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"The wheels of wealth will be stowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is hy the roughness of the roads over which it runs."--John Beattie Crozier, Associated Daimler Rearrange ments.
We are asked by the directors of the Associated Daimler Co., Ltd., to announce that the development of their business has indicated the necessity of establishing sales and service departments in each of their manufacturing establishments, namely, the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.; Southall, and the Daimler Co., Ltd., Coventry. Contracts already placed with the Associated Daimler Co., Ltd., will be exeented by the individual companies concerned under the control of the Associated Daimler Co., Ltd.
After this date contracts will be negotiated direct by the companies concerned and executed under licence from the Associated Daimler Co., Ltd., which continues to function under the existing .board of directors, association of technical resources, ete. The sales, service and technical facilities of the associated companies are thus largely increase-d and s beCorne available immediately to existing and prospective clients.
The directors also announce that Mr. Norman A. Hardie, general manager of the Associated Daimler Co., Ltd., will represent the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., whilst Mr. II. H. Pomeroy, chief engineer of the Associated Daimler Co., Ltd., will represent the Daimler Co., Ltd., and has been appointed general manager of that company, whilst remaining consultantto the -Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.
Scottish General Transport Co.'s Increased Revenue.
The revenue Jor 1927 of the Scottish General Transport Co., Ltd., amounted to £35,1124 against £.30,793 for 1926. After placing .024,228 to the . depreciation -reserve (against £22,847 for the previous year) and deducting expenses and interest on loans, and bringing forward £4,789, a balance of £81 is carried forward.
Selling Ransome Bus Bodies.
We understand that Mr. J. Dallas, for many years the popular London representative for Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., of Leeda, has joined Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., of Ipswich. He is now interestO in the selling side for Ransome motorbus bodies.
A Sales Representative Available. We know of a man who desires a post in which he can act as an outside representative for the sale of motorbuses and motor coaches. He has a good connection and has had much experience. Letters addressed X.Y.Z., care of the Editor, will be forwarded.
New Vulcan Prices.
On another page of this issue we deal with the modifications which have been introduced into the 30-cwt. Vulcan chassis and give the prices thereof. The other leading models included in the Vulcan programme are the 2-ton, 21--ton, and 3-ton chassis—all for goods —and three passenger-vehicle chassis.
c18 The 2-ton chassis with super cushion tyres is priced at £465, and with pneumatic tyres at £495; the price of the -2i-ton chassis with super cushion tyres is £495, with pneumatic tyres £550; the price of the 3-ton low-loading chassis is £515. With regard to the passenger chassis, these are priced as follow :-24)-seater six-cylinder Brighton bus chassis with seven pneumatic tyres £595, extra for front-wheel brakes £50; 20-seater four-cylinder Blackpool bus chassis with seven pneumatic tyres £465, front-wheel brakes £50 extra ; 32seater six-cylinder Brisbane bus chassis with seven pneumatic tyres £1,150.
In a Line or Two. "
United Automobile Services, Ltd., has acquired a• controlling interest in Pioneer Bus Services, Ltd., of -Whitby,
Coventry Corporation's buses, which were operated at a profit of £16,860 in the year ended March 31st last, carried 6,570,719 passengus and ran 612,200 miles in the twelve months.
In a period of six months 200 motorvans have been added to the south-west London district fleet of the G.P.O.
New buses to be put into service in Paris will be equipped with pneumatic tyres. This step should be welcomed by Parisians, as many of the streets are paved with cobble-stones.
A concrete road, 260 miles long, is to be built in Spain to serve as a national highway. It will run from Madrid to Truss on the French frontier.
Several steam-wagon owners at Glasgow have recently been fined 20s. each for , allowing dense smoke to be emitted from their vehicles for periods exceeding 2 mitts.
Skegness Urban D• istrict Council is
to construct a park for motor vehicles on the seashore.
The Worthing Licensing Committee received 836 applications for licences as against 787 in the previous year. Of the total, 176 were for motorbuses and coaches.
During the first quarter of 1928, ten taxicabs and four motor lorries were registered in Madras.
Hackney Carriage Model By-laws.
The Ministry of Health has just reprinted the model by-laws which have been prepared in respect of hackney carriages. .These by-laws are intended to assist, any local authority proposing to make by-laws on the subject, and they completely cover all the conditions which it is desirable should be laid down for the regulation of hackney carriages, for determining how the carriages shall be furnished and provided, and for fixing the stands, the rates of fares, and other conditions of operation. They are published in a 16-page booklet, which is issued at 6d. net by H.M. Stationery Office, and we prefer to draw attention to the booklet rather than to attempt to summarize the model by-laws.
