Happy new year
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I've made three new year's resoLutions, which are: to be more toLerant towards cycLists; to study for my Operator Certificate of ProfessionaL Competence; and to be civiL to, and spend more time with, my mother-in-Law.
And I'm doing remarkabLy weLL so far. This morning was a bit testing though when I was undertaken by the usuaL stream of cycListswhiLe waiting at the Lights. But I refrained from shouting abuse at them. Instead I took a deep breath and came to the concLusion that if they want to kiLLthemseLves, then that's their prerogative. Besides, I have a forward-facing camera kuppLied by Vision Techniques), so if one of them chooses to cycLe into me, I wiLL, hopefuLLy, be abLe to prove my innocence.
Number two is LikeLy to be a Lot easier, thanks to Commercial Motor. We have teamed up with Surrey-based EP Training and, from this week, are seriaLising the entire Operator CPC home study course. This week we Look at the quaLification itseLf and the exams you need to pass to attain it, kicking off the course with a Look at common Law. If you coLLect aLL 51 parts, at the end of the year you'LL have the entire course at your disposaL. Existing CPC hoLders wiLL find it a usefuL refresher, whiLe others wiLL use it to heLp obtain the quaLification. TheoreticaLLy, you couLd sit the examination without going anywhere near a cLassroom, aLthough it's advisabLe to book yourseLf onto an intensive course to practice answering the questions.
I pLan to save up aLL mine and do some home studying over Christmas 2013— that way I won't have to see much of my mother-in- Law. Oh weLL, two out of three ain't bad! Will Shiers