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Police cover at port regained at High Court

3rd August 1995, Page 10
3rd August 1995
Page 10
Page 10, 3rd August 1995 — Police cover at port regained at High Court
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Sussex chief constable Paul Whitehouse has been ordered by the High Court to scrap restrictions on police cover for live animal exporters operating out of Shoreham port.

Operators International Traders Ferry (ITF) challenged the chief constable's decision to provide police protection at the port on only two consecutive days a week or four consecutive days a fortnight. No cover was provided on bank holidays and weekends, because, he said, of the drain it placed on police resources. ITF claimed this was a restraint of trade and the court found in its favour, deciding the chief constable had breached European Community law.

The court held back from ordering chief constable Whitehouse to provide police cover on more days per week, leaving him to decide how to implement the ruling. It also rejected 1TF's claim that he had 'surrendered' to sometimes violent animal rights protestors.

The chief constable has the right to appeal against the decision.