A Useful Supplement to "The Motor."
With each copy of to-day's issue of The Motor _is being presented a special coloured plate which should make a strong appeal to all those who are not thoroughly conversant with the internal features and operations of the petrol power unit and gearbox. The drawing shows an engine and gearbox in section in such ,a manner that the poiats should easily be grasped even by the non-technical reader, and the colouring has been so arranged that it indicates clearly the method of lubrication and the conditions obtaining in each cylinder.
This suppletnent will be followed soon after by others of mi equally costly character, taking the form of entirely new touting maps of selected holiday districts. The price of The Motor will remain at 4d.
Popular Fire-fighting Appliances.
The popularity of the range of firefighting appliances produced by Dennis Bros., Ltd., of Guildford, is clearly indicated by the number of orders which the company has recently executed. During the month of May, the St. Ives and Stockport brigades each put into service a 250-300-gallon engine fitted with first-aid equipment and a 30-ft. ladder, whilst Basingstoke commissioned a 300-400-gallon engine fitted with first-aid appliances and ladder supports. During the month mentioned the Cardiff and Market Drayton authorities each put into service a Dennis trailer pump, that for the former having a capacity of 250-300gallons. In addition, a 250-300-gallon engine with a 30-ft. ladder was delivered to the Saltash brigade.
In the same month the company also received many orders for fire appliances, several coming from overseas.
A Freight Canvasser Wanted.
A road-transport contractor and motor engineer who ' conducts a longdistance transport service has asked us to mention the, fact that he requires good freight canvasser and representa. tive for the London area. Those with experience in freight canvassing and with a knowledge of the trade should write to " C.D.E.," care of the Editm of this journal, and letters will be forwarded.
Bournemouth Buying Buses.
The tramways committee of the Bournemouth Corporation has asked the following makers to send demonstration buses for its inspection and trial :—W. and G. Du Cros, Ltd.; Dennis Bros., Ltd.; J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., and the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd. The committee recommended acceptance of the tender of W. and G. Du Oros, Ltd., for the supply of six buses at the price of £6,884, but the corporation has referred the report back for further consideration.
Will Benefit Royal Show Traffic.
Supplementing the widening of Trent Bridge, which forms the main southern exit from Nottingham, a further notable improvement has been effected in the city by the construction over the canal on Wollaton Road of a new bridge, which was formally opened a few days ago and will thus be rendered available next week for the heavy traffic in connection with the Royal Show to be held in that district. The structure, with contingent works, has entailed an expenditure of £22,000, to which the Ministry of Transport has contributed one-half. The bridge is of varying width, being 91 ft., between parapets et its narrowest point.
The opening ceremony was attended by Major F. C. Cooke, who for the past sight years has represented the Ministry of Transport in the Midlands.
Speed of Long-distance Buses, The police authorities appear to be keeping a very close watch on the speed of buses operating on long-distance services. Three drivers of express buses running between Ambleside and LiverPool were recently fined £10 at the Lancaster court, the driver of a vehicle .unning from Glasgow to Liverpool being fined a similar sum. It was said that the speed of the vehicles varied from 24-30 m.p.h. When the Bench questioned one of the drivers as to whether be had to observe .a time-table, he referred the magistrates to his employers.
Canadian' Registrations in 1927.
According to a report recently issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics at Ottawa, the total number of motor vehicles registered in Canada during 1927 was 945,072, made up of 821,367 touring cars, 101,475 lorries and vans and 22,830 buses, motorcycles, etc., including 8,681 taxicabs, which were recorded separately in Quebec, Saskatchewan and Alberta. On the basis of population, the number of motor vehicles in use in Canada last year works out at 9.9. for every 100 people.
The revenue collected from the registration of motor vehicles amounted to 16,572,361 dollars, and the revenue from the petrol tax, which is imposed in all the provinces except Saskatchewan and in the Yukon, was 7,963,345 dollars.
Leyland District Offices.
Certain changes of address have recently taken place in district offices of Leyland Motors, Ltd. The company's Bristol office is now at Rupert Street, whilst its Glasgow office is at 19, St. Vinbent's Place, the service depot in the Scottish city being at 7-9, Canal Street, Ambulance Chassis for the M.A.B.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board recommends acceptance of the tender of W. and G. Du Ores, Ltd., for the supply of 13 special M.A.B.-type low-loading chassis for ambulances at £635 each.
Vulcan Appointments.
At a conference of Vulcan agents and distributors which was held at Southport recently, Mr. W. R. Challinor, M.B.E., the new chairman of the reconstituted board of directors, announced that Mr. J. Charlton was rejoining the company as sales and service manager. Mr. Charlton first joined the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. , (1906), Ltd.' in 1916, and he is very popular with Vulcan agents.
