Answers to Queries.
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Wants Name of Steel Gas-holder Maker.
[4210] (Neath).—With regard to your inquiry for a firm making a speciality of steel gas-holders, we reCommend the Steel BarrelCo., Uxbridge, as good
peoplefor storage cylinders. . .
Address of Reinforced Concrete Engineering Co., Ltd [4211] (Preston).—Manchester should be a sufficient address for the British Reinforced Concrete Engineering Co., Ltd., but the full address is Dickinson Street, Manchester.
Applications for Motor Transport.
[4212] (Stoke-on-Trent).—We should advise you to see your local recruiting officer and to put your qualifications for M.T. work before him. This is the best course, and the most regular one. If you prefer not to deal locally, you should address the Director of Supplies and Transport, Q.M.G.5, War Office, S.W., and if you are put in an application for a commission, you should ask to be favoured with a form of application, and granted an interview in London, The chances are not good. • _ Use and Enrichment of Coal Gas.
[4213] (Power).—The power per unit of petrol consumed is not greater, but there are two advantages in using itto enrich coal-gas :—(l) The coal-gas„ is brought up to Strength, so as to yield, the full normal power of the engine, as though it were running on petrol only (2) the petrol is consumed at one-fifth the rate. per mile run. Your object is therefore achieved : you can get a.n additional fuel, by being enabledto use four-fifths 'of your total fuel in the form of coal-gas. We think there will be no residue, or practically none, after using the petrol for gas enrichnient.The coal-gas takes up petrol very freely at atmospheric pressure ; is advisable to heat the .vessel by external (jacket) application of exhaust gas or hot water. If the residue were even so high as 10 or 15 per cent., it could be poured into a volume of ordinary petrol for tiSe• as such throligh an ordinary carburetter. We certainly •recommend you to give a proper trial to enrichment between the flexible gasholder and the engine; by allowing' the coal-gas to bubble through a. closed vessel containing petrol to a depth of, say, 10 ins.
Coke for Steam Lorries.
[4214] (Coke).—Any Porten lorry can burn coke, and any standard steam lorry Elboilld use the same fuel, provided the 4o-bars are spaced sufficiently far apart 'to admit the extra air. The substitution of coke for coal, or the 'mixing of two hi-els, really, presents no difficulty, and you will merely require to state when inquiring of the makers the fact that you wish to use coke either exclusively or at times.
We are afraid that you will find difficultyin getting delivery from any works, but, subject to that reservation, the following are amongst the oldest makers :— Wm Allchin, Ltd., Globe Works, Northampton. Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., Sentinel Works, PoImadie, Glasgow..
Chas. Burrell and Sons, Ltd., Thetford.
Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd.., Stamp End Works, Lincoln.
• Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., Leiston, Suffolk, Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lanes.
Mann's Patent. Stearn Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., HUnslet; Leeds. Robey and Co., ttd., Globe Works, Lincoln. W. Tasker and Sons, Ltd., Andover, Hants. Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., Basingstoke. Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co., Pepper Road, HunsIet, Leeds. Where Can He Get a Lorry Trailer ?
[4215] (Dorking).—With regard to your query concerning a two-wheeled motor lorry trailer, suitable for the conveyance of timber, and fitted with solid tires, we should 'advise you to write to Messrs. Jas. Bartle and estern Ironworks, Lancaster Road, Notting Hill, Co.,W.
Using Town Gas. to Run in Engine.
[4210] (Engineers).—Our issue the 2nd Novem
ber last gave practically all the general and .detailed information in our possession concerning the actual coupling in use at motor works for using town gas to run engines in, and you can no doubt refer to that issue on your file.
Steel Specification for Aerial Inspection Department.
[4217] (Foreman).—We have not in our hands the specifications for the various steels which are ordered by the Aerial Inspection Department. but we think you would be able to obtain them if you write to Lieut.-Col. R. K. Bagnall-Wild, RE., Adastral House,
Victoria Embankment, B.C. 4. ' -
Application for Petrol.
[4218] (Petrol).—We can do nothing to help_ yon. re petrol, because the decision rests 'with the individual who has lOcal4nowledge of his own undertaking. Everybody in every part. of the country is suffering from transport difficulties such as those to w_hidi you refer. The application should be made to the Petrol Control Committee, 19, Berkeley Street, London, W., and it supported, if possible,.by•a; certificate as to the importance of your work fran the military officer in Command of the district, the chief constable Qf the district, or the chairman of the Local Board of Munitions Management. 'If you ca-n get the support of the local Munitions Board, that is likelY to be the most useful course.
Women Drivers in France: [4219] (Manchester).—We are afraid that you will have no chance of obtaining a post as a woman driver in France. There is already an enormous excess of applications from qualified women drivers, although,
• of course, the position. might alter at some date in the future. It is impossible for us to hold out• any definite Prospect, and we .should not like to do otherwise than 'warn you that the whole position is un
certain as regards France. After your course of lessons you might begin by getting experience as a van driver in commercial work., There are, of course, now fixed rates of pay for women in the Army Service Corps, as to which we recommend you to apply to :--Miss Christobel Ellis, Commandant, Motor Section, Women's Legion, 72, Upper Berkeley Street, London, W. 1.
Adopting a Steam-propelled Vehicle.
[4220] (Burton-on-Trent).---With referencg to your intention .of considering the adoption of motor frac-,tion, we should say that you undoubtedly ought to purchase a steam-propelled vehicle, having regard to the fact that you manufacture the fuel for that type of machine. You must specify a suitable fire-box and fire-bars for the consumption of coke, when ordering. You can reckon that a five-ton steam. lorry with tip-. ping body, which body can be divided into two compartments for tipping by a vertical partition, so as to divide the load in two equal portions, or which partition can be adjustable to vary the load as you wish, will cost you 'about 20 per, cent. more than the pre-war-sheet cost, if you can give it weekly work amounting to 200 miles of running. Of course, if the mileage falls, the incidence of wages and certain other charges goes up per mile.