Fire-Brigade Matters.
Page 9

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Salford Town Council has provisionally accepted tenders for the supply of two further motor lire-engines, at a cost of 22,250.
The Fire Brigade Committee of the Neweastle-on-Tyne Corporation is about to consider the question of motor equipment.
Colliery owners in the Northumberland and Durham districts are organizing their own fire brigades, and a powerful Merryweather engine has been ordered.
Superintendent E. Hanmer, of the Middlesbrough brigade, is now engaged upon a report on the subject of petrol-driven machines, of which intention we gave intimation in our issue of the 30th September last.
The Watch Committee. of the Southport Town Council has resolved to ask that early effect shall he given to the resolution, in favour of the purchase of a motor fire-engine (first aid), to which we referred in our issue of the 23rd December last.
We hear good reports of the initial performances of the first of the two Dennis fire-engines at Kingston-onThames: we hope, shortly, to be in a position to deal with the installation of both these machines in their central quarters in the Royal borough.
Yet another argument in favour of the establishment of County Fire Brigades is provided by the destruction of the north wing of Coleby Hall, Lincoln, the residence of Major Tempest, which was erected nearly 300 years ago. Bad Lincoln been possessed of its motor fire-engine, the purchase of which is to be made shortly, the damage would have been much less.
LIandrindod %Veils U.D.U. is spending £6,000, on new municipal buildings, a. fire-brigade station, and stab/fag. We regret to learn from the Clerk of the Council, Mr. D. C. Davies, that no motor equipment. is contemplated. This is rather out-ofdate procedure for an up-to-date resort like Llandrindod Wells!
L.C.C. Tenders.
The London County Council received the following tenders for the supply and fitting of an engine in one of the motor (escape) vans of the Fire Brigade, and for the execution of certain alterations to the van :—Tylor and Sons, Ltd., £175 (excluding fitting); L.yland Motors, Ltd., £185 (excluding fitting); Merryweather and Sons, Ltd.,. £180 (including fitting); Dennis Bros., Ltd., £196 (including fitting); and Maudstay Motor Co., Ltd., £234 (excluding fitting). The cost of fitting the engine was estimated to be not less than £25. The engine which Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., proposed to supply was not considered by the Fire Brigade to be suitable, and the tender of Dennis Bros., Ltd., (at 196) has. been accepted. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., is to provide dropping gear, of the new pattern, for the ladder, at a cost of £20, and the necessary alterations to the body of the vehicle are to be carried out, in the Fire-Brigade workshops, at a cost of £18. There has been "picking and choosing "here.