Mr. Challinor also mentioned that Mr. E. B. Wakefield, who was previously in charge of the Vulcan overseas department, had rejoined the company in the same capacity. Mr. Wakefield is personally known to many Vulcan agents overseas, particularly in Austra lasia and South Africa, which he has visited on several occasions.
Irish Coachbuilders Busy.
Irish coachbuildem have never been busier than they are at the present time. Practically every company in the Irish Free State is working at full pressure on big bus-body orders, and a recent visit to Clonmel found Messrs. O'Gorman Brothers employing ever 100 men on one of the biggest bus orders they have yet received.
Result of a Coach Owner's Appeal.
The result of the Ministry of Transport inquiry into the appeal by Mr. E. Cl. Isaacs, motor coach proprietor, against the condition endorsed on his licence by the Morecambe Corporation, which prohibits coaches standing for hire on the promenade, is that the Minister has decided not to make an Order on the licensing authority.
A Big Haulage Task.
In an accompanying illustration a convoy of Scammell lorries is to be seen leaving the works of the British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., at Rugby, en route for the docks at Birkenhead, with a big consignment of electrical equipment, which is to be used for the electrification of the main lines of the Indian State railways from Bombay to Poona and Igatpuri. This shipment forms part of a 'large order placed with the company for complete sub-station and track-sectioning equipment, the sub-stations being of the semi-automatic and supervisory-controlled type. They will contain 95,000-volt switch gear and rotary converters aggregating 65,000 kw., there being 52 machines of 1,250 kw. each. The contractor for the haulage of the equipment from the company's works to the docks is Robert Carey and Co., of Birkenhead.
A Good Roads Congress.
• It is announced that a Good Roads Congress is to be held in Mexico City towards the end of the year. State authorities and private organizations interested in the construction of good roads will be represented at the congress, the exact date for which has not yet been fixed. The purpose of the congress, which is being organized under the auspices of the Mexican National Highway Commission, is to co-ordinate the road-building activities • of the various states and to stimulate the interest in the subject of good roads. It is proposed to hold an exhibition of road-building machinery during the congress.
• Salford's Sweeper Purchases.
The satisfactory performance of a particular make of vehicle in one phase of municipal service often inducas the authority concerned to employ the same make in other branches of its administration. This is borne out by the policy of the Salford Corporation, which 'has recently acquired two BSC-type Karrier road sweepers for the use of its cleansing department. As 'many of our readers will know, this enterprising authority has had much experience with Karrier four-wheeled and six-wheeled buses and its recent decision to purchase other products of this make is significant. One of the sweepers referred to is shown in an accompanying illustration, from which may be observed a departure from Karrier standard practice, so far c20 as bodywork for such appliances is cow:cerned. For instance, in order to dis. charge the refuse from the standard BSC-type sweeper, the body is pushed sideways on rollers and, upon reaching a certain point, is automatically tipped by gravity. To meet the special requirements of the Salford Corporation, however, a large capacity end-tipping body, actuated by a hand-operated horizontal screw, has been used.
The appliance is mounted on Dunlop solid tyres and its equipment includes a six-volt set and a hub-odometer.
Connolly's Board of Directors.
We understaud that the board of directors of the old-established concern of I. W. and T. Connolly, Ltd., will not be affected by the death of Mr. John William Connolly, late chairman and managing director, which, as mentioned in our issue for last week, occurred recently. Its personnel is as follows :— Messrs. James G. Connolly, J. A. Quigley, J. U. Biggin, W. J. White and G. E. Mason.
Railway Bus Services in Ireland.
A wide area is now covered by the buses of the Great Southern (Ireland) Railways Co., which operate between Belmullet and Dania. Additions to the fleet of buses enable daily services to be maintained between the two towns by a variety of routes.
Studying Overseas Conditions.
A few days ago Mr. C. B. Nixon, a director of Leyland Motors, Ltd.' returned from a business trip to South America. Mr. Nixon, who has been away for several months, undertook this journey in order to study road transport conditions in a number of the Latin-American countries. He devoted
some time to Argentina and visited some of the principal towns in Chile, as well as proceeding to Monfe Video, the capital of Uruguay, and staying a few weeks in central Brazil.
A few days after Mr. Nixon returned, Mr, Vernon Walker, another director of the company, accompanied by Mr., H. Spurner, Junr., left for Russia on a similar mission.
Fifteen Years' Service from an Electric.
