasks which might possibly have given considerable trouble to other forms of haulage unit. Its ;natty uses for military work are referred to in our centre pages' article this week, and, as a further instance of its allround utility, we can relate the details of a rather difficult job which the Efficiency Motor Co., Ltd., of Bristol, re n24 cently effected with a tractor of this make.
Gardiner, Sons, and Co., Ltd., The Midland Ironworks, Bristol, are supplying the ironwork for a new kinema which is being built in the city, and they were confronted with the problem of transporting a large girder from the London, Midland and Scottish Railway station in Bristol to the building site. The Efficiency Motor Co., Ltd, suggested the use of a Fordson tractor in
• conjunction with one of the railway company's low four-wheeled trailers as the easiest way out of the difficulty, and this offer was accepted.
The girder in question was 64 ft. long and weighed about 10-i tons, which, in conjunction with the trailer weight of 2f tons, made a total load to be hauled of over 13 tons. Bristol, as is generally known, is a city with many narrow, winding streets, and, although the tractor hauled the load quite easily, considerable trouble was experienced in negotiating corners. Nevertheless, as the result of the ease with which the Fordson can manoeuvre in confined spaces, the whole job was carried to a satisfactory conclusion.
Owing to the length of the girder, the police authorities would not permit it to be moved during the day. A start was, therefore, made at midnight, and before daybreak the girder was successfully deposited at the scene of building
operations. Some idea of the magnitude of the task can be obtained from an illustration on this page.
Across Australia by 30-cwt. Lorry.
John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., have recently received a cable from their Australian company conveying the news that a Thornycroft-type Al 30-cwt. vehicle has just completed an interesting trip across the Australian continent from Adelaide to Port Darwin and return. The double journey involt,ed 5,000 miles of travelling, much of which was accomplished over rough country and mere tracks. Capt. Begot was in charge of the party carried by the vehicle, which, loaded to capacity, returned the excellent fuel record of 14 miles to the gallon of petrol used. The excellence of Thornycroft design and construction is borne out by the fact that no mechanical trouble of any kind was experienced. Local Proceedings.
West Riding County Council has purchased a Guy rnotorvan for the highways department.
Wakefield Corporation is considering the priivision of a motor ambulance for the fever hospital.
Birkenhead Corporation has accepted the tender of Leyland Motors, Ltd., at £658, for the supply of a 50-cwt. motor lorry.
Fulham Borough Council has decided to niirchase two motor vehicles for dust collection at a cost of about £1,150.
Woking Urban District Council has accepted the tender of Messrs. Ebisons, at £143 10s„ for the supply of a 1-ton motor lorry.
Leeds Watch Committee has decided to obtain quotations for the supply of an additioual motor ambulance for street accidents.
South Shields Corporation has authorized the purchase of a Morris motor lorry for tae highways department at a cost of £256.
Bournemouth Corporation has decided to discuss with the Chars-A-banes Owners Association the question of the parking of visiting motor coaches.
Barnsley Watch Committee recommends that in future no hackney carriage licences be granted unless thirdparty insurances have previously been taken out by the owners.
The weights and measures inspector of the Leicester Corporation reports that 56 petrol pumps were tested dewleg the year and were found generally in fair condition, 1e requiring slight readjustment.
The Royal assent has now been given to the Doncaster Corporation Bill, which contains proposals for running trolley-buses in the borough also in the Bentley district, in place of the existing tramways.
Cheltenham Watch Committee has adopted a recommendation of its motor hackney carriage inspector for the use of Stewart speedometers on the licensed hackney carriages and allowed him to supply these and stock spare parts for them so that he can see that speedometers are fitted correctly and kept in order.