New plans for us operator
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-LONDON COUNTRY has outlined new plans for expansion and modernisation.
On the inaugural run of its new London to Windsor Green Line service, managing director Derek Fycthe told a party of MPs that London Country is coming to terms with the needs of both the commuters and tourists in its development of the Green Line network. He explained a policy to respond to changes in passenger habits, and told of the recent bad reputation of Green Line services and the reasons for this.
London Country Buses was formed in 1970 after being severed from London Transport and inherited many old and different types of vehicles.
The Company has had inadequate maintenance and repair systems resulting 1 bad-timekeeping, unreliabl services, a loss of publi confidence and low staf morale.
London Country looke frankly at its Green Lin network, said Mr Fycthe, an re-organised it to mee changing needs. These includ new routes to serve tourist! improved feeder services t rail connections on the out kirts of London, an extensiv airport network and stopp€ and commuter services wher demand is identified.
Already the image of Gree Line coaches is changing wit the introduction of first clas coaches and Green Lin revenue for 1977 is estimate at E31/2 million. Although cost are currently higher, ecor omies and new services ar designed to eliminate losse within two years.
London Country is als improving its entire bus set-u by reacting tolocal needs.
Measures being take include the introduction of new central vehicle mainter ance works, the decentraliz tion of management, a clos( relationships with local autl orities and a tighter control finance.
This will include cutting oi unprofitable operations sill as uneconomic garages.