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'The wheels 0.1 wealth will be slowed by all difficulties 01 transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—john Beattie Crozier,.
Transport Costs and the Cost of Living.
A very interesting pamphlet has been issued by the Railway Clearing House, of Seymour Street, Boston Square, London, N.W.L which gives for the information of the public a series of tables and diagrams showing the relation between railway rates for the carriage of foodstuffs and the prices of food. The examples selected cover the carriage of such goods to towns in various parts of the country, and we must say that the facts given are quite impressive, for they show how much per lb. it costs to convey the goods, the terminal points of the service selected in the eXample (so that one may. roughly judge the distance involved), the conditions concerning collection and delivery, and as a Anal item the number of pounds weight carried for a Penny.
Are Licences Necessary for Steam Wagon Steersmen ?
An important point relative to licensing provisions was raised ha case dealt with at the last petty sessions at AshbY-de-la-Zotich, upon a presecution instituted by the Ministry of Transport, on whose behalf Mr. L. E. Itunasey, of Leicester, appeared. A decision was -given by the magistrates against the contention of the Government Depart ment. • •
The point in dispute was whether the steersman of• a steam wagon must be licensed as well as the engine driver. In a case at Newcastle-oirTyne, which was the only one of a similar character that had been previously heard, the justices held that such a, licence is required in the case of a steersman, and that decision has not been challenged, but the Ashby Bench decided against the Ministry and dismissed the summons, expressing their willingness to state it case if, as Mr. Ramsey intimated, it might be deemed necessary.
Manx Coach Owners Success. .
After an agitation extending over mauy years, success has crowned the efforts of the Douglas (I.O.M.) coach owners in their claim to put their -vehicles on the street stands on Sundays. Representations were made by the Car and Motor Hiring Association, and the corporation sanitary committee recently recommended the council to fix stands for use on Sundays during the following hours :t1.30 a.m. to 10.45 a.m., 2 p.m. to. 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., and this recommendation has 'been accepted by the council. The committee examined the matter in all its _phases, and it came to the conclusion that it was far better to provide the stands than to have cars " prowling about" the promenades. The coaches will have to leave the stands when the time-limit has expired, and penalties will be enforced if the vehicle% loiter about during other hours.
The 2i-ton Ford Seen in the States. '
There has been a certain amount of talk about the new larger Ford commercial truck, and various references have been made to its early advent in the columns of the Press. But, hitherto, information concerning the machine has been vague and indefinite, By the Pourtesy of a correspondent well known to us we are able to describe the new production in the words of one who has actually' seen it. Our correspondent says : "I saw the first Ford 2i-ton truck to-day, and am told that Ford is making a few of them and is sending them to dealers to try out before deciding about production. It is a queer-looking outfit —a cross between a Ford truck and a Fordson tractor. It has a tractor motor and a sliding-gear transmission.
could not tell whether the rear axle was bevel-gear driven or drove through a double reduction gear.
" The motor is offset in the frame and sticks up in the deiver's compartment on the right-hand side, so that lef 1hand drive is compulsory-. It has the same old coil-box ignition. This one has twin pneumatic tyres on the rear wheels, which are of metal. The chassis is rather short, and looks to me to be .suitable for a tipping body or to act as a tractor unit, for it would be very short for a platform body. The' rear springs are cantilever along the sides of the frame, and are not. the usual Ford crosssprings.
"In a waY it looked a desirable ,machine and yet, in another, it did not, as it is totally different from anything else on the market."
Training Leicester's Bus Drivers.
The principals of the College of Technology, at Leicester, have recently instituted a series of classes for students desirous of studying automobile engineering in its various phases and applications, and that their efforts are meeting with success is proved by the fact that the number of students now attending for instruction in this subject is nearly 200. The classes are held both during the day and in the evening, and the full course is scheduled to extend over a period of two years.
Most of the day students, we are told, comprise employees of the tramways department of the Leicester Corporation, and they are pursuing their studies in motor engineering in order to qualify. as drivers of the motorbuses, which the corporation is now introducing into the city, and to possess a knowledge of the working of the vehicles which are likely to be placed in their charge.
