Contributions from Drivers and Mechanics.
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'en Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published.
Drivers of commercial motors, and Inechanics and foremen of garages or shops, who are engaged in any branch of the industry, ye invited to contribute short, Personal experiences, opinions or suggestions, an subjects are likely to Prove of interest to our aders. We shall be glad to hear of anything interesting that has come -touter any driver's or mechanic's notice, either in the shops
on the road. Long and successful runs ; services with u.-) "lost journeys" ; workshop tilts and smart repairs; all are suitable ibjects. Send a lost-card, or a letter, or a sketch to us—no matter how short, or how written, or how worded. We will "knock it
Ito shape" before publication. When writing it is as 7...ell to mention your employer's time as a guarantee of bona fides not tr. publication), and to state whether you wish your own name, or initials only, to be published. Payment will be made immediately tter publication. Address your letters to The editor, " THE Con SIERCIA L. NI° rote" 7-15. Rose,ery Avenue, London, E.C.
ntal Communications.
Selected from a number of communications which are tended for these columns and which we are unable to knowledge individually, we have letters from the followig correspondents under consideration with a view to tblication,—" J.S. J."' (Mold), " JAVA..." (Stoke :Sewingn), " J.H.'' (Southlields), " A.N." (Walthamslowe (Glasgow), and " SPRINGPAD " (Saltburro.
ore About Fusible Plugs.
1.464j The following comtnunication has been received front W.J.R." (Camden Town), who was the writer of the iginal letter which we published in our issue of the 5th November, and in which a suggested type of improved sible plug was described and illustrated.----" In answer to (Sunderland) and other correspondents, 1 must ask em to remember that my letter only contained a suggested ethod and that this was, like other suggestions, quite ren to criticism. 1 shall try to get a plug made on the les which I suggested and when it has been properly tested will send you an account of its efficiency. With regard the risk of the dropping of the fuse which G.W. menms, a 'hollow tube in the cap might overcome this.'' 3 Withdraw Seized Gudgeon Pins.
The sender of lhc following communication has been a.a,arited the los. prize this :reek.
14651 The ittter front " T.A." (Penzance), which we pubh below, dtscribes a very useful method of withdrawing e gudgeon pin from a petrol-engine piston. Cases of izure of the gudgeon pin are occasionally recorded, and is often a difficult matter to release the pin without truere of the cast-iron piston.—" I am sending you a sketch his has been redrawn for reproduction.—Eo.) and some rticulars of a small fitting that I have found useful on ny occasions when I have had to withdraw an obstinate geon pin. I have lettered the sketch as follows. P is piston, G the gudgeon pin, and S the packing.
In the drawing, the tool is shown in position ready to
v a goidgeon pin. Anyone who has had to deal with mes that have hardened-steel gudgeon pins and hardened, 1 connecting-rod bushes will know that a seized pin is a t awkward job successfully to withdraw without in some way damaging the piston. ',After I had seen several pistons spoilt in this way, I hit upon the idea which I have sketched for you, and it has been most useful. In some cases-its use will avoid the necessity for the complete stripping of the engine. The packing block. (Sf has to be turned out on one end to accommodate the periphery of the piston and it is a simple matter to provide onesell with a series of these which will fit most of the ordinary sizes of pistons that are in use.
" When the rig has been fixed upas shown in the sketch, the nut should be tightened down and, while the strain is on, several sharp blows should be given to the bolt head. This method will 'invariably result in the dislodgement of the tightest of gudgeon pins.
" The tool is easily made and should soon pay for itself by the saving of time and money. All that is required is a piece of round mild steel of about 2 inches diameter, with a hole through it that is large enough to clear the large end of the gudgeon pin. A .good, mild steel bolt and nut, and a small piece of plate with a hole in it are sufficient to complete the outfit.'
A Sarcastic Correspondent.
14661 -1. number of useful hints as to the way in which a motorbus should net be driven may he culled from the fol
lowing letter which we have received from a humorously inclined correspondent who signs himself " II.B." (Picca dilly). Ulf> xerites. "I beg to submit to you the following 'Hints on the driving and management of motor omnibuses.' III When it is wished to proceed at about 8m.p.h. on the top gear, open the throttle wide and then let the clutch in ; after ten yards take the clutch out and let the engine run on the governor. It is well, also, to give a touch to the brakes. After another ten yards, let the clutch in again as before. The advantage of this method is that the inhabitants of the neighbourhood hear a loud hum for a few seconds and then enjoy comparative silence for a little while. This arrangement is much less trying than a continuous, although gentler noise.
" (2) When travelling at forn.p.h. and approaching a traffic. block about twenty or thirty yards away, let in the clutch, open the throttle and increase the speed to about ism.p.h. When the machine is within ten yards of the block, take out the clutch and put all the brakes on hard. The ;Advantage of this procedure is that one has to wait twenty-two seconds, instead of twenty, behind the block.
" () The employment of a method similar to the last is advisable when one is catching up with slow-moving ti-tithe; this is especially the case when lamp-posts and other street obstructions are being passed.
" (4) During the design of a motorbus care should be taken to make the body overhang the back wheels as much as possible, as it is well known that machines which are built on this principle afford a constant source of amusement to all other road users, owing to the tendency to skid that is induced. Popularity of this nature tends to reduce the anti-motor agitation.
" (5) In order that rivals may not be able to see the particular type of silent chain that is used, it is advisable to fit a little tin 'contraption 'over that side of the chain which is nearest to the wheel. The chain will still receive plenty of mud and water from the other side."