News and Comment.
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The comment and views of this journal are respected and carry weight, because members of its Editorial staff have practical experience and knowledge of the construction and use of commercial motors. Our circulation is genuine, and includes the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
The directors of Pfleumatie (1910), Ltd., announce that letters of allotment and regret have been posted.
Mr. Frederick R. Simms is again en route for New York, where his magneto business is deservedly flourishing.
F. B. Goodehild and Co., Ltd., of Craven House, Klingsway, W.C., has been elected to membership of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders.
The steadily-improving net cireulalion of this journal is reflected in the increasing number of announcements which appear in the columns of our sundry-advertisement pages.
The Glasgow Corporation has purchased an Argyll ambulance, and it has resolved to obtain another motor -vehicle for the conveyance of prisoners between certain courts and gaols.
A repeat order for a three-ton Belhaven van has been placed by the United Co-operative Baking Society, Ltd., of Glasgow, making, we are informed, the third order for Belhaven vehicles since the beginning of 1909.
The reduction of horse establishments proceeds apace, in numerous business concerns. Shall we, in the near future, have relief funds for drivers, of all horse-drawn vehicles, who cannot accommodate themselves to the new conditions?
Westminster City Council, at its last meeting, in spite of some foolish oppo_ sition, resolved, by a large majority, to proceed with the purchase of seven additional petrol vehicles, which intention we forecasted two . weeks ago. Tenders will be invited almost immediately, in this jeurnal. Testimony from Owners.
Several letters, which were unavoidably crowded out of our issue of the 24th ult., will be found on page 572.
South African Trade.
Apropos our announcement., a week ago, of the registration of South African Agricultural and Transport Motors, Ltd., we might point out that the presence in London of Mr. J. B. Garbe, of Durban, in connection with this project., was announced in our issue of the 27th January.
Yesterday (Wednesday), at Caxton House, Westminster, S.W., the annual general meeting of the Commercial Motor Users Association took place: the text of the report will be found on pages 559 and 560. The association's recently-issued " Traffic rules and recommendations " are in wide demand ; a copy will be sent, gratis on application in writing, by the Editor. Albion Sales.
Amongst numerous sales made during the past two weeks, for Albion vehicles, MacFarlane, Lang and Co., Ltd., bakers, of Glasgow and London, has placed an order fur further threeton van chassis; this company placed its first order for two Albion vans about a year ago, and the repeat order resulting is proof of the complete satisfaction they are giving. Other orders include a two-ton an for the Gas Lighting Improvement Co., Ltd., of London ; a one-ton chassis for Edmonds, Denham and Cloyder, Ltd., general drapers, of London; a. 25-cwt. vehicle for James Dunt, Ltd., printers, of London; and several for different British Colonies.
New Registrations.
F. W. Turpin and Sons, Ltd., with. an authorized capital of £10,000 in Li shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., 116 and 117, Chancery Lane, W.C., to carry on the business of furniture renewer, haulage contractor, owners of traction engines, etc. First directors, R IT. Turpin and A. Collings, both of Coxside, Plymouth.
The Barkatyre Syndicate, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £20,000 in 21 shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., of 116 and 117, Chancery Lane, W.C., to manufacture, produce, import, trade and deal in tires, and wheels of all descriptions, motorcars, etc.
The Motor Box Office, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £1,0.50 (4,000 ordinary shares of 5s. each, and 1,000 deferred shares of is, each), and with its office at 48, Dover Street, Piccadilly, W., to carry on the business of purchasing, hiring, selling and dealing in motorcabs, and motor vehicles of every description, etc. Managing director, S. B. Birnbaum.
." Hanford" Lorries "Down Under."
We illustrate a 31-ton "Hanford " lorry, which was recently imported by Messrs. Birt and Co,, a well-known firm of shippers, to Sydney. This machine was used to give a trial up a steep hill, where a gradient of one in seven prevails. For the purposes of the trial, a load of 3 tons 15 cwt. was carried, and, in the course of the ascent, it was stopped and started several times. On a later ascent, 10 men got on the vehicle in addition, which must have brought the net load up to something like 4* tons. The ease with which the ascent was made led a. number of onlookers to doubt the actual load carried, and the weighbridge ticket only partly convinced them. It is probable that Messrs. Birt and Co. will sell numbers soon.
Trade Opinions About Manchester.
The undernoted extraets conelLisively prove the correetims ,4 our oldstanding views about Manchester.
Clayton (Huddersfield).
" We beg to say we have found business very good, and we have every intention of being represented at the next year's show."
Commercial Care.
"We have every reason to be satisfied with the actual results of our exhibit, and we see prospects of very good business to follow. We certainly consider that the show this year has justified its existence, and we intend continuing to exhibit at future Manchester shows, in view of the importance of the district and the absence of a representative commercial-vehicle show elsewhere. We were particularly pleased with the practical and helpful suggestions we received from our ninny friends in the Lancashire and Cheshire district."
" The show has been, without exceptien, the best one we have ever attended, from a business point of view. We understand that the show has been successful financially, and, consequently, we consider it not only better from a business point of view, but also a very
economical show to exhibit at. We hope that the show will be held again next year, perhaps on a larger scale, and thai it will receive on that occasion the full sanction of the authorities in London, as it most certainly deserves to do."
Ryknield." '
" We are pleased to inform you that we found the results at Manchester most. gratifying, and that they exceeded our most-sanguine expectations. As a proof of our feeling in thc matter, we may say that we have already provisionally booked space at the next. year's exhibition."
Sentinel.' 1E2 " We consider, from the number of quotations we have sent out to show inquirers, that it has been quite a success, and our present intention is to exhibit again next year." Walker Bros. (Wigan).
" We find it has been by far the hest at which we have attended. \-■e shall certainly show at Manchester agam.
" We are quite satisfied with the results of the exhibition. The business and inquiries have been quite up to our expectations, and, as we have been exhibitors at these exhibitions since their commencement, we have no doubt that wc shall continue to do so in future. We may add that we were very favourably impressed with the new building, which was used for the first time for this exhibition, and we think thai the exhibits were of a more-representative character than they have hitherto been."
White Vehicles.
We hope Mr. Freddy " Coleman, the head of the White (..7o.'s business in the United Kingdom, will forgive the stupid slip by which the lines at the foot of page 527 of last week's issue of this journal were allowed to refer to his three-ton truck as a steamer. The error was overlooked, in the pressure of sending the Manchester Show issue to press 48 hours earlier than the usual time. We would remind our readers that this three-ton truck is fitted with a four-cylinder petrol engine, and that our United States correspondent, Mr. H. KerrThomas, sent home the first particulars to this country: they appeared in our issue of the 30th December last.
The Brennan Monorail,
Mr. Louis Brennan, C.D., on Friday of last week, gave an additional demonstration of his gyroscope-controlled monorail trucks, before a distinguished assembly of official and scientific visitors. We fully described this latest phase of the system, in our issue of the 18th November last.
Thorn ycroft's Programme.
On Tuesday last, the 1st inst., the sales department of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., was transferred from Albemarle Street to Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. The telephone numbers are 8000 and 8874 Gerrard, and the abbreviated telegraphic address " Thornycroft, London." This removal to Caxton House is in pursuance of the company's policy of centralizing the various departments in one office, for the sake of greater convenience, but its demonstration arrangements, as heretofore, will be conducted from the Vauxhall Bridge garage, 5-11, Vauxhall Bridge rtoad.