The Wheels of Industry.
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" The wheel of .wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it rnns."—John: Beattie Crozier.
Pooling of Petrol. - It was in our issue ot the 14th March. that We first dealt with the desirability, if not the 'absolute necessity, of pooling the resources, of the petrol-importing companies, as regards. both supply and transport. We subsequently dealt withthe views of Sir Albert .H. Stanley; President of the Board of Trade, in our issue of the 29th of the same month, and we are now able to give more, particulars_ of the organization. The tonnage and distributing facilities of the following eight companies—the names in parentheses being .their representatives On the Pool Board-,-are 'concerned, and the Chairman of the Pool Board is Mr. E. Houghton Fry, the director of Munitions Petroleum
' Supplies : The Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd. (Messrs. 9owe1l and Hamilton); The Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co., . Ltd., and the %wring Petroleum Co., Ltd. (Messrs. Purdy and Mundy); ' The Shell Marketing Co., Ltd. (Messrs. R. Waley Cohen and Harris); The British Petroleum Co., Ltd. (Messrs. T. Kean and Leslie—the latter being the nominee of the Board of Trade);
,H. P. 'Wheatley and C o.. Ltd. (Messre. Wheatley . and Kellaway).
We are glad to see that lubricating oils are not broughll within the purview' of the Pool Board. The arguments against , the inclusion of lubricating oils were carefully stated in -our issue.: of the 5th ult., when we pointed out that. the custom of the trade in lubricating Oils' differs essentially from that • in any other of the 'several branches . of the oil -trade, and that the inclusion of lubricating Oils in in the operation of the Pool was inexPodient for Stated reasons.
It is to be noted that -Mr. Alfred 0. Adams,. managing director of the Thames Haven Oil Wharves Co., Ltd., n36 .
is a member of the Pool Beard, and,. chairman of its distribution committee. The full address for coatmunications is the Secretary, Pool Board, Petroleum Supplies, c/a the Ministry of Munitions, 8, Northumberland Avenue, S.W.
The M.T,. A.S.C., Fund.
We have. pleasure in reproducing herewith the official receipt from Colonel. W. K. Tarver, Hon. Sec. and . Treasurer of the At.S.C. Central Comforts Fund, War Office, London', S.W.1; for the first _ cheque on acconnt of the unexpended balance of our recent Campaign Comforts Fund for the A.S.C. Our cash receipts for the month of March amounted to 2973, as by the full list -which was published by us a fortnight ago ; it will be seen, therefore, that the initial sum transferred by .us to the A.S.C. Headquarters (Corp)' Fund is but very little. short uf the receipts for our last
month of collections. balance cheque willbe sent later, as -soon as all matters conne.eted with the Fund are finally closed, and this cheque will include certain amounts which have reached us direct during the month of April.
It affords us much pleasure to acknowledge the Unanimous wish of old subscribers to continue
paying their usual monthly entd
tuitions direct to Colonel Tarver, advices as to which intentions we have-sent onto him. If the war goes over the winter of 1917-1918,, we haVeno 'doubt th4 members Of the industry and other regular supperters of our Fund-will again wish to help during the period of greater Climatic severity, as during past
• Winters.
• ThePacking and despatch side is still in active operation at these offices, for there remain some 21 tons of 'comforts still to be made up Into cases and forwarded -Lb the various Fronts, inclusive of 18 • grantophonee in stock. We aro dealing with these in relation to the 'oldest requisitions in hand. All the requisitions which cannot be met by us will be sent to Colonel Tarver -and 43 such requisitions -have already been sent forward in that manner.
-A direct letter of advice has been sent by us to the 0.0 of each has, A.S.C.. Column, Unit or Detached party, in all the theatres .of opera, -lions, 'to the effect that the transfer has been made to' the A.S.C. Central Comforts Fund, and covering A reprint .Of the article -which appeared in -our issue of the 19th ult. When we, in due course are able to, publish tlte audited 'accdunts forthe final period,. we
shall hope to make arrangements coincidently to arrange an interesting if small meeting, chiefly an connection with the work which has been done for the Fund by the Ladies Committee and certain other voluntary workers. No particulars as to this can be published at the moment. Neither the occasion nor the opportunity may arise for several months to come.
Proceedings of .Local Authorities.
The Linlithgow D.C. is proposing to buy a second-hand motor tractor.