Marylebone Borough Council reports that it is necessary to replace an Opel electric van which has been in use since 1913 and which has now, for all practical purposes, reached the end of its life. After consideration of the comparative advantages of an electrically driven van and a petrol-driven van, the committee is of the opinion that for the class of work to be carried out, the latter type would be more advantageous. It is considered that a Morris-Coramenial van would best meet the council's requirements.
Buses v. Trains in Dublin.
It has been predicted that the real struggle between the Dublin United Tramways Co. and the City bus int9rests will start when the buses commence intentions on the Terenure and Rathmines routes. On these the tramcars do their best business and for some reason there has been practically no opposition from buses, although the tramcars' former monopoly has been challenged on practically every other route.
If, however, the Suburban Omnibus Services (Associated) carry out the ambitious programme they have sketched out, the position will probably change to a great extent. They propose running a ten-minute service, pending the completion of their fleet of vehicles, from Dublin to Rathfarnham via Rathmines, Rathgar and Terenure, the wealthiest suburban district in the vicinity of the Free State capital. In the meantime, the few buses operating in these districts 'supply a service considered to be quite inadequate.
A New Prospectus.
At the beginning of last week, a prospectus appeared relating to the issue at par of 35,000 ordinary shares at Li each, part of 60,000 shares, in Lewis and Crabtree Motors, Ltd. This is a company which was formed to acquire the business of motor coach and body manufacturers carried on by Lewis and Crabtree, Ltd., Heywood, as well as the business of C. F. Lewis and Co., motor factors, of Manchester. The profits of the two businesses being acquired were certified for the year 1927 et £12,354.
Tractor Progress in Mauritius.
Marked progress in the use of tractors is reported to be taking place on the sugar plantations of Mauritius. At the end of 1926 there were 117 machines in operation' the track-laying type predominating. There are three American makes on the market and several British and Continental makes. All but nine of the machines in use, however, are stated to be of a single American make.
Road Motor and Rail Competition in Brazil.
• "You will have noticed in the report of the general manager several allusions to the increasing motorbus and lorry competition which we have to face." Such was a statement made by the chairman at the ordinary general meeting of the Great Western of Brazil Railway Co.. Ltd., and it serves to show that railway interests in all parts of the world are meeting with severe competition from road traffic. The net receipts of the company flaring 1927 diowed a decrease of 25 per cent, on the previous year.
The chairman drew attention to one ispect of the competition between rail end road interests which deserves intim. The company, he said, is coinoelled by law to collect, on behalf of he Government, certain taxes on ?very passenger ticket sold and on :very waybill for goods consigned, its r?ompetitors on the roads being, tippermtly, under no such obligation to act is fiscal agents for the Government.
The road service in the zone covered )37 the company is constantly being exmnded, but the chairman thinks that iltimately it will be realized that the mission of road traffic is to co-operate with the railways in providing efficient transport facilities to meet present-day needs.
A Studebaker Appointment. Studebaker (England), Ltd., announces the retirement from active business of Mr. L. J. Oilier, the managing
director of the company, and the appointment of Mr. C. N. Geier, formerly director of sales, to fill this post Mr. Galer, who is'a Canadian by birth, came to England from Canada last October to reorganize the sales department of the company. He had previously had sixyears with the Studebaker Corporation of Canada, Ltd., and since his arrival in this country the company has recorded a marked increase in the sale of Studebaker products.
Parking at Barnsley.
The markets committee of the Barnsley Corporation recommends that all motor vehicles, except hackney carriages on the authorized stand, parking in Peel Square be charged is. each.
Coach Trips Through a Works.
Visitors to the recently held international exhibition at Turin were given the unique opportunity of going through the huge Fiat motor-vehicle factory by motor coach. Starting from one of the Principal squares hi Turin, 20-seater coaches ran to the factory at frequent intervals and, entering by the ground floor, passed through the whole length of the building between two rows of machinery in operation. From the ground floor the second floor was reached by a spiral roadway built in the factory and so on until the roof test track—the sixth floor—was reached.
After a run on the track, on which all Fiat cars are tested, and giving the visitors an opportunity for enjoying a good view over the city of Turin, the surrounding hills and the more distant snow-bound Alps, the coaches descended by means of another spiral roadway, reserved for " down " traffic and made their way to the centre of the city.
Chances in Chile for British Makers.
In view of the appreciable price reduction rendered possible by the new tariff, an increased demand has arisen in Chile for all types of motor vehicles. It has been possible for importers to reduce their selling prices by as much as 28 per cent, and this concession has created an unexpectedly large demand for lorries and other vehicles. It is thought that the present time is favourable for British makers to push their products in this market.