The Leicester Corporation is using Tilling-Stevens petrol-electric vehicles for some of its passenger services, and, to enable the employees of the tramway department to secure first-hand details of he construction of the chassis and the working of its components parts. the makers of this vehicle—TillingStevens Motors, Ltd., of Maidstone— have just presented a complete chassis to the college anthoritiee.
The Brunler Internal-combustion Boiler.
The article which we published in our issue dated February 17th on the internal-combustion boiler, written by its inventor, Mr. Oscar Brunler, has excited considerable attention, and many of our readers will be interested to know that Mr. Brunler has now passed on all responsibility for negotiations iii connection with this invention to Featherstone Hammond Partners, Ltd., 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, to whom he has entrusted all arrangements for the manufacture, supply and installation of the plant. Inquiries concerning it should, therefore, be sent to this company at the address given.
BusesSecuring Short-distance Traffic.
At the annual ordinary meeting of the Metropolitan Railway Co., Ltd., reference was,made to the fact that the average receipt per passenger carried on the railway had increased during the past year by nearly id., i.e., from 2.36d. to 2.78d., and that this was due to the fact that the company have lost, and are still losing, a good deal of shortdistance traffic, which is now being dealt with by the buses.
It was also pointed out that the competition created amongst the various bus companies has led to a reduction in fares below what the railway company can afford to charge.
Lancashire C.M.U.A. Committee.
The annual general meeting of members of the South-east Lancashire Area of the North-western Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association was held a few days ago, when the following were elected to the committee: —E. H. Edwardes (Lancashire United Tramways, Atherton) ; T. G. Cousins, William Mitchell, J. R. Etheridge, C. Pendlebury (Radcliffe Motor Transit Co.), V. L. Morton, H. Brierley (L. Winterburn. Ltd., Oldham), G. W. Leggott (G. W. Leggott and Sons, Manchester). G. Chadwick (C. Chadwick and Sons, Hyde), Councillor J. Eastham (J. Eastham and Sons, Ltd., Bury), A. H. Harris, F. Alderson, P. W. Lund, I. Smith (J. Smith, Hollinwood), Councillor T. Grundy, J. Jagger (Oldham Equitable Co-op. Society, Ltd.), and j. Grinrod (R. and T. Hovrarth, Rochdale).
Summer Bus Services in South Wales.
Additional services from the mining valleys to Glamorgan seaside resorts are projected for the summer months by South Wales bus proprietors. At a meeting of the Porthcawl Urban District Council an application was considered from the Rhondda Tramways Co., Ltd., for licences for six buses to be used in the initiation of a new service from Porth (Rhondda Valley) via Tonyrefail, Blackmill, Brynmenin, Bridgend and Porthcawl. Some discussion ensued on the application, and it was said that the council would have to take care that the " plums " of the summer trade were not taken by users who left the " stones " of winter trade to other companies. The application was referred to a committee for consideration.
The South Wales Commercial Motors, Ltd., Cardiff and Bridgend, submitted a new time-table they have drawn up to apply to their various services to Porthcawl as from May next. The company also intimated that large fare reductions were now being considered by the directorate.
Another Use for the Tal*er.
For many years past we have been accustomed to the use of motor tankers for the bulk conveyance of motor spirit and oils of various kinds, and more recent times have witnessed 'the introduction of such vehicles for the transport of milk, beer and similar commodities. Special types of body, in some cases glass-lined, have been constructed for this work, and there is little doubt that their use has enabled certain economies to be effected.
A further sphere of operation for the motor tank wagon is indicated by an illustration on this page which shows a G.M.C. vehicle engaged in the bulk delivery of printing ink. The tank with which this example of the company's Model K 16 chassis is fitted has a capacity of 500 gallons and it is emptied by a pressure pump disposed between the driver's cab and the front end of the tank. This pump is driven off, the chassis transmission, and it enables the contents of the body to be quickly discharged through suitable lengths of hose into storage tanks at the printing head quarters. , We endorse the view expressed by General Motors, Ltd., of Hendon, London, N.W., that, by the use of such plant, which dispenses With the need for several handlings of ink, including those of filling the drams and of unloading, it should. be possible' to bring Omit a reduction in the cost of the ink to the printers.
Speed Limits in Surrey.
Surrey County Council has referred applications for an extension of the existing speed limit area in Chobham and for the imposition of a 10-mile speed limit upon certain lengths of road within the parishes of Bletchingley, Ham and Mitcham respectively to its speed limit sub-committee for consideration and report.