It was reported at the Bourne U.D.C. meeting that on the occasion of a recent fire the fire-engine was pulled by a motor lorry.
The Hackney Carriage Sub-committee of the Liverpool Watch Committee has declined to cancel the initial hiring of 6d. for the first half-mile in respect of local motorcabs.
The Birmingham motorbus services are amongst those to be curtailed owing to the shortage of petrol. We hope the Committee of the Birmingham C.C. will consider the claims of coal-gas. .
The Marylebone B.C. has obtained delivery of two of the six Austin vehicles mentioned as having been purchased in our issue of the 5th April the others are promised for thee immediate future.
Further to the announcement made in our iseue of the 19th April, the Stockton-on-Tees T.C. has decided to purchase a 5-ton steam wagon, with interchangeable tank and tipping gear, at a cost of £800.
Vauxhd.11 Motors, Ltd., intimate to the Luton Council that it will shortly be laying the drains to its new buildings, referred to in our issue of the 1st February, and in this connection the Borough Engineer reports to the Council that there will be no trouble in laying the new surface sewer.
In the Court of Appeal, the appeal of the City of Oxford Electric Tramways, Ltd., against the decision of Mr. Justice Sankey, that the City of Oxford Electric Tramways, Ltd., must pay to the Abingdon R.D.C. 1350 or damage to roads caused by motorbuses running between Abingdon and Ox
, was dieenissed.
It has been decided by the Hertfordshire C.C. to make an arrngeenent, with regard to damage done to a road by heavy traffic belonging to a munitions manufacturing company, whereby the damage will be paid for, in equal shares, by the company and the Ministry of Muni. tions. For the road now being used, there will be a joint payment of 3d. per ton-mile. until the 1st October, and of is. per ton-mile until the 31st March. The Chiswick U.D.C. has granted Messrs. Gwynnes and Co., Of Church Wharf, a licence for the storage 6f 4200 gallons of petrol.
The quarterly report of the L.C.C.says that arrangements have been made to hire motors and a steam tractor for the delivery of coal.
The Chelmsford Corporation has given a licence to Eastern Automobiles, Ltd., to store 600-gals. of petroleum at the premises. in Market Street.
, _The Edinburgh Corporation has decided to licence suitable women as taxicab drivers, provided that they do not accept fares later than half-an-hour after sunset.
The Tarvin U.D.C. (Cheshire) has been offered a new Foden steam wagon at £710, or the alternative of hiring one at the rate of a day. The recommendation to hire was adopted.
Attention was drawn at a meetiug of the Gloucestershire C.C., by Sir R. C. Lister, to the wear and tear on roads .caused by the motorbus traffic, these roads not having been constructed for such traffic. He suggested-that the only way of facing the problem was the construction of a tram line or light railway, with a gauge of 24 ins., much. used in Belgium prior to the war.
Road Damage Near Abingdon.
The Court of Appeal" last week had before it the action of the Abingdon R.D.C. v. the City of Oxford Electric Tramways Ltd. The tramway company had appealed against the decision of Mr. Justice Sankey, in respect of a claim for e.xtraorelinary-traffic damage to certain roads. We may recall that, as we reported at the time, Mr. Justice Sankey held that• the demands of a district for traffic facilities did not constitute such traffic ordinary traffic, although euch traffic _might' be necessary traffic,
• and might in future become ordinary traffic. This view was upheld by LJJ. Swinfen Eady, Scrutton, -and Mr. Justice Bray, -who took the view that the motorbus trafficwas substantially put on at one time, that there had been no slow and normal increase of the traffic owing to the development of the district, and that the traffic was wholly different in character from the previous traffic. The Appeal eourt also stated that there was no justification for the view that any traffic which was once classed as extraordinary traffic always remained extraordinary traffic. This contention could not be accepted ; the Court, in fact, was not concerned with the point whether the traffic, which was extraordinary traffic during a particular period, would at some later date become ordinary traffic.
Recent Registrations.
Moor Bros., Ltd. (£5000), with its registered office at 83-94, Chancery Lane, London, W.C,, _to adopt an agreement with S. Moor, and to trade as motor distributors.
J. W. Caparn, Ltd. (£10,000), by T. W. Horton of 4, Bennetts Hill, Birmingham, to take over the existing business of malleable and general ironfounders, as carried on at Brineton Foundry, Pleck Road, Walsall, and elsewhere.
