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Class A, up to 16 ft. and from 201 cwt.: I, W. E. Tinier (G.P.O., Oxford), Morris, 300; 2, C. R. Woodley (Morris Motors Ltd.), Morris, 335; 3, R, R. Pyke (G.P.O., Oxford), Morris, 383.
Class B, 16 to 19 ft.: 1, B. Stuart (Amey's Aggregates Ltd.), Thames, Ill; 2, A. C. Stanley (Amey's Aggregrates Ltd.), Bedford, 193; 3, G. W. Oakman (Jones and Rivett Ltd.), Austin, 227.
Class C, 19 to 22 ft.: 1, D. Cameron (Schweppes (Home) Ltd.), Bedford, 204; 2. J. Howard (Schweppes (Home) Ltd.), Bedford, 293; 3, G. Buckner (S.P.D. Ltd.), Cornmer, 394.
Class D, 22 to 25 ft: 1, J. Black (B.R.S.. Swindon), Austin, 93; 2, D. R. D'Anger (Morris Motors Ltd.), Morris, 145; 3, S. Howes (Express Dairy Co. Ltd.), Morris, 154.
Class El, over 25 ft., two axles: 1, G. R. Birmingham (B.R.S., Oxford), Leyland, 154; 2, C. Arnold (B.R.S., Oxford), A.E.C., 222; 3, B. A. Absolom (Cayersham Haulage Ltd.), Bedford, 253.
Class E2, over 25 fl, more than two axles: 1, R, E. G. Stratton (B.R.S., Swindon), Bristol, 164; 2, T. Connell (Express Dairy Co. Ltd.), A.E.C., 185; 3, P Bailey (Shell-Mrs and B.P. Ltd.), Albion, 224.
Class F1, semi-trailers up to 30 ft., tractive units under 4 tons: 1, D. Hankinson (I. Curtis and Sons Ltd.), Morris. 173; 2, K. Smart (J. Curtis and Sons Ltd.), Austin, 174; 3, 19, R, Tubb (Morris Motors Ltd.), Mortis, 178.
Class F2, box or tanker serni.trallers up to 30 ft., tractive units over 4 tons: 1, G. Walley (S. Smith and Sons (England) Ltd.), Austin, 571; 2, M. 5. Freeman (Morris Motors Ltd.), Morris, 581; 3, B. Bodimeade (B.R.S., Swindon), Leyland, 709,
Class G, fiat or sided semi-trailers op to 30 ft., tractive units 4 tons and oven 1, T. Tanner (Reed Transport Ltd.), Foden, 213; 2, D. J. Fonescue (13.R.S., Swindon), Foden, 538; 3, K. Gibbs (B.R.S., Swindon), A.E.C., 570,
Class 11, box or tanker semi-trailers with tractive units, 4 Ions and oven I, D. F. Jones (Shell-Met and B.P. Ltd.), A.E,C., 708; 2, D. Aldsworth (Home Counties Petroleum Products Ltd.), Guy, 747; 3. D. Benton (Shell-Mrs and B.F. Ltd.), Scarnmell, 882.
Class S. Services Vehicles: Cpl, Liddiard (RAP. Melksham), Austin, 931. (Only one competitor.)
Overall Winner: R. E. (a. Stratton (B.R.S.. Swindon).
Timm Award: 1, Curtis and Sons Ltd. (D. Hankinson, Morris; K. Loder, Austin; K. Smart, Austin).
Best-maintained C-11censed Vehicle: G. Davies (S. Smith and Sons (England) Ltd.), Austin.
Best-maintained A/D-licensed Vehicle: W. Mona (B.R.S., Oxford), Leyland, Best Performance by Loaded Body 'Transporter: G. R. Birmingham (B.R.S., Oxford), Leyland.
Highest-placed Austin Driven J. Black (B.R.S., Swindon).
Highest-placed Bedford Driver: A. C. Stanley (Amey's Aggregates Ltd.).
Highest-placed Conner Driven M. G. Quirke (Wallis, Son and Wells Ltd.).
Highest-placed Ford Driver. B. Stuart (Amey's Aggregates Ltd.).
Highest-placed Morris Driver: D. R. D'Anger (Morris Motors Ltd.).