A Large-capacity Petrol Railcar.
The J. G. Brill Co., of Philadelphia, U.S.A., who are directly represented in this country at 150, Southampton Row, London, W.C.1, have recently introduced a new petroldriven railcar known as Model No. 75, which is the largest vehicle they have yet produced. We hope shortly to be able to give full constructional details of this model, which is built to seat 59 people as well as being capable of hauling a trailer seating 60 passengers, but for the moment we will content ourselves by referring to a trial run of the vehicle.
After performing a series of demonstration runs to the satisfaction of the officials of the company, the car was finally despatched to its purchasers, the Louisiana Northwest Railroad Co., under its own power. This involved a journey of 1,600 miles, and the vehicle left Philadelphia an a Saturday morning at 9 a.m. and arrived at St. Louis at 2.10 p.m. on the following day. It will thus be. seen that the railcar averaged 50, mph. throughout the entire journey, the change from eastern time to central time accounting for the apparent discrepancy: Bus Drivers and Safety. First.
It is stated that over 6,600 omnibus drivers in the service of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., have entered the "Freedom from Accidents " competition organized by the London "Safety First" Council.
Orders for Electromobiles.
Amongst recent orders which Electromobile, Ltd., Prospect Works,. Otley, have received for their electric vehicles is a.. number from various municipalities, these including the Corporations of Birmingham (salvage -department), Wallasey and Worthing. The company are executing an order for the London County Council, and are also engaged in the production of vehicles for, amongst others, Messrs. B. Whitaker and Sons and J. Walker and Co.
A Scottish Co-operative Fleet.
The Kilmarnock Co-operative Society, the operations of which extend to Ayr, Tarlac)Iton,Annbank,Prestwick and other places in the Burns country, has just added an Albion van to its motor fleet, for the delivery of bread to Ayr. The society now owns 21 motor vehicles, including four Garford delivery vans, two Ford ton vans, two Ford toff trucks, Star van, four Overland vans, an Albion lorry and one each -of Iftipmobile, Austin and Crossley make.
These vehicles have costthe society £10,038, but by depreelation at the rate of 15 per cent. per minim on the original cost they how stand in the accounts at only £4,772, four of the vehicles, viz.; two of the Garford delivery vans, a Ford delivery van and one of the niotorvans used fit the Ayr bakery, having been eu tirely written off.
The Kilmarnock Co-operative Society has a motor garage upon Which £1,009 has been -expended, but • now stands at £524, having been depreciated at the rate of 21 per cent, per annum on the nominal value. During the past quarter motor repairs cost the productive department L130, the repairs to vehicles used in the distributive department amounting to £274. The cost of petrol to the two sectiona was £110 and £207 respectively.
The total sales of the society for the three months were £195,951; and in the development of the business in the villages and small towns around Kilmarnock the motor vehicle has played a very important part.
Moseley Shock-absorbing Cushions.
Moseley Float-on-Air cushions are gaining much favour for use on omnibuses and other types of passenger vehicle, on account of their powers of absorbing vibration, and David Moseley and Sons., Ltd., of Ardwiek, Manchester, inform us that the British Electrical Federation, of Kingsway, London, W.0„ has adopted a cushion which incorporates the Float-on-Air principle, and that it is using such seats in various types of bus.
The company have also received definite orders for Cushions of this pattern from the 13arnsley and District Traction
Co., the 'Yorkshire (Woollen District) Electrical Tramways Co., and similar passenger-vehicle organizations.
David Moseley and Sons inform us that they have appointed the Equipment and Engineering Co., of Norfolk Street, Strand, London, W.C., as agents for Float-on-Air specialities.
The Valuation oi Transport Services. The next sessional meeting of the Yorkshire Section Of the Institute of Transport will he held in the Council Chamber of the Leeds Town Hall, on March 9th, at 5.30.p.m., when Professor J. H. Jones, of the Leeds University, will deliver an address on " The Valuation of Transport Services.'