Henry Durke, Ltd. (X1000), by McKenna and Co., 31-34, Easinghall Street, EC., to take over an existing 'business at 8 to 10, Chitty Street Works, Tottenha,m Court Road, W., as ironfounders, engineers, and autoMobile and general sheet-metal workers.
The Little Midland Light Car Co., Ltd, (25000), with its registered office at 8, Ly.nwood. Road, Blackburn, to manufacture and deal in motorcars and parts thereof. First directors : A. Morton, F. Rawson, H. Stratford, J. Wilkinson, E. C. Richardson, D. Halliday, J. J. D. Thompson, W. Cunningham and M. Gortoe. , Meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers.
The next meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers will take place on Wednesday, the 9th bast., at the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi' W.C., at 8 p.m. The paper for the evening will-be. by Mr. A. W. Reeves, and the subject "Works Organization." Anybody who desires to attend, who is not a member of the Institution, can obtain a card of admission on forwarding a stamped and addressed envelope, accompanied by a request, to the Secre. -Lary., the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.'4V. 1.
Ford Tractors.
The arrangements for the output of Ford tractors in this country; to which we have made references, in earlier issues, are now occupying the attention of the Food Production Department of the Board ct Agriculture and of a Special Committee of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Certain proceedings at the last meeting of the Council of the R.A.S.E. are to be found fully reported on page 213 -of this-issue.
It will interest our readers to know that Mr. P. L. D. Perry is likely, to be more closely identified in future with the co-ordination of manufacture, his place at the Board of Agriculture in the matter of the ploughing organization probably being taken by Colonel Allen (formerly of Harrods and Selfridge's), who . also has a considerable reputation as . an organizer. Petrol Storage in India.
The Government of Bombay has promised to increase the storage limit of petrol, from three gallons to twenty gallons, without special liceace, as soan as the necessary isesh legislation can be taken in hand, which will be done at the earliest convenient opportunity. The smallness of the present limit is obviously ridieulous, Railway Rates.
Apropos the first leading article in this issue, many traders will be at the moment experiencing the consequences of the decision of the railway companies to increase their cartage charges upon goods for which rates are quoted station to station. Timber, certain classes of metals in the rough or partly finished, grain, flour and other important commodities, are affected, in some cases by an advance which amounts to as much as 16 per cent. on the old cartage rates.
New, Motorbus Routes in Middlesex.
At a recent conference of delegates of Middlesex County Municipal authorities, held at the Middlesex Guildhall, the following resolution was submitted :—" That in the event of any neiv route being proposed byan omnibus company the local authorities affected 'request the County Council to call a conference of• representativeS of all auch local authorities aaid• of the County Council, with a view of determining a united course of action,' and that the County Council be the negotiating authority in regard to the contribution to be paid to the several highway authorities by the •omnibus company." The consideration of the matter was adjourned, in order that the terms of the resolution might be communicated to the local authorities and instructions given to the delegates.
"Safety First" Instructions.
The London"Safety First" Council has brought out an octavosize handbill, printed on both sides, which it styles its "Leaflet No. 1.— Hints to Drivers.," Recipients are asked to exhibit this leaflet in their garages, stables, or vehicles. Whilst the suggestions and hints on the leaflet are admirable, their form is ill-adapted and inappropriate. The leaflet does not lend itself to exhibition, and is more in the character of a cheap throwaway than part of a well-coneeived system of educational ppblicity. The hand signals, to be given in advance, are those adopted by the C.M.1.1. A., after submission to the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis, and the same source of inspiration is recognized in other B40 directions and hints on the leaflet. This adoption of approved literature of the same kind is commendable, and is confirmation of the value of the C,M.I.J:A. work in the same direction.
We hope that the. London "Safety First" Council will not study the paper shortage to the point of rendering its campaign in part ineffective, although it is clear that two of these leaflets can be pasted side by side on a board, so as to show the points which are set forth on the backand front of them.
• Readers of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR who care to apply tor copies of the leaflets will please address the Joint Hon. Secretaries, London "Safety First" Council, 31, West-. 'initiates Broadway, S.W. 1. We urge that this should be done. Many thousands of the leaflet have been printed.
An Uncivil Taxi-driver.
. A taxicab driver, named T. H. Illingworth, of Peckham, was fined £2, at the London' Guildhall, on the 20th ult., for his behaviour to a lady hirer. The lady stated in evidence that while being driven by the defendant she made some remark to him, and later made a complaint about the speed at which he was driving. The driver thereupon Put them down, refusing to take them further, or to help to find another cab ; it was snowing and sleeting at the time, and she had recently been very ill.