Dyson Trailers in Demand.
Some idea of the deiaand which R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., 76-80, Graftm Street, Liverpool, is experiencing fo its many types of trailer can be gathere( from the fact that its output during tin month of May showed an average ot 23 trailers per week. Furthermore, ii must be particularly gratifying to the company that three-fifths of the trailers built during this period were supplied against repeat orders. Particularly interesting orders recently received include one from Spillers, Ltd., which is buying three special types, and another from the African and Eastern Trading Corporation, which has indented for a number of trailers for export.
Fire Pumps for Estate Use.
Dennis Bros., Ltd., of Guildford, manufactures a wide range of firefighting appliances, and, apart from fire pumps, it supplies portable estate fire pumps, and an illustration appearing on this page shows part of an order for seven of these small units which the company has recently executed for Foamite Fire Foam, Ltd.
These are self-contained units, comprising a single-cylindered water-cooled engine direct-coupled to a Dennis patent multi-stage turbine pump, which has an output of 80-100 gallons per minute. The whole unit is mounted, together with the petrol tank, on a tubular framework. It weighs 21 curt, complete with a pair of wheels, which enables one man to wheel it in barrow fashion. If necessary, the wheels and axle can be quickly removed, thus reducing the weight to 2i cwt, in which form it can be quite easily carried by three men.
Buyers of Thornyeroft Products.
Many repeat orders figure in the list of those which have recently been received by John I. Thornyeroft and Co., Ltd., for commercial vehicles of various types. The Perth Corporation, which already uses vehicles of this make, is buying three type B.C.-forward bus chassis, whilst four 3-tonners are under construction for S.P.D., Ltd. Several of the orders are for the company's heaviest-duty models. Widnes.Corporation is buying its first Thorny-croft products, these being three 3-ton tipping wagons.
Most of the orders recently received from overseas are for rigid six-wheeled chassis, six of which will shortly be shipped to Brasil and others to Australia and East Africa, those for the latter countries being 30-cwt. and 2-ton chassis.
Coach Stands at Morecambe.
Morecambe Watch Committee has considered a letter from the Morecambe and District Motor Proprietors' Association pointing out that the suggested alternative of the provision of stands for 42 motor coaches as against the former number of 48 is only intended to apply until the end of the present year, and requesting the committee to consider the holding of a joint -meeting with its representatives with a view to considering the possibilities of providing other suitable accommodation for use by the vehicles after the end of 1928. The town clerk, asked for his opinion on the law relating to this matter, stated that the position was exactly as he had put it to the inspector of the Ministry of Transport at an inquiry, namely, that the corporation, in previously fixing the stands, was acting ultra vires, because it had not power to permit anyone to
commit a breach of the common law by causing an obstruction of the highway. The highway was not the property of the corporation or the Morecambe ratepayers, but was open to proper use by everyone. Further, whatever course the committee took it would not in any way tie the hands of the police in the carrying out of their duties. The committee decided to arrange an interview with the representatives of the association.
Consideration for Bus Passengers.
The Ogmore and Gariv Urban District Council has decided to provide shelters and facilities for bus passengers at Blackmill and at Brynmenin, and will ask bus proprietors to contribute towards the Cost of the structures.
A New Road-travel Service.
A road service which has distinct possibilities, and should make particular appeal to those people who prefer a road journey to railway travelling, but are not desirous of using an ordinary motorbus or motor coach, has recently been instituted by the Door-todoor Holiday Car Services, 40, Regent Street, London, W.1. Well-equipped -saloon or saloandandaulet cars are used for the service, and prospective passengers are picked up at their home address and conveyed to their destinations in Bournemouth, Swanage, Weymouth and other towns on the south coast.
It _might be thought that the charges for sUch a service would militate
• against its extensive use, but we are told that the return fares are about espial to the comparable third-class railway charges. Parties of four or six people usually have the exclusive use of a vehicle, tint it is possible for one passenger booking independently of others to be carried. Departures are made daily, with the exception of Sundays, in each direction.
Light baggage is carried free and special arrangements are made for dealing with the conveyance of heavy trunks and other weighty luggage. The return journey can be completed at tay time within a period of six weeks. The charge from Loudon to Bournemouth is 16s. (5d. single and 28s. for a period return, and to Swanage 19s. 6d. single and 33s. period return, these charges being subject to an addition equal to the exact fare from the local station to Waterloo.
Dynamo and Starter Brushes.
Brown Bros., Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.2, has just issued a catalogue dealing with dynamo and starter brushes which should be useful to traders when ordering replacements. The list contains a range of brushes covering practically every type of lighting and starting equipment in presentday use.