-Hard-worked .A.E.C. Tankers.
resars. M. and W. Mach, the wellknown transport contractors, of Covent Garden, who are staunch users of A.E.C. Vehicles, have recently made a further addition to their fleet by the purchase of the two tank wagons of this make which are shown in a picture on this
page. These lorries, we are told, are let out on contract to the London General Oil Co., Ltd., for whom they each cover on an average about 000 miles a week. Many of the journeys are made in outlying districts in England and Wales, and Messrs. Mack, who are proud of the efficiency of the vehicles, add that front practical experience they have found their costs of running remarkably low.
It will be noted that the tanks are D.:shaped and of the type Manufactured by the Stoel.Barrel Co.,. Ltd., of Uxbridge. Each has a Capacity of 1,000"gallons and is nit:Muted on an example of the 45 h.p.
4-ton A.E.C. chassis. • • . Newport Bus Results.
Newport (Mon.) Corporation reports that the expenditure on the corporation bus services for the nine months ended December 81st was £3,754 lie. 7d. and the receipts £3,302 2s. 11d., the deficit being £452 8s. 841. The expenditure. ineluded an item of £078 13s. 10d. for general maintenance and repairs, the amount provided under this head being at the rate of approximately 2d. per busmile, but the actual amount spent wee £360, thus reducing the actual deficit to date to #134.
A New "General" Garage.
The new motorbus garage which the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., have had under construction at Edgware has been completed. It has taken only six months to construct and is conveniently situated adjoining the Underground station in Church Lane. It has been built to accommodate 20 bases, which will be mainly used on routes linking up outlying villages beyond Edgware with the railway terminus. The completion of this garage brings the total number of L.G.O. garages up to 43.
McCormick-Deering Tractors Arrive.
International Harvester Co., of Great Britain, Ltd., 80, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.2, inform us that they have recently received a shipment of the MeCormick-Deering industrial tractorsThis tractor, which was fully described in our issue dated January 13th last, is built for road use, and its outstanding features are a four-cylinder power unit, a multiple disc clutch of the dry type, and a three-speed-and-reverse gearbox.
The company state that they are in a position to give jintnediate delivery of tractors from bath their London and Liverpool depots.
Parking in Cumberland. Cumberland County Council is giving careful attention to the necessity for the provision of parking places for .motor vehicles, with a view to keeping main roads, clear for through traffic. The county surveyor, in a report to the last meeting of the authority, stated that, of the 15 towns in the county, 4 were without parking sites of any kind, except garages, whilst others allowed vehicles to stand in the streets, thus leading to congestion. The surveyor and the chief constable are to cooperate and, if necessary, interview local authorities, with a view to securing some uniform system of parking throughout the county.
A Carditt and District Transport Association.
Mr. H. J. Cridland (Cridland's Motors, Cardiff). was elected president of the Cardiff and District Commercial Road Transport Users Association at the annual meeting held a few days ago, when Mr. Evan Jones presided. The vice-president for the ensuing 12 months is Mr. T. Harrison, whilst Mr. F. C. Gerrish, the secretary and treasurer, was re-elected.
The annual report showed that much work had 'been done in keeping in touch with wage and price conditions in other areas, and in dealing with communications from the Ministry of Labour and the Transport and General Workers Union anent the fixing of local wage rates. •
In an endeavour to inerease'the local membership of the association and to entice more transport owner§ in the area to join, it was decided to make the subscription for the .present year one guinea per member, whilst for those owning one vehicle only one-half that amount will be payable RS Subscription, This fiat rate displaces the system formerly employed, when a fee per vehicle was paid. It is hoped that owners Will avail themselves of the reduced fees to join the association.
Weekly Bus Tickets.
The Sheffield Corporation has developed its bus services beyond the city boundary', and the question has arisen as to the advisability of issuing weekly tickets on routes outside the city boundary. Some of the services extend for many miles, some even into the Peak of Derbyshire, and at a recent meeting of the city council the question of the issue of weekly tickets on these longdistance routes came up for consideration., It has now been decided to issue weekly tickets from Sheffield to Mkslow and return for 15s. per week—a reduction of 161 per cent, on the total of ordinary fares—and from Sheffield to Itakewell and return for 24s, per week, which also shows a distinct saving.
Steamers or Motor Ships ?