The magistrate remarked that anybody who hires a cab has a perfect right to object to excessive speed. The driver had behaved very badly towards his passengers, both ladies, one of whom was an invalid.
National Steam Car Co., Ltd.
. The National Steam Car Co. Ltd.; has offered 100,000 ordinary shares of £1 each, part of 2157,000 unissued in an authorized capitai of 2300,000, at par. The prospectus sets forth the intentions Of the directors to convert their petroleum-fired motorbuses for cokefiring, to develop the sale of cokefired lorries generally, and to make certain alterations and extensions at the company's works. It is pointed. out inthe prospectus that the reserve fund is invested in the business, as is apparent from an examination of, the. balance-sheet. This company, under the guidance of Mr. Thomas H. Clarkson, who is chairman and rnanaginedirector, has earned a very good name for itself in London's passenger-trans.port services. an a like good name on the manufacturing side in many allied branches of activity, including, of course, for the past two years, a big output of , munitions. We hope to see the issue subscribed -in full, so that the company may carry out its intentions and reap
the'benefit of its notable pioneer accomplishments.
At an extraordinary general meeting of the National Motor Cab Co., Ltd., presided over by Mr. B. S. Straus, and held at Windsor . Castle Yard, King Street, Hammeramith, a resolution was passed that the company be wound 'up voluntarily, and that Mr. William
Dashwood House, New Broad Street, E.C., and Frank Stanley Jarvis, 134, King Street, Hammersmith, be appointed the liquidators. Creditors are required, on or before the 25th inst., to send particulars of their claims to the above liquidators at 134, King Street, Hammersmith.
\Tilling's Dividend.
The directors of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., 'after meeting the various prior charges, and making provision for depreciation, have paid n dividend of four per cent., free of income tax, on the ordinary shares, for the past financial year. . Mr. Mr, Richard S. Tilling, in the course of his speech from the chair, at the annual meeting, commented Upon the shortage of petrol necessitating the shutting down of parts of • the company's motor business, and upon the shortness arid dearness of fodder, with similar effect, -upon the horse side.
Coal-gas Fuel. • We note with interest that " The Gas Journal" in. a recent issue again directs the attention of gas-; -works engineers and managers to the possibilities of coal-gas for propulsive purposes on common roads, by printing at length our leading article of the 12th ult., together with comment. This article more particularly concerned the question of enrichment. We -observe that our contemporary is giving an increasing amount of publicity to the claims' of road transport open the attention of gas undertakings, and we hope that we shall continue to enjoy its valued assistance in the matter of giving space to make,. known claims, difficulties, possibilities and achievements.
We learn that additional motor'buses i so equipped, are on the point of being bsought into service at Grimsby by the local tramway company, and that the Bath Tramway Co., after initial tests, is similarly applying the fittings to others of its nnotorbuses. Flexible gas-holders to'contain gas at atmospheric pressure are used in both these instances,the pioneers of which branch of gas supply are Messrs. Andrew Barton Bros., of Beeston, Notts., from whom the necessary flexible holder and attachments can be obtained. The important point is that ordinary petrol engines are used, practically without alteration.
Thornycrofts in Lancashire.
The accompanying illustration shows a representative Thornycroft subsidy-type wagon at work in Lancashire: It was supplied 'at the beginning of last year to Edward
Lee, Ltd.., Of Burnley, an,d it will be. observed that the radiator carries the badge of the Commercial Motor Users Association, as well as the name of the maker of the machine. We understand that the wagon is giving the utmost satisfaction to its owners; and that its iaerformancdin the district, which is u. very hilly. one, is of a.high order:
• Wallis 'tractors.
The Ancona Motor Co., Ltd. (formerly the Anzac Motor Co., Ltd.) i3 now circulating its catalogue of the Wallis agriinotors, the selling price of which is £850 ;. this tractor hauls an eight-furrow plough. There is also a Wallis Junior selling at 2395,,deliverieS of which can be given on and 'after the 20th inst., for three-furrow and equivalent duty.
The catalogue is compiled in interesting fashion, and more particularly addressed to farmers. We ektract from it the following "Horse Truths for Farmers ":— " The horse to-day is an unprofitable servant. We are using him mainly for two reasons " I. Because we are not ready -for the new machines which have been invented to take hie, pace.
