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Survey finds agency drivers crash more

3rd June 1999, Page 5
3rd June 1999
Page 5
Page 5, 3rd June 1999 — Survey finds agency drivers crash more
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Agency drivers are one-anda-half times more likely to be involved in an accident than permanent drivers, according to a new report.

A survey of 116 companies carried out by The University of Huddersfield's Transport and Logistics Research Unit found that on average agency drivers handle 20% of a firm's work, but are responsible for around 30% of the accidents.

The researchers believe that the higher accident rate is due to drivers being unfamiliar with the types of vehicle and business, and to a lack of rigorous procedures for taking on and training agency drivers.

They advise operators to work more closely with a few chosen agencies which have a similar company culture to develop better recruitment and management procedures and to plan ahead more effectively.

The study, sponsored by TDG Logistics and People Direct, also recommends that operators keep a closer eye on accident statistics, keep their depot managers informed of agency driver policy and be prepared to pay a fair rate to get higher quality agency staff.