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• The dear departed festive season brought forth a spate

3rd January 1991, Page 17
3rd January 1991
Page 17
Page 17, 3rd January 1991 — • The dear departed festive season brought forth a spate
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of manufacturer's calendars and diaries which CM staff will gratefully use to record their busy schedules this year.

Among the Hawk's favourite calendars was Scania's, which celebrates the company's centenary this year, and whose pages feature vehicles down the years in a variety of (mainly) Swedish-style settings, including a fifties coffee bar peopled by intense teenagers in bobby sox and cardigans — while outside a Scania bus patiently waits for them to finish their Cokes.

The Michelin pocket diary contains useful telephone numbers, such as airports and ferries, as well as a wine chart and metric guide.

But in a curious aside it tells us: "A veteran image of the Michelin Man was transformed last year into a unique blend of advertising, art and architecture. Skilled British craftsmen constructed an exact replica of a 1910 stained glass window. It feature's Michelin's corporate logo, feet raised in a karate-like kick."