"2. Because we still have the horse habit our brains are accuStomed to think. in horsepower, and to cling to the horse idea.
"The horse, after all, is an optical delusion, so far as power is concerned. -lie is not as strong as' lielooks. Practically all his pulling is done with one hind leg.. His; front legs are pilot legs mainly, like -the pilot Wheels of a locomotive. They serve more to hold up the weight of the body than to Mill the load. The other leg is getting ready for the next, being flesh 'and blood, has limited endurance. A farm tractor, if properly built and Suited to its work, has practically no limitations. ‘` A horse grows older every day, whether he works or not He is wearing ciut all the time, even if he spends most of his hours in the stable. The farm tractor wears only when-it is in use ; when it is idle there is no expense connected with it whatever except the in terest on the investment. '
There is no doubt that literature which is to appeal to the farmer will have to be framed and phrased in a special manner, and not along catalogue lines which • appeal to mechanically-minded or commercially-trained buyers. We do not here in any way reflect upon the mechanical aptitude or commercial
acumen of the British farmer, for we know him to possess these qualities very frequently in high degrees. He•erin . be approached with advantage and benefit with literature which is specially ad:: dressed to him, and in this respectwe think the Walks -catalogue presents.the case very well.
Pay for the M.T., A.S.C. Men.
In the House of Commons on the 25th ult.,Mr. Chancellor asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether soldiers who offered themselves for:. enlistment before the 10th November, 1915, whO were engaged: as motor-transport drivers at Os. per day, and who have received payment atthat rate until now, are being arbitrarily reduced to 2s. 4d. per day on the ground that their actual enlistment took place few days later ; if so, whether he will stop this action and continue the payment-on the assurance of which recruits enlisted.?
The Financial Secretary to the War Office (Mr. Forster); Any case in which there is evidence that the men applied and were accepted, subject to the ordinary enlistment procedure, before the 10th November; 1915, will be investigated. I shall be glad to have any information which the hon. member possesses. Mr. Snowden on the same date asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office if men belonging to the mechanical-transport section of the Army, who have joined since the 10th November, 1915, and who were signed on at 6s. per day, have now been informed that the rate will be altered, and that they will have to sign new forms reducing the rate to 2s. 4d. per day ; and if he will take steps at once to prevent the Army authorities from commiting such a breach of contract? Mr. Forster: Recruiting for mechanical-transport drivers at Gs: per diem closed on the 10th No
Yember, 1915, and all men enlisted after that date ate only entitled to ordinary rates of pay. A number of men enlisted after that date have been paid Gs. per diem erroneously, and in these cases the Gs. has been allowed up to the date on which the error was discovered, no recovery being made from the men of the past erroneous issue of the special rate. In future, these men will be held to serve, at the ordinary. rates of pay, Which they should have drawn from the commencement.'
S.M.M.T. Council.
. Messrs. Frank Churchill (..T. and E. Hall, Ltd.), Raymond Dennis [Dennis Bros. (1913), Ltd.]; Sidney Straker [StrakerSquire " (1913), Ltd], and H.C. B: Underdown (Commercial Cars, Ltd.)are the representatives of the Commercial Vehicle Section for the ensuing year on the S.M.M.T. Council ; Mr. W. H. Paull (Dunlop Rubber *Co., Ltd.) is the representative of the Solid Tire Section? Messrs. Arthur Brampton (Brampton Bros., Ltd.), Albert Brown (Brown Bros., Ltd.), A. S. Hill (The Coventry Chain Co.,; Ltd.) and H. Johnson (Joseph Lucas, -Ltd.) represent the Accessories and Components S.ection ; Mr.P. H. Woollen (Palmer Tyre, Ltd.) the-Pneumatic Tire Section. The foregoing are on behalf of the members.
The associate 'Members' representatives are -Solid Tire Section, Major J. Sealy Clarke (George Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd.) ; Accessories and Components Section, Messrs.' Peter F. Bennett (Thomson-Bennett Magnetos, Ltd.), Arthur Goodwin (C. A. Yandervell and Co., Ltd.), Wm. Peto (The New Peto 'and Racdford. Accumulator Co., Ltd.) and Hubert (1 Woods (British Westinghouse Manufacturing and Electric Ch.' Ltd.); Solid Tire Section, Mr. Walter Bond (St. Helens 0-able and Rubber Co.).