The recent maiden voyage of the world's largest motor passenger liner, the 18,500-ton " Aorangi," provides striking evidence of the remarkable efficiency and outstanding economy of the internal-combustion-engined vessel. The trip from Southampton to Vancouver was successfully accomplished on a fuel Consumption of about one-half of the amount which would have been required for a similar steam-driven vessel equipped with oil-fired boilers.
Progress in the development of motor ship engines continues rapidly. Many of the latest types, including an 8,150 i.h.p. Diesel engine, are dealt with in the current issue of The Motor Ship, • which also contains a fully illustrated and interesting description of a modern works in which Diesel engines are constructed.
Quantity Transport of Windscreens.
G. Beaton and Son, Ltd., the wellknown windscreen 'manufacturers, of London, number amongst. their fleet of motor vehicles the Leyland van illustrated on this page. The chassis is a 'reconditioned R.A.F. 4-tonner and the capacious body with which it is fitted was constructed by London. Lorries, Ltd., of Spring Place, London, N.W., and constitutes one of several orders received by them from the users. The body was expressly built to enable a large number of windsereens to be carried at one time, and to effect this end shelves arc fitted in the interior, thus enabling a gross load of 250 screens to he accommodated. Small fittings for use with the screens are carried in a large well at the rear.
Some idea of the capacity of the body can be gathered from its internal dimensions, which are as follow :—Height (clear of roof ribs), 7 ft. 7 ins.; length, 13 ft. 9 ins.; and width, 6 ft. 4 ins,
The doors at the rear are hinged from the side pillars and open to the full width of the body, thus facilitating loading and unloading operations. They are made to fold back on to the body sides, being retained in positien by sPring clips, so that the risk of damage to the panels is avoided.
A New Newcastle Garage.
E. W., Younger. and Co.; Ltd., inform us that they have recently opened a new garage at. Quayside Front, Newcastle-upan-Tyner, where commercial vehicle :owners will find 'an efficient "repair depot adequately equipped to meet their. needs. A solid-tyre press• is also
Stoke-on-Trent Licences.
According to the report of the chief cen stable of Stoke-on-Trent for the year 1924 172 omnibuses, 33 motor coaches and 20 taxicabs were licensed to ply for hire in the district, as against 135 buses, 56 coaches and 13 taxicabs in the preceding year. The number of drivers' and conductors' licences issued by the watch committee was 413 and 385 respectively.
Lacres in Demand.
The Lucre tipping wagon which is illustrated on this page has recently been supplied by the Laere Motor Car Co., Ltd., to the order of Messrs. Calleader's Cable and. Construction Co., Ltd., who already own several vehicles of this make.
The lorry consists of an example of
the comPany'a 2-2L-ton model 0 chassis, upon which is mounted a hinged-sided tipping body actuated, by the Lucre patent gravity-type tipping gear. We are informed that the company are experiencing an active demand for their model .0 chassis, and that within recent weeks contracts for this type have been received from the Crown Agents for the Colonies, the Patent Steam Carpet Beating Co., Mayfair Catering Coand Nuttall and Co. (Blackburn), Ltd..
.On the municipal .side the company have in hand street-sweeping machines for the Middlesex County 'Council and the Blyth Corporation.
. Coach Stands at Smethwick, Smethwick Watch Committee has allocated certain stands for the use of motor coaches, these being located in Malliu Street, where vehicles must stand about 20 yards back from the main Oldbary Road; in Shireland Road (vehicles must assemble in Florence Road and draw in one at a time into Shireland Road for loading up) ; near the Bear Hotel, and in Hagicy Road, In connection with the last-named stand, the Birmingham Corporation has been asked to arrange for its buses proceeding citywards to load up at a point about 50 yards short of Bearwood Road.
Booklet on Aluminium Repairs.
Barirnar, Ltd., 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C.1, have just issued a little booklet which deals exclusively with the company's metallurgical process of repairing aluminium parts. Attention is drawn to the method by which damaged castings can be strengthened in order to avoid the risk of further breakages. A copy of the pamphlet can be obtained from the address given above.
We are interested to learn that the new Dennis first-aid fire pump which has recently been put into service by the Nottingham fire-brigade authorities, and which was described in our last issue, is shod with Macintosh N.A.P, tyres.
An Exhibition in South Wales.
An engineering exhibition will be held' under the auspices of the South Wales Institute of Engineers, at the Drill Hall, Richardson Street, Swansea, from August 6th to August 15th, both dates inclusive. All kinds of engineering and mechanical appliances intended for furthering industrial production will be shown. Applications for floor space should be made to Mr. Martin Price, secretary, South Wales Institute of Engineers, Park Place, Cardiff.
Cardiff's Bns Estimates The estimates in connection with the Cardiff Tramways Committee's enterprises for the year commencing April let have now been presented. With regale to the motorbus side of the undertaking the estimated expenditure is placed at £79,396, estimated receipts at /81,000.
The estimated expenditure for the year ending March 31st, 1925, was £40,215, as against estimated receipts of /45,000, giving an estimated surplus of 14,785. The actual expenditure in the islet completed year was £35,638, the receipts amounting to /42;165.
Dennis Vans on Removal Work.
When Messrs. Jeffery, Sons and Co.. removal contrattors, of Northampton, were established over 50 years ago, no alternative method to the railway existed for the transport of furniture and other household effects over long distances, but to-day the company employ motor vehicles for such work and are enthusiastic Owners of Dennis inaoliines; One of their vans is illustrated on this page. Much of this traffic has of late years passed from the hands of the railway to the road motor chiefly because of the expense and delays of the former method.
Messrs. Jeffery are loud in their praises of the Dennis vehicles they employ and keep careful records of the performances of individual machines. Interesting data relating to two typical journeys undertaken by some of the vans are available. The first was a journey from the neighbourhood of Northampton to Bournemouth and return, including a halt on the homeward run to pick up a load at Twyford. The total distance covered was 280 miles and the round trip occupied 24 hours (13 on the outward run and 11 on the . rettirn journey), including the time taken to effect loading and unloading. The amount of petrol used on this trip was 36 gallons, thus giving an m.p.g. of 7f, and 1i pints of oil were consumed.
The other journey was from North
ampton to Hastings, the machine being fully laden on the outward run, but completing the return trip empty, Each half of the total distance travelled—Le., 260 miles—occupied 11 hours, so that a steady average of 12 m.p.h. was maintained throughout, and by checking the amount of fuel consumed it was ascertained that a gallon was used for about ,every 8 miles run.
Bus Powers for Myth Blyth (Northumberland) Corporation has appointed a committee to consider the desirability of seeking Parliamentary powers for running motorbuses to outlying districts.
Swedish imports
According to the figures lately to hand there was a slight falling off fast year in the importation of commercial motor vehicles into Sweden, the total being only 2,045 machines, valued at £208,475, as contrasted with 2358 vehicles, of a value of £249,715, in 1923. ,
Local Proceedings.
Tynemouth Corporation proposes to purchase light motorvans for the health department.
Leicester Watch Committee recommends the purchase of. a motor-trailer fire pump and a motor lorry.
Shipley Urban District Council has asked its surveyor to obtain particulars and prices of motor street sweepers.
Newport (Mon.) Corporation tramways committee has purchased tsVo Karrier motorbuses at a cost of £1,085 each.
Tynemouth Corporation cleansing committee has purchased two 1-ton motor vehicles from Messrs, Gray Bros. at a cost of 1375.
In addition to the recent order received by the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., from the Wandsworth Borough Council for one of the company's patent gully emptiers, they have now obtained an order for a similar machine from the Willesden Urban District Council, New Edition of "Motor Cycling Manual."
The introduction of the new and sixth edition of "hiator Cycling Manual" comes at an opportune time. The motorcycle, during the period since the last edition of "Motor Cycling Manual" was introduced has undergone many changes and developments. Its design has been greatly improved, and is in general a much more efficient, safer and more comfortable machine.
The new and sixth edition of this handbook has been entirely rewritten and reillustrated throughout so as to keep well abreast of the latest developments. In its 20 chapters and 275 pages the reader will find everything that it is essential to know about a motorcycle, its driving and maintenance, beginning with the elementary principles of the engine and the machine, followed by details of constructional features.
It is important to note that the hook is thoroughly practical and written in the simplest language without technical phrasing. It is profusely illustrated throughout.
"Motor Cycling Manual," 6th Edition, is published by Temple Press Ltd., 7-15, Rosehery Avenue, London, 'WC., price 2s. Pd, net, post free 2s. 10c1. ft is also OD sale at leading